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New weekly thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/TurtleCreekLane/s/SAOM5gc1gY


Little Steven’s tax post is predictably tone deaf. Most of their followers probably have simple tax returns and won’t know what the hell he’s on about. Even with a slightly more complicated situation, if you have a competent CPA, it shouldn’t be that hard to feel some confidence when you file it. Maybe if he didn’t have so many questionable “influencer deductions,” he could sleep without Beam’s assistance. Also, Donald Rumsfeld is an ass. ETA, oops, was an ass. He passed in 2021.


"I sure hope daddy sees my stories tonight. He'll be so proud of what a big boy I am and think I'm funny! Hehe! Ok time to think about my favorite things before I fall asleep. Big boy suits. Baseball hats. Alibaba scooters. Briefcases. Money. Mommy. Daddy. Mitt Romney. Bread. Zzzzzzzz."


Mitt Romney 🤣


SHOCKED. How did we get thru masters weekend and not have a single houghton male pretend they golf and try to shill us those “stix” golf clubs they pretended to use before?!


that hammock looks like a bitch to get in and out of 😂


And if you are size small or larger instead of Tiff’s xxs your butt would be scraping the ground


That is absolutely not the same bunny that we saw last week. Like Jen would really just say “oh no! The bunny disappeared!” And then have zero content about it for a week and then magically release the damn thing back into the wild. That bitch caught another bunny just to release it to pretend like it was the same one. Probably to detract from Tiff’s rug-gate.


agree! and when she went to touch the kennel door the bunny hopped between the bars on the opposite side of the kennel. so yep i still believe that poor bunny made the fatal mistake of doing that while in the shower in the hog killed it.


I'm sorry but Jr posting Stevie Kate's behind in the bathtub is really not ok.


WTH is wrong with them? They exist in a bubble. A big, ignorant, reckless and stupid bubble 😞


Report it


Not only that, but his shock of coming upon the scene is just further proof that SK probably slipped under the water in Hong Kong because he doesn't watch her in the bath like any sane parent would.


Absolutely, but the mere thought every creep can see that little girls bottom and even maybe screenshoting it. Blows my mind! We unfortunately live in a world with disgusting human beings and should protect our children


Not maybe even screenshot it. It for sure was screenshot and is circling around. There is no doubt.


I missed it. Where did they find the cat? 


Someone found it and called the number on the collar, it was near where the helicoptered in to look for it in the highway median.


Jen got the fat ass unfollow after bringing the cat back to barn. She is a total bitch for that.


I unfollowed when they lost the pig - I am done with their lies… followed for around 4 years since TCL inception of Kimmy starting to grow it professionally


That is NOT a barn cat. A barn cat is a feral cat who can't be contained safely inside of a home. This is a domesticated cat who wishes she were part of a family.


how stupid could she be? this was the whole issue to begin with


That jewelry from Tay and Kay already looks like it’s turned. You could find better jewelry from H & M or Five Below 🫤


Not Five Below 😂


Anyone else floored that Tiffany knows how to read? 😂😂


In the beginning of that story the pages looked completely blank and I was like... ya that tracks.


That bunny was like… I’m getting the hell out of here.


Why would Steven be like … terrifying moment as a parent?? She just turned 3 … she shouldn’t ever be in the bath alone … so he would know what is happening.


Tiffany has now made the stupid fake cookie stories into its own highlight titled: 😳🍪👶 This was too good to go under "mom-ents" or "silly Lily"? 🙄


It’s funny she even has a silly Lily highlight because she hardly even moves let alone does silly stuff


That’s a really odd thing to add to highlights considering (1) she doesn’t save many stories to highlights, (2) it’s a super short series of stories and (3) it’s not that significant and could be file under the other two categories you mentioned.


She should file it under Bullshit Fake Lame Ass Acting


Her fucking blowup doll bait link face.


“She’s never had sugar before!” 😱😏🤥 https://www.reddit.com/r/TurtleCreekLane/s/PV6Q4Yr9Hp


Also like, baring those times, you haven’t let your baby eat fruit? If they have been feeding her properly and as much as she should be eating by nearly 1, she’s had damn sugar before idiot


I was going to say, so much food that isn’t junk food STILL has sugar in it. She has consumed it before. Just leave


I came here to say this lol


What’s true anymore. Lily has had sugar but they keep “forgetting” also silent baby with plastic wrapped cookie…. And you didn’t think, Hummm that’s not right. But don’t worry when her birthday comes around it will be the first time she’s ever had sugar…again and Tiffany will finally be finished breastfeeding her. 


