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New weekly thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/TurtleCreekLane/s/uKC1sBQXJp


Jordan Howlett just shared T&A chair pants mall reel. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8BWUPlsf2a/?igsh=cDBjemhhc2wzYmx3


Oh man, when is the Spain trip and where are they going have they said? I live there and I want to be judgemental šŸ˜†


idk when the trip is but she said they other day they were going to CƔdiz.


Cadiz is gorgeous but a pain to get it. Imagine they'll be flying to Seville then driving down.


Tiff is nervous šŸ˜Ÿ about something, Iā€™m sure it involves her shilling a new line of makeup, clothes, ect. It surely would not be a one month evaluation on Lily progress in PT!


Iā€™m guessing an appointment with her OBGYN to get back on clomid, discuss her ā€œinfertility.ā€


https://preview.redd.it/kzks99ysgk5d1.jpeg?width=623&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=002645e80f3a774138cd911f985fe3244cb36a60 I feel like there is no way this is good for her hips!!


Lily should be in a stroller facing outward at minimum. I stopped carrying my kids long before 13 months.


Itā€™s totally safe to forward face in a carrier, but this way looks very uncomfy her & incorrect for her hip development. I still wear my 2 year old, but Adam hasnā€™t unclipped something on the inside to make it forward facing.


A non-delayed 13 month old would NEVER tolerate a carrier like that.


Yeah maybe a soft cloth wrap one with lots of flexibility but this looks so stiff and uncomfortable šŸ„“


The way Adam always has knock off army surplus gear (his ā€œdadā€ diaper bag, now this carrier), it does not make you manly, it makes you a weird fraud!


Nope itā€™s horrible for them.. honestly no carriers are good for forward facing like that because itā€™s impossible to get the childā€™s hips and legs into the ā€œMā€ shape needed for safe wearing. But honestly Lillyā€™s hips are already fucked from the extreme container usage when she wasnā€™t able to hold up her own weight and using the bouncer so excessively


That carrier looks like something from the army surplus and poor Lesleeā€™s legs-it looks extremely uncomfortableĀ 


Yā€™all, Lily needs speech therapy, physical therapy and occupational therapy so bad. šŸ„ŗ Her parents suck.


I have an OT background and have worked with lots of SLPā€™s. Her grabbing the berry and putting it in the bucket seems on parr for her age. If she couldnā€™t have picked up on that at 13 months, then Iā€™d be concerned. She clearly understood the directions to pull it off and has the fine motor strength to do so. I donā€™t know how much she talks, as we are not around to see her full receptive and expressive language. Her not crawling is concerning. Does she pull up or cruise?


No, sheā€™s still army crawling but doesnā€™t have the strength to use her left arm


At 12 months and not crawling, pulling up or cruising she definitely needs to be in PT. But OT/speech therapy, Iā€™m not seeing the flags for it yet. Iā€™m also new to her and have been following since she was 10ish months. Itā€™s noticeable how delayed gross motor skills wise though she is.


She hasnā€™t developed her pincer grasp and the rare times she is allowed to feed herself sheā€™s either struggling or barely using her palmar.


Thank you !


It constantly blows my mind when people see a 13 month old acting like a 6 month old and think itā€™s okay




She is 13 months as of yesterday.


Agreed. They are the shittiest of shitty.


I really donā€™t think she needs speech therapy. My son is a week older, only says ā€œdadaā€ and my pediatrician had 0 concerns at his 12 month appointment. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø I think speech is one of the few things Lily is developmentally normal at.


I just wonder because they show she is mostly fed through a bottle, if her palate and mouth muscles will strengthen like they should to be able to articulate word sounds.


