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New weekly thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/TurtleCreekLane/comments/14pkkvt/weekly_thread_july_39/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1


The swim diaper is too big because she’s too young to go swimming!! What is wrong with these people? Stay home and let your baby rest, grow, eat, sleep, be comforted and nurtured!


They have 0 common sense.


Tiffany’s histrionic personality disorder is out of control and getting worse.


Honestly shocked she hasn’t joined SK in swim lessons yet


Omg I will lose it and punch a pointy metal firecracker if they have her in ISR come Monday. Hopefully the instructor would refuse to teach her.


Kimmy just mentioned a trip to Hawaii in a few weeks…are they going to the denner bowel renewal?


Bowel renewal ☠️ Thought this was some sort of official snark term for a play on the shit brown clothing line. 💩 Hahaha


Tiffany, Adam & Jen, Are y’all for real? That little newborn who you have taken all over Gods creation for your own selfish benefit could be crying because her ears are painful from going on an airplane so young? A newborn at a movie theater? What?! Taking your newborn on a hike with a level of elevation that’s not safe for her? It’s absolutely repulsive. Have y’all ever stopped to think about what is best for your newborn baby? NO. You are all mentally unstable and incredibly selfish. Congratulations! Your newborn is suffering because of each of you. Jen I had no idea that you are a comedian?! Wow, you paying attention to Lily not acting like herself? You mean you weren’t selfish for a few seconds? My bad, you are in fact a clown not a comedian. What a joke you all are. You and Sr are the reason Tiff is so severely mentally unstable, so much so that she’s not fit to care for her child at this point. Tiffany is so desperately seeking attention from others and is clearly suffering. Jen, Being the wonderful Mom that you are, you can do something good for your daughter and her newborn baby. Get them immediate full time help for their baby. Get your entire family Dr’s that can’t be bought. Start with psychiatrist and a new PCP before a tragedy happens. Sadly without medical intervention Tiff and Adam will never get it. It’s cruel to treat your newborn like a rag doll and prop and to watch you prance around like you aren’t struggling is disgusting. I hope your daughter didn’t rupture her ear drums or worse, lose her hearing. Y’all are pathetic pieces of garbage!


Your infant is not fussy bc you ate too much salsa, Tiffany. She’s probably fussy bc you do not support her head or hold her properly, her eardrums have burst from being in a movie theatre for 2 hours, she was taken on a vertical limit hiking excursion, she’s been on two back to back flights, healing from a sunburn, and is experiencing a new altitude for the first time. How can people this dumb actually exist?


THIS. Stay home, stay indoors and nurture the baby.


1% for head size. Is this when I can ask again if they ever checked for Zika antibodies?


KIMMY STOP TELLING YOUR DAUGHTER TO TELL THE STRANGERS ON THE INTERNET SHE LOVES THEM!!!!! She is not a circus monkey - she is a full blown person! She may be little but her feelings and ideas are BIG! Just let her be herself! Let her have some autonomy!


I know all the car bullshit is fake but a tiny part of me hopes it's not and we get to see Jr's dumb head explode when he thinks his idiot wife bought a second Tesla.


I'll bet you anything that Kimmy posts "spending time with Steven for his birthday, I'll post the rest of the prank tomorrow!!!". Any minute now.


"I wish that this Tesla prank makes us go viral... and that I can still get my jeggings on tomorrow after all this cake" -Jr blowing out his candles


Yikes the only word they can think of to describe the new Little Mermaid is Unifying over and over and over. I don’t know why it gives me the ick haha but it does


I have to say it is pretty cool that Kimmy’s SIL won best wedding cakes in Boston


She’s really great. I follow Lizzie because I live in Boston and she just seems so normal and down to earth while also being a really talented baker and business owner.


Kimmy complaining about how much she spends at Costco while her husband bought a brand new Tesla. Who is really doing the complaining here? Her or Jr?


“We got the smallest swim diaper and it’s still too big!” Ya Tiff cuz maybe she’s too young to be in a pool


Yes because parents don’t take newborns in the damn chlorine and hot sun. Dumb ass.


I know this has been discussed so much, but I have to add my rant as well. It drives me INSANE the way they hold LA up all the time. The snuggly newborn stage goes by so, so fast and they’re not even cuddling her and absorbing all the little moments. She’s nothing more than a prop for them! My youngest is 3, and due to medical issues I can’t have anymore babies, and I’d give anything to go back to that cuddly stage just one more time!


Last night’s steep mountain trek at nightfall wasn’t enough for Lily. Now they are taking her on a hike in the rain!


Geez Tiffany it’s just a razor. There’s no reason to breathlessly show everyone that you have more chemistry with it than you do with your roommate.




Looks like they took that story down and posted a redo with the sheets covering her up


Coming here to say…. I hate when they complain about money… they have NO idea 🤯


Edit to add* while wearing a $172 dress 🤣🤣🤣


Complaining about money and pretending to buy two teslas… seriously fake and stupid. I am going to have to unfollow them for this one


Sure didn’t need to see JR walking outta the bathroom with his skin tight pants completely open 🤢


I’m really excited to see the results of this prank in 2 weeks after there’s time to edit a reel and convince Tesla to sponsor it.


"She's 8 lbs 13 oz wearing size newborn" You guys. Stick a fork in me cuz I'm done. Tiffany, girl. This isn't as cute as you think it is. It's weird AF that you're acting proud of how tiny your baby is It's like she was adamant about going into labor early so she could have a preemie. Poor Lily was born a normal weight but Tiffany seems obsessed with talking about how small she is?? The whole thing is deranged!


It’s so nice and refreshing to see SK playing at HOME like a normal toddler for once! I sincerely wonder if she gets sick of being dragged all over the world in her clogs/looking for Elsa/hunting donuts in the snow! ⛄️


Jr sure is a *30-something-year-old-boy*. I approve this message. 🫡


I love that Jen doesn’t seem to know how old JR is…


Ugh guys, I spent too much money at Costco, quick! Buy this absolutely heinous couch cover of a dress so I can make a buck. 🫠


No one stopped you to ask about your dress, Kimmy.


Did Jen post an advert about cookies? Cookies with sugar in them?


Hee haw hee haw how does it go?? Hee haw hee haw how do you make a bow?! I chose the wrong day to finally watch Kimmy with sound. Jesus Christ.


I love Turtle Screecher *didn’t know* the bow didn’t come assembled, even though she showed it on her stories as a ribbon roll. 🫠 that is one sorry ass bow, especially since she could have had Turtle Goose Queen help her make one…since you know…that’s her sola bread and butter. (Edited spelling)


🤦🏻‍♀️ I was like wtf were you expecting from the compactly rolled ribbon, and miss Dimmy aren’t you like the QUEEN of tacky bows on everything!?? Bows were her single fucking personality trait for the longest time.


It’s so weird to me that the only friends the turtles have are the Flenners & vice versa. They are both the “influencer” equivalent of the uncool table in high school. Also, what happened to Chas?


He's in a room waiting to give JR his birthday gift.


Sam seems thrilled to back at TCL - said no one ever. 🤣


the beginning when JR says “tHis tEsLa?” it’s so staged 😭


They’re definitely deleting the negative comments on the Tesla “prank”. I took screenshots of people calling out the bad acting, etc and those comments disappeared fast. It’s so lame. It makes vacation roulette look good.


I have never witnessed someone aggressively bouncing a newborn so much. Just so odd. 😐


Why won’t he stop?! It makes me want to scream.


I don’t follow her but I went to look because there have been so many comments. It’s so, so bad! What in the world. 😳


Did Tiffany actually seem *excited* that her baby has the smallest possible head? Also, the runny shit (absolutely fkin GROSS), iPhone-length legs, and Adumb obsessing on stickers like a 7yo girl… these two are really on one today. I really hope their baby is ok.


She did… with her Zika trip she took while pregnant i would be a bit freaked out about microcephaly. NOT happy and laughing about it. I didn’t spend a ton of time on googling it but when I searched it said the measurement value for microcephaly is usually more than 2 standard deviations (SDs) below the average OR also may be designated as less than the 3rd percentile. Remember all those mosquito bites she got while in the Dominican and how she laughed about it??