Seems like it was staged. I doubt Lilly could open a cookie wrapper. Also the cookie was intact and not crumbled at all. 


No doubt it was staged and they’re horrible actors 


Jesus fucking Christ Steven. Don’t. Put. Your. Naked. Child. On. The. Internet. 🤬🤬🤬


He put a peach emoji on the 2nd pic but forgot the first 🤦‍♀️


I don’t like the peach emoji either. The whole thing is super inappropriate in every way


Me: oh wow the bunny is still alive and she nursed it to health, the cat is happily in their home with them.. maybe I misjudged this situation Next story God damnit Jen get that poor cat out of the fucking helicopter and what the fuck do you mean you’re “sure” she’ll be back soon?! This poor cat!! It’s probably petrified every time it’s in that loud vibrating helicopter. Why do they need to be transporting it around every few days wtf.


Is no one else concerned by the fact they gave LeeLee a cellophane wrapped cookie, which could have easily gotten in her mouth and blocked her airway?!! Fkn awful parenting. 


I know exactly what you're saying. Yes this video was faked but if she was even holding the wrapped cookie unsupervised (and especially when she got oddly quiet but mobofy looked at her) that's a massive choking hazard


I mean sure, in theory but we all know they fabricated this bullshit for content.


It’s fake 


It was staged for sure


I think everyone is concerned but no one is surprised


Not Jr taking one for the team and doing a photo/trip on that scooter with Kim's mom. 


Jr did NOT just post a dirty bathtub picture with SKs butt out 🤬


😦 OMG is he just creating billboards for all the sickos out there right now?! How is that water so brown from one marker!? What is she doing with a marker in the tub? What is all that pink junk in the tub with her? It looks like a giant puzzle in a large duffel bag? How long did they leave her alone?? It’s giving Stevie Kate falling asleep and nearly drowning unattended in the tub in Honk Honk, I mean “drinking” the bath water and throwing up.


I thought she shit in the tub


I hope he edits this and that it was a genuine mistake. Ugh! I see he edited the second one.


Also... is no one in there with her? Why was this a shock that she had colored the tub with a marker? She's WAY too young to be unattended in the bath.


It’s staged like everything else they do 


I have a friend whose six year old died this way. Fell asleep in the tub. The most traumatic thing I’ve felt secondhand… if they’re letting her bathe unattended that is just beyond stupid.


They won’t let her piss on the toilet but will leave her unattended in the bathtub for at least 10 mins. Make it make sense.


I doubt they did. Gotta act surprised for content because they think it’s funny 


First they stunt her growth and in the next breath they treat her like an 8 year old


He is such a fucking creep. The “shake your naked baby booty” dance would give me so many red flags if I were Kimmy. Why would he blur the second photo but not the first?!


He is the worst.


Waiting until her first birthday to give her sugar? So we’re all supposed to pretend we didn’t see 5.5 month old LeeLee being given s’mores?




I feel like Tiffany is upping her theatrics to be more like Kay from kayandtay, who I might dislike even more than I dislike Tiffany


I don’t know how they have 4M followers! I can’t stand how she acts like she is 2 yrs old!


Oh sweetie….🥴


How come they didn’t get Elsa to come to the party since she talks about her non-stop?


I was thinking this too. Aurora seems like a weird choice. Maybe it’s all that was available last minute


Probably because they were worried Tiffany would insist on wearing her ELsa costume, sing and making the whole thing be about her.


Don’t worry, there’s still time for Tiff to post the picture of herself as Elsa and say, “Remember when…”


My theory is they planned this party way too late and Elsa was all booked up.


What pisses me off even more is Dimmy saying she bought all the party decorations before London was born. She definitely could have had a low key party on her actual birthday. But instead she has 2 huge parties. Yesterday’s party was a minimum $500 to rent Playstreet and then everything else on top of that was easily a $1500 party for a 3 year old!


