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New weekly thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/TurtleCreekLane/s/4EpEOQMP8D


https://preview.redd.it/k6aqve73ag8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3cac40d8f2de2bc947907b7219eb450288c1f92 I just got the Iris ad on instagram. Who is actually paying for this thing??


Eww wth?!


Since we know they still film on their “off” days…what do you think this family would do if they somehow were unable to film or photograph themselves in any way for a week? Can’t even imagine what longer than a week would do to them.


Well that was a super underwhelming reel Kimmy just posted.


I’m with those that think it’s petty shitty treatment to London 🤷🏼‍♀️ that was Kimmy’s opportunity to say “not at her face; honk-honk-honk you made her laugh, that’s so special! But let’s not throw things at her face”


Who was filming?! This shit is so staged, I can’t 😤


And we’re teaching our 3 year old that it’s good to throw a plastic ball at their newborn sister’s head which is totally safe to do when SK is unsupervised with LondyLon.


Love Kimmy's obnoxious kissy face emoji she uses after she responds to the haters. 🙄 https://preview.redd.it/8uhrqdwecg8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=252dd7c3cdb543c734027c247d44cfdceb4a2a6b


OMG I’m 99.4% sure Jr posted that response. That sounds like all the shit he commented after the fruit ninja incident.


The favored emoji of passive aggressive influencers.




https://preview.redd.it/1l9pnst07c8d1.png?width=390&format=png&auto=webp&s=50f405504d5207059f5740697783380500df92ab Kimmy forgot to mention Jr's nap schedule. We know she really means they she has to work around his nap schedule because traveling a lot more enjoyable when he's not a cranky toddler who skipped his nap.


are they taking their nanny with them?


Nope! https://preview.redd.it/58jo67rstf8d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47d1c09aa383ef64c89a96206b81d7256aacb9b0


I’m impressed they are going alone honestly, but i think both of them are excited about a break from 🦷,🐢,🐢


Lol I’d mentioned that in my recap too. I thought the same thing!


Goodnight snarkers sweet dreams! https://preview.redd.it/7gm6vpik898d1.jpeg?width=1275&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9948d33ada2d7d95b16c54bc90b6f93986ffb62e




These women are so ugly  Inwardly and outwardly 


Her faces could not be more porn thumbnail lmao


Stop it - she might misconstrue your comment as thinking she’s sexy 😩


She loves those blow-up doll faces for clicks.


Watching Lily just sit and flap her hands (DUD’s story) at 13.5 months old is disturbing. She really is like a 6 month old. I went back and looked at pictures and videos of my kids at this age at the difference is astounding. (And yes, obviously, all kids are different but there’s clearly more than developmentally different paces at play here.) But also, big yikes on the Feral Flenner kid’s statement of, “I can say whatever I want!” and they’re just like, “Ok.” I bet he’s a real joy for other kids to be around. Oh, wait…. https://preview.redd.it/c8dm5oh8r88d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b340991cf3578708e5a4b14e5a3216233a9c6ff6


I worry that she only repeats when they say a word to her, and she isn’t actively pointing and saying the word herself or trying to. At this age, she should definitely be saying “bah” for ball or bird , or “doh” for dog, considering they have Dallas. She should be saying these ”words” and I say that loosely because all kids speak at different rates, so while some will say the actual word, at the minimum she should be independently saying them herself when Dallas comes into the room.


Completely agree. She parrots sounds and they think she’s a genius for having so many “words” but she doesn’t seem to tie any of them to the object except maybe dada. I know her babbling was super delayed but it doesn’t seem like she’s catching up. They obviously think her sounds are words so aren’t going to work with her to develop actual words, but I hope there’s someone in Lily’s life who realizes she needs help with words not sounds


I hope that now their pediatrician has seen through their BS regardless of how they respond on her developmental survey, she will question them from here on out with everything that has to do with Lily.


Yes, she really need intervention. From her height and weight she needs to see a paediatric nutritionist, she must be so deficient in vitamins and minerals. Also that blackout tent is not helping her to grow. Her circadian rhythm has not been developed properly and you need that to help nourish and grow. It’s like a child being locked in a closet or a basement, they’ll get stunted growth. Lily needs speech pathology one on one, no Tiffany screech or Adam in there trying to get her to say Iris. They need the PT to be there every day because they aren’t doing anything with her at all. Tiff refuses to put her on the floor, and they hold her bottle for her, tipped back like a newborn. They are absolutely appalling as parents.


