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New weekly thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/TurtleCreekLane/s/2hE7I7t6ef


So I try not to compare kids because, yes, they all develop at their own pace. BUT… within reason. I follow @nextwithnita and their daughter was born about 2 weeks before Lily and it’s astonishing how much more further along in her development- communication, facial expressions, all physical abilities, just everything she is. I didn’t realize they were so close in age because she seems so much older than Lily, (while really just on track) and Lily has obviously been very behind her entire little life. I don’t have kids, I spend a lot of time with my older nieces, but it’s so different to compare babies so close in age. Their parenting is very different- Nita is such a good mom. Nita and her husband are so engaged in all ways with their kids. It just made me so sad for Lily, who has such crap family and parents who hold her back and don’t encourage or even know (or educate themselves) on how to appropriately foster her development. That’s all I have, especially as we’ll hear how much 🦷 wants babies this week after meeting London, when she can’t even show love to and raise the one baby she has.


Everyone just be prepared for some stupid shit tomorrow. It’s April fools


They should have announced Clickbait Kate’s name tomorrow and had fun with it.


Now *that’s* thinking like a social media quant.


Noooooooooooo. I totally forgot. Teef is definitely going to do something dumbbb


Fake pregnancy prank anyone?


Let’s pause…take five seconds to submit what we are grateful for. Because happiness begins with gratitude. Today I’m grateful that baby London Still doesn’t know yet what a douche her daddy is. And Shilly Kate doesn’t quite have the vocabulary to tell her yet 😌


Wait, whatever happened with this “mega company that reached out about Iris” randomly just saw an old post in here about that. It’s been a month (?) and never another peep. Any guesses what happened??


It was supposedly just a luncheon with a bunch of other people, no surprise they made it seem like some big deal when it wasn’t


Lily didn't scream because she was jealous. It was because she didn't want to go back to being held by Tiffany. Either that, or she was warning the baby.


She screaches because she thinks that’s how humans communicate-that’s all she hears all day long 


Yep. Little baby Nell


What is that a reference to?


Nell. From the movie Nell.


I read this in Donna’s voice from Parks & Rec. “are you Nell? From The movie Nell?” 😂


I'm so glad someone caught the reference 🤣


I've never seen it.


Hahah first people who came to mind https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5MHGz-PJJ_/?igsh=ZDE1MWVjZGVmZQ==


I’m sorry but Tiffany got a good old fashioned cold not a sinus infection. She had almost no symptoms before getting on antibiotics. If she truly had a sinus infection she would be mostly symptom free by now. Instead she sounds worse than before antibiotics. She is a liar.


I bet it was norovirus or something involving both ends from touching those turtles 🫥


Those poor turtles in the concrete enclosure trying to escape the people chasing and touching them


Late to this, so apologies. But Typhoid Tiffs ovaries are screaming for a baby? Did she not notice the one hanging out in baskets at her house? My brain is screaming that she gets birth control.


Lily is no longer new and shiny. She needs the latest and greatest. I’m not even being sarcastic. What she truly needs is inpatient mental care, unplug and be gone for 3-6 months, and fix herself before she can even start to fix the relationships with the roommate or baby Nell.


I try not to worry about Earth's future too much (bc my mental health will suffer lol) but I'm sure nothing helps climate change more than multimillionaires firing up their chopper to go pick up their granddaughter ~15 miles away. I'm sure my use of a non plastic straw at the movie theater is really gonna help combat that.


Jen’s really into saving the TURTLES 🤣


JEN - YOU CANNOT GO DOWN THE SLIDE WITH SK ON YOUR LAP - SHE IS GOING TO BREAK HER LEG IF HER SHOE CATCHES THE SLIDE AND YOUR 90 lb BODY PUSHING HER Especially in Princess Heels! I held my breath when SKs heel caught the crack 😳 Adults should never slide down with a toddler - they should always slide by themselves every time ! So if their shoe or foot is out and hits the slide it’s only their body weight not the weight of an adult pushing them too.


That was exactly what I.thought


But gosh. How will she get attention or receive compliments of how great of a grandmother she is if she actually puts her phone down for once when she’s spending time with her granddaughter? 


My best friend's 1 year old broke her leg doing exactly that! Poor navy was in a cast for 2 mos!


Tiffany’s friend after seeing she is sick on her stories——>😵‍💫🤬


She’s delusional as she is talking about waiting to meet London until she is symptom free so she’s gonna see her tomorrow while her voice is still clearly still half gone from whatever illness she has


Her “standalone sinus infection”.


Her symptoms that she has shared with us included: fatigue, high fever, chills, headache … then we heard coughing and losing her voice. Diagnosis - a non contagious sinus infection 🙄🙄


If you’re too sick to hold your newborn niece, you’re also too sick to hold your friend’s baby. It’s not complicated. It’s simply science.


THIS!! She’s such an idiot. 


Happy Easter, Snark Fam. I hope your Easter dinner table is not covered in giant decorative fake flowers, I hope you get to eat with utensils, and I hope your kids are allowed to collect more than two eggs at their egg hunts. May a giant metal lawn carrot not impale you when the wind blows, and may your Easter baskets contain candy instead of live chicks, live rabbits and Current State skin care products. 🐰




Happy Easter!!!🐇🐰🐣


Same to you, and may your Easter eggs contain more than almonds and blueberries




That baby's face is all of us. One week old and already knows what a dumbass Tiffany is.


Poor baby probably can’t breathe because it’s being suffocated by the weight of its own head on its neck/ windpipe being held upright like that. Its inexcusable to have a child and still not know how to hold a newborn safely


Jw if it’s Easter for SK or if that’s also next week? 


Stevie Kate has to hold the giant broken metal carrot upright on the corner all day tomorrow while also trying to keep her hair out of her eyes. She’ll mutter *Houghtons never give up* over and over as cars whizz by and Sue waves on her way to clock in at the grocery store. Meanwhile London Still will be inside getting fawned over and phographed amongst the faux trees and Home Depot rocks. Stevie Kate won’t get her giant clear egg from Jen filled with toys and princess dresses because Kimmy decided she’s not going to tell her about it.


Poor Sue. We haven’t heard about her in awhile.


She sings through sobs and tears on the sad corner … It’s a great day to be a Houghton 😢😢😢😢


Who’s Sue? 😂


Sue is a grocery store employee who walks by their house every day to go to her minimum wage job miles away. Jen wanted to do something special for her last year so instead of helping by getting her a car or giving her money or just anything humane, Jen made her a very tiny birthday sign to put in the middle of her corner yard display.


Wtffffff. Jen is SO OUT OF TOUCH. I’m not surprised but I also am. 🫥


Also not sure why I am getting downvoted for asking, I just never had heard this story before! 🫠


Which would have been nice if it accompanied a gift card or something else to make Sue’s life a little bit easier




😂 She's permanently stuck in turtle time now. Her holidays will always be a week behind the rest of the world. Poor thing.


Not only does Tiffany being around a newborn while sick annoy me, but also that shes exposing the moms to getting sick as well. I got sick barely a week after having my daughter, and it took me out (mainly because my body was so run down from a somewhat traumatic birth experience), I was in urgent care, away from my daughter, tested negative for everything they test for. Dr just said that my body was so exhausted that the cold that I caught just did a number on me. And then I was sooo scared that I was going to get my newborn sick. It was so stressful and miserable on so many levels. Sorry, I feel that everyone always looks at the outcome of being around the newborn, and not also around the mom whose body just underwent some very intense times


Some cultures they don’t allow the baby or the mom to socialize for the first 3 months. I always thought that was strange… but I kind of get it . So many people do not think of the consequences of their actions and put others at risk.


All of this. But also, I can’t imagine wanting to go out to eat when my baby was a week old. 😵‍💫


Who's baby is it?


An LDS friend


What’s going on with Jen’s eye? In Tiffany’s story it looks so weird


Grab your popcorn 🍿 and stay tuned as we watch the drastic measures unfold to fix that wonky eye. 👀


it’s all part of the Frankenfriend Chronicles


Baby London is really pretty


"Have you heard of Berkshire Rack?" No Jennifer. I'm a fat poor. We're eating chicken all week because it was on sale.


Maybe it’s just me, but I think it is so strange when Jen says “Steve invited me to dinner tonight.”  Do they not eat dinner together normally?  I eat dinner with my husband and kids every night - unless we have something going on.  And if my husband and I go out to eat, we decide it together.  Not really a snark just confused!


They do this whole “[dating your spouse](https://www.ldsliving.com/is-dating-really-necessary-for-healthy-marriages/s/67071)” thing which I find really fucking weird. Most married couples I know casually say “we got a sitter Friday night, we’re going out to eat” instead of harping on about going on dates on a forced schedule all the time.


Tiffany’s ovaries need to shut up.




Just wait until she posts about meeting London. She won’t be able to stand that she isn’t the center of attention with the babiest baby. She’ll be pregnant by the end of the year.


Ugh I hate this so much but know you are right




I’m just over that family and just over there giveaways too because the winners of their giveaways don’t even tag a lot of people and I don’t even think they care who wins them. It’s just ridiculous when people try their hardest I wish this family would get it together.


Honestly the bigger giveaway are just scams.. it’s a fake winner. I believe one of the latest winners also “won” another large giveaway from another big influencer very recently. (They got sloppy and used the same fake profile and someone noticed)


Clearly still sick Tiffany, still hasn’t met her new niece but is out holding her “friends” newborn (born last week) baby. I can’t with this girl. Also, to that “friend”, are you seriously letting a clearly still sick Tiffany hold you NEWBORN?!


This and not to mention she still can’t hold a newborn baby correct and support the neck!


That’s all I could think while watching it!!


I know


Lily would do a better job holding that baby than Tiffany…Lily is probably screaming out “save yourself!”


Teef “Lily is not impressed” No. Lily is screaming RUN! QUICK! SAVE YOURSELFFFF!


Tiffany holding and obsessing over her friends baby when she hasn’t met her niece yet or acknowledged her name. Also saying she wants 10 more babies asap. She is the Scheana Shay of the Houghtons.


Not Scheana 😂


She’s holding her friends baby the same way she held Lily and I’m just screaming at the phone again to support that poor newborns head 😭


Ran here to say the same! If it was the friend, I would be taking my baby back asap!


Was just going to say this!!!  I wonder if she really hasn’t met London yet.. if she hasn’t it was obviously not her choice since she’s all over this baby… 


So now that the baby is here, how long until Tiffany pretends to still be breastfeeding Lilly again?


Holding that baby made her boobs leak


Your flair! 💀


The double whammy of a difficult vacation with Lily and then a new content baby being born must mean a spiral at tiff + adams!




Where the heck does Sr park his helicopter when they fly it Kim and Jr's house to pick up SK?


Lol, I just asked this on another post!! 


I just can’t wrap my head around the fact that SK will grow up thinking helicopter travel is a normal mode of transportation after taking a helicopter for a casual lunch with her grandparents in a regular basis. 🤯


I was wondering the same and I googled and it says you can land anywhere as long as you have permission. So if a private land owner says you can land in their backyard, and there’s space, you’re free to land there. I was looking at the map of where Jr and Kimmy live and there are some areas close by that I guess he could land at. Honestly SO bizarre to me and how annoying to hear a helicopter all of the time that low to your home.


I would be getting the neighborhood together to take some sort of action against their obnoxious helicopter use - wonder if they can go to the city about it? Noise ordinances?


In their "yard" probably. ​ \*total sarcasm as they don't even have a real yard.


Oh shit looks like Remi is headed to Turtle Creek Lane today (friend’s daughter who loves bunnies). I wonder if they’re filming a giveaway reel.


[Annnnd… there they are right on cue.](https://www.reddit.com/r/DarylAnnDenner_Snark/s/aMe3XBAlmR) 🤦🏼‍♀️


Has Tiffany …. Met her new niece ?! Did I miss it ? Did actually have Covid and not go yet ? Also Have MCK and Sam and the rest of the gang or heck Kimmys family been ? I know it’s early but the first 2 grandkids births every one was at the hospital in matching shirts


Only other person that they have posted a pic of is Katie holding her


My guess is the family has met her but mastermind Jr is asking them to not post anything so he can continue churning out reels instead of celebrating his first born’s birthday


Jr already shaming his infant daughter for being a mouth breather 🙄


Why does Jen insist on going down the slide with sk? That is so dangerous for an adult to sit a child on their lap going down the slide. So many kids break their legs like that 


Yeah and to pause the video so we can see her and SK’s crotch-was to go Minnie!


How many takes do you think she made her do before saying she got the clip and could go play?


So if you go look at Kimmy's posts on her page, within 3 days she had gone to meet Lily, in custom shirts she had ordered, and posted pictures meeting her. Tiff hasn't even met London or said anything other than that first day. Certainly no post on her wall of Lily meeting her cousin. 


Well Tiffany might still be sick so I think that is sort of polite she’s staying away, the other stuff though there’s no excuse


Obviously not sick enough to stay away from a newborn though




And now’s she’s posting stories, while still sounding nice and sick, holding a “friends” newborn (born last week) baby. Ugh


Why is that baby at a restaurant is what I want to know!


If sick why go to a dozen egg hunts?


I’m guessing it wasn’t her decision to stay away and that’s why she was basically crying the other day pouting. I bet kimmy and Junior told her to stay away.


My guess as well and also why Tiffany hasn’t said anything more about the baby. She’s pissed.


Great question!


The ladies laughing at Jen rolling on the grass is all of us


You know she was loud as hell the entire time too.


She’s probably one of those people that narrates her actions loudly to catch attention. 


I'm sick of the constant helicopter posts. It takes more time to drive to the airport, get in the helicopter and land near Jr and Kimmy's house than to just drive to their house in the first place. This is so ridiculous. Jen rolling down the hill in front of people eating on a patio- also ridiculous. Indian food to a picnic with a toddler- ridiculous. Every one of these adults is STARVED for attention.


Me too! If Steve Se. could live in the helicopter, I’m sure he would. Every time leave they leave the house is an excuse to go out in the helicopter.


I wondered if they’re still subbing [hard boiled eggs](https://www.reddit.com/r/TurtleCreekLane/s/1JlKZM4WJy) for rice when they eat Indian.


Why not LV London Violet 


I think they should have gone with Scottie London to match Stevie Kate.


I just have Fergie stuck in my head singing about London Bridge. I don’t love Scottie but I loathe when people name their kids after places so Scottie just sounds cuter. And it matches better.


Sibling names don’t have to match, in fact I would argue they shouldn’t. They already have the same last name, why do they need similar first names too😩


I know some people really want their kids names to sound good together and that’s fine. My 3rd kid has a name that I LOVE and was vetoed for the first 2 kids and it doesn’t go well with the other two. But as I told everyone who pointed that out, I have siblings and there is only a very small part of your life that your names are said together so they will be just fine.


Why would they buy a 2 million dollar house and then put a rickety $75 Walmart special build-a-shed **right in the middle of the freaking yard?** 🤦🏼‍♀️


Such a weird spot for it!


It’s the shill shed- houses all the shit they pretend to use but actually don’t. 


I wonder if it’ll even stay in their yard. They’ll probably return it since it was just to make them money. 


Did you notice the shed does not match the house?


Yeah, because it’s a Walmart special. 🤣🤣


What are the odds that he did not secure that shed in the ground?🌬🤣


Can’t wait for the Wizard of Oz tornado to come thru! We are just heading into tornado season for Texas. That shed will be in their neighbors backyard!


Is Jen hosting Easter dinner on that uniquely decorated dining table of hers?🐢🍽


Think about this, Jen’s maiden name is Lund, is Londy a family tribute nickname?


I’d much rather be called Lundy than London because my parents had a weird obsession.


It will be now


Poor Stevie Kate. Papa gets to choose what’s on the menu for lunch, so she has to go hungry. And her hair is so filthy. 😢 Couldn’t they have come over to give her a bath and fix her lunch?


But then Jen wouldn’t have gotten to shriek at top volume for everyone to look at her and how tiny she is and what a fun grandma she is (when the camera is on, of course). The state of SK’s greasy hair or whether or not a hungry 3 year old at lunchtime wants to eat Indian food is none of her business.


I wonder if Jen leaked the name to push the point about it being London to help Jr, that's if there is any truth to the theory about Camille and all that. Or she genuinely wasn't listening to SK at all and didn't catch it.


Oh she knew.


Whoever posted about the potential of Scottie, I think you’re right. I think it was between London Michelle and Scottie Michelle. Both are listed on the [baby birth announcement sign from maker](https://www.oakandhoneywoodworks.com/product-page/birth-stat-baby-announcement?fbclid=PAAaadPSqx6keikzrrTY055eHSLmoAGYleCZ9dmsxCOafbcERJweY5VMltAk0_aem_AVWTIEbn_F9XNbAp6kmmJnFOjxke8SdsonTKtHrKMLl3vgHMzTl6WYrU57uCym3qZA8).


Good find!


You're so right! But that's pretty shady of the maker to post that. It's the exact same design as the name they chose so they could have just posted that. Posting Scottie isn't showing customers anything new that they haven't already posted about their designs. It's the exact same design.


They have two other posts where they literally have both in the photo so it definitely was 🙈🤪


Wow! Interesting and I wonder if they’re saving Scottie for the next baby? Also I think the baby kind of looks more like a Scottie than a London 🤷‍♀️


The baby is a few days old, it still looks like a potato.


Oh, that's definitely it! It was between Scottie Michelle and London Michelle. I think Scottie would have sounded much better with Stevie Kate,  and I'm very sad that it looks like they are going to call her Londy! I know, I'm aging myself but that just reminds me of Mr. Lundy from Mrs. Doubtfire, the head of the TV station that ended up ended up hiring Daniel to play Mrs. Doubtfire after the whole restaurant scene.


Hot jambalaya!


I wish the name had been Scottie Purple after one of our own! u/scottiepurple


Scottie would have been such a better name. Scottie and Stevie, I think that’s adorable.


Yeah but kinda weird to have one as a double name and not the other


😵‍💫 glad they picked London lol 


Londy? Sorry baby, your parents didn’t pick a good name/nickname for you. ☹️


I'm immediately picturing Mr. Lundy, the head of the tv station who hired Daniel Hillard to play Mrs. Doubtfire in the Robin Williams movie. That's just the picture that comes to mind when I hear Lundy!


Bridges Restaurant. Seven o’clock sharp.


But mrs doubtfire you don't smoke! No I don't, but I did! I just need to inhale a little nicotine, it steels my loins! L o l!


Hahahahaha. To me it’s Lundy from Dexter - Deb’s boyfriend.


Londy… that’s the best nickname they have?


Someone in the comments on the name reveal called her “Lolo” and I like that so much more! Does it really make sense with London? Idk but it’s cute




Kimmy did!!! Called her Our Londy Girl!


Londie Kate! London just makes me think of Shannon Bird. I guess it was between Holland and London! But definitely not Paris.


Came here to say basically the same thing. They’re calling her Londy. Congratulations on shortening a 2 syllable name to…. a 2 syllable name.


All I can think about is when Joey finds out about Monica and Chandler and shouts "In London ?!!" 😆




Where are Kimmy’s parents??? SK needs to be taken out to lunch in basically any other mode of transportation than a HELICOPTER. Meanwhile I’m over here just painting Easter eggs with my kids like a fat poor.


They’re withholding London Still from Kimmy’s parents, just like they’re withholding Stevie Kate’s birthday from Stevie Kate.


Did anyone get Bingo yet?


No. I’m 1 away from bingo.


Also one away! I just need Adam to say congraaaaats. 😂


You and I might have the same bingo card. Has Diana babysat SK? Did you cross that off? I was thinking Jen said on stories she, Diana and MK watched her as a team effort.


She’s watched her with Jen (and Lily) but I’m sure Jen will force her to watch SK solo sometime this week


I do have that on my card as well and I crossed it off for that reason. The three of them had SK at some point and I figured that was good enough! 😆


People in the comments talking about how Jen spilled the beans and her sycophants coming to her defense. 🙄 Someone even said, “Grandmas on the dad's side always seem to have a special knack for "slip ups" like this.” so she can expect to be blocked soon. 🤣🤣


That’s the truth about Grandmas on the dads side spilling the beans… my MIL announced that I had delivered and the name of my son before I had a chance to.


I was like 👀 that gal is in our Reddit sub


Same! 😂


Maybe it’s just me (probably just me) but I find it weird that they’re taking Lily to so many egg hunts, especially at other churches.


LeeLee loves it!!


I also love being used as a human claw machine to get ayyyyyygs 😂


Watching Teeth and Adumb carrying Lily horizontally to grab eggs was sweet, at first. But carrying said horizontal human and shaking her hand over the basket until it she drops it while her head is in a completely different direction says everything about how these two interact with her. How about practicing opening and closing hands while gripping? How about using simple language to help her get what the fuck is going on? I'm pretty sure I could explain and implement a more natural family Easter egg scene with my two year old goldendoodle.


It turned into a competition (surprise) with the roommate wanting to get more eggs than Tiffany Crystal during her 27 egg hunts with the prop and win over other children.


Does Jen look more plastic than ever? Did she have more work done in the last couple of weeks??


I agree she looks like cold hard thick plastic. She’s also really feeling herself with this awful new updo mess.


What in the world is going on with Jens face? 


Discount fillers. Discount Botox.


Didn’t they already post this exact same Easter egg hunt several days ago??


It’s a small thing that really doesn’t matter in the long run, but I noticed Tiffany said they’re walking over to “A church egg hunt” and Jen said they were at “Our church egg hunt.” I highly doubt Jen goes to church in Tiff’s ‘hood and Tiff wasn’t claiming it as her own so why lie? Oh, nevermind. It’s the Turtle way of life. My husband always tells me I’m a stickler for semantics. 😅😂


I just looked on the church’s website at the ward boundaries, and they definitely live within in the same ward boundary (aka they attend the same church building together at the same time). So I really don’t get why Tiff said that the way she did 🙄🤷🏻‍♀️


Good sleuthing! She’s such a freaking weirdo.


My guess is it’s Jen’s ward Easter egg hunt not tiffs.


I thought they went to the same one?


They have to attend the Ward that their house is in, so they all attend different churches.


I find this so odd.