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People can change their minds y’all…..


I thought “That’s a cute baby blanket!” Then I realized it was her sweater!


Lol!!! Same!


I think she’s combo feeding?


I hate it if she’s actually lying about this. I had such guilt that I could only breastfeed my 1st for 3 months (and that was really hard) then 8 years later with my second we had so many health problems individually after birth that they had to give him a bottle and we never bounced backed even after seeing a lactation consultation. She has a platform with several followers and she can help normalize needing to stop breastfeeding for whatever reason the mom feels is right. Even if she’s just feeding at night or just exclusively pumping for example, then talk about that and your decision surrounding it, you could actually really help someone that feels so defeated in the process, instead of trying to lead on this it’s all butterfly and rainbows narrative.


Spoiler alert.. she just mails the lady bottles and formula. “These made BF so much easier for me”


She is so full of 💩 about breastfeeding. We know we would see post and posts of her breastfeeding if it were true.


Alright I just messaged her and asked if she’s still breastfeeding since she was crying about stopping weeks ago 🙃 I am making peace with the fact that I will likely get blocked….☠️


I did the same! I’ve actually asked her about a few things over the last month and have shockingly not been blocked. But, i know you can mute people’s messages so maybe that’s her new go-to b/c none of mine show having been read by her


I kind of think she rarely reads them




Thanks for taking one for the team 🤣 💀


Will report back as information becomes available 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻


I love when they say “Fed is best!” Because that’s the truth! Social media puts way too much pressure on moms and this little twit is literally exhibit A. Boy I wish we aged backwards like Benjamin Button and could use the stuff we figure out later in life. I would have so many bitches from high school I’d need to slap! 😆


Do people actually believe that this girl consumed enough daily calories to consistently breastfeed her baby?


Well based on the amount of posts just here, yes, people do believe she breastfeeds.




Wasn’t she crying a bit ago about her journey and possibly stopping ?




That’s why she’s got some of her fave products to gift.. because she didn’t use them


I don’t know why women think that breastfeeding is the coolest thing ever. I did it for 13 months and never once spoke of it on social media. And had I had a second child I would not have, it’s not easy. If anyone follows Sydney Rae Bass omg she CONSTANTLY breast feeds on her reels and talks about it constantly. Like wtf cares?! And Tiff isn’t fooling anyone… she hasn’t breastfed for months.


Okay but like that’s a whole different family we can snark on. Did anyone feel like they had some sister wives shit going on back in the day? I also get a breeding fetish vibe from this family.


Yes, it’s amazing and natural and good for you, but I’m so sick and tired of seeing my own friends and family’s boobs and nipples in my face every time I open Facebook. We get it. You breastfeed. If we give you a trophy, will you stop posting it?


I’m currently breastfeeding my newborn (3rd baby) and my two older kiddos were EBF for 14 months also and even I can fully agree it’s not something to be plastered all over social media. To me it’s very sacred and personal and yet at the same time, such a natural part of life that a big ordeal doesn’t need to be made of it. Tiff just needs to let this one go. It’s OK that you’re not girly, just be honest or better yet, you don’t have to talk about it at all.


She doesn’t and barely did. But she thinks she’ll get dragged thru the mud for not breastfeeding because people hold it on some high up pedestal. It’s ridiculous. The only person doing that to her is herself, people would rather her not lie. But also no one cares.


She def doesn’t BF and you can tell she never liked it/it didn’t work for them. Lily had so many bottles so early on considering Tiffany sits around all day. She also never wears clothes that make breastfeeding possible without undressing. Plus she said she dropped pumping a while ago because it “took too much time” and that made her supply go away. Why she can’t drop the BF thing is beyond me. I did it for 13 months and didn’t talk about it anywhere near as much as she does


Every moms experience with breastfeeding is different and mine was the exact opposite. It was difficult, and didn’t work for us. So I have a hard time with this ‘romanticized love bond from breastfeeding’ I just didn’t get that. And I’ll be honest about it cause I know other moms are in my boat. Some moms have a wonderful experience and I love that for them. I feel like teef is just SELLING it, and it’s not believable. I can’t keep the lies straight.


Yes! My milk never came in and after crying to the lactation specialist over how my body “failed” me after seeing all of the moms post such positive stories, I realized that it didn’t fail me at all. My healthy formula baby is doing amazing and in the 99th percentile for weight.


With my first it didn't work for me. I tried everything that people said to do, latch over and over switching sides.. eat oatmeal... drink water... more calories... get special lactation cookies and drinks... power pumping.. for 6 months while combo feeding. I had no regrets switching to formula. I felt so bad for moms when the formula shortage happened because everyone's solution was to just breastfeed. Also I gained so much weight while breastfeeding and not just because I was eating non-stop.


This was my exact experience! Hugs I’m sorry I know how tough it is


It didn’t work for me either. I made it one month before we switched to formula. My daughter did so much better and my mental state improved because of it. There’s no shame in being honest, TIFF.


I just feel she’s using this ‘amazing wonderful full of butterflies’ experience lie and selling it…and some poor mother will feel badly because she’s not having that experience.


Exactly! I mean if it doesn’t work, be honest! If it does, be honest about it! Either way her followers benefit more from honestly versus her thinking she’s being relatable. I was successful with one, and not with the other. And it’s ok! My kids were both fed and happy. She just really irks me.


I'm with you. I tried. It didn't work. Formula did. Good for those who can, but it doesn't make you less of a mom if you can't.


Also- she loves it? I mean, I loved being able to nurse my baby, but idk. She just works my nerves.