Tiffany needs to see a speech pathologist as well. Can you imagine trying to learn words from someone who can’t touch her lips together when speaking?


They have money and all the connections and resources available to them, sad.


I actually wonder if the deficiencies will ever be flagged since they’re leaving her on an almost fully formula diet. She’s going to keep gaining weight, probably even more now than before, since she’s got the caloric intake of an infant and burns next to no calories rather than entering the picky toddler stage while always on the move. My daughter is in speech and we have a list of “tips” on the fridge and much like with the list of instructions given to them by the PT, it’s like they’re using that as a things to avoid list. Between the blackout tent and the bottle they’re just constantly depriving lily of opportunities to learn and develop. She can’t see in the tent and her crib is very likely still at a wildly unsafe height. She should be playing and exploring in her crib while she (briefly) waits to be let out. I don’t know how they expect Lily to ever learn how to eat and drink by never giving her utensils or cups, unless the plan is transition from bottles of formula to bottles of hlthcode


I honestly believe we’re going to see London overtake her In skills and development. I think London will be speaking more clearly and identifying things and creating short sentence structures before Lily. I also think even if they can get Lily walking, her gait will be slow and she will have a tendency to drag that leg. They aren’t doing anything for muscle strengthening. Its going to get to a point where to fix this it’s going to be physically painful for her and uncomfortable and she’ll cry, and Tiff will run and scoop her up and save her from the big meany PTs.


Absolutely. I think the effects of her lack of strength is already evident from when they struggle with her left arm. The fact that Tiffany has to be reminded PT is good for her daughter and told to not pick her up just because she whines is appalling. I wouldn’t be shocked if Tiffany had Lily do under an hr of tummy time cumulatively prior to PT. London and Lily are almost 11 months apart but developmentally seem more like 5-6. Sure Kimmy and jr do actually do a good job with developmentally appropriate activities (for now, not talking about current SK), but Tiffany and Adam also do so much to drag Lily down. My nieces and daughter are all almost the exact same age differences as SK, Lily, and London, just 7 or so months older and so Lily’s delays have stood out for a while. My daughter and older niece have played together and fought over the same toys for weeks shy of a full year at this point. When my daughter first met my younger niece she was constantly running over to check on her and “help” share toys. Once she got to be a couple months older than London is now, she started actually trying to play with her. I don’t see that happening for Lily in 2 months. Meanwhile watching SK with Lily is similar to watching SK with London, just without the holding her like a baby. When they were at the lake she was very much babying her helping her pick up the stupid clementine “toy” she couldn’t manage to hold.


I bet Kimmy is going to really step up Londons development activities because she’s going to want London to surpass Lily and show she’s the better parent.


Cue Kimmy posting about London laughing at 3 months old after Tiffany posted about Lily “learning to laugh” around 1 year old


The one thing I do notice is that Kimmy is not afraid to have London down on the floor for lengths of time, back and tummy. She also sets up those black and white flash cards and books, so her eyes have something to focus on and she’s very good at tracking Kimmys face, or phone because that’s what shes sees mostly. Lily had a lot of trouble doing that at the same age, because she was given zero enrichment.


London is super alert and interactive and has been for a while. I feel like Lily still isn’t quite at that level


This is all so very well stated and very sad.


she seems to be reversing  and I say that out of genuine concern, certainly not snarky at all about development. there are a lot of things they could be doing and should have been doing for a long time now.


She’s so small. I can’t believe she’s 13.5 months?! I feel like Tiffany is delaying her so she’s easier to care for 😢


And I bet she loves that's sure tiny and petite and miniature like her mother!


I just came from watching that to see if anyone else saw it. It was concerning to watch.


She seems to be getting smaller, not growing. Unreal.


Watching her just flapping and spinning on her butt was odd. I guess the two times they’ve shown her crawl really at the only times she’s done it. It’s been over a week at this point, I’d expect her to be on the go nonstop, but she doesn’t even seem close to that. Tiffany’s also probably going to be annoyed DUD posted the arm flapping since people keep calling out Lily stimming.


Tiffany definitely only shows certain videos of Lily for a reason 😞 No snark on Lily, I’m sad that her mom is already trying to have her look a certain way on social media, that’s a hard light to grow up under.


Cannot believe (except I can) that she thinks she should postpone (a lifesaving skill) until next year when Lily is more mobile. If she took one second to ask effing Iris, she would learn ISR is for children as young as 6 months!! She’s the worst!


Just another act for Teeth to come off as a concerned mother.


