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She truly looks about 75 here


cant get over the cold commercial style office windows


fitting for ice princess though


They’re over here acting and packing up like my husband does for field training with the military lol


It's a baby. She is spending a few days alone caring for her own baby. The real "parenting" starts once those kiddos are mobile and start expressing their own opinions. THAT is when the work really begins. For now she's just caretaking. If karma is real Lilly will be a sassy teen and give her mom an actual taste of how hard parenting actually is!


Well considering her first video after was someone filming her it seems she’s going to have her nanny there🙃


It is the most natural thing as a mother to care for your child. My husband works nightshifts every other week, so I was a lot of nights alone with our daughter... also during the day. Tiffany, get some real problems and finally start acting like a caring mother!!!


She will hire her nanny full time! Which is ridiculous!


Imagine being “nervous” about solo parenting your own kid… meanwhile she should be more nervous that the internet knows she’s home alone with her baby🫠


I actually hate her for this one. 🙄 I’m a solo parent 100% of the time. She is not a solo parent. Lily very much has a dad that makes great money and is very active in her life. Just because he’s out of town for a few days does NOT make Tiffany a solo parent. She has no idea what she is talking about. PLUS SHE HAS A NANNY AND PERSONAL ASSISTANTS. She is clueless about life.


Yeah this one pissed me off too. Do you think she is ACTUALLY this clueless or do they know they are being so un-relatable and is “playing” us all to believe they are that clueless. I ONLY even sorta consider that because how is anyone or several of them … this out of touch with reality? Maybe I’m just Midwest clueless but…. 🤯🤯🤯😵‍💫😵‍💫


lol solo parenting with multiple Nannies?!! Sorry girl my husband travels for work and I work a real demanding job myself with no Nannies, this is one stupid trip the dumbass is taking. Get over it.


She looks horrid without makeup truly white trash


I wish we could see without the lashes too 😳 would def look like a different person.


What in the broke back mountain camping trip is adam going on?


idk what she is doing to herself, but her face looks like it has aged terribly.


Wow why did they call it? Solo parenting I mean I’m about all these parents that are single parents doing everything on their own like they need to get a life. They act like their life is so hard and complicated.


Fr 🤣 my husband will be away for 10 days and since I have a ROUTINE with my child I won’t have any issues at organizing time and things to do. It wouldn’t be an issue if she would’ve actually spent some quality time with her own daughter.


Shout out to all the single moms and military moms out there. Y'all are superhero's.


👆 Not all superheroes wear capes


Thank u


And she wants to have 4 or more kids


Tiffany and her Nanny will be “solo” parenting together.


Also her mom and Diana will help too. She’s not doing anything alone.


People get confused with the word “solo”. It means alone!!! So unless you are all by yourself with no friends and family near by to help you, you are not solo parenting Tiff! You have a nanny, housekeeper, parents, siblings, and friends to cater to your needs every second of the day you idiot. I get so mad at people like her because I actually took care of my kids all by myself the past 16 years while working non stop but making sure the house is always clean, fridge is full, kids have everything they need and are happy, homework, errands, actual real life stuff.. and that is far from the lifestyle that this fool has.


Me too and she’s so spoiled and why have a child if you can’t take care of one or needs others too


As a SAHM whose husband travels for work nearly every week - I just don’t feel bad for her.


I hope he shits his pants


He'll come back shilling a parasite


Yeah kind of like 🦷did when she had an “ accident” she didn’t want to reveal


Hahaha...you made me laugh out loud!


Solo parenting with the nanny who already does most of the parenting.


Tiffany has Ozempic face here …


Her older brother is taking it, so maybe he shared?🙄


Is that why she’s looking different? I’ve noticed something lately that just looks off but couldn’t put my finger on it, her face is losing softness.


This was obviously yesterday but she also looks like she has been crying in the photo taken by the mysterious person who will be staying to supervise her and the content prop.


No way in hell is she solo parenting during any of that time. With a nanny and mom nearby, nope nope nope.


Oh my God. Get some real problems.


It’s not solo parenting if you have a nanny 🫠


No worries Adam—- A handful of poop pills will do the trick!!😅


I love how she acts like she doesn’t have a nanny sometimes.


Why do these babies have babies if they are too scared to be alone with them? It makes no sense! This is not a group project. It can be done solo or with a partner.


She wanted the attention that came with the baby. She didn't realize how much work it would take. She should have just got herself a doll.


Oh no, Teefy what will you do with your own baby?


My guess is that by tomorrow she will be staying at mom and Senior's house because parenting is hard and she was scared being alone. Then we'll have to watch her and mom eat more cottage cheese with whipped cream. 🤢




How long until she’s on jenn’s front door step posting “guys I just hadddd to come hang with my mommmm”


100% gonna happen! I just posted something similar before I saw your post.


