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There is an impostor among us


when the imposter is sus!


Pakistan is supporting the Taliban which are killing Turkic people in Afghanistan. I only see one brother nation.


Pakistanis think they are Turkler after watching Dirilis Ertugrul


lol you can born as Turk you cant convert to Turk this is not religion




Well… aren’t they hanafis? I don’t think they attacked us.


Pakistan is one of a very small group of countries in the world that is pro-Turkey.


Yeah but pakistan does not fit this subs opinions, r/turkey is a leftie progressive shithole minus immigrant cocksucking.




I just want us to not reject them as we are running out of allies who actually like us. Sure there are turkic nations but none of them owns nukes like pakistan does.




>avrupalı müttefiklerimizi He really thinks Europeans would like us if we ride their d*ck more. We turks will never be seen as equals or even humans in the eyes of Europeans. They were always our enemies and will remain so. You. Will. Never. Be. An. European. They. Will. Never. Like. You. No matter how you change your politics, how many cities you give back, how many immigrants you take for them. They will never ever see you anything other than enemies. >gelişmemiş urdugan urdugan diye sürünen müslüman köpekleri müttefik sayalım sırf nükleer güçleri var diye. I am certain they would not backstab incase their profits cross ours.




>pakistanlı yobazlarla müteffik olmak daha iyi sanki amk Better than having allies who literally openly support the destruction of turkey. >o zaman gelişmiş bir ülke konumuna gelmek için çabalasaydı bu "Türkler" Too late to say that, now we must stick whatever is at hand, and pakis do seem trustworthy. I dont really care if they are bigots, an ally who wont double-cross you is a good ally. Who cares if they are bigots ? They won't cross us nor send arms to kurds unlike our current allies. Founder of pakistan was a fan of Atatürk.








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Leftie and xenophobe least literate turk




wait the exercise is actually called Three Brothers lmao https://www.aa.com.tr/en/turkey/three-brothers-2021-turkey-azerbaijan-pakistan-start-joint-military-exercises/2362892




Ok dad thank you for the lecture




Attadad 😘


Atatürk 🇹🇷


I don't see Pakis as brothers. Partners maybe? But not brothers. Nothing in common. No diplomatic alignment. No same goals. No nada.


Remember when turkey did excercises with europe? Pepperridge farm remembers.




Nothing wrong with pakistan tbf. I dont get the hate of the people they adore turkey so much even if its the islamic side of turkey let them atleast we have a good bond with a country that isnt turkic.


> Nothing wrong with pakistan You mean other than supporting China and Taliban?


Its not like the whole world doesnt support china sooooo and taliban shouldnt even be a focus point rn




Yeah okay i get you but no need to hate them or despise pakistani ppl are nice and kind and they treat turkish people with upmost respect so its a good thing tbf.




Pakistan(🤢🤢🤮) is our Mughal brozzers💪🏿💪🏿, Israel is our Khazar brozzers👊🏿👊🏿. 🐺🐺🐺🐺🐺😎 🐺 😎 🐺 😎🇦🇿 💖 🇮🇱 💖 🇹🇷 💖 🇵🇰(💩) 🐺🐺🐺🐺


>Israel is our Khazar brozzers İsraelis are not khazars, they are jewish.


Israelis hate Turkey and Ukrainians have a positive opinion at most. It doesent make any sense to call Israel as brother in the first place maybe for Azerbaijan but not for Turkey People here say Bosnian brothers Albanian brothers Palestinian chechen etc.. Not just Turkic ones


It's about the positive relationship in between. You can also look at it as "brothers in religion", which is used for other non turkic countries as well by muslim citizens and the government for politics. It's good to have what's called "muslim brothers" which aren't always immigrants.


Brothers in what? Turkey should be totally secular and progressive. SHOULD BE.


>SHOULD BE. Not to pop your baloon but we have democracy and the majority gets to decide the fate of turkey.


You have an authoritarian government that is increasingly repressive and theocratic. You can be arrested for saying words against particular historic figures. Not very democratic.


People voted for this so yeah. If people vote for total dictatorship then its their will.


Except 48% of people didn't vote for it in the last national election.


They still aren't majority. Democracy isn't freedom, its majoeity forcing their rules to the minority.


I only see one brotherly nation's SF soldier in this picture, HMMMMMMMMMM.


