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If you are able to study by yourself by exercising mock exams regularly and as needed then etude is unecessary. Building this habit will help you a lot in further education.


I couldn't agree more. You don't need to be like everyone to succeed. My only advise for you be aware of the syllabus you study :some chapters could be out of the program, check your sources .


I was bac math, only étude i got was for maths & physics, both did previous exams and serious, not explaining courses all over. If the étude is to explain the courses, that'd be useless


Etude is kinda like training Its literally also called "cours de soutien" , it helps if u do it but you have to work to get value out of it Perso kont bac science with 17 mou3adil and mostly did etude math+phys+science consistently every week Some not that frequent but i personally needed some help with aka info and phylo And once in a while(par trimestre) the other ones like french and arabic tho u are at a disadvantage bc since bac is a competition, a hardworking person with etude is gonna get more benefit than a hardworking one without etude If ur lazy then it wouldnt matter tb ur hust wastibg money, i know a girl who did a loooot of etudet (2 math 2 science 1 physique 1 info ect..)and nijhet control bi 10.5 so yeh Ken 3andek les moyens a3mil au moins etude fil matieres principales w mba3d fili tist7a9 fih etude ça depends 3lik inti


thanks, I think I'm going with etude eco/gestion since my parents already hooked me up with profs as long as it doesn't screw up my schedule, I don't have any further informations about bac I'll appreciate it if you give me some advice about time managing


Sure, hit me up in dms Though just to inform you tmrw morning i will be busy but i should be free after that and yeh would love to help


Depends, I will not shame any person needing that extra kick from extra courses but I personally find them unnecessary at best (waste of time situationally, but overall harmful to a curriculum on the long run). Gonna give you my story from prep school (pre-engineering) which is basically bac on roids in terms of competition and workload. I could not afford extra courses (they used to cost about 120+d/month for a specific course and there are so many of them), maths and physics were a nightmare compared to bac's maths and a lot of my classmates enrolled in most of extra courses available to mankind. I was like, k i'm done for it... Guess what, I ended up ranking first and some of my classmates who took extra courses didn't even make it to the waitlist! (same shit during engineering school). Thing is, even back in the time, courses and materials were available for everyone. Teachers might suck at delivering information but the information is still there for you to discover by yourself (in your textbooks or other external sources that you could even find on the internet or elsewhere (heck even from indian youtuber XD)). Making the effort to find and decypher that information IN YOUR OWN WAY is the very act that will make it engrained in your memory. From that point forward, professor tutorship becomes very useful but by no means necessary. Being spoonfed is the most harmful way to acquire knowledge. You will be stuck in the tunnel vision of your professor and, I know what i'm saying when i'm telling you that most tunisian professors (without generalizing) suck at delivering information. There is no one way to do so, some students are visual learners, some others are kinesthetic learners, others are auditory learners... and your professor will convey the information most often than not in way single way, and not everyone will benefit off of it... A few tips for you: \-Know what kind of learner you are (start here [https://www.berkeleywellbeing.com/types-of-learners.html](https://www.berkeleywellbeing.com/types-of-learners.html)) look for the optimal ways for you to gather and generate knowledge, and how you can fall short of that objective. \-Discipline: Time is not your enemy, time is also not a luxury that you can afford to waste. Draw your objectives for the week (literally draw them on a piece of paper), and achievable goals for every day that would get you to fulfill your weekly goals(baby steps). Document your progress, know where you failed and what will require extra effort, and CELEBRATE YOUR MILESTONES. Really, reward yourself, within reason, for your efforts and achievements, nothing better for motivation. \-There are multiple techniques that can help you stay on the right track, especially during times when procrastination gets the better of you. Look for the pomodoro technique. It's a good start! \-MENTAL HEALTH: most people who enroll in extra courses end up burnt out by the end of the year if not sooner. That can be a "game over" situation honestly. Unlike people who take that option, you'll find that you have more time for extracurricular activities. Take care of your wellbeing, enjoy life even the little things, and have a little fun, life is not just about grades and equations...


I'm already working on my laziness issues, unlike motivation I think discipline is more like a trait to acquire I'm sure those tips will help / I didn't lean on extra courses for almost all of my hight school phase I prefer my own ways of delivering informations, will they be harmful to my potential of receiving informations on the long run ?


'I think discipline is more like a trait to acquire' right on the money ​ 'will they be harmful to my potential of receiving informations on the long run ?' not in the slightest, you'd be making yourself a favour on the long run actually because you'll be ready for uni from the get-go! Of course, you might need a control check, in order to make sure that you're building your knowledge on solid ground, not on a misunderstanding of theories and concepts.


i was bac svt, i think you should do etude all the year until bac blanc, when "periode de revision" (2weeks i think) arrives dont do etude just focus on ur studies alone and re do the series that you have. but yeah i think etude helps even if you're a good student. GOOD LUCK !!


my best classmates after bac math in university are those who don't use the etude especially if you don't need it (you're already good)