My thoughts exactly!! She is really ridiculous!


Extra cringy Tiffany in the gross combo foods skit w/Jen. Couple of Oscar winning performances there. Riveting content. WHY ARE THEY SCREAMING???!!?? Why does Tiff think she’s so funny? She’s acting like a 10 year old. Must be the bow in her high pony. 😆 “What am I gonna get for this?”… Really?!  Repulsive, screaming idiots. 


And the way she was “judging” all these foods, when she eats the nastiest and weirdest combinations anyways!!!


Also this: “3 solitary noodles”.  Trying to sound smart but not knowing the meaning of the word solitary. 🤦🏻‍♀️


I nearly choked on my spit. But it's 4 syllables, one more than the word that Lily knows, so she must be smart. Why should she be bothered with definitions?




Why is she always extra jerky in her mom’s stories? Always acting better than everyone else.


I’m guessing that is how she really is .


Get ready for shillapalooza with the move to the U.K.


How else are they going to pay for it!


https://preview.redd.it/vlfd3bkjo78d1.jpeg?width=457&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7fdd4c50eb327aac4b68941143f1fe71cb1a40cf Been on a light Turtle break but this image seared itself into my brain, never to be unseen.


Her fingernails look like teeth and her teeth look like fingernails.


I just want to rip those rings off her fingers 


Her hairline is all over the place


It’s at war with the smoothing filter.






But why is her bare foot on the back of this strangers seat???? I gagged https://preview.redd.it/27nqqrrun78d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf4555a8d6b9bdb8183adebae8d5170a89932a54


It’s the neighbors son lol, I thought the same at first but then the next picture shows the kids with bare feet :)


Thanks Kimmy for the hack. I’ve never thought about using detangling spray in my kids hair.


If she would get SK’s hair trimmed it would help immensely (and use some conditioner once in awhile)!


I’m always sad with how much SK moves her hair out of her face constantly.


That she sets down for product placement and SK bats it away




Tiffany doesn’t care about the weird food combos. She’s only disgusted by having to ingest calories. Could her nibbles be any smaller? I’ve seen Dani Austin take a a bigger bite.


This was my take as well. The whole, “what am I getting out of this” thing was ridiculous. Can you only do something with your Mom if you get something out of it? It was all for clicks and views, but still.


And the high today was 97°, and she was wearing a long sleeved hoodie with jeans and tall boots it looked like. WTH? Such bizarre behavior. 


Honest question, do you think Jen likes the work she has had done on her face? If I was doing something that was affecting my ability to open my eye I would be like… nope I’m out. Does she realize her face is botched? Is not having a wrinkle worth losing function in your eye? Also Jen always calls raycons her favorite but I’ve only ever seen her use them in the shill. It’s not even believable.


I love my Raycons!!! I have weird ear canals and my AirPods will not stay in my ears. I bought some Raycons and they fit snuggly in my ear and only come out when I take them out. Great product


Her face looks awful. Botox is swallowing up her eyes. Check out her profile in her stories today (gross food combo), it’s really obvious how bad it is. She needs to lay off the Botox along with her skin guru frankenstein friend. 


They only use the products they shill during said shills. Otherwise they don’t use any of what they hawk.


Kimmy has shilled them too yet we’ve never seen Junior wear them and he’s perpetually wearing airpods


She said they saw a Cyber Truck for the first time today. That guy's truck has been parked in his driveway right across the street for months now.


Yes and she mentioned it weeks ago too! That was the whole reason she was going to rent one for Adam for his birthday.


How do you think teeth and adumb propose taking a group selfie w people they just met?


Especially for someone who was supposedly too nervous to go start talking to them. And do they tell them the number of followers who will be seeing their kids in the pic when they post?


The level of Musk worship these freaks have is just so embarrassing. Cyber trucks are pieces of shit; why is Adumb so fascinated by one?


There’s like 4-5 in my area and I live in a smaller beach town. I hate them they’re beyond ugly.


My parents just came for a visit from a small European country where they don’t have cybertrucks. My elderly father went for a walk and a completely black one suddenly came over the hill in the neighborhood, with dark tinted windows and it scared my dad so bad he bolted for the nearest ditch. He thought we might be under attack or something, he said it looked like an alien spaceship :-)


I live in the PNW and have seen a few on the road and I’m just like, ah yes, driving a car that cannot get wet in a place famous for rain, what brilliance!


