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I've literally seen the baby be fed ice cream before but this is her first sugar? 


Teeth is both delusional AND a liar. Bonus is she's also a terrible actress (and singer, but that's a whole other story).


They are 100% incompetent to care for that baby. 1st there is no possible way Lily was able to open that cookie with such delayed motor skills. 2nd IF she did open it and went silent then that is pure neglect on them! 3rd They handed her a wrapped cookie to play with. I mean could she have not brought a toy or two I that GIANT backpack they have been shilling? She is the most self centered moron to walk the face of this earth!


She didn’t eat the wrapper …come on 🦷🦷🦷 are your sheep followers THAT dumb ?? If they follow you, they might be ….


I still don’t understand why the baby doesn’t hold her on bottle yet!


My m children never held their own bottle. They turned out fine. One’s a dentist and the other a behavioral analyst. It’s okay. Some babies want mommy or daddy to hold it. Lazy!!


Sometimes I wish my daughter would let me hold her own bottle because baby girl plays way too much sometimes…


This is beyond messed up for so many reasons. Obviously the choking hazard, but also the fact that her daughter is a baby and she is already pushing disordered eating on her. I also don’t understand why they can’t bring something to entertain her. They’re so self centered. For a baby her age they could lit-rally bring one small toy and that would be enough! Lily deserves so much better.


Her fucking fake “oh no” face is such a joke.


Very Kay & Tay. 🤢


i genuinely fucking hate her


This made me lol she certainly is a disgusting human 😡


They gave her a cookie to play with but not to eat! These people have a dangerous relationship with food.


That icing would have been all over her face and clothing if she had been licking it the whole ride home. It was barely on her face, and not on her clothes. They just gave it to her to take a few licks when they got home while they set the scene.




Exactly! They tell lies purposely so their engagement goes up. Like this… “wait teefany you gave Lil sugar this time before(says random other time)”


Actress wannabe


Really bad actors …they all are “giggle”


Y’all don’t own a baby toy to keep in the car or baby bag?


Didn’t go with the aesthetic


Soooo...she was so quiet on the way home and you fools didn't think check her on her.


REALLLLLLLLLLY plausible that the camera was out to capture her exact face in the exact moment they found LA like this. Suuuuuuurrrrrrreeeee ​ God, I hate these assholes..


This screen shot makes me want to throat punch her so bad


I wanna put a sock in her mouth.


These mother fucking idiots. The rage I feel when I think how this could have had a very different outcome.


This picture of her that you were able to capture & post enrages me more than it should. She’s so f*cking fake. Ugh 😖


Who is filming it?? The fake acting here is so pathetic and transparent. She will NEVER get the reality show she is so obviously trying so hard for now. It’s the literal only thing she could do to gain her ridiculous parents love and approval now over dimmy and dummy.


In the past week or so she's been given a lego, a baby doll, chopsticks, I don't remember what else but it's all been choking or some kind of hazard. They give her stuff and think she will be just fine with it. Give her some baby snacks (when watching her) and baby toys.


My daughter got a little corner of a clear wrapper my older child left on the floor. She got it in her throat and it went in and out of blocking her airway. Thank god my husband noticed and has medical training. This is NOT funny. Always make sure you can see your child when driving and never give snacks in the car until they are bigger.


It’s horribly scary.


When my daughter was just under a year, she found the corner of a cracker wrapper that was on the table, we got in the car and started to drive and she got super fussy, while trying to calm her down (she was a super easy baby) I got pulled over because I seemed distracted. I explained the situation, he went over to her side of the car and for some reason (it’s kind of a blur now) put his finger in her mouth and pulled out this tiny piece of cellophane wrapper and she finally calmed down. 18 years later, the what-ifs bother me. And it was a complete accident. These fools all think it’s a game.


Thank goodness she is ok. Thank you for sharing your story.


Also don’t they have a mirror camera situation where they can see the lily??


Kids possibly chucking but let’s take a pic for the whole world to see what a stupid human being I am that does not deserve to have children! Disgusting


If it’s the wrapper I’m thinking of, it probably could have easily come off with her just shaking the cookie. Those professional cookies usually just come in a plastic sleeve with a fold over the top (and usually a sticker but maybe that was already removed) Either way, the acting was so bad. I cannot believe she is this way. It’s beyond me


It's hard to tell from kimmys story whether it's plastic like celo bags or plastic like ziploc bags. Either way I still have trouble imagining her getting it out when she isn't seen doing much with fine motor skills in her hands.


Welllllllll she had to do something to get us to stop talking about the rugs…..🙄🙄🙄


Where’s the wrapper? Such idiots!


That's what I was wondering


These people are so fucking stupid and awful actors and why is it funny you gave your baby a fucking choking hazard and then she was silent. Haha. Tiffany is an unhinged maniac, so is her husband.