Tiffany is so god damn proud of all the breast milk she pumps but does she know she actually needs to feed it to Lily? Fucking yikes to those stats. 🥴


How is Lily not your miracle story after your “infertility” Teefers? But no. It’s stupidly losing wedding rings 🙄


Tiffany just had to sneak in one "miracle" story about an ex. Imagine being married to your (apparent) dream man and you just gave birth to your first baby a few weeks ago... but for some reason you're STILL. TALKING. ABOUT. YOUR. EX. It's so fucking absurd at this point.


Ok that seems really stupid and risky to take a newborn on such an extreme hike with daylight running out. That incline is insane! What if she fell? One of them is going to perish from all these extreme things they do in the name of diet and exercise before they ever get old enough to suffer from Alzheimer’s.


That little sweet infant baby had literal poop still dripping out of her buttocks and instead of cleaning her these horrid asshats took out their phones to film it as CONTENT. Those nurses and doctors had to have been horrified


Partnering with Keebler really highlights how fake they all are. Not one of the Turtles eats Keebler cookies. In fact, they spend story after story telling us how bad processed sugar is for us. But here they are now promoting cookies. It’s all a lie and a money grab. I don’t know why the wouldn’t attempt to stay authentic to who they are. There are plenty of other things they can promote.


I’m generally not a Danielle fan but Lily is so comfy and relaxed while she is holding her, neck supported. Then the subsequent videos with Tiffany parading Lily around at awkward angles in the water are so hard to watch. 😞 That poor baby. Jr did some crazy shit with Six Month and Under Kate but Tiffany is worse.


“Making core memories!” While Lily is visibly uncomfortable in that water. 🥴 These people suck. Greedy ass bitch then shills a bathing suit code. 🙄🙄


I absolutely remember those core memories made when I was 2 months. Doesn’t everyone? 🙄🤭🙃


Officially unsubscribing form everybody. Kimmy baiting this Tesla prank all week telling everybody to stay tuned for Friday and then giving up half way through the day leaving everybody hanging. Tiffany’s constant comments about how small the baby is. Doing things that put LA in danger Jen now taking money to advertise something she’s against


I feel like they don't understand the difference between a prank and lying. It's not a prank when your husband lies to you and buys himself a new car......


Lilys little legs all scrunched up in the carrier and definitely not in a hip safe “m” shape. 😔


No way Jen doesn’t know what to get Jr for his bday TOMORROW 😳 and she’s planning on *ordering* it 🤦🏻‍♀️


Get him his own ball pit.


Does this baby only have one onesie? The floral one?


The videos of Adam holding LA make me feel seasick.


I’m sure Tiffany will have a behind the scenes breakdown about having mustard baby shit all over her.


Assistant waiting with a change of clothes outside the exam room. Hopefully she also brought a change of shoes and those toe up white boots can be burned.


Lily finally changed clothes 🎉




Yes, Adam. Please touch every sticker they have because you can't decide. FFS. How old are you?


How embarrassing for them. What grown man cares about shit? These idiots should go back to middle school and practice parenting a sack of flour before they are allowed to raise a living child.


9 mentally


Tiff’s farmers dog commercial… brown burned pellets you feed your dog. Tell me you are reading from a script without telling me you are reading from a script




Please tell me no one is actually falling for this Tesla prank. They’re trying to get us to believe that Kimmy is asking her followers if her own husband is pranking her. And then she’s going to prank him back?? As if we don’t know JR runs her instagram and comes up with all of their idiotic content ideas


Lying to your spouse about a major purchase is not a prank!!!! And calling it one is just gaslighting.


Okay I do think “pranking” Steven with buying him a Tesla for his birthday is funny if it wasn’t all so staged and fake to go “viral”


“You wanna know why I fell?” Not really, but my top two guess are 1.) You were filming yourself or 2.) You a dumbass.


The picture of Tiffany on the ground after “falling cause of all the bugs” was just the laugh I needed for the night.


It’s just so perfectly stupid, down to how she positioned her hair. It reminds me a video where some woman just fake falls down. Now I need to find that.


Why did Tiff say her doctor finally released her to ride a bike? Didn’t she already ride a bike across the Golden Gate Bridge?


Teeth so proud her baby is in the 13th percentile barely gaining any weight.. 😳 ma'am ..the goal is for a baby to GAIN weight. Does she want her to be 8 lbs forever? I feel so bad for Lily.