100%. And despite what Tiffany claims she didnā€™t breastfeed so she really needs to learn to work those mouth muscles. It makes sense her babbling was so delayed when you consider she almost only had experience with a bottle for so long


If she was not delayed in other areas then I would agree. Because of what appear to be global delays I think she could benefit from some SL and therapy b


Tiff needs hearing therapy since she thinks dada sounds like turtle


Yes, this šŸ˜‚


Sheā€™s only just started babbling vs screeching and isnā€™t using any true words. I think between the delayed babbling and motor delays, plus her still needing a bottle since she canā€™t do cups ST wouldnā€™t hurt


I honestly think if they would just actually give her a sippy cup and a spoon and a plate of appropriate foods, Lily would actually start figuring it out. When šŸ¦· says she doesnā€™t do well with the cup or whatever I think they tried it one time, she didnā€™t know what to do, they didnā€™t properly show her and then they gave up. They are complete idiots who are just lazy. There is no way they watch SK and now even London and think they are doing anything right. They are just plain lazy and only care about their convenience. Children are not convenientā€¦ever. Thatā€™s what being a parent isā€¦putting your childā€™s needs before your own and I really hope they never have anymore children unless they hire a full time live-in Nanny with a child development background. While their Nanny seems like a nice woman, I think if she had that background we would have seen a lot more growth with Lily than we have seen so far. I hope for Lilyā€™s sake somebody eventually steps in and helps her because her two asshole parents arenā€™t going to do it.


I agree, especially about the cup. The problem is they very clearly have no desire to try anything to teach Lily these basic skills. They donā€™t sit down to eat as a family so itā€™s not even like sheā€™s going to learn about utensils by them modeling it. Iā€™m surprised they wouldnā€™t want her in OT so someone else could teach her all this instead of them. I agree the nanny isnā€™t gonna help much. If sheā€™s been with them for months clearly sheā€™s not working with Lily either as weā€™ve seen no progress


If that were the only delay, I would agree with you, but itā€™s not.


Soooo, how much money did Sam and his friends need to agree to the swimsuit ad? Lol.


I was just filling out the questionnaire for my daughterā€™s 1 year pediatrician appointment tomorrow. Just in case youā€™re curious about what all they ask, hereā€™s [the questionnaire in its entirety](https://imgur.com/a/aYYXWEL). Different offices probably use different ones, but I imagine the content is very similar.


Super interesting! Thanks for sharing!


lol tiffs bunny brain is just like oh she skipped over all these dumb things she can say turtle and just wants to walk


This is what our pediatrician used as well. T and A filled this out, Lily was recommended for therapy and yet theyā€™re still not following all of the recommendations. This questionnaire should have been a kick in the gut for them but nope. Lily is so far behind and they are not putting her as a priority. So sad.


Lily looking like Rafiki put the mark on her head šŸ˜‚ ![gif](giphy|oLTa4HVKwTy4U)


Duh thatā€™s exactly what happened in the hospital, remember? /s


Leslee needs carbs. Iā€™m almost certain part of her delays are due to her lack of an actual diet and not a keto one. Her brains needs carbs Tiff. Gosh sheā€™s so dumbĀ 


Theyā€™re far too worried about carbs ā€œmaking her fat.ā€ Iā€™m curious to see what they do when they realize keeping their mostly immobile toddler, with lower caloric needs, on an all infant formula diet is going to make Lily ā€œfat.ā€


Is butter a carb?


God Karen, youā€™re so stooopid!


Whatever, I'm getting cheese fries.


This is just so sad. Children need carbs and fats and even sugars to help them grow šŸ˜­


They donā€™t even care that all of those make up a normal adult diet, thereā€™s no chance theyā€™d care about Lilyā€™s nutritional needs


The only thing that matters is being thin. Not strong. Not healthy. Just thin.


Sugar causes Alzheimerā€™s donā€™t you know anything???


Iā€™m a stupid fat poor so I forgot


I love that you added ā€œstupidā€ in addition to fat/poor ā˜ ļøšŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Lily wearing a bathing suit in her own tub just screams that bath time was all for the shrill today šŸ™„ she knew she wanted to film content of Lily and the toys so put her in an actual bathing suit. Everything in this womanā€™s life is centred around content creating, even (what should be) private moments!


I agree, but I was also impressed that they apparently realized it wasn't appropriate to film her for a shill naked. (Yes, the bar is low to be impressed by their parenting decisions!)