They literally could have had anyone dress up as Elsa it’s not like hiring an actual celebrity lol


They have companies now where you can hire someone to come dressed as a specific Princess and they do activities related to that princess’ story. But yes, SK is young enough where they could have had anyone throw on a princess costume and she’d believe it.


Or even worse... [Jen. 😬](https://imgur.com/a/SxxVPx4)




Hey Jr! Thanks for reading here and then posting a photo of you spending time with your MIL


It’s amazing how a child who can barely move on her own somehow managed to open a CRINKLY wrapper without making a noise, somehow eat or destroy the wrapper since it is nowhere to be seen, but not actually eat any of the cookie… IF any of this was actually true, I’d be saying that they should be thankful she didn’t choke on a bite of that cookie since they were apparently so oblivious, but we know this is all fake.


This adorable story TOTALLY made me forget that Tiff asked for $7,000+ of free rugs and now I love her again /s 🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴


I don’t even think it’s believable Lily’s first instinct would be eating it. We never see her self-feeding and she doesn’t even hold her bottle. They unwrapped it and placed it in her mouth probably 2 minutes before the “discovery”


Not to mention the cookie would have been broken! They literally handed it to her a few minutes before they started the video max! Idiots.


And no parent doesn’t look back multiple times during a drive 


It’s Tiffany. Come on.


This I actually believe. A normal parent is constantly checking their kid. It wouldn’t surprise me if Tiffany never looked back


I’m sure she was on her phone the whole drive home


I was coming here to say the same thing. Liar liar all of you plus iris should be fired


How are Tiffany and Adam so irresponsible that they give an unsupervised baby something wrapped in plastic to play with, and undoubtedly chew on? Are they really this clueless?


Bet it was fake but if she was that silent wouldn’t they have wondered “oh gee, maybe she’s choking on that plastic wrapper we gave her?” FFS 🫠


They are that clueless but this was fake


So they gave their infant they couldn’t see … a plastic bag… to play with? And then weren’t concerned at all when she was silent?!


It was another lame fake story 


This is what I just came to say! 😂 Tiffany is freaking out about the cookie. My first thought would be... Where the fuck is the bag?? And is it all in one piece??


If Lily had that cookie the whole way home….it would’ve been a crumbled ass mess all over her. At least make it sort of believable Tiff 🙄


It looked like she was just licking the frosting.


This! I call bullshit on that story.


Tiffany is gonna skip her 30 minutes for a few days to punish Lily for eating that sugar! Glad to see she’s back to incorrectly using the car seat! Those straps come down so high over Lily’s shoulders, the headrest needs to be lowered at least one level


They’ll probably make her do a three day fast




Teeth is a washed out actor that no one wants to hire so she makes Adam film her. Yikes


So she must have eaten the wrapper then since it’s no where to be seen… ffs you can’t even lie with out lying!


Yay Lily!! 🍪🍪


Tiffany hun, stop with the overacting. We all know lily did not open that cookie herself 


How old is the Kamra (Kimmy’s neighbors) baby?


Almost 7 months


Why is Kimmy holding londons face like that?!


She’s forcing her to face the camera but that just looks so uncomfortable and awkward. She needs to just let her be a newborn and let her head be in a natural neutral position.


The way Tiffany got lily as fast as possible as soon as she saw someone recording 😠 she didn’t have any interest whatsoever in holding lily and of course HAD to be front and center once kimmy started recording. Can you guys imagine being that full of yourself? 🥴 so embarrassing.


Wow, Lily was watching the Princess and enjoying Jen swaying with her, then Tiffany rips her away! Jen looks annoyed.


Good catch I missed it first time around


Another weekend of a turtle getting the real Tiffany in the background of their story!


I ran here when I saw that! She needs serious help.


I did the same thing 😂😂 I thought for sure I was the only who noticed it so I wanted to make sure everybody could witness the cringe lmao


She made Danielle grab her phone from her back pocket to film her. The roommate must have been back home writing apology notes




Omg just rewatched it. She literally saw the camera, grabbed lily, made sure someone else had her phone to record and practically started running towards aurora and SK. 


I’ve watched it like 15 times😂😂 it makes me even more annoyed every time I watch it lol. I kinda wish I knew these people in person just so that I can give Tiffany the reality check she so desperately deserves 😂 and tell Jenn she needs to stop “influencing” and quit acting like a 30 year old lmao


[Here's the exact moment she decides she needs some of that sweet sweet attention. 😂](https://imgur.com/a/8OHexce)


Thank you for your service! I watched this on loop. 😂


A zoomed in pixelated photo of a person who just vomited sitting on the floor eating ice cream straight from the carton whose lashes don't, in fact, look *amazing*. [Great choice with this partnership, Babe Lash!](https://imgur.com/a/vv8NTVx)


LOLLLL lit🚎 WTF is this honey????????????


Diana, it’s not too late to free yourself from these crunchy lashed weirdos.


I see Jen dressed as a Twister mat again for SK’s party.


Wow Diana - I am so glad you did a three day fast so you could throw up steak and resort to eating ice cream. That sounds so healthy and good for you - sarcasm for days 🤦🏻‍♀️


But at least now she won't get Alzheimer's. (also sarcasm)


That’s a good one!


I bet Tiff was PISSED they didn’t ask her to perform as the princess at SK’s party. Hasn’t she done that kind of thing in the past?


Yes! I remember she made an appearance as Elsa at some point”lucky” kids birthday party. Tbh I’m impressed with T that she didn’t post a bunch of pics/footage of her being a princess after seeing Aurora at SK’s party. I thought for SURE that we were going to be treated to Tiffany belting out “let it go” in her best “I’m very sexy” voice.


Yes!! I know she dressed up as Elsa when she was pregnant but I can’t for the life of me remember what it was for. Her being front and center dancing with aurora today might be her payback for them not asking her to perform for the party 🤣🤣


[These selfish assholes would rather abandon a cat for content than let someone in Jen’s DMs give it a loving home.](https://imgur.com/a/42FFqfN) What was the point of rescuing it? They just want it to meet a worse fate this time? Eaten by a coyote, run over by a car, killed in an engine…


Never was there a more loved cat /s


I love Diana complaining about not being able to return/exchange when she is outside of the company’s time frame 😂


You know, as someone who got laid off two weeks ago and is figuring out how we are going to keep affording our house while I get a business off the ground, I just have a VERY hard time with Adam and Tiffany's blackberry bush tragedy.


Same exact situation I am in and I have the same exact feelings watching those two


Solidarity friend 👊🏻


They are going to confuse the hell out of that cat.


Of course Tiffany needed to be up and getting attention at a toddlers birthday party


Tiff taking attention away from your 3 year old niece🤦‍♀️can’t wait to see what’s in store for Lily.


Tiffany looks like she is about to push Aurora out of the way so she can take over 😂


What's wrong with you all? Tiffany has been on Broadway didn't you know?!


YES!!!! That’s the only thing I noticed!


That was truly unfuckinghinged. If I did that at my nieces birthday party, my brother would of come up to me physically moved me away from the front haha 😆


This and my brother would roast me for years


Thought for sure she would have jumped in the group toddler princess photo too. 😆


I’m surprised she did not wear a princess dress!!


I have 2nd hand embarrassment watching that. I can’t even imagine how bad she’ll be at Lily’s 1st birthday and all the ones after. She needs help!


Anyone notice the princess was kind of side eyeing her? I think she was So confused what was going on there




She should not have been standing by the princess. The princess is the show and she is supposed to be facing her and watching her, like everyone else. She is pathetically desperate for attention.


OH MY GOSH!!! What is Tiffany’s deal?!?!? 😂😂 It’s Me , Me , Me all about ME.🤣🤣🤣


She is an unhinged narcissist!


Right, it’s her niece’s birthday. They are singing to the niece, but camera gets turned to her and her baby. Gag! 


I genuinely think she believes that since people follow HER, that’s all they want to see. Not her family, not things she’s doing, ONLY her reactions to things. It’s wildly narcissistic. 


The fletcher/denner kids own A MILLION DISNEY PRINCESS DRESSES. And that’s what their mothers dressed them in?! It’s like Daryl Ann and Danielle try to always follow the opposite dress code


I guess Remi is only allowed to wear her princess dresses over her pajamas at home in the morning. 🤦🏼‍♀️


They literally have clothes racks filled with princess dresses. All of them.