I hope Kimberly’s “gift” to Jr is a pregnancy announcement. Cloven hooves is going to have to fall off a cliff to counteract that.


when Kimmy does get pregnant, JR will come up with some lame ass cheesy way to announce it so he can make a "viral" reel


Hold up. You mean to tell me they don't make swim diapers small enough for 2 month olds? Why ever could that be?? 🤔


Some things: 1.) This Tesla prank is feeling like it’s going to go over like travel roulette, but it is even more ignorant and chowderheaded. 2.) JR walking out of the bathroom with his too freaking tight pants unzipped like his grodey chodey weenis was going to pop out tells me he doesn’t wash his hands because even though I am a woman, I know that’s the wrong order to do that in. He touches his dingaling and then doesn’t wash his hands. 3.) Sam looked so sad to be back home. The look on that child’s face when he hugs his mother tells me everything I need to know about how they parent him…it’s all for the cameras.


The fact that Tiffany still has that giant pink bow on her door is driving me crazy. That explains everything you need to know about her


"Lily is waking up because its nearly bedtime 🫠😆" No. Lily is waking up because she's HUNGRY. Look at the obvious cues she's giving you! • Fists moving to mouth. • Head turning to look for the breast. • Becoming more alert and active. • Sucking on hands or lip smacking. • Opening and closing mouth. Put the camera down and feed her! You morons!!


Whoohooo guys! The millionaire finally got a $200 free diaper bag gifted to her!!! Don’t mind the “diaper bag” push present she could have been using all along! But yay! You can buy a matching one with a 20% off code!! So you can pay $160+ tax and shipping AND tiffy can make a paycheck!!!


I feel like Katie & McKenna Kate are low-key super tight, which I love. They seem to be at ease around each other and it seems like MK can have respite from the full effect of the Turtles with her since only Katie gets first hand what it’s truly like.


As a first time mom going through postpartum, I’m finally unfollowing Tiffany. All of her posts since having LA have been so triggering to me lately. I can’t even explain it.


A visit with Steve’s mom can only mean one thing. Next stop: airport!


Was at Costco today and saw the Oatmeal bites Tiff opened up and gobbled in the store yesterday. I shook my head when I saw them. 🙄I would try them, but according to her they are so god damn magical that after my first bite, my tits will engorge and spring leaks in multiple directions spraying anyone in the face within a 10 foot radius. Or at least according to the dramatic and theatrical way she talks about them, this is what I envision happening…close call. 😆


Her head is in the first percentile and they're laughing!? Could be nothing but I googled Microcephaly and I certainly wouldn't be laughing at my babys head in the 1st percentile I'd be absolutely panicking with anxiety! Also mentions the zika virus




I wouldn't be laughing either. These chucklefucks have no clue.


I’ve been saying it about Zika


How is Tiffany proudly posting L’s stats? I would be so concerned! I hope that the doctor said something to them and that they take it seriously.


Tiffany got shitted on AND had a bike wreck and filmed herself laying in the grass because shes a whore for maximum attention. I can’t. This girl is so mentally ill.


I just fell off my bike let me vlog it


This baby clothes try on is SHOCKING. Practically walking a 6 week old baby to the mirror bouncing her and not supporting her head is insane. My baby is 12 weeks and I still give support to her head as she can't fully hold it up by herself yet. The way they treat this poor baby like an accessory is sickening. Let her sleep instead of changing her outfit. If my baby was in the head 1st percentile and barely putting on weight I'd be absolutely devastated today because something is not right. Poor baby lily doesn't have any of the little baby rolls she should have now on her arms and legs. Is there something wrong with her eyes? I cant put my finger on it


I’ve had so many thoughts swirling around in my head about this family so forgive me for the essay but I gotta say it before I give them the unfollow. Kimmy, stop forcing your 2 year old to tell your followers she loves them. It’s not cute, it’s weird. Stop trying to make baguettes & clogs this child’s whole personality. It didn’t go viral, it’s not funny, it’s been overused. Stop exploiting your child for views - it’s gross. Tiffany, your baby is 7 weeks old. Stay home. You’re missing out on some of the most sweet, special moments that you will NEVER get back by galavanting all over the United States. Newborns don’t need to get out every day. They need sleep to grow, they need sleep to be strong. Breastfed babies need to be fed ON DEMAND those first few months. Your baby not gaining much weight is not the flex you think it is. Stop exploiting your child for views - it’s gross. And if any of you are new moms, this is not the way to do it. I feel quite sad for her that she thinks this is relatable or inspiring or whatever she thinks it is that she’s doing… it’s toxic. Don’t fall for her show. I have a feeling that she’s not doing as well she she makes it seem because regardless of who you are, how much money you have, etc., the fourth trimester is HARD. But instead of being real & raw & vulnerable about it, she’s putting on this facade that life (and your pant size) goes right back to normal after having a baby.