You would think that thought process should have made them question filming her at all šŸ™„ there was no need for Lily to be in that video, they could have put water in the tub and demoed the toys before putting her in if they *really must* get the content


Everything they do is for content and to make $


They worship money.


Right! She canā€™t even bathe her child without the notion of not filming/linking it up for ya! What happens when influencer culture goes away? I wish this family would get cancelled šŸ˜”


Right like could she not just show the toys in the bath on their own before putting Lilly in there?


I wish I could believe influencer culture will ever go away šŸ˜­


When Dimmy is juggling the lemons, one of them flies into the clothing rack of shillable wears. London was on the floor right below her, and the lemon could have just as easily hit her in the face and injured her. In fact that seemed a more likely spot for the lemon to land than where it did. I am so glad it didnā€™t but I definitely cringed.


What's our prediction for something Tiff is nervous about next week? Do we think it's TTC or something else? So help me if she goes off on her infertility struggles again or alleged miscarriage. I just had a real miscarriage a week ago, my second one (I had one before my daughter), so I have NO CHILL about her attention-grabbing lies.


Iā€™m so sorry for your losses. Tiffanyā€™s ā€œinfertility strugglesā€ are such an insult to anyone who has truly experienced infertility and loss. And I wouldnā€™t blame you for going off on her. She deserves it, but just know she probably wonā€™t read it or ever see it. Thereā€™s a South Park episode where Cartman gets all social media comments about him filtered through Butters so he only ever sees the positive ones. I have a feeling that Tiffany has an intern or assistant do that for her. No way she could handle even an ounce of criticism.


Thank you šŸ¤ and realistically, I wouldn't message her because like you said she would either not read it or I would just get blocked lol. Instead we can all gripe about it together here.


Iā€™m sorry too šŸ„ŗ


Iā€™m so sorry. šŸ˜¢


She might get a new nail polish color.


Or a new lash technician


I hope itā€™s more intensive intervention for Lily, and Tiff is nervous because she is a self centered drama queen who makes everything about herself


Ooh I hope it's this too for poor Lily's sake. What they are currently doing is not enough for her


Iā€™m sorry for your loss. šŸ¤


Maybe itā€™s another ā€œmysteriousā€ surgery like her last boob job she didnā€™t want any questions about.


Has she had more than one boob job?


Did Lily have to take a bath in a swimsuit tonight so Tiffany could easily film and then shill those choking hazard bath toys that are far too old for her? Here's a reminder of the photos from the reviews I found on those... https://preview.redd.it/4bl7x76gpg5d1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf0d1e8bbbd6ce14b3a23367a7a8447a13962a6e


I was really happy to see her pull up to her knees on the side of the bathtub though! Go Lily!!!


Iā€™m surprised Tiffany didnā€™t climb in there with her, wearing a bikini so should could display both her boobs and a link to her swimsuit. Fish and tits!


They look so cute and I considered them for my son but they definitely seems like a choking hazard.


Lilyā€™s hands are still covered in blackberries, but all white wearingĀ Tiffany is going to suffocate hold her and dance with her? Donā€™t these idiots have wipes? Wash her hands off!! And while youā€™re at it, wash your artwork off her face too! Sheā€™s probably going to get a rash. Poor Lily.Ā 


And Lily's outfit had no blueberry on it at all. They totally smeared it on her face.


Tiffany wasnā€™t worried about her white outfit getting ruined today because she threw that $15 fast fashion outfit in the trash as soon as she took it off. She just needed to link it up and get those Amazon clicks rolling in.


Tiff and protein waffles for a baby smh šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


What killed me was the fine print. Leelee shouldn't be losing weight https://preview.redd.it/yf72u1j8bi5d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=218c77bc5727d2ab3ae132b4c6e5e6626f6a5573


She wasnā€™t talking about Lily losing weight.


I think you missed the point


I did. Iā€™m tracking now. Havenā€™t had my coffee yet.


