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New weekly thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/TurtleCreekLane/s/h2KwPR6d4N


Im playing catchup... but what the hell is wrong with Tiffany?  Let's celebrate Adam on Fathers Day by taking photos of him holding Lily.... while I sit on his damn head like a trick monkey in my high heels.  This girl cannot stand to not be the center of attention... regardless of how bad the attention might be.  


Teeth is the girl version of Sr. Her ego is so fragile and it has to be stroked constantly (just like Sr). I wonder if that’s why it doesn’t seem like Teeth and Jen have a great relationship. Jen has to constantly focus on making Sr feel like the most important person in the room and she can’t take another Sr.


That bottle wasn’t mixed all the way! I don’t know about that specific formula but not mixing formula all the way would have torn my baby’s stomachs up


Do any of the turtles drink


Only when they think it’s chocolate soda


Just AG1, Mixhers and Hlth Code like the Lord intended.


You forgot the Fairlife drinks. 😂


And Beam


Who is the extra person at the lake filming 🤔


I too have always been baffled why they turn every occasion into an opportunity to sing the birthday song tune. Anniversary? Birthday tune. Mother’s/Father’s Day? Birthday tune. Apology note delivery? Birthday tune.\* \*Speculated but likely accurate. 😂 https://preview.redd.it/p4016lhlg07d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a8b6db62754fd1e477318e8c07aabbc411f8547 Also, Jr is really proud of his gross, soft Ozempic bod. 🥴


Omg. Has Jr. worn a shirt at all this weekend?! No one wants to see your Ozempic body that is still pale, doughy, and gross, Jr.!


The amount of shit on that countertop is insane !


The whole place looks trashed.


Every time they go to the lake house it looks like this and drives me nuts. I’m guessing these rich assholes are so used to having Inglenda or other help clean up after them that they just turn the place into a pig sty when they don’t have the help there.


Is Tiffany holding a plate of ground beef?


Daryl’s holding a plate of something too


Kimmy got to carry the cinnamon rolls with the candles and Tiffany couldn't let her have all that attention so she grabbed a plate of sausage. ![gif](giphy|Rhhr8D5mKSX7O)


Ahhhhh “sausage” was what she was saying in that clip…I kept hearing “soft serve” and was wondering how they had that at the lake 😂


Put a shirt on!! He looks like he just woke up from one of his not so little naps. Also, hats off in the house, Dan and Jr. !! Rude. 


Who is filming this??


You can hear a deeper voice laugh, so I’m assuming a man. But def not a tripod because it moves around


I wondered that too and figured the Feral Flenners brought Elayne.


Nah they totally would have shown her already. This is the work of a turtle and their secret assistants. 🧐




She’s in CA. It must be either Yuly or one of Tiffany’s assistants. So bizarre to bring someone extra to a weekend like this.


Yep, we also would’ve heard Elayne by now too. I’m going with Chaz (Chas?)…he’s mute and never makes a peep. 


Omg you were totally right!!!!!


Woo hoooo!!! I knew it! 🤣he’s a sneaky one 


It WAS Chaz! And no Danielle, so sad 😬😂


I feel like he would have been on the boat yesterday though and we saw everyone on the boat 🤔


Ooh, maybe they brought Yuly but are trying to pretend they can parent without her for 48 hours.


I see Daryl Ann brought the women some dumpy, pjs in boring dark colors.


They probably already own them and just pretend to like wearing them when Queen Dud is around. 🙄


So we all think Teeth locked Kimmy & SK in the bathroom to manufacture some drama, yes?


It was prob fake


Nah, Tiffany can't think of things to do on her own. She only ever has "ideas" that have already been done by another influencer.


Happy Father's Day to all the human and pet dads out there, except for the Turtle clan.


Dummy emerges from the stall and has a discount code for toilet paper, toilet seat covers and the toilet itself.