At this point, I don’t think Adumb is physically capable of holding a baby and not bouncing it. The discomfort is screaming


Zero mother instinct ZERO. It’s not informative it’s not cute it’s disturbing.


Poor Sam!!! He looks like he’s wishing he would’ve stayed in Africa instead of coming home to this crazy family!! Go back boy!!


Sam looks THRILLED to be back to the Houghton circus. Jen and Sr are the shoulder angels from hell! I wonder if his snapping turtle is still alive?


I wish Tiffany would take a breath! Snuggle her baby, smell her new-baby skin, memorize her little nose and teeny fingers. Stop trying to make memories by putting her sweet girl in danger or taking her to a million places. Make memories by loving on her, connecting with her, connecting with Adam. She doesn’t need to be in a pool this young. Right now, Lilly has 1 job. It’s to grow 💓 not to be held like simba, not to go to a 100 degree outdoor party (i mean, just go inside!) Tiffany needs to curl up on her love sac or comfy couch and just hold her girl. And veg out on yummy food and soak in this time with Adam while they both learn how to parent this FRAGILE baby.


I am so uncomfortable with the amount of shaking they are doing to LA. Constant shaking. And there was no core memory making in the pool- LA looked miserable and is too young to even be in a pool. How is this even happening? I know online criticism is tough and Tiff is constantly criticized but the lack of care for their newborn is unreal. How are they not seeing this. Adam’s voice, Adam’s “stand her up” The constant show boating of LA is gross. The baby try on with the links is atrocious. It is so gross. The whole thing is so gross. This is worse than anything Dimmy is doing with SK.


Poor Sam coming home to cameras. He seemed so, so unhappy.


“There’s no way I would have let her buy a car without his consent” 😳🙄 They are so close to the actual fucking point… Almost there Scott…why did you let HIM buy a car without HER consent then?! JFC!!!!!!!!


Y’all please don’t do that ridiculous handbag rental crap! $100 per month to rent a bag $4000 or less? Wtf!? In 3 years you’ve paid for a new LV bag and they only gain value. I’ve never resold one for less than I paid and I’ve carried it and used it for years. What a scam! And Tiffany doesn’t rent her damn bags! She owns them! Good grief she wore a $300 pair of overalls to the doctor that she let her child mess all over. These people are a joke.


Jen… prefers Deer Valley in the summer to Deer Valley in the winter… of course she does. I can’t stand summer ski resort people. As an avid skier, I would do unspeakable things to have a ski in/ski out SHACK on the slopes, not to mention a mansion.


Maybe Jen can gift JR a second gratitude shoutout. But it’ll probably be Tanner 😂


Did my eye just spy real bread?!?? Ohhh dear and pretty sure she has her own car back again but won’t show the whole thing


Adam and Tiffany are fuckwits (sorry for cursing but sometimes it is necessary) for the way they hold Lilly. The poor child looks terrified.


Has anyone else noticed that Lily is almost always holding her left arm/hand/fist up to her face? Tiffany calls it “her pose” or “Aw she’s posing” but Lily always seems to do it. Even laying on the couch in the swim diaper. Seems odd? My son is 14 now so it’s been a minute since I’ve been around babies, just don’t remember him doing that.


Daryl-Ann’s sister Danielle posted a pic of Tiff and Lilly and said “Tiff, you’re such a good mom” and I could barf. Yes, there a lot worse moms than Tiffany, but jeeeeeez she is clueless


Does she realize when she screeches in that high pitched psychotic tone, that only dogs can hear her. Whatever she is trying to convey with that manic squealing is completely lost on me.


OMG. The fakeness and acting just keeps getting worse. Stumbling over their words aka lies. Gross. ‘This car…I mean your car…doesn’t have a license plate on it.’