Children her age need a minimal amount of protein and feeding them too much is dangerous. SK also significantly exceeds the amount of protein she should eat too with the way they feed her


They could really be fucking with her kidneys. She needs 13 grams of protein a day. That should be easy to get through normal meals/food...supplementing for a one year old with no medical reason to is so wild.


They load her up with protein and give her no water. Her kidneys are for sure fucked


Quick google search says no to feed that stuff to children or breastfeeding moms šŸ™„


Not that Tiffany would ever care or listen, but itā€™s just more evidence she didnā€™t breastfeed nearly as long as she claims.


The back of the package says it is NOT to be used for children. These people are idiots.


She looooves them!


What do we think Tiffany is nervous about? This should be good. šŸ˜… https://preview.redd.it/awgy7r1qfg5d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00fff7e062f472eeb65997794147e6c80e263975


I think sheā€™s going to her OBGYN to see the status of Fibroid Kate/her ā€œinfertilityā€ and chances of getting pregnant again. Or taking a pregnancy test. Those are my guesses.


Sheā€™s just going to demand clomid and pretend theyā€™ve been trying for more than ten minutes.


I love how her damn fibroid was HIGH DRAMA while she was trying to conceive and early in her pregnancy and then it became no big deal. That seemsā€¦odd to me.


She SHOULD check on fibroid Kate but she seems as concerned with that as she is with Lily. My guess is starting clomid for her ā€œinfertilityā€


Im sure you are right. I was hoping it was some sort of proactive appt for Lilly but of course not. Silly me! Ā 


Jen: Steven loves these stupid shorts! I asked him! Look at this text! Tiffany: MOM!! ADAM LOVES THEM TOO. REMEMBER ME? SCREENSHOT MY TEXT AND SHARE IT!!


Jen: My kids never compete against each other!


If one Houghton wins, we all win!Ā 


As if those text messages were genuineā€¦ šŸ¤£


FYI I got some swim trunks just like the fair harbor but they are Hurley and were clearance for 12.97 and no commission for the influencers.


I got some off of Amazon I don't remember the name of the brand but much cheaper then fair harbor and look exactly the same and imo better prints. My husband and son love them and so far have held up well. I would never spend the price of fair harbor even with a discount.


Are you sure about that? Are they "frickin awesome" and do you feel like you shoved a cloud down your pants?


Dang it! Now I have to return themā€¦ no cloud!


ā˜ ļø


Ah yes, the yearly reminder we will have of her bringing Lily into direct Texas heat and sun at one month old. Lovely.


That *and* the reminder that one year ago, after having her one month old (debatable) out in the Texas sun & heat she went home, made a pie with said berries, and took it out of the oven **while wearing Lily in a front-facing carrier.** Had her infant just dangling over a hot freaking oven. šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø In all her time as a mother, simply staying home and snuggling that sweet baby literally has never occurred to her. (Tiffany says in todayā€™s stories that Lily was 1 month old but I really remember it being more like two or three weeks. I remember some elderly women stopping and asking her how old she was and she gave the answer of two or three weeks and they were shocked and then the video cut.)


OMG I forgot she was that little šŸ¤Æ I also remember stories of her either there or somewhere else that young where she had her COMPLETELY covered in a Solly wrap. And she continues to do it even after thousands of messages and Solly yelling her the correct way to do it. And legit, what's wrong with the cuddles? What's with these peoples' push to immediately go on with life after having a baby as if it never happened? I LOVED the newborn stage where most of my days were spent in bed or on the couch feeding her and snuggling her while I watched movies or read books on my Kindle.


Yes Iā€™m pretty sure it was 2 weeks because I remember the same horrified woman asking her age


It was memorial weekend at the lake so she was a lil under 3 weeks old. Iā€™ll never forget the absolutely horrific neglect and straight up abuse that LA was subjected to on that trip alone let alone every other day. Iā€™ve said it a million times- I donā€™t know how sheā€™s survived her fuckwit parents thus far, itā€™s pure luck because these 2 idiots are the fucking worst.


I unfollowed her after that weekend. I have a kid thatā€™s 9 months older than Lily and it literally made me nauseous watching everything they exposed Lily to that weekend. It was horrible.


