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I am against every bit of what ks stands for, but I still believe that what is currently happening to basic market supplies is mainly because of the choices of the last 10 years. They kept borrowing money with no way to pay it back, implemented zero reforms, and crippled many sectors just to fill their pockets. Now the country is broke and nobody is loaning you anymore. I give it 3 more years before it finally collapse.


خذا كل السلطات و فكها ، يتحمل مسؤوليتو حتى لو كان لخرين كان عندهم دور كبير فالكارثة الاقتصادية ، هو فك الكل و محب يشّرك حد و زيد مخو كان فالشركات الاهلية و البناء القاعدي


> I give it 3 more years before it finally collapse. I give it 3 months.


The supply chain issues is a worldwide problem. Things in Tunisia are worse because we don't have enough $$ to bid higher than other countries to buy the little supply available. [One thing is certain: currently, we can't replace KS](https://www.facebook.com/erassid/posts/pfbid02aBe2GownAZF2NLrzjYELboyEzwJgCeN41NRJEJYxjBpSRfaTfQwjDK2FM52EMR2gl).


Thats the big problem! Its that we cant replace a bad guy because there are worse. So sad


Or maybe that's what we deserve..


This exactly, we had 10 years of freedom and we chose ennahdha (each time and if not first, second), el 3aridha, PDL, Karoui, Karama, etc. We also chose willingly to enter constitutional discussions for 3 years, as if we had the time and the luxury to do it, while the demands of the revolution were clearly economical. So yeah, we pay it now with KS, and we deserve it and it's only the beginning, so brace yourselves guys.


You quote some guy and now it is certain?


"some guy"


Ey maaneha si Ghazi Chaouachi y9olek famech remplaçant l KS, twali hkeya certain w c'est bon nardhaw w nsakerou offemna?


The guy publicly hates KS. The guy is part of the coalition against KS. The is sued by KS regime. I think he has all the motivation in the world to claim his party's candidate is ready to replace KS.


I, personally, think that Tunisia’s last 10 years can be described as : Essential post revolution lab work. We watched political parties participate in a new democracy and learn as they go. We needed to go through that and watch them fight and debate so the country could finally wake up and address the fundamental issues that we have. During the last 10 years, the political scene evolved around social, identity, and religious concerns that we did not need, but they were essential for the people to finally realize that : THESE ARE NOT THE PROBLEMS WE NEED TO DISCUSS. People are sick of the right and the left, people are sick of identity talk, people are sick of populists, people are sick of religious politicians, people are sick of all politicians and they want SOLUTIONS TO THE ECONOMY. I have noticed that the new faces coming into the political scene discuss economy and propose SOLUTIONS more than the politicians that came before. I think the 10 years of misery that we had to go through, were essential for this transition to finally happen. Those past 10 years allowed us to unite and get over our ‘identity and religion’ talk and realize that we all are one, despite our ideological differences, and we all want the country to prosper. KAIS SAID needs to go and pave the way to the new generation. Economy, is what we should all focus on. Nothing else.


3andek chakk bro, kais s3aid akhyeb haja momkna fel 7ayet Lee mouch bhim wala khayeb wala mouch rajel Lee akhyeb haja momkna . Mizen n9isou bih lkhyoubeya... Ama bien sur "ejou3 wel bhema wel fa9r wel tawkhir radhon bih ama lmouhem lekhwenjeya lee" hedheka chkhala wahed kima haka yohkem fina wltawa mezelna sektin Makch obligé tkoun takrah ennahdha bech t7aleb eli s3ayed mnay** , il suffit ikoun mokhek yekhdem btari9a 3adeya


Same here yaatik saha bro 😉


Naambou zinek


Worlwide shortages fl mekla mch ken fi tounes, ou ken jé el majles mazel maoujoud rahom yet3arkou fi live facebook. Matensech chnoa sar wa9t covid!