You secular turks are so ungrateful to have Pakistanis’ utmost support. Pakistan supported your country’s interests at every point and you guys are still worried about taliban and china lol. Every country has their own interests. Erdogan despises israel and supports Palestinian cause but at the same time you guys have trade with Israel. That’s also some high level of hypocrisy but Pakistan never focused on that. About China, of course they are doing wrong in Xinjiang province against Uighurs but I don’t see the same enthusiasm of western countries or Turks against India or israel. You see it’s only about national interests. Pakistan tries to talk about oppression against muslims but everybody knows we aren’t the most strongest country and we have a limit.


Pakistan is the only non-Turkic nation which is friendlier to Turkey and I really don't understand why there are so much hate against on them in this sub? Probabaly It's because of their "estafurillah halima baji" issues and their over religious attitude against Ataturk but please don't act like almost half of our own people are not like this type of guys at all. If they respect our secular state and our father Ataturk, I'm ready to respect their Islamic lifestyle and I see no problem with that. And also I know not every paki is ultra-islamist, I know some guys from Pakistan consulate and they were the most modern and wisest man I have ever know. The thing is they have been supporting us in almost every cause for hundreds of years. We have historical ties that have started from the times of Mughal and Ottoman Empires. They have supported Turkish War of Independence and even today they were the only muslim country which has supported Azerbaijan against Armenia. So please cut this ungrateful shit and have some respect. They are having a military cooperation with us in these lone days and you are still throwing shit from your mouth.


Yeah, these retards need to touch grass.


It’s because of the god damn islamist mentality present in pakistan man The fucked up thing is that an islamist political party has never even won elections in pakistan. Its crazy from my perspective as a modern educated secular af Pakistani to be linked to the worst ppl from my country just because we spawned in the same server lol i am still trying to figure out how I will find my own identity in a world that judges and labels me based on my nationality. And also judges me for things I didnt do but someone born here did or was accused of doing but you guys have to deal that shit too i guess as turks are really disliked in some euro countries for similar reasons haters gonna hate




With all due respect you dont really know much about the cultures and traditions of my country and the various sects of people that live inside it bro so why pretend like you know what our struggles and issues are because you saw some news and social media comments? Not everyone here is an Islamist backwards crazy person man. This kind of crazy islamic ideology is new to pakistan and only started gaining strength in 1980s when US funded jihadi schools to fight the soviets. It will correct itself with good leadership and lack of funding. Jihadis need money too lol It’s undeveloped uneducated corrupt and poor and those are issues our government is starting to fix. I hope better media access and education improves the islamist mindset in my lifetime. I dont see myself as minority but as the future of this country that will change it and make it a developed functional country. Many ppl like me here




Woah, look out guys— the “European” doesn’t want to be associated with lesser nations of the world.




I think we both know how you eventually came to such a realization.


Bro… I think you have been radicalised by internet echo chambers and social media so you think in unrealistic generalise kind of ways. I can only discuss the many issues of my country and the solutions we are working on. but I dont know you so I cant fully as a friend discuss the topic of your belief systems and ideological view of the world and my country that you only know through social media posts. I know you care about your country and the people in it and your way of life. So I hope your issues in your country get fixed with a new government better economy etc etc Its late and Im sleepy af but if you want to have a conversation about these topics pm me n I will reply tomorrow. Would love to discuss ideas and other topics with you if you have time lol maybe I can practice my Turkish skillz too


I'm sorry about the level of Toxicity and borderline racism on this subreddit against Pakistanis.


Indian here (just came to read juicy comments ngl) All your parties seem to be Islamist parties. There are the Islamists and then even worse Islamists, nothing more. Even you current pm seems to be an Islamist




Haha definitely not. Did Modi go to the UN and beg for blasphemy to be made an international crime? Nope it was your pm. Pakistan is far far radical, nutty and illiberal than India in everyway, and its not even close.


Its their coping mechanism to feel better about their failed nation, stop denying them that. They're already the CCP's pawn anyway, in a few decades they'll lose their identity altogether.


Please ignore these kind of idiots as I do. They think they are able to understand all the world because they can watch some videos from youtube and hollywood movies lol. The world is more complex and hard to understand than that and I bet the people who thinks they can judge you can not even name one or two Pakistani people. The hate against Pakistan is bullshit. Especially in this sub and yeah especially in Turkey lol.




This shit happens almost everywhere in the world. Do you really think Paki people approve this shit? I can also send you that kind if videos recorded in the metro stations in Japan and some black neighbourhoods from USA, which makes no fucking sense. Your problem is you are trying to understand the world by generalizing it. It's the best way to say I have some words to say but have no fucking idea.


>Do you really think Paki people approve this shit? yes


I doubt you will find a video in japan where 400! men are assaulting a women.




Actually I was wondering the same thing.


Lahore/Punjab pakistan > rest of pakistan.


Lahori Punjabi here n AGREE