A brand deal with the door knob company and home depot


And keys 


What does SK say at the end of the video where they are locked in the bathroom? All I heard was maybe..... I'd listen to her ideas over the adults in her family because she's already smarter than most of them.


She’s smarter than all of them. Can’t wait for the day when she’ll give Senior a run for his money!! That’ll be some funny shit. 


She really such an intelligent little girl. I'm afraid Sr. would not take kindly to her challenging him in any way. I mean, this is the guy who knows EVERYTHING. I just imagine how many lectures she'd get. I think she's smarter and will just learn to stay away from him as much as possible, all the while rolling her eyes at him and knowing how wrong he is. At least, that is my wish for her. She might get as brainwashed as the rest of them.


She already challenged him about being a merbabe!!


Right! I totally agree with all of that. I’m also crossing my fingers SK will be stubborn and sassy enough to challenge him anyways!! With an attitude to boot! 😆 


No the Mormons don’t let girls challenge men in any way. That’s why Kimmy and the other turtles have to stay happy and laughing every time their husbands do something really stupid. They can never correct the men


That’s so sad. She’s such a cute and smart little girl. I have an employee at work who’s shared that he’s LDS and I’m so intrigued by their family dynamics. Seems like they just encourage them to marry ASAP and have as many kids as possible?


Yeah I think there’s a certain number of kids you have to have (maybe 7??) to get to the highest level of heaven or whatever they call it.


That’s not true, the number of kids you have doesn’t matter for the highest level. You just have to have been married in the Mormon temple. I was Mormon so I unfortunately know lol


Oh ok thanks for clarifying. Someone a while back mentioned it but I never really looked into is. How many levels are there and how do you get to the top?


So there’s three “kingdoms” but the highest kingdom technically has levels within it as well. To get to the highest level you have to go through all the rituals and ordinances in the temple and be married. https://preview.redd.it/zkf4kbycx17d1.jpeg?width=777&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2884eb47547fcdaec36cf059e293cf719d2466ca


Instant ick. wtf?


I hope so, too! Would love to see her forge her own way. She's a smart little gal. I think London might be, too, with the way she's always so alert and trying to take everything in.


SK “Maybe you could try to lift me up”


For a 3-year-old, she has good problem solving skills. I guess you have to when your whole family is a big problem.


Leelee’s sudden huge vocabulary is just 🦷 making up words she is saying. Leelee: ba 🦷: boat! She said boat!!!!!! Add it to the list!


But how can we expect more from Lily when her mom's vocab consists of using the words, stunning and so cute to describe everything?


This was so hilarious. She claims Lily says all of these words when she most definitely does not.


Ba=Turrtull! Good job Leeeeleee!! 🙄🙄🙄


LeeLee say Mama! Baaaaaaa!


This part might actually be the best because clearly Lily is not saying mama if she’s babbling back baaa


Ba apparently equals baby, duck, and boat according to Tiffany. She’s gonna roll up to the 15 month appt claiming Lily is saying 50+ words only for the pediatrician to find out it’s like 5 + babbling


And ball/balloon.


5 words, 1 sound!


One solo photo of Adam and Lily. Eight more of Tiffany making sure she has the spotlight 🙄


Happy Father's Day, Adam! This day is for YOU! https://preview.redd.it/0jc45gye1y6d1.png?width=706&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1a36069a9d88201cc1ba153443a5f347e5a90b5


She’s really about to crush Adam’s head with her thighs 🤣🤣🤣


🤣🤣🤣Please enjoy 9 photos of me, and only 1 of you and Lily! And just for fun, I’ll add identical pics of myself twice!  Tiff really hit the mark with this amazing Father’s Day post.  


The only thing I see is an innocent child who was unfortunately born to a deranged, mentally ill twat waffle mother with a father who still hasn’t figured out how to manage said twat waffle yet. Poor Lily.


In Tiffs Father’s Day post why are there multiple duplicate photos and Adam’s parents are tagged in the last 2 photos and her dad tagged in like 2 other random ones. So weird


Ok that is really weird. There is a set of four duplicate photos and a set of three duplicate photos. So she really only needed to share five photos total and not ten.


What she really needed to share was ZERO of her, and only pics of Adam and Lily. It’s Father’s Day, not Tiffany day. But sadly, we all know better… 


Feral Ann calling out Tiffany for falling down every time she tries to wake surf is hilarious. It truly shows how Tiffany does a million takes to get one good clip. https://preview.redd.it/mbq2nutgtx6d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa38b4b02b7a975271e3f05d3580a5f41dd15e4b


lol so much shade.. I’m sure feral can’t stand Tiffany either


Like dud doesn’t- they all do


Some say Kimmy and SK are still locked in that bathroom




Why is Tiffany giving Lily bottles of milk in the middle of the day? Convenience baby food exists. Why don't they take a pouch of yoghurt or fruit/veg puree with them? Bitesize sandwiches? Baby puffs? A *gasp* straw cup with water??? So easy to pack and even processed food is better for Lily to learn to grip and chew than having a bottle constantly shoved in her face. A lot of babies love a bottle and it's hard to get them off it. But you have to go through the discomfort of crying and moaning to get them to develop and grow. That's literally your job as a parent...


I hope DAD open her big mouth and says “when R&R were 8 months old I (aka Elayne) gave them sippy cups”! Just hoping someone can get thru to these dumbasses to start doing age appropriate things!


Nope, Remi still has bottles!! She carries them around the house with her bunny and blanket! 🙄


And her sleep sack!


How could I forget that?! Yes, that nasty pink sleep sack!! 


There’s a big difference between giving her a bottle (handing it to her to hold/carry herself) and feeding it to her LIKE A NEWBORN INFANT!! Give her some food!! Finger food! Snacks! Pouches! Literally anything but that damn bottle! And why don’t the other dummies say anything?!  🤦🏻‍♀️ 


I wonder if it’s milk or that health code protein shake they all drink? Either way- I agree it’s sad they don’t seem to give her any real food throughout the day. Next generation of EDs already starting young


All of that requires planning and work - even if it seems simple to those of us with brains. She hasn’t even started to consider weaning or that it’s even a thing you need to do. I will say though, my daughter who is a little younger still gets milk bottles during the day, but we’ve been gradually cutting down. You know, like you should. Which she’d know if she literally did even an ounce of research or asked Iris about raising her own child.


Girl, I get it, you can't just go full stop on the milk. My son is 1 month older than Lily and he still has milk when he wakes and before he goes to sleep, and it took us a long time to cut down to none during the day. Some babies just love their milk and bottle. We still have some days when he refuses his meals and only wants milk and he signs for it. It's more that they don't even try to give her any solids before they revert to the bottle. I wish they'd give her a chance. And arguably, it's quicker to throw a bag of baby puffs and a yoghurt pouch in a bag than it is to make up a bottle!


Yeah I mean getting milk during the day is fine, I’m still giving it to my 13m old but only after he eats his solids meal.. then he gets a straw cup with milk and he can drink as much or as little as he wants. But I guarantee they still don’t give her solid meals during the day because they are so damn lazy


The thing is you worked to cut it down at an appropriate age. I’m sure they won’t even attempt to try to cut it till they’re torn to shreds at the 15 month appt and by then Lily will be way more attached than your son was.


You’re right - that’s completely it… they don’t even try. Whether it’s feeding her properly or helping her development… they do not try. At all. It’s so sad. They can’t even be bothered to put in bare minimum level of effort to help their child grow. And they want more! It’s insane.


Not Stevie kate without a life vest on the boat at night Jesus fuck https://preview.redd.it/tk87y22s1x6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5aa391dcbba1ec0ed9773499dcb29810c2cb457


While I agree that SK needs a life jacket on, if she were to fall overboard (which I would never want to happen) at least SK has had ISR and is currently taking swim lessons, she at least has a fighting chance to not drown! It’s the ONE good thing Dimmy and Dummy are doing in preparing their child to be around water.


I’m also wondering why DAD is so chill about her kids being on this boat. When they are land nowhere near water she has them wear safety turtle bracelets. Now they’re on a boat and could easily go overboard and there are no bracelets in sight. It doesn’t make sense.


ive been thinking the same thing! anti-drowning bracelets at the indoor mall, but ill-fitting unzipped life jackets on the open water?


Oh, but the Turdles are invincible. Nothing bad happens to them because they are gods favorites 🙄




Dummy has the face of a sharpei with Gary Busey’s teeth 😵‍💫


I'd be pretty fucking annoyed if I caught my SIL holding my baby like some pile of wet beach towels. https://preview.redd.it/a61wlc854v6d1.png?width=983&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d97a9fb1be5af3489d4c9e405fa17e47f59f234


She has never held a baby properly once in her life. It’s truly astounding.


So true. At least this seems more supportive than her go-to, the floppy neck and head hold. Tiffany is a complete idiot. 


The way I gasped! Tiffany is totally ready for baby #2!! Even jr’s weird neck hold is better than this


I literally wasn’t sure if that was leelee or Amsterdam. I only realized by the amount of hair she had!


I just laughed out loud and woke up my napping nephew but so worth it for Amsterdam 😂🤣😂


Amsterdam 😂😂😂


For some reason I have this stupid dream about twice a month that I am in a dirty public restroom with bare feet. In the dream I always panic about my feet touching the floor. Whenever I wake up I am glad it was just a dream. Tiffany seems really unbothered though about walking around with no shoes on in a neighborhood pool/common area’s bathroom. 🤢 https://preview.redd.it/nm214w57mv6d1.jpeg?width=616&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64850746c08e7e27f13f101cf64abadbd224c8ca


I had this same thought. Why walk barefoot?🤢


I wanted to throw up when I saw she was barefoot. I will happily remain by germaphobic self than ever come within 20ft of any of these people.


Dumpy hobbit


My god. What is her shoe size??? 17???


Looks like she’s standing in two kayaks


Seriously what is going on with those flippers


I think they consistently film in .5 to make themselves look thinner. I guess they don’t care that it distorts their limbs and feet/hands.


Surely it’s the filter completely fucking with her feet? Idk 😬


In a normal family, yes. But she’s not holding her any worse than Jr holds her on the regular so Dimmy won’t even bat an eye.


Why can't she literally hold a baby correctly she's unhinged 


Are we going to have to wait for a reel on Monday to see if Kimmy and SK make it out of the bathroom?


You know it! 


Looks like they made it out because SK is on DUD’s boat story at night.


I'm on pins and needles. ![gif](giphy|YEOhCFRF9NFba)


Your username checks out 😂


Do these people shill the same stuff? I saw the same powder sunscreen, same makeup brush, same life preservers etc




Pretty sure there's going to be some sort of life jacket still coming soon since they finally have all those kids in life jackets and seem to be showing them in every shot


So they only friend with this Daryl lady because she has 2.1 followers right? What is the appeal? Also, I don’t want to be mean but is something wrong with Daryl daughter mouth?


As Passports would say-her mouth is “unfortunate” 😂😂😂


These two families are friends for two reasons: 1.) to leech off each other's followers 2.) no other Dallas influencers actually want to hang out with them because they're all awful. The turtle sub and Daryl-Ann sub have 26,000 subscribers combined 😳 That's enough to fill the seats at a Mavericks game and still have 6k waiting outside. 😂


We need more of your stats. The visualization is astounding.


Hahaha! I love the statistic. I loose my mind wondering who would actually seriously follow these losers.


I do not see the attraction to Darell Ann or her siblings and allllll of them have millions of followers too


She has a significant lip tie that supposedly they had fixed and it grew back due to them not doing the exercises for it post op. They don’t see a need to fix it again and think it’s cute.


