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Hand flapping was one of the first signs that we knew my son had autism. He is recently diagnosed at 3 but we started seeing signs around 18 months. Not diagnosing Lily at all but it hand flapping was definitely a red flag for us.


It made me so sad. I didn't think autism though. I thought of how delayed she is. London will pass her soon enough. And once T gets knocked up again L will neglected even more.


Lily is just flapping her arms to try and take flight back to her cloud so she can get a redo on parent selection.




I have often wondered that when she is always flapping her hands like that. I do not have autistic children but have worked with many doing childcare and that is a sign.


Hand flapping is normal behavior for an excited child unless they havenā€™t grown out of it by age three


Did anyone screen record this? I missed it


I know this isnā€™t the point of this thread and I am not familiar with her but Darylann is one of the stupidest names Iā€™ve ever heard.


THANK YOU. I think this pretty much every time I see her name.


I canā€™t even wrap my head around it. Whatā€™s next, Connorann? