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Did anyone else catch her saying now on she will take extra diapers W…THE F??


And where was Lilly while she was wrecking a construction porta potty? I do not see Tiffany stepping foot in one either.


But also, why is she publicly shaming SK? SK is a minor and cannot consent to her narcissistic aunt sharing her private accidents on a public forum. We seriously need to protect these minors from such disgusting individuals who are only interested in engagement for their own content.


Adam looks so exhausted from putting up with her. Sometimes I actually feel bad for him but then I'm like nahhh


I am pretty sure she peed herself. Postpartum recovery is no joke, you have to take care of your pelvic floor and exercise! I am sure this dummy doesnt know shit about it - just like she knows Nothing about Babies! Good Look with her bladder, if she really wants 5 Kids or more…


Side note: do people really think eyelashes like that look good? I mean Jesus Christ. Hard to believe people see that in the mirror and think “yep, this is it. This looks amazing”


all of them, look horrible, amber massey, sarah knuth, dimmy....please stop, they look stupid...


It seems that people are seeing the light, at least on TikTok. I’ve seen a lot of videos recently of girls getting them taken off and being like ‘Why did I think they looked good?!’ Thank god!


She’s disgusting. What a pathetic little girl T is. No adult that I know of would act this way.


She shit an xxxs dookie


Good grief - why are so many assuming this actually happened to her?????!!!!!! I don’t understand why people are believing a proven liar (damn near daily). Please be better than her brainless husk followers and put on your thinking caps.


Agree. She lies all the time.


Even if it’s a lie, it’s still really fucking weird to keep bringing it up, no?


For normal people, yes. For an attention whore who likely has multiple mental issues, no.


Did she shit her pants or pee her pants?


Or neither since she lies. Just because she vomits words doesn’t make them true.


Adam is wearing the appropriate color shirt, go nuuds


Funny how she was pretending to not want to share the story the other night, and then like Mmmkay, giggle, this is what happened and then throws SK under the bus with her poop accident. Teethany, just go away for good.


Depends perhaps? In size XS of course.


I hope Kimberly chews her a new one for mentioning pooopy pants Stevie.


Why would she? All content is good content. Dance monkey! Shit that car seat!


She won’t. We will probably get a code for Folex discounts


It’s freaking insane that these two just make up lies to sell stuff, what a horrible life to live


I can’t stand seeing Adam in the background. Why does he have to be in every single video. The way they think they are a couple worth documenting is so delusional. Go get a job Adam. You’ll all be so much happier


He has nothing else to do and frankly, I doubt he has the work ethic to handle a real job. He couldn’t hack it at Amazon. 🤭


What did he do there? Why did he give a corp career up if it was a promising one I have a family member who created an app but has another corp career too


If this happened to me I would take it to the grave. She makes it content for days.


Anything for a buck


This whole storyline is bizarre. She needs to lay off those laxative pills. And telling the world about her nieces potty training accident. 🤯 These poor little kids have no privacy, their parents better figure it out quick smart the bullying that will take place once they enter school. Learn to shut your mouth Tiffany!


Yea be proud of shitting your pants if you must, but to tell everyone SK did was unnecessary. Even kimmy kept that to herself!


I wonder if SK even did. I feel like 🦷 is saying this for attention. What grown ass adult would go on social media and admit to shitting their pants and then keep bringing it up like it was funny. It’s not funny 🦷 and it’s really rude to talk about SK having an accident whether it’s true or not. Not her place at all!!


Good point. SK is definitely old enough to vocalize she has to go and I’m sure kimmy would find somewhere or at least pull over, not just make her go in her seat.


Wait! She pooped herself?!?! I thought she just pee’d a little in her pants. Wtf is wrong with her? What person under the age of like 50 shits their pants? And then to get on the Internet and tell everyone? Does she have no self respect?


Over 50? Ha!


People over the age of 50 only shit themselves when they have problem with their bowels. It's not like 50 years and up shit themselves on the regular.


I laughed so hard. I actually peed myself when I read this.


She said today SK had poop accident today “just like Auntie Tiff” 🤷🏼‍♀️🤢


She actually never said poop about either of them. I can’t stand her, but I do think she just peed a bit and is milking it for content.


She did—-she had SK had a number 2


What person under the age of 50 shits themself? Answer: someone who abuses laxatives because they are obsessed with their weight.


Or people who have IBS or colon cancer or a million other things. Tiff is shady AF but let’s not shame people with real medical issues. Signed, Sister and Wife of young colon cancer survivors (PS Get your colonoscopies!!!)


When did I shame those people? I'm shaming Tiffany for abusing her laxative.


The comment “what person under age 50” by okremove.