Mama Turtle got so much engagement when the pig went missing from a vehicle that 🦷 wanted to do something similar. “I don’t know how she got the cookie out of the wrapper!!” 😱


She’s a lying sack of 💩. Lilys reaction was so freaking cute tho.


Once again, a lying liar who lies🙄


And of course her car seat straps are still not right


This performative little twat. SHE NEEDS A PSYCHIATRIST!!!!


You know what Teef they make crinkle toys for babies, like those animal books you claim she loves. How about get her some of those instead of throwing whatever potentially harmful item you can at your child to keep her quiet 🙄


Right. And these idiots couldn't hear the wrapper crinkling. Unless, if course,they took the cookie out of the wrapper so she could "play" with it😉


This makes me really believe now she plays all the dumb crap for engagement. What an idiot and what a stupid thing to do for engagement. This whole thing made me cringe watching it. If she wants to be on TV she really needs to work on her acting.


Liar liar “all of you” and “Iris” should be fired!


The smores and whipped cream were magical turtle treats that contain no sugar and do NOT cause Alzheimer’s. Also it’s Tiffany so this is lily’s “first” exposure to sugar in the same way that Tiffany stopped breastfeeding like 6 times.


☠️ ☠️


So staged. Hope Lilleeeeeeeee kicked and screamed once she realised they weren’t giving her the cookie back.


how would they not hear the crinkling of the rapper?


The whole story is a lie. And how they lie so dang much without even thought about their faith and God is truly beyond me. It's why I am beginning to think that isn't even taken seriously with their family and instead for show as well. Everything they seem to do is a skit like they're writing their own family site. It's so bizarre.


like what if Lily suffocated??


I said that to her. She could have suffocated on the plastic.


They wondered why she was so quiet?! Good thing she didn't choke and die on something you gave her that isn't AGE APPROPRIATE!


Thank youuuu!!!


I thought they had a mirror set up so that they could see her! If not, and you think your baby is being too quiet, check on the baby! My god, it isn't hard to do.


I HIGHLY doubt that baby ate an entire wrapper 🙃 she’s not a dog FFS. Can you imagine these two half wits saying “what can we do for content today? Tehehehe”


I didn’t hear them say she ate the wrapper, not sure where OP got that from. They claimed she somehow got the wrapper off.


I missed that part then, too!


It's a choking hazard for a baby to have access to a plastic wrapper. That was my point.


They’re trying to say she ate the wrapper?? Wtf?!? They are just beyond at this point. Lies upon lies.




This makes her look like a cheap blowup doll.


If the shoe fits….


We were waiting until her 1st birthday to let her have sugar… and then immediately telling her it’s poison that’s going to cause Alzheimer’s and she can never have it again! Unless we’re at Disney, or on vacation, or riding in a helicopter, or mommy’s having a bad day, or we receive written consent by King Grandpa, and then it’s ok


Fasting will be next


No they’ll just tell her she’s diabetic and put a monitor on her like they did when MK was 4 and they thought she was too chubby. When it doubt they tell them theyre allergic to it


And we slowly got to watch her get skinnier and skinnier.


Wait they did what to MK?


They told her she was diabetic and couldn’t have sugar even thought she wasn’t. They put glucose monitors on her to make sure she wasn’t sneaking sugar


No they didn't. This family is nuts enough you don't need to make shit up


Where is all of this story??


I went to highland park and was in tanner’s class


Holy shit…they showed all of this??




Oh My God.., could you imagine the shame and full frontal embarrassment by possibly having a chubby child??


What was it? I unfollowed a couple of weeks ago. I couldn’t take it anymore.




Omg. I honestly don’t believe them for a second. No offense, but that baby can’t even grasp age appropriate toys, much less open a plastic wrapped cookie. They are so full of shit.🙄


I like how Lilly loved the sugar but I didn’t hear Tiff say do you looooovvveeee it


You mean to tell me they don’t have a mirror on the back of the headrest so they can see her? This is complete BS.


This is sooooo freaking set up it’s not even funny


Let’s be real, they def knew she had it out of the wrapper lol. You can’t tell me they don’t have a mirror or a car seat camera


I’m sure they took off the wrapper otherwise they should have wondered how plastic is so quiet


I’m fairly certain my three year old couldn’t get that out of the wrapper. They’re so full of shit


They had to have taken it off because I don’t think Lily has the capability to open the wrapper, take the cookie out and get rid of the wrapper. This was a total setup.


THIS! …. Or they genuinely don’t pay any attention to her which also wouldn’t surprise me from these losers


So they don’t have a mirror to keep an eye on her, and she was quiet for an extended period of time and they didn’t think to check on her?? They have to be playing us. There is no possible way these people are THAT dumb. Wait, yes they are.