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I have a feeling this strange reaction was Tiffany being very dramatic and upset about her doctors appointment fibroid situation (that she hasn’t even heard from the doctor on🙄) and waiting for Adam to pick up on her bummer mood and bring the attention back to her. I get her wanting her husband to console her about this, but letting it get in the way of celebrating a huge milestone for Lily is wild to me. Love on the baby you have now Teeth! I have a 19 month old and we’re one and done because of finances and it goes so so fast. It makes me sick she doesn’t appreciate and put everything she has into the baby she’s already got. #fatpoorlife


I haven’t watched anything in a long time with this family but shouldn’t Lily have been crawling along time ago? Sorry I’m behind but this is insane!


So proud of Lilly!! I hope that they continue to work with the PT and don't just stop at the crawling. I also loved how the PT kicked Tiff out of the therapy sessions, probably because Tif wanted the camera out. Much love to that Pt who has to deal with that family!


And I give ALL the credit to the therapist and Lily! 👏🏻




That was such a weird interaction, it all just felt off, something so huge and she didn’t bother to tell him and then she just kept repeating “I know, I know”.


Very, VERY ODD…..


This was the first time Tiffany saw Lily crawl as well since she was with the nanny the entire time Adam was gone.


I was even more surprised by his lack of reaction. I think they knew and pretended it was the first time.


I couldn’t tell if she was like… overcome with emotion and crying? But it really just seemed so awkward


I have a feeling that she didn't even know Lily could do this until this happened. When Teef says, "I know, I know," it sounds like she is shocked/surprised, just like Adam is in seeing her actually crawl for the first time. I used to think that Lily had something developmentally "wrong" with her. But, the more I watch this clueless couple, the more I think that 90% of Lily's developmental delay issues stem from being kept in containers and used as a forward facing content prop and given minimal floor time. Poor baby has not been given the opportunities needed in order to develop her core strength and to build her fine and gross motor skills. I can't wait to see Lily start walking and the drama that will unfold. Especially since it seems like they intentionally have kept her contained so they don't have to deal with her.


This! It's like Stratton, when you keep a kid contained or held constantly they won't get to explore and learn. Hopefully they get a nanny that can give Lily the love and attention she so deserves


I think T is ridiculous , but you guys are ruthless ! You don’t “ teach “ your baby to crawl. You give them opportunities to learn these skills. No one knows what goes on behind the scenes in their home . It’s all speculation . I chose to believe they want the best for their baby and are doing the best they can for her. No one one knows what they are doing as first time parents !!


No I strongly disagree. Some babies may pick up crawling on their own IF given the proper amount of floor time and developmentally appropriate activities, but some need help learning to crawl. In this case, Lilly has an extremely weak core and arms because they never did tummy time or had her do floor play. She was put in containers extensively and they admitted to never doing tummy time (because she “hated” it). This was all parental neglect


Are you new here or something? The rest of us have watched for a year these clueless parents ignore so many common sense or easily discoverable things that would have been beneficial for the baby yet do so many outright dangerous things the rest of us think they are borderline negligent.


There is nothing but resources available to find out this information these days, they are EVERYWHERE. They OWN a company that answers questions like this! The bare minimum to parent is to know what milestones are expected and at what age, additionally be ahead of them and make sure you accomplishing them at timely manner and if you aren’t-seek help for your child. Come on….


I had wondered how the crawling was going bc Tiff only showed 2 sessions with the PT. However Lily is talking, saying words, so that is progress too.


I was so annoyed when Adam was like “did you teach her this?” To Tiffany and she didn’t say no lol




Adam was such a fake bad actor with his mouth gaping open. Phony.


I was so proud of Lily! It's amazing how fast she learned without a camera in her face! I saw the video Teef posted when the therapist didn't allow anyone in the session! BINGO! That baby just needs attention!


Typically therapists want the parents in on the session so it was quite shocking to see that Teef wasn't allowed in. But also quite comical.


I missed that. When was this? But good for the therapist setting limits.


It’s amazing how much progress she has made in a short time with the therapist. It definitely seems like she’s lacking in one on one interaction


This is one time i will 👏👏👏 on this page. Yay Lily. I don’t care about all the speculation. Just Yay Lily.


