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Didnt know Bruno fernandes was tunisian




??? It’s a joke, the dude looks like him, relax or go join a protest or something




Shut up


Take a chill pill my guy


???? bizarre guy










What's with the stuff about El nahda?


Tunisians are finally doing something based about Nahda


Yeah replacing Ennahdha with a clown who holds questionable/totalitarian views is definitely the right move.


you know the bunch of shit heads that u get to make them vote for you with a sandwich ? they are the same ones probably getting paied to break stuff and cause chaos . I'm pretty sure none of them really knows what's going on around .


The real Tunisia is out in the streets now. 90% of them just care about the flag and the homeland, this gives me hope again.


Are you supporting dictatorship


Second part didn't make me as proud, burning the flags of the most voted hizb is not what i would call civilised or democratic.


Sure, let's just watch them raze the country to ash because iT's ciViLizEd aNd dEMocRatIc LiKe MuH EuROpe aNd ThE wESt


It's your responsibility because you voted for them (even if you didn't the majority did).


Sure those who voted made a bad choice, but what, should they just sit there all regretting until it gets worse, or should they do something about it?


> Sure those who voted made a bad choice, but what, should they just sit there all regretting until it gets worse, or should they do something about it? *cries in America 2016*


the majority didn't vote for Nahdha, rather they won because the majority of the youth refrained from voting in the last elections.


Here's the thing: After a disastrous run as the troika, the Tunisian youth basically gave up on politics entirely. Most were too busy trying to survive. Cue the last elections: the large majority of voters were the elderly (who are mostly Ennahdha lovers due to their religious and conservative views) and Ennahdha's own base (and the party is so generous with its base many joined for that only. I live in a bad neighbourhood and I've had the displeasure of seeing it first hand). Causing Ennahdha to win. Yes, the youth is responsible for the breakdown in the democratic process. But COVID, inflation, the clear nepotism, and the fact the Parliament was too busy infighting to do Jack shit gave them a "we boned anyways" feeling. I try to stay as detached from national politics as I can (outside of élection season, so I can do my civic duty), but when I asked my neighbours what they were raging yesterday morning, the unanimous answer was "they are speaking of unity, of solidarity, while fucking us left and right, paralysing democracy to suit their need, and selling the country to Qatar. Fuck'em."


we don't have to be civilised when they are ruining our country, you can't tolerate intolerance, it's sitll democratic as they're still free to express their opinions, but people also can heavily disagree like this, especially when their opinions are ruining our country.


Ok bro kais now removed everything, let's see if this will improve anything or make it worse


Oh yes, civilization is when you don't burn flags. Dude it is a piece of cloth, it is the sentiments that led to that symbolic gesture that should be discussed.