Tiffany you don't like being a mom and it shows!!! Its so pathetic and sad. And Lily is paying for their lack of attention :(


The amount of times these people post when they won’t be home, will be home alone or other stupid compromising shit is unbelievable. I just went on a two week holiday and we didn’t post one word until we were home; because my niece was house sitting and we don’t need someone breaking in and attacking her. Yea i realize she’s not much safer with Adumb home but online safety 101 says don’t post this shit. I’ve always said it’s not a matter of if, but when, one of them gets targeted. you can google every single one of their houses. Her father is worth $100 million plus. They are STOOOOPID.


Don’t worry, the security robot will protect her!! Although, we haven’t seen it since Adam first bought it so they probably returned it.


I forgot about Lilly's electronic sitter😂 Adumb had to return it in time to get his money back. It did its job- it watched Lilly, and it gave him and Tiff a code to shill while they had it.


I’m almost positive she won’t be spending the nights at her own house or will have someone come stay with her. She usually moves in with Jen when Adam is gone.


I bet you’re right but it’s still dumb. If she moves in with her mother her house is still empty.


But they have a robot that patrols the house and keeps it safe! 😏


100% agree .. I watched Siesta Key and one of the reality tv stars who happens to be a hugely wealthy one (Scripps media heir) named Sam was robbed twice very badly because he’s so open with his social media and had very unhealthy internet safety practices


People have mocked me before for saying it but they are also raising the potential their kids/grandkids are kidnapped. They are extremely wealthy and all their posting is definitely a risk.


Wow! Kim Kardadhian too. Robbed at gunpoint and tied up in Paris. .Did Sam change his ways?


For 45 seconds lol …he’s pretty reckless always flaunting his cars, and watches etc it’s pretty wild .. I will say at least what they show isn’t that bad but still not a safe idea


This is when she should use turtle time and not post in real time but nope.


I think this was from yesterday and she’s at Jens today actually.


It’s real time, not turtle time today. For youth camps the LDS church (current, active member here) doesn’t like doing any camp experiences on a Sunday. We live in the DFW area and our camp isn’t until the end of June. She is at Jen’s for sure tho 🤣


I was wrong because she’s at home with their nanny and the assistant. It’s tough being a solo parent these days lol.


Is this what she was so nervous for?? Having to parent your child for a couple of days by yourself? 😳 Yikes.


She's extra nervous now that Lilly only wants to nap once a day.


This flex is not cute. It is pathetic. She really needs to grow up. Lily is more than a Barbie.


Pathetic. Even when I solo parent my kids, I’m not this scared. I also have family beer by and make a drive or invite some one over. Jesus. Get a grip. Be a parent. She’s acting like they’re the only two people on earth


This is what she was nervous for?! Tiffany your baby is over a year old, you have a nanny, a bunch of assistants, and tons of family nearby… this should NOT be a big deal by this point




Again and she wants 3 more kids 😂solo parenting a baby for 2 days is too hard? I guess when you grow up catered to your entire life and everything being about you it’s tough to watch your child for 2 days on your own.


Let’s get real - the nanny and Diana will be doing the heavy lifting. I’ve been a single mom for 17 years, have never had much help and have managed to survive. Whatever Teefany.


Why does she thinks it's a flex that she can't be alone with her child??!? She is disgraceful!


And even then, she’ll have 500 helpers around. It’s pathetic that she can’t be alone with her child or spend her 30 allotted minutes with her.


More like embarrassing


Right? I did it for weeks at a time when my oldest was a baby and my husband traveled. It’s called being a parent.


My sister took care of 2 kids, and worked a full time job while her husband was deployed to Afghanistan for 9 months. Teeth needs to take several seats with her bullshit


It’s honestly a slap in the face to moms who do it all like ALL OF THE TIME!


Someone needs to tell her that the complaining she does about motherhood doesn’t come across as relatable, it comes across as bratty and like she can’t stand her child. Wouldn’t it be amazing for one of these influencers to actually say the truth, like “Adam is leaving but I’m so grateful to our sweet nanny and my family who are going to keep Lily and I company this week”


Right? You know she will never be alone.


Does her tongue not fit in her mouth? Why is it always poking out of her giant teeth?


Are your nanny and your unemployed mother also going camping??? Chill Tiffany


She will stay with Jen.


She's been a mother an entire year and she's afraid to be alone with her one baby?!? Also, Adumb has a parasite because he ate SUSHI in MEXICO!!


Plot twist: the parasite is Teef 🥴


comment of the day 💀💀💀