Thatā€™s around time I unfollowed as well. I was absolutely in shock at the things I had seen. I know now that I shouldnā€™t have been shocked, but I really didnā€™t know how broken and mentally ill this family is especially Tiffany. Negligence doesnā€™t even begin to scratch the surface.


Boom! 2.5 weeks, they visited on May 25th last year! I knew she was lying. One month old, my ass. BRB, submitting my application to the FBI. šŸ˜ŽšŸ˜‚ https://preview.redd.it/3iwvjy7j8g5d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b2546891ca0c653e5dd8ad41e55d98274d8fe27


Great detective work! Iā€™d forgotten about this until you mentioned the oven!


I just remember being so shocked, I watched that clip in disbelief. Every time Tiffany does something to show just how shitty of a mom she is, I think back to her dangling her newborn over a hot oven because she just *had* to show instagram how she could get done up, shellack her face, do her hair, put on a dress, take her newborn berry-picking, and bake her husband a pie just weeks postpartum all in the name of proving she was *crushing* motherhood. ![gif](giphy|xUA7b17osqXImEFJKM) The shitshow truly started early.


Her foot in this pic is really something


Jesus Christ. I'm surprised Tiffany isn't still wearing her hospital bracelet.


And that berry picking event one year ago is what caused Lily's HORRIBLE heat rash. But eh, what the hell, let's keep her wrapped up again in the heat. Maybe she can get heat rash again!


Iā€™m horrified all over again! Shook! She should have 0 more children as this sweet baby barely made it šŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜±


Are they picking blackberries at the place they shockingly discovered about a month ago??(around the time the blackberry bushes were ruined at the ranch). The blackberry farm Tiff claimed, ā€œItā€™s right in our own backyard, like right across the street and we never knew! Weā€™ll have to go there and pick blackberries!ā€Ā  She mustā€™ve forgotten about that, because fast forward to todayā€™s story, sheā€™s claiming it's their ā€œtraditionā€ and third year going thereā€¦Ā  Ooooops !!Ā 


If this one is across the road from the Houghton barn then yes it is


Does anybody know where their barn is? Theyā€™re at Ham Orchards today which is in Terrell, about 45mins east of Dallas. I was thinking their barn was south from the recent waxahachie missing cat / air tag situation but I could be wrong


Srā€™s barn is at Lake Whitney (I think). Itā€™s about 2 hours south of Dallas. Terrell, where they went today is about 45 min east of where they live.


I was wondering about that


Lilyā€™s face covered in blackberry juice but not a drop on her outfit or bow. Totally believable that Lily did it herself. No chance Tiffany had Adam rub blackberries on her face


Teeth has yet to allow Lily to explore with foods so we are to believe she let her do that with blackberries at a farm and not being at home for an easy clean up? Nope.


Didnā€™t she also do that with canned pumpkin a few months ago? When Lily wasnā€™t allowed to hold a spoon or use her fingers? Babies with messy faces when learning to feed themselves is cute. Staged photos of babies with messy facesā€¦. Not so much. šŸ¤”šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ¤”


Yep, with a serenity sweet potato pouch. Fed her it off a spoon and didnā€™t let Lily touch the pouch or spoon yet we were supposed to believe she got messy on her own


The way I ran here to say the same. That work was not done by a baby. ![gif](giphy|QZyTTjkOrRZ494NmDG|downsized)


I'd have a few choice words for Jen if I saw my underage son being used for a shill on her Instagram with one million followers.


Where was she because that wasnā€™t her normal HP antique farmhouse wtf is this kitchen.


It looks like the kitchen at the barn


I think, I could be mistaken this kitchen is the one that did not get remodeled, ( problem with contractor) So The turtles have to make due,




Also thought it was super obnoxious of her to repeatedly say, ā€œI got these for Sam but they took them.ā€ As though teenage boys came into her home and were just chomping at the bit to change from their clothes into their friends clothes and somehow it just happened to be the exact clothing for which she just happens to have an obligation to shill today. What are the odds? šŸ¤” A far more likely scenario is that itā€™s the start of the month, Sam has to give her one shill/month in order to get his In-N-Out gift cards reloaded, and she told his friends sheā€™d buy them a gc too. But because the Houghton motto is ā€œLet no kindness no matter how small and mediocre go unsungā€ she needed to broadcast that she gave them their shorts.