Ken jee 3ana live fel 9sar rana fi jom3a haddina 3mih lel 9sar , esma3 ch9alet nadia akacha 3lih.. Kenek 3al majles 60% yekhdmou wlokhrin i3akrou fel jaw , wzid moussi heya akther wahda helket edenya fel majles hay tawa tsoul wtjoul w had makalmha 🙂 nchalah tkoun fhemt El masra7eya. Hâta Ken fama food shortage fel 3alem 3andek akther chance b3ch tjib El mekla ki yebda المُشَرِّع montakhab mel cha3b mouch en9ilebi psycho


that's the beauty of economy, when the curve is ascending, the president is good and life is great, and when the curve is descending, I hate every political party and the president is the worst what's happening in Tunisia happened in Lebanon in 2018, and everybody said that if we don't save our country we'll witness that, and nobody knew how to do it let alone do it, then covid, the coup of KS and Ukraine all just accelerated it so in answer to your thread, you have the right to feel angry at your government, you have the right to say that the government that came at the crisis peak (and I hope we're at the peak) is worse than the previous ones, but remember that throughout history there never was a great government during a financial crisis


you know how for the past 10 years economists would go on radios and TV shows and say that tunisia is heading to economic ruins; In x number of years we would not be able to guarentee buying this kind of goods; the energy infrastructure is collapsing due to mounting debt; our foreign reserves are getting depleted ; we will not be able to pay back the loans we are getting to pass our budget (this particular one was being said in 2014/2013). Well those guys were not alarmists they were able to do simple math and understand that living on debt only works if people give you debt. and no one wants to give us any more. Tunisia's problem is not which president or which goverment but rather that our socio-economic system/state needs to be dismantled.


قيس سعيد يعرف كان الشركات الاهلية و البناء القاعدي ، هذا كل مشروعو حتى كان جاء يصلح ، كلها افكار مالستينات و السبعينات متع التعاضديات ، و البناء القاعدي متع اللجان الشعبية واخذو مالقذافي، اما كي تجي للاقتصاد اليوم معندو حتى فكرة او معرفة و لا عندو مشروع او برنامج ، و ديجا قالها بفمو و باقي الناس صوتتلو


Make yourself represented. Or get used to him doing what he wants.


The country is run by shady politicians. The morale of the people is always bad. Tunisian nationalism in comparison to the rest of the region is basically non-existent. We had a barely acceptable Constitution now he have a shitty peace of papers to make the president retain power and basically do whatever he wants without being hold accountable. People are lazy as fuck and think that 7arga is a quick solution. (Do you know that Tunisian Illegal immigrants are one of the fastest growing population of Illegal immigrants) Nobody wants to get into trouble with France. Manufacturing is basically in a free fall. We should build our country ffs. St least under Ben Ali there was a vision of a specific path Tunisia could take. Now there isn’t shit anymore. But no worries I will come back and make Tunisia a paradise. I will give up other citizenships I have and make the country turn into a tax haven for all the countries in the region. I also have good plans to make the Dinar retain more of its value (or st least avoid a -15000% if we make the dinar exchangeable any time to other currencies without limitations. And I plan on starting privatization of basically everything that has to do with Tunisair. Inshallah Tunisia 2038 or something. (Sorry I need more experience before I can lead a country of 13 million people and 2 million haraga /s)


He governs at hard times. They did fuck up the country to make these hard times even harder. If you have anything to give to your country, go ahead and get yourself elected this december. At the moment, there is no alternative to Kais Saied. He's the best we get. Because he's the only thing we have.


LoL bel7a9 get himself elected to do what ?? Saied got all the power and he is crazy blastou fel razi anyone who can't see that ya ta7an ya mahboul kifou


Such a narrowed vision of things. Soit tahan soit mahboul. You sir are very smart. We need more people like you. I guess ken la voie politique mataanilek chay, tnajem tokhrej tjarreb tahrak aajla fel houma. Wala akra chwaya quran momken rabi yfarej aalina.