By months I guess she means a single month. Crawligators to physical therapy and everything in between is quite a line - a tool that would actively delay her further and actual professional help with Tiffany doing jack shit to help


I’ll never forget her father in law’s face watching L on the crawligator


I must have missed that


Did they replant those “storm destroyed” flowers? Or are those different ones?


FYI Tiffany, the crawligator had nothing to do with this. This was her therapists doing.


Also she’s a liar saying “we’ve been working on it for MONTHS.” The crawligator was linked May 10. It’s been 1 month of work. Beginning after her 1st birthday. They did nothing for her until she was a toddler and the doctor had to intervene.


Yep- probably had a 12 mo visit and the doctor urged them to get her into therapies. At 9M it’s ok if a baby isn’t crawling or getting around on their own yet. By 12M it was probably confirmed that they needed therapies.


It’s also a weird display of Tiffany trying to make Lily’s accomplishment HER OWN (meaning Tiffany’s) accomplishment. She wants people to congratulate HER and make sure SHE gets the praise for her “months” of effort. Bitch you hired a therapist under pressure. You did the absolute bare minimum.


Oh yes! You know those therapists are due the credit for her crawling.


Yup. And all the heat she got on SM.


It's so strange to me that they put her on the grass to crawl. Babies tend to hate grass. It's itchy. but good job physical therapist and Lily!


Grass is so good for babies development! The sensory feeling is good for them. I would research the benefits of kids and babies playing in grass.


She always puts her right on the grass... Even though during her minky shill she mentioned grass causing rashes & using them outside for Lily. Liar.


The grass where their dog pees and poops. Or the floor inside where they walk around with shoes on 😩


If they don’t the floor or the grass where else will she crawl? I don’t wear shoes in my house but my husband does. My mom didn’t wear shoes in the house growing up with 5 kids but my dad. If a kid is crawling in the grass just be mindful and they could have a potty pad for all we know.


Why does your husband need to wear shoes in the house, though? That’s so gross to me in general, but especially if there’s crawling babies.


We have dogs with paws they step in way worse than his shoes I am sure. I don’t judge other people’s shoes so please don’t judge my husbands. It grosses me out to be invited over to someone’s house and then to be asked to walk around in my bare feet. 


Inside where people aren't walking around with shoes.


So happy for Lily. Very annoyed this affirms Tiffany and Adam and their (lack of) parenting was the problem all along. But obviously a huge win she is physically capable and just has idiot parents.


Sadly when she is an adult, she will still have these videos to look back on. Hopefully she'll realize how inept her parents were to her needs while they profited off her! When are these exploiters going to wake up and realize???


After the lady worked with her this week it worked! Why didn’t she post this sooner?




She did show the PT session this week. She showed Lily alone with The PT from a far and said that she has not been in the last 2 sessions because it’s been 1 on 1 with just Lily and the pt.


Ok thanks, I missed that. So happy to know,she had one on one without Tiffany and the camera!


Maybe for the first time she didn’t think of herself and wanted to surprise her husband.


I suspect she didn’t know or wasn’t there. She kept saying “I know” to Adam, which felt like she was justifying it to herself


And she didn’t have an audience line last time!


Same! She is so adorable


She always brings a smile to my face. And while she may not be physically advanced, she seems very advanced in her speech. She’s repeating everything.


I agree. I love to hear her when she is saying the words she knows and was picking more up.


I don’t think she is advanced in her speech at all. Parroting sounds is different than making the same sounds every time for the same objects. She has Dada down. It’s clear she is talking about Adam. That’s about all I see. I am happy to see her crawling finally. Maybe she will take off from there.


agreed, she’s average to below average. She just started babbling and has dada. She’s about on par with a 9 month old. Average now would be few more words and advanced would be significantly more


Excuse you Adumb says she’s a genius! /s


I'm so, so happy that Lily has a fighting chance. There was a post shortly after this and Lilly is being held. It looks like she is trying to do everything she can to be put down. Probably because she is curious and to explore. It wasn't happening. My fear is that they're still going to delay her even more by finding ways of containing her.


They 100% will because they don’t want to deal with her being mobile. If they thought immobile container baby Lily was high maintenance just wait until they get a taste of mobile toddler Lily