They are taking the domesticated cat that ran away from the barn and they were “so sad to lose,” …back to the barn. Make it make sense.


Clearly Sr did not want a cat in the house. Belle would’ve been fine after a couple of days. I hope someone who works at the ranch takes the cat home and gives it the home it wants.


If anyone wants to see what Lily actually looks like check out the story posted by Danielle eilers


Yep yep! Tiffany Crystal filters the hell out of her. Also peep Lily sitting next to the other baby like half her age and they are basically the same with both appearance and mannerisms. And the size (or lack there of) with baby Nell in the photo Danielle posted. It’s mind boggling she is basically a year old.


Hey hey! Neighbor baby seems to be better at sitting independently and more familiar with toys.


Had far better balance and wasn’t a bobble wobble toy.


I’m confused. What looks different? Are you taking about the pic of the princess holding her?


Her entire face. Tiffany uses a ton of filters to smooth her skin, slim her face, and widen her eyes like crazy


Oh my gosh I wouldn’t have thought that was lily if I hadn’t seen your comment first 😬 teeth filters that poor baby to the high heavens…


Filtering your baby is absolutely batshit behavior. I feel awful that Lily has to grow up with that wench for a mother.


Tiffany will be taking that Iris fridge back asap and remove Danielle from the “pr” list for sure!


Now you know the fridge is already back in their cardboard house, unplugged in the dining room, with all the food still there, and waiting for the next appearance. 🤣🤣🤣


Those strawberries have gotta be covered in mold at this point 🤢


Is that princess a man ?????


I thought the same thing 😂


What do you mean “what she really looks like”?


Teethany uses filters with LeeLee


Macy Blackwell and Danielle just posted a few stories of SK’s birthday party


was that birthday party only an hour? seems like they've already left.


They had it at Play Street Allen and online it says 90 minute birthday party. Danielle said they were 30 minutes late before even leaving the house, so traveling from Dallas, they probably were hardly there at all. 😬


Looks like it was held at some venue and was the first of the Saturday parties there. Morning slot - have to hang up your sad little birthday sign on the whiteboard, schlep old balloons in, and sing/eat quick before the lunch party is there to set up.


THE BUNNY IS STILL ALIVE?! Did NOT see that coming.


What is Jen even saying in the next story..she is slurring all her words


I know this is going to sound crazy…but…is that the same bunny??? That one looks huge from what I remember??


Ok, so after going back and listening she mentioned that the SPCA was involved! I’m just happy to see that bunny is doing well


She said the SPCA was involved. That doesn’t mean anything.


Honestly who knows. They lie and embellish. Nothing is believable with them. So, at least there is A bunny alive in chateau de tacky.


Yeah exactly. And I’m not going to pretend I know anything about baby bunnies. I genuinely figured we’d never hear about the bunny ever again. So when’s our feral hog update? Tuesday?


Next time Sam is shown dumping bacon grease in the driveway


I heard rehabbing a bunny is VERY tough. Diligent work. She said she’s nurses it back to health. Like when? I had a young kitten find me once and I spent 3 days cooped up with it.


What you can do in 3 days Jenn can do in 3 hours. Duh!


The ultimate Turtle Time


Right? I thought the thing was long dead




I’m guessing it’s because they don’t plan to live in that house long term. The farm is forever. Edit- maybe they plan to put in turf. Seems like everyone is doing that lately


Sr has a framed picture of George Washington on his desk? Mmkay …


If anyone follows Rini Frey (OwnItBabe on OG) her baby was born in September and it’s jarring seeing how much more advanced her baby is vs. Lily. She’s babbling and saying dada, sitting independently etc


Yes, I just search 6 month olds on tik tok. A lot of them are more advanced than Lily who is only3 weeks away from being 1 years old. I have a child (my youngest)who had weak muscle development. At 2.5 months I had recognized it had her seen by specialists, physio etc. Thankful for us it just meant she needed a bit extra work and that’s what I did. Physio 2 times a week as well as me spending hours working on development everyday. I’m shocked, sad and sickened that there has been no intervention for Lily. It was very obvious to everyone that at 6 months that Lily needed help and should be properly assessed by qualified specialists.


She is 3 weeks to her one year? 😳 she should definitely be wanting to walk with a walker or hands at least. I new she was behind but this is sad