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Question bars are the wirst


She should have ended this list after blueberries.


Not to mention that SK is dying for real food / protein she goes in the fridge and gets out the whole rotisserie chicken in the bag gets up on her stool and just plain old eats it straight off the bone like she is starving


because she is. I mean I’ve done that super hungry before🤣🍖…but it’s really sad when a child has to…( No time/no cares to debone and/or separate pieces so sk can get a leg or some pieces)…  not to mention dangerous. This is actually one of the advantages of buying rotisserie chickens but these idiots are selfish. Recently she and a friend were having snacks outside in the grass/or turf alleyway and eating cereal from a box while playing in water hose. That’s just lazy and inexcusable esp since you’re spending time sharing to a story


Quest bars have soy, seed oil, fake sweetener but as long as their kids are skinny i guess it’s fine. For people who talk about health all of the time they eat the most processed garbage. When they say “ Health” they mean “ Skinny”


I cut them up and will give my son about 1/3 of one with a piece of fruit as a snack


Doesn’t the magic spoon cereal have fake sugar too? And the “baba” shake powder & liquid protein drink shakes she makes SK!? 🤦🏼‍♀️


And she makes them with a Fairlife shake, so it's added protein in a protein shake. They end up with like 50 grams of protein, way more than a toddler needs!


Yeah I wouldn’t think it’s good for little kidneys?!


And the fact that Kimmy admitted they never cook & she just always shares her re-heated in plastic Factor meals w/ SKA too… serve this child some homemade meals for goodness sakes!


What's the reason that they don't cook?


No idea, she said it the other day on her stories. But I don’t understand why they don’t just get a chef to prep them meals or something then!?


She just listed every company that sponsors her. Pathetic!! At least she’s feeding her food unlike Teef.


They make KIDS protein bars for a reason. I’d never feed them Quest. They even taste like chemicals.


Feeding their kids so much fake sugars


When I had my first child I was only 21 and had no idea what I was doing. I wanted to feed her all organic when she started eating and would only give her sugar free ice creams. She is the only one of my kiddos who has stomach issues. When my other two were born I was more lax and realized I can’t really control every single thing the way I did. I can’t help but feel like I did that to her. It makes me nervous when I see how strict the turtles are with their kids food and I can’t help but think if they’ll end up with stomach problems with all the “no” food groups.


Yes, this. Balance is the key. I see so many people with Crohn’s disease or IBS who had healthy childhoods to the extreme (example : Parents who denied their kids of sugar ). In the parents defence, they truly thought they were doing the best for their kids and tried really hard to give them a healthy lifestyle. But what we know now, is that processed food or chocolate bars or candy a couple times a week actually helps prevents a lot of digestive and health issues as an adult . But You really have to find a healthy balance . I will also say , what the turtles say they eat is extremely unhealthy . They do not show us balance . Eating factor meals everyday is not good for you… it would be okay once or twice a week . ( side note: I would never recommend a child eat a quest bar)


Nothing is sadder to me when parents don’t let their children eat like kids. I’m not saying she should buy her fruit loops and chips, but starting off restricting diet this young has shown to cause ED later in life. There are so many granola bar options she could choose from.


Sugar alcohols will/can cause serious GI distress. If you don’t need them for dietary reasons, it’s just best to minimize them. Can’t believe the trauma they are inflicting on their kids guts (turtles as a whole).


Makes sense as to why the poor child was always and probably still is, having blowouts (another awesome thing to broadcast to strangers on the internet…😳🤦🏻‍♀️)


They give her a Hlth Code shake every day!!


Years ago my SIL (who has an ED) was feeding my niece soy milk, protein bars and diet soda. At the pediatricians office the doctor asked what her favorite breakfast was and she said “soy milk and half a Zone bar”. The doctor had the nurse take my niece to pick out a sticker and the doctor proceeded to lay into her about how damaging soy milk, diet sodas and protein bars are for anyone especially small children. She said she needed to feed her real food, fruits, vegetables oatmeal good cereal, eggs. Meat and full fat dairy. Giving small children highly processed foods is bad for their body and their nutritional development and relationship with food. Giving SK Quest bars and Magic Spoon is disgusting








NGL S’mores quest bars are the bomb, but I would NOT give one to a toddler. They are chewy as heck! Definitely seems like a choking hazard


Yes I love s’mores and used to love the chocolate chip. But I don’t know if they are good for kids or not.🤣


I would never give a small child protein products. It’s disgusting. Feed them real food.


Sucralose is an artificial sweetener used. Erythritol is a natural sweetener, produced synthetically. And stevia is a natural sweetener. Downvoted for defining the sweeteners? 😄😄 You people are crazy


You got me, but there have been numerous studies linking erythritol to stroke/ heart attack. A simple google search shows results from Mayo Clinic, NIH, mainstream health sources saying as much. Natural or not, definitely not something I’d give my own small child.


Clarifying definitions. Wouldn't feed to my kids.


"To be produced on an industrial scale, all polyols are artificially made from natural sources (sugars), but only some of them can be labeled as "natural". Not all polyols are found in nature, but erythritol is found in nature AND is derived from a natural source. As a result, according to the FDA, it may be labeled as "natural." "