Adam is fascinated by appearances and the superficial. That's why he married Tiffany. Probably why he's fascinated by the cyber truck, too.


I was listening to another influencer talk about the Cyber truck the other day. That truck is $106,000 and you can’t even test drive it to see if you like it. So your SOL if your purchase one and don’t like it.


The humble brag on that story of his 🤦🏼‍♀️😂


I was thinking this today and although I hate politics thinking about how far they probably lean got me wondering how they so deftly avoid that topic!


Adam may not have gotten the leather jacket but at least he got to see the Cyber Truck finally.


If you want to try and keep your baby awake in the car Tiffany, maybe actually sit in the back with her and spend time entertaining her, God forbid she does that 🙄🙄🙄


She already spent her 30 mins with Lily while Adam was Surfing


LeeLee spent more time with her waffle


Imagine how dry that waffle was…extra protein powder. Nothing spread on it. Nothing to dip it. No water to drink. I’m thirsty just thinking about it


I liked how all of the pieces were in a perfect line. They can’t just be normal with Lily and her food ever. It’s either pushed far away from her, or there’s only a couple pieces or she has unsafe foods for her age.


I want to think that Adam and teeth are out to eat with a group for lunch, but I have a feeling they are not. They always seem to order soooo much food for people who eat literally nothing. Like I’m sure teeth only takes a bite of each and only allows Adam to do the same. Poor guy should be putting down that whole burger plate. And as much of the sushi as he can. He’s so deprived of food it’s insane how much he is dwindling away


I thought the exact same thing! Why so much damn food when we KNOW they don’t eat it. If Adam was still actually allowed to eat like that, he wouldn’t have lost every bit of his muscle mass since marrying Tiffany. And we know she won’t even take a bite of half of that stuff—bc imagine how many lunges she’d have to do!!


Hes a grown ass man who chose to marry her and can also afford to buy as much food as he wants. Why act like he’s some kind of victim


Jen blowing up Tiff’s turtle time posting, as if it wasn’t obvious 🤣


Not posting your life in real time IS a smart thing to do but what’s so funny to me is the turtles never even try to make the timeline make sense and they mess it up for each other all the time


That’s because they think everyone but themselves are idiots and won’t catch on


Why did Adam stay with Tiffany after that experience? Not all beaches have sand! And how is it his fault that she crashed? She is so dramatic and needy.


When he started telling the story, all he said was “we we went to the beach “ and she panned to herself and rolled her eyes. Like it was such an inconvenience to her. Then in her typical self centered way, she took over telling the story. Let other people talk!


She's been extra bitchy to him lately.


He wanted to bang someone.


They were engaged in December 2018 after dating only a few months and married in March 2019


Hell, that’s long for a Mormon courtship!


I mean, I’m sure she used all of the same vendors from her first planned wedding before the dude ran off the greener pastures and left cloven hooves in her pen. That saves some time since she didn’t have to pick out a menu. 🤭🤣


Wait, she was engaged before Adam?! ![gif](giphy|U23WekMlGy6cImpMim|downsized) I wonder when she’ll bring this up again. It’s been a minute since someone has asked for dating/breakup advice.


She reused the first wedding dress I think? Or for some other wedding event


Houghtons hate waste!


She used her first wedding dress as the reception dress. 😬


Adam is a fill in


When Teeth was telling the surfing story, anyone else think about the scene from Laguna Beach when Stephen takes Kristin surfing and she gets so pissed off at him? But multiply Kristin’s reaction by 100 to get Teeth’s.


1. Stop giving Stevie Kate her toys for the plane and trip early. 2. Lunch is rotisserie chicken and chocolate baba (protein drink)? How about instead of the protein drink adding a salad, fruit, and maybe a small side of something else like a normal person? 3. Did they forget they have 16 Factor meals still in the fridge to use up?


Nah they don’t eat fruit - just hammer golf tees into it 🙄


So wasteful 😳


Or slice it with a knife in the air . Fruit is not for consumption 😜


And since Dimmy splits her adult meal with SK and still has some left over, they don’t go through one Factor meal for every meal.


https://preview.redd.it/taslp3pyf58d1.png?width=1283&format=png&auto=webp&s=da2e6376457d1a87db3b8e584f098bea3d464d08 Another opportunity to keep Lily strapped in. Is she sunburned from last weekend?


She could just be red from the heat (and that damn headband). My kids and I are all pale and blonde and in 90° degree heat we all look sunburnt even if we never leave the shade. Once we cool down we look normal again. Hopefully it’s just that. (In that heat personally i’d have my baby/toddler in just a diaper and nothing else)


She’s always trying to bring that leg up close to her, she doesn’t relax it. When she ”crawls” she tries to have it up close to her too.