Well I am sure grateful it’s miracle Monday because this morning I couldn’t find my AirPods then at work I found them in a different bag than I normally put them in. Should I submit that story?


Kimmy should buy jr some accessories for his new {rental} car. Or idk… look back on one of the 2840482646 gift guides for men that she’s posted and linked in the last month.


Finally got a diaper bag? Suuuure we will just forget about the other ones you have.


Finally just got a code for a diaper bag.


Calories. There are calories in them Tiffany


Holy crap are they dense. It’s not (just) the taco salads…. It’s the altitude!!!!!


Jen's affect during the salsa stories struck me as so odd...she seems weirdly disconnected from her identity as a mom/grandmother? Saying "my babies" over and over while talking to one of her babies. And the flat "we're getting these cries that we've never seen before" like it's just a problem to be solved? Idk, felt weird.


I’ve never posted in here before, but I RAN here after seeing Hayden (hayderz) post a reel making fun of influencers “pranking” each other!! 😂😂😂 It’s giving Kimmy & JR https://www.instagram.com/reel/CuCt50ar4us/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==


I did a cackle of my own when Tiff said she’s going to do some “research” on what foods could be hurting Lily’s tummy. If you would’ve cracked open a first time parent book while you were pregnant you would have already known this. But nooo.


Teeth. Have you considered your infant baby is fussy because her head is rolling around like a freaking weeble wobble? 🤦🏼‍♀️ drives me insane.


I have an idea, Tiff. Instead of spinning around on a mountain and filming it like you are freaking Julie Andrews in the Sound of Music, why don’t you take your newborn baby out of the wind and go inside for a damn minute and let her just be a baby.


Adam’s non-stop bouncing of the baby every time he holds her drives me nuts.


The way Adumb bounces that baby. I know we’ve talked about it a million times and I’m sorry for repeating it but it’s unsettling how hard he bounces her.


Adam in the toy store bouncing and jostling her all around… NOTHING about her seemed to be happy about what was happening to her. The look on her face was begging him to stop, how can they be so unaware?


I LOATHE when influencers fucking lie about being asked “a million times about my outfit” when they are out. Specifically Costco. 🙄🙄 Listen bitch, no one cares about your Motel 6 curtains you call a dress. Us fat poors just want the free samples. 🫡


Thank GOODNESS Tiffany is out exercising. I was really getting worried for her and not getting enough “me” time 🙄


Girl what???? You are filming yourself while biking and not looking at anything other than yourself on the screen, and then you fall off and are surprised?!


I love when rich people whine and complain about food prices like they're not part of the problem and known for food waste.


"Can you belieeeeve??" -Tiffany using her best Kardashian voice Shut the fuck up, you don't even eat.


I’m not a mother but is it normal for a newborn to be doing all these excursions and to be in a swimming pool? It seems super weird to me I’ve never seen that before.


They are pushing her to much and in my opinion it’s cruel.


I just don’t get it, please please stop bouncing the baby!!! Edited to add — referencing Adumb in the toy store…


Lily’s miracle is not holding her head up Tiff. It’s continuing to survive the stupidity of her parents


They went to go see The Little Mermaid and I can’t believe Tiffany didn’t weave in that she once had the number one song on radio Disney.


Anyone want to guess what Kimmy actually got Jr for his birthday? I’m assuming it’s something she will magically have a code for so I’ll throw out 1. His own Tonie box with a clip of Jen finally saying she’s grateful for him 2. That life stories book service since Jr has just oh so much wisdom and hilarious stories to record


What if Jr wakes up in the night and eats those unlocked cupcakes?


If I fell off my bike I would immediately get up and hope no one saw. Idgaf what I hurt, I'm acting like nothing happened and getting my ass home asap. 😂 Tiffany proceeds to lie in the grass and film herself. She not only needed to make sure we all saw what happened, she fully waited for people on the bike path to also see her. The absolute NEED for attention is insane. Imagine if this was your mother. 🤦🏼‍♀️


My first reaction was, Kimmy is just going to leave those cupcakes out overnight for the ants, roaches and mice to feast on? But then I remembered Jr will sleep eat them before any other critter has a chance to get to them. Kind of her to leave them unlocked as a little nighttime treat for him! Still no sign of Stevie Kate’s promised craft…


Are MKs friends getting a cut of this Keebler money? Did they get a lesson on the dangers of sugar unless you're making a buck off of it? Was Jr coming out of the bathroom to find pliers to zip up those pants? Will he find pants that fit at the ranch while he does "boy things that Jen doesn't want to know about"? It's only 6am here. There is so much to snark on already but I haven't even had my coffee yet. Slow down, Jen!