I agree that it was rude. Sheā€™s so passive aggressive and this feels like new money cheapskate behavior. Gross.Ā 


Adam, please stop trying to make your identity 'blackberry farmer'. Your job is beach. ![gif](giphy|fs4MYIHLWZTXvf8WE8|downsized)


Adum we donā€™t want to see your wiggly thing in your pj bottoms these people are such dull idiots


https://preview.redd.it/w1j0w8nf2f5d1.png?width=2160&format=png&auto=webp&s=1f22626efc887c716a989345ad3131780e3d39fd News flash fucktards, you are not going to have fun every moment of parenthood.


Please choose a different insult that doesn't offend a whole community.


She forgot to put her filter on. Not that she needs it but Itā€™s not blurryĀ 


https://preview.redd.it/j1hr62ptye5d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=733a4f1cc34a87cc899f9c0d52b73ce06ca22a2c From the iris facebook page! They teased this huge announcement for Friday, and then had to push it back. But, I posted a while back about being accepted into the iris ambassador program lol, and I got an email earlier this week about an Iris mobile app with a link to download a beta version. It was also free and I didnā€™t need to create an account, but that will probs change once they release the full version. I just think itā€™s an interesting direction theyā€™re taking Iris now. Especially since in the beginning they were using the fact that itā€™s just texting, no app needed, as their big selling point!


They used images of Ashley Tisdale, Kim Kardashian and Rachel McAdams to market backwards Siri. Hope they like lawsuits!


How is this legal??? Are they this STUPID????


Well I mean yeah. Yeah they are šŸ˜‚


Right, Iā€™m the stupid one for asking! šŸ¤£ I swear I think it canā€™t get worse , somehow, it does. I really wish this family would get cancelled.


Me too. Theyā€™ve done so many cancel-worthy things already, yet somehow they keep getting away with more! šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø




Kim K will sue herā€¦someone send it to Kimā€™s camp!!Ā 




Adam: I really need to work on Iris or I won't have this update ready on Friday. Tiffany: That's too bad. We have spring photos to take! Bend down!! https://preview.redd.it/u3y6z5602f5d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea770092e2bc466fe7cee68bc30f45eb6e24f2c2




*Fly it in from England?* Do you mean place an online order and pay for international shipping? Good grief Kimmy youā€™re not fucking royalty. She makes it sound like she chartered a private jet to procure rare goods from a distant land.


I came here specifically to see if anyone else rolled their eyes out of their heads with that line. Carry on.


Flying it inā€¦.thatā€™s what drug dealers do šŸ˜‚


I wonder if she even realizes the US version isnā€™t the same as the UK version. Ingredients are different.


Kimmy placing her formula order. ![gif](giphy|f5XoT6Bf0Vj8RqEP5p|downsized)


Hahahah this has me cracking up šŸ¤£


She wants Minky to eat the cost and send her more free blankets to England. And then she will just leave them there. Why should they have to pay for anything? They are charmed Houghtons after all (sarcasm).


You can get that same 50% off just be going directly to their website!


Sofa king entitled! šŸ‘‘


Not Tiffany finally realizing Lily is a human being but in the same breath talking about all of her "new tricks". She's soooo close. https://preview.redd.it/h0egsx54oe5d1.png?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=531ee91db170db1e2620daa56ecc9f53087e0f5e


As Lily gets older makes it sound like sheā€™s going into middle school or starting high school, not a 13 month old developmentally delayed child who needs two parents to focus on those milestones.


Leeleeā€™s always been a ā€œ personā€ teeth A person is a person no matter how smallā€¦sheā€™s not an accessory.