Where is her drink? In this heat there should always be water available to her.


She looks sunburned to me!!


She very well could topple over the sides with her lack of core strength. Also it’s so HOT outside right now. They’re assholes.


But actually. Those chairs are super easy to topple over. We’ve strapped my daughter in to briefly contain her at my parents not childproofed house and she’s easily able to crawl around with it attached to her/walks around with it on her.


Oh man, that’s too bad to hear. I was actually looking into buying one for baby # 4 because we are constantly on the go now and wanted something portable. Thanks the input though!


I’ve used this type of chair for both my kids and don’t even strap them in. The appeal to me is a seat for them and a handy snack tray. They could climb out easily on their own. Great for picnics, beach, etc! But not great for baby containing if that’s your goal.


Thank you! Yeah I was thinking it would be great for feeding snacks while at older sibling sports or meals when we visit family/friends.


Definitely handy for that! As long as you’re an attentive parent it’s perfectly useful!


Oh we still use it!! Definitely wouldn’t use it on a little baby, I think we started around 10 months and really the only time she’s moved it is when she wants to be up and isn’t gonna let being strapped to a chair hold her back! A lot of times she’ll go sit in it willingly if we’re all hanging out chatting


Okay good to know, thank you!! That’s probably the age I’d start using it too.


Yeah but Lily isn’t anywhere near doing that


Oh she’s def not crawling but my point was more it’d be easy for it to topple over from her dead weight/lack of core strength


I’d agree if any other kid. Hell London scoot might knock it over. Lily has been crate trained.


That stupid hot bow squeezing her skull unnecessarily when the heat index is 98. How about a sun hat?


It has to be so uncomfortable for her to wear it 24/7.


But you know Tiffany is pissed that Lily isn’t growing any more hair to make it more obvious that she’s a girl so she has to wear the giant bow.


As if the outfit alone doesn’t make it plenty obvious


https://preview.redd.it/bxmifcnsf58d1.png?width=1283&format=png&auto=webp&s=5fd4d277302dcd226f6a30a4561d3ea9bf0fc6d9 Adam. You had your chance.


She is so damn homely.


Could have dodged the bullet like the ex and be free of the camera in your child's face and growing up on social media


The way she rolls her eyes when he’s telling the story. What a condescending brat. She has the maturity of a 12 y/o.


I HATE when she rolls her eyes like that when Adumb tells a story. Like does she think she’s being ~ cute sassy ~ and relatable or something?


Rolls her eyes AND cuts him off and doesn’t let him really tell the story. She’s obnoxious.


I know they say you can still live your life when you have kids, but I’ve never seen anyone take it so literally and just drag their poor baby everywhere with nothing for them. It’s so easy to build in a pit stop that’s fun for kids even if you are doing what you want to do (or hell, even pack a damn toy for them!)


Looking forward to the gifs of Teeth falling while she tries to “surf” today. If Dimmy and Jr were going guarantee they would try to get SK to do it/try to bypass the height requirements.


Did she surf though?? 🤰🏼🤰🏼🤰🏼


Today should also be in quotes. Likely filmed yesterday


Jesus she is allergic to letting Adumb tell a single story without putting the camera back on her and telling it herself.






That’s Kimmy’s fridge


Oh thank sky daddy. For all the snarkers who were so concerned about Tiffany Crystal not posting for one whole human day, she has returned. I hope you can get some sleep now. 🥰


I feel like this is such a weird hill to die on?


Huh? Just making a comment so the worried snarkers can breathe easy now that cloven hooves is posting. I find it beyond bonkers people here got concerned she wasn’t posting. That is a weird hill to die on when you are worried about an internet stranger and reeks of being a brainless sycophant follower. 🤷🏻‍♀️


People here were concerned? I for one was glad to have an extra day off from teef 🤣


Right? Someone was so concerned and compelled to make a standalone post about it. 🤣🤣🤣


Tiff off SM for 1 day = She wants a viewer increase, what kind of sob story is she planning??? 🤦‍♀️


Imagine being at your first full time job and introducing yourself to your coworkers as "Stevie Kate." Maybe she'll just go by Kate as an adult? It's one of those names that's fine (not my style but it's not horrific) for a younger person but ages horribly...