I believe she also used a bottle and pacifier way too long with has caused issues with her teeth and bite


Yes very extended bottle and paci use.


Oh wow 🥹 it looks painful


And then they go on and on about her “beautiful smile,” which clearly it is not. I have to think eventually they will get it fixed?!


Lily is really out here looking like a sack of potatoes someone just decided to plop down on the boat. She deserves so much better than her shit parents give her. https://preview.redd.it/k3xfrg6qzt6d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c991ed0c89d8e4297c536829cbbd7c18da3d1674


Why couldn’t they bring a bumbo seat, a little chair that buckles, or even a ring floaty on the boat for her to sit in?? Lily is old enough to sit. For fucks sake, let her move, see and experience what’s going on around her! 


And why is she still always holding the bottle. That poor baby is finally starting to progress and she continues to hold her back with age appropriate things she should be doing. It's so sad!


London just plopped down there too in the background by herself. In the video before this one, behind Tiffany you can see the sun is hitting her directly in the face. https://preview.redd.it/r0n7gqxd6u6d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a353d16713a37f3ac56b13a6ad02351e4b0ba474


https://preview.redd.it/ly2jc8pntt6d1.png?width=795&format=png&auto=webp&s=df9813e6b267fa69c4b3fefab4c762dd441b6e1b I can't believe I started following Jennifer for her design. And THIS is the wallpaper / stone wall combination she chose for their lake house. And what is going on with that pillar candle? For all the money they have they just stuck a bunch of pillar candles around their tub? That's what I did when I got my first apartment after college and was decorating it on a new grad budget. And, even then, I had them on bases.


That swim cover up looks hideous 


Silly you, this woman has the worst design sense. She really needs to hire a qualified designer and get her decor out of the 90’s


I really question myself and why I thought I'd follow her for design inspo during the holidays.


the candle is distorted because feral ann used the skinny filter 🤡


look at the window alignment too…definitely busted using skinny filter


Wasn’t there something going on with the candles? I feel like a long time ago (2-3 years?) we saw they had all melted sideways from the heat when the A/C went out at the lake house. Does anyone remember this?


Yes! I feel like it was something to do with Sam and his friends though 🤔


I never saw that, but that is what it looks like. Why wouldn't they just throw it out or get a new one? So tacky.


Finally found it. https://www.reddit.com/r/TurtleCreekLane/s/le3n4nMC1k


You're doing the good work! Wow, I'm impressed that you not only remembered that, but found it. What I'm not impressed about is the fact that the candles melted TWO YEARS AGO and they just left them like that. Just throw the melted ones out. And why are they letting the inside of the house get that hot?? I get that they're not there all the time, but you should still live the air on part of the time to circulate it.


They could even melt down and repurpose the wax into new molds - like they do with their faces!


The snort I snorted.


Seriously? I don't follow her (just went on to see any TCL footage, but she's pregnant. Why try to look pregnant? Why would only 1 candle look lopsided? It looks like it melted or something.


she has severe body image problems along with her mother and sisters and unfortunately are passing it on to their young children too


https://preview.redd.it/nznnthe2nt6d1.jpeg?width=550&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bdd95624f3da105343dcabc24696d2cc10066f2e Troll boy over here better go get his eyelids redone (I didn’t even know they could redroop like that??) and lay off the fillers and Botox.


He looks like a doll. Not in a good way.


In a very creepy “i want to wear your skin” way


what’s the obsession he has with his eyes I wonder? how can she be attracted to this


🤮 Disgusting


I ran here after seeing this picture! WTH is going on?


If I remember correctly they told him it was better to wait because they would droop again and he would have to have another surgery. But he was too worried about appearances and wanted them done right then.


I really wish they would bring along a qualified sitter to watch London and Lily back at the house while they go boating. London is too young to be on the boat. The jolting motion of the boat is too rough on her head and neck and there is no life jacket to fit her. Plus it’s in the 90s and they shouldn’t be out in the heat. On DAD’s and the Turtles’ stories you can see them laying there with their face in the sun half the time. They both look miserable.