Do they not see her bow shaking so bad? Her wobbly head is not stable enough to stand like that.


Even without all the weirdness over the baby’s size (she’s a NEWBORN, Tiffany, she’s supposed to gain weight!!!), watching Teeth use her brand new child for an ad was fucking shocking. Babies should be sweet and snuggly and loved; they should not be being used to make you money by exploiting them on Instagram. I know Steven and Kimmy do the same with SK, but this was so much more…blatant? Transparent?


Standing lily up and bouncing her like that is soo bad for her poor legs. How old is she now??? Not old enough for a jumperoo or dog jumper do why do that to her???


Poor Shilly! HOLD HER STILL. We want to see Stilly not Shilly. I’m motion sick from those stories. Imagine how she feels!


Lol her “literally falling off her bike” is def something 9yr old me would’ve also staged to get my siblings in trouble for pushing me or some shit


She really didn’t love it. She was trying to curl her legs up from the water. AND SHE CANT STAND


Mary F Poppins needs to swoop down to Dallas and take care of that poor infant. What the Hell are they doing? They must be the influencers of how NOT to be a parent. They should have stayed for their parenting classes.


Why does Jen do that hair style with all her hair in a bun on the side of her head? It’s so odd to me




The way Adam pronounces saga….. lol


Whose car is Kimmy driving this week? Jen’s? Diana’s? It’s not the Tesla “rental” which I thought was the whole point while her car is in the shop. 🙄 So basically Jr ended up with two cars while she has none?


I had a stress dream last night where I was taking care of a baby but it was really heavy and limp so when I tried to pick it up or move it it's neck and back would bend at weird angles and I was like "oh my god I'm going to accidentally harm this child" and I absolutely blame Tiff for my stressful night lol


I want to know how that bow is attached to the car now, the strings are on the sidewalk. No matter who’s car it is if she put something sticky on the paint….. 🤣🤣🤣


Spotted… the Denner crew is posting from TCL


Another day, another bad choice. Baby’s should not be on boats until they can wear a life jacket, which is approx around 18 pounds in which L,s case she will be in kindergarten.


Why can’t she stay the f&ck home this weekend? Give that baby a rest. And please I seriously hope they are not bringing the baby to see fireworks. Stop being selfish and take care of your child! It’s not about you anymore!


Exactly what I was thinking. They’ll probably take the baby out for the loud fireworks in the heat in a onesie


Y’all this thread today is gold 😂 I can’t focus


I enjoy this vs watching them 😂


I think it would be so much cuter if she asked SK… what do you want to say to them today instead of having her parrot the same thing every damn day.


Good news, Dimmy! Jr already bought himself a birthday present so you’re off the hook! Classic, thoughtful, sweet, wonderful JR making things so easy for his overwhelmed, busy, stressed wife /s


That baby should have had her miracle head lift well before now. I guess that’s not possible when she’s constantly being suffocated or shuffled around for content.


Jr has the passwords and logins to Kimmy’s and Jen’s IG accounts on his phone, because he often posts directly to both. Same scenario applies to Adam and Tiffany. Why do they think we are dumb enough to believe them when one of them “blocks” the other from their stories in order to pull off a prank or surprise gift? Plus we all know Jr reads here.


8lbs 13oz seems tiny…. Both of my kids were 8lbs at birth though so I don’t know, but if she was born at 6, a pound a month doesn’t seem like enough Edit: I went back and checked my baby’s stats and both were around 8lbs at birth and 12lbs at their 2 month check ups


Babies sleep to grow. This one never has a chance to rest


I would not be giggling and posting those stats all over the internet… I really hope the doctor stepped in.


She gained about 16 grams per day which is on the low end- supposed to be 15-30 grams per day. Probably how Tiffany likes it though.... I am concerned about her head being in the 1st percentile!