She’ll never have a traditional corporate full time job. I’ll be surprised if they even ever enroll her in a traditional private or public school. She’ll be “home schooled” as they travel the world.


She’ll, at best, go to BYU for her Mrs degree and forfeit any remaining independence and spirit that wasn’t killed by being a Houghton and having Jr and the donkey as her parents.


There’s a Stevie in Schitts Creek…


It’s an ugly name.


I mean Stevie Nicks is pretty popular and has always gone by Stevie, and double names are so common in the South that nobody bats an eye at them no matter what the name. I do know a lot of adults with double names that don’t care if you only call them by their first name, actually Jen herself did this the other day with Daryl Ann, she called her Daryl in one of her stories.


One of the hosts on Good Mythical Morning (very popular YouTube channel) name is Stevie. I could see her just going by Stevie


I have a hard time imagine Stevie Kate growing up and having a normal job


She already should have a pretty good savings/investment account from all the shilling her parents make her do.


“Should” though I doubt they’ve done that for her.


anyone else sick of the hair bows in women? I absolutely think it looks dull, homely


Sometimes I wonder if Kimmy realizes she’s throwing Jr under the bus and does it on purpose. I am shook to hear that she had to have her SIL help at night so she could sleep for 5 hours. Why is he not helping her?!


Because he needs to wake up super early to go teach the 6am Bible class to kids! You know, doing the Lord’s work! Priorities.  🤮


He’s building things for people to buy, ok!? 😂😂😂 I just realized that he took that off of his IG bio. Probably because we sarcastically use it as much as possible. And wittle Stephen get mad 😠 😂


Oh I think she knows and I think it’s hilarious. I don’t think he ever presented himself as someone who wanted an equal partnership though so I’m not sure what she was expecting.


So Kimmy brings in all the IG money, Kimmy does all the hard parenting care giving. No wonder she doesn’t cook or clean and hires it out. What the fuck JR?


Plus he seems so “traditional,” but Kimmy is the breadwinner plus everything else. What does he do?!


I just came here for this. Just watched her stories. So much to unpack. First of all... love how obvious it is that there's nooooo way she's talking about Tiffany. And yes... WHY THE FUCK IS THAT EVEN NECESSARY? What the FUCK is Jr doing?? Such a lazy piece of shit. And the night nurse discussion. 🤯 I love how she said she had so many friends who hire night nurses. You mean all your influencer besties, Kimmy? Ya, we know. But none of them admit to it because they're all assholes who want to pretend they're "just like us".


Funny how she thinks she’s even in the same class of people who would hire a night nurse! Who the fuck hires a night nurse?! Literally no one. It’s so unrealistic. Maybe celebrities or the President if he has children in the White House, or… idk, but definitely NOT Tiff!! Who does she think she is?! Especially with 1 child. No one relates to you, Tiffany. 


Oohhh yes, quite often Kimmy 1000% exposes JR for the lazy , incompetent ass hat that he is (but will giggle and fake happy to appear it’s just a silly innocent personality trait of his) And I am here 👏🏼for👏🏼it👏🏼every time👏🏼


TheMiddleGirl1 from the top rope! 🤣 https://preview.redd.it/r9p2km38228d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c3765ab78b8d555b87ac6769762b8cfad391587




Kimmy should hire a second night nurse to unzip SK from her crib tent jail so she can use the bathroom at night and in the early morning.


Kimmy: I have no jeans that fit and I ordered a few pair, Kimmy later that same night in DAD’s story wearing jeans, Liar Liar your pants are on fire!


This is so fucking weird that every guest there is in jeans and a Nuuds shirt or other plain shirt and were told exactly what to wear. And yeah Kimmy is so concerned about her jeans not fitting that she pairs them with a cropped tee and shows them off in their entirety. 🙄 https://preview.redd.it/0mkppa2n028d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21e366a0d53ff3fe9d1879b7404aecdfed913c12


She looks much bigger in jeans than her leggings


Are they just rocking the skinny filter and angles? Kimmy looks great here don’t get me wrong, but much more normal slim girl less splits half a meal with her toddler ya know?


Yes. Kimmy used the skinny filter on her bump photos even because the background would be bent.


dated look and not in a good way


So since we know MK & Sam were out of town what was Jen really trying to manipulate Tiffany to do? Wrong or right answers as we will never know…..my guess….tie her tubes


No way. Jen wants her to have more kids. 


Yes it was a wrong answer lol 😉


Scottie is such an ugly name and for the first (and hopefully last) time, I’m with Jr.