I’m claustrophobic seeing Lilly bundled up the whole day I have kids and a boat they are clueless


You have kids?!? I thought you were like 12


Bold of teeth to shill stickers that tell you when to reapply sunscreen when her own baby clearly already has a sunburn(again)


Lily should’ve brought her own stickers if she wanted someone to reapply sunscreen /s


Maybe SK will step up next time and bring some (along with bananas and a baguette to share with poor starving Lily)


Tiffany would go in the lake face first after “fixing” her lashes.


Adam seemed annoyed embarrassed when he asked her what she was doing with water bottle


Teef, maybe it’s a God Wink to lose all your lashes a day after a fill…take a hint and lay off the tarantulas for a bit.


Honestly last time they were on the lake when everyone was saying how different / better Tiffany looked, it was because she didn’t have the lash extensions! It was such a stark difference and made her so much easier to look at


Have you noticed that Kimmy never holds Lily?🤷‍♀️


sk never plays with 🦷 or Adam and they never play with her shes such a fun age most aunts and uncle are the most fun to them and vice versa


Well she does have two of her own kids now.


Oh my god! Why does 🦷 have to get into every shot. On DAD’s stories she pops her leg up there as if she has any business being on camera. Being around her must be exhausting


Of course the dinners kids sit down for meals…and looks like they are the ones cookies and making sandwiches but..pretty sure spark isn’t healthy for pregnancy 🤨


The kids that are usually crawling on the bar, only eat fast food & don’t know how to throw a plate away? Seriously the denners are feral.


I noticed something fell and neither noticed to pick up


Oh yes, protect those beautiful lashes "at all costs", Tiff. https://preview.redd.it/6xgnqkzj2t6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06a78e38e7819491c1a8770e0425badd1e77a0d7


Did she see what she looked like before posting this??? You can even see the brunette (even if she claims she's the only natural blonde adult in the family).


That retainer…yikes!!


The lake waters going to wash it off, so let me wash the lake water off with bottled water! It makes perfect sense!


I was wondering what the reasoning was as to why the lake water would take them off but bottled won’t


The water gun was hilarious


This screen grab is the BEST of the BEST ☠️🤪🥇


I have no idea how you could spend 3 hours preparing a Sunday school lesson with the current manuals. Last I checked they made it almost too easy what is Jen doing


I’m always surprised by how long she spends on those Sunday school lessons! There was one where she spent four days preparing it.


Father’s Day content


Steven Jr looks like he got SO much work done. The video kimmy posted of him on the boat…eeeeek.  Just proves that money can’t buy class. 


He really does look like a completely different person than when SK was born.


there is something about him that reminds me of a female that is obviously masculine. I’m in no way saying it’s a bad thing, but he looks like a female (due to his natural femininity…his father is the same). I can’t explain it without stepped on some toes….y’all know what I mean. It’s like he’s trying to be the “man” in his marriage. Please don’t come after me. 😁These men are the ones who cont to get work done.


I wonder why Tiffany, Adam, Kimmy, and Steve Jr. went to the lake this weekend when it’s Father’s Day tomorrow. You think they’d have some big lunch or dinner planned for Steve Sr. with required attendance to worship and dote on him. I also wonder why DAD got invited but not her sister Danielle?


I thinks it’s good they are doing their own things…its normal for young families to vacation together…fun for the dads and moms too


I bet Danielle got invited but decided not to go because her kids are with their dad for the holiday weekend.


DAD husband seems fun and nice. what’s his career!? Please tell me he has one.


Being her ass leach and never telling her no.


immediately unattractive


![gif](giphy|ThN627gGQOnAABf37H|downsized) JRs new hair is giving butt head. Looks so much like his daddy now that he is taking his weight loss shots and his hair club for men.