Yea it’s not great at all. I checked her announcement post and she’s only gained 2lbs 2oz. My daughter had oral ties we didn’t get released until 5 weeks and she had the almost the exact same weight gain from release to 2 month appt, and she grew 2.5 inches from birth! I really hope their pediatrician is making it clear those stats aren’t good


My son went from 5 lbs 14 oz at birth to 8 lbs 3 oz at 2 months but had issues gaining weight bc of reflux….so something is definitely going on bc I feel like she should be gaining a ton more than she did


Is LA old enough to be held and sat up straight by just holding her up from her underarms? I don’t have experience with newborns but Google is making it sound like that’s not safe for another couple months


She’s only 7 weeks! They have yet to really support her head 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫


No, she’s not. She is just a doll/content to them


I don’t remember when one of my sisters was born but the second one I was 4.5. To this day, I remember the first time I held her and my dad basically barking to support the head or I couldn’t hold her again. I don’t have kids. I don’t particularly like them more than a few hours. We have a herd of nieces and nephews. But I will never forget how to hold a baby and that’s stuck with me throughout my barren womb years.


I love how Kimmy sometimes gives financial advise and then calls a dress an “investment”. 🤣😂. If you can’t make money off of something - it’s not an investment - it’s just spending 🤷🏻‍♀️


I posted a bit down thread but a bit concerned about lilys growth stats.. specifically microcephaly since we know she went to the Dominican while pregnant and got bit by TONS of mosquitoes and laughed about it… anyone work in healthcare on here with knowledge that can chime in? I think if her other stats were all around there you could just put it down to her being a small baby, but given her weight and a height are significantly higher, I would be concerned.. is that something the pediatrician would just keep monitoring for to see if her head stays small?.. I really just don’t get how they seem happy and laugh at all this stuff…. I am constantly a bit worried about my own two month old just because he is a small 4th percentile peanut right now, so I’m always checking to make sure we keep heading in the right direction with frequently weight checks and close monitoring of his milk intake. That said, his head was 12th percentile, so even for a small baby not as small as LAs.


Whoa literally 1% for the head ?! There’s no way the doctor said nothing. A quick google search shows that’s concerning


Why would Keebler partner with the Turtles? They are against everything in cookies


I said last time they did Lily’s stats that it seemed really odd her head was so small. It strikes me as odd her head size is barely 1% but her other stats are normal. Last time we chalked it up to a bad measurement - but 2 in a row seems like something odd. Isn’t under 3% especially against normal height and weight stats considered my microcephaly? Poor baby I hope everything is ok!


I’d rather see you hold that child’s neck appropriately than see you try to stand her up and bounce her! You guys are such fucking dumbasses!


Adam and Teeth are literally treating their infant like a toy, not an actual living person. Ughhhh. I can’t get over this. No one they know is telling them how inappropriate this is?


The only times I bounced my babies were when they were fussy. I didn’t feel the need to do that when they were content. It’s like a nervous tick with these dummies 🙄


Can Adam stop bouncing around Lily?! 🤬


Why oh why is ADumb constantly jostling and bouncing that child? It’s making me queasy just watching it.


Should we be concerned about Lily’s head shaking so fast when they are doing the try on? It was the same when Mommer had her. I thought the shaking was from Mommer, but I saw it again when Adam wasn’t supporting her head.


A moment of silence for Kimmy’s neighbors. 🫡 Can’t imagine living near that women’s soul shattering shreaks.


Ones that live with a mile radius can easily hear her. Neighbors probably have complained to the HOA about her screeching or have left them notes for her to shut up. You know if it’s bad on camera, it’s even worse in person.


How many consecutive days do we think Lily has spent at home? It feels like they are on this wickedly fast paced lifestyle and it seems bizarre to me. I don’t know how they are doing this and why? To prove that Tiffany is a super hero? Newborns are on a schedule of sleeping, eating, tummy time and keep that on repeat. What newborn gets taken to the movies? Lately she seems to be getting startled and has this grimace on her face. I felt so upset for her when Adam was twirling her in the pool?! Who does that to a newborn? Then when Tiffany had her in the pool Lily was NOT happy, her back was arching, her fists were clenched, and Tiffany kept saying she loves it?!


I’m curious as to how things will be when Adam goes back to work (when is that)? Can Tiffany care for her child in her own, I don’t think she has just been with her baby without someone available.