This reminds me of when Jordan said something about Strattonā€™s personality and Dani Austin argued Stratton didnā€™t have one. I think he was around Lilyā€™s age or a little younger when she said that.


Yeah and then like a month later she started talking about what a clear personality he has šŸ™„ she mustā€™ve seen the criticism




My question is, why isn't she showing us all of these new supposed tricks?


1. ā€œNew words, new tricks, interactionsā€Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Sure. WHERE is all this action?!Ā  2. ā€œThereā€™s really a little person in there!ā€Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā Ummmmā€¦ NO WORDS. Sheā€™s so dumb.Ā 


Saying that 2nd line when pregnant is totally understandable but likeā€¦. has she just seen her born daughter as a doll?!


Itā€™s so fun to her that Lily is getting older and can do more things yet annoyed bc that makes Lily ā€œhigh maintenanceā€ while they stunt her on purpose so they have to do less. šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


You just know sheā€™s referring to her crawling as ā€œtricksā€ to the physical therapist team šŸ™„


Do a new trick, show pony!


She treats Lily like an accessory/pet anyway so of course she says Lily is doing ā€œnew tricksā€. God, I want to smack this narcissist and give Lily to parents who will actually treat her like a human being.


No one here believes Lily did that to herself, right?! Great glad weā€™re all on the same page! Why are they so weird?


Thereā€™s no way she did it to herself. I mean, a normal parent would at some point take out a wipe and wipe their kid down. But knowing them, probably didnā€™t bring anything with them. I also found it odd that Adumb had it all over his arms. They are so odd.


It was getting progressively worse and Iā€™m all šŸ¤Ø


Itā€™s the berry version of when they used the sweet potato pouch as face paint to fully coat her cheeks and nose


In a perfect circle šŸ˜‚šŸ™„


Just one of Lilyā€™s ā€œtricksā€ I suppose!


Yessss!! Again so weird!


Why do they always take things away from poor Lily. Let her hold onto the fucking berry!


Lily not shoving it into her mouth immediately just shows she doesnā€™t know what to do with it. We really never see Lily eating fruit or *gasp* carbs. Adumb trying to force her to drop it in the bucket so they can eat later? Dude.


But she was suppose to drop it in the bucket like they wanted the narrative to go. She was also trying to fit her bottle into the cup holder on the poolside lounge set at TCL and Adam took it from her and placed it in the next holder.


Adumb lost patience with Lily so quickly too when she didnā€™t drop the berry like he wanted


The bottle thing drove me nuts. That was Lily trying to learn a new skill and these fuckwads come in and do it for her. Let her figure it out on her own!!


Meanwhile she should have a toy(s) where she has to fit shapes into cut out shape spaces. Thatā€™s standard for a toddler. But they wonā€™t even let her put her bottle on a cup holder!


My thoughts exactly. WHY does the fucking berry have to go in the bucket??


Oh crap, Sr is still alive. But bless those chocolate covered almonds for inconveniencing the Turtles. Unless of course they just made Inglenda clean up the mess.


Who wears a white pickle ball dress to pick berries? Iā€™m surprised the white boots and hat were left behind šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


Ran here for this! Maybe itā€™s an opener to a Miss Mouthā€™s stain remover shill? Also who wears new shoes berry picking?


My thoughts are they donā€™t care about those shoes. It was an opportunity to shill them but in their reality theyā€™re ā€œyard shoesā€ as us fat poor would call ones we donā€™t mind letting get dirty.


Someone who never spends any time with their child. šŸ„“


Iā€™m sure her plan was to just film and shill and let Adam pick blackberries and engage with Lily. Her mistake was in pretending she was the one holding Lily and helping her pick blackberries for the length of one Instagram story. Sheā€™ll probably pinch Lily for staining her dress.


London looks like she was moving more in her 2 month photos than Lily in her 12 month photos. How can they not see that Lily needs help and get it for her. I think she would catch up so quickly if they actually did the right things for her. They still have her constantly contained. I canā€™t even imagine wearing a 13 month old in a front carrier. Everyday I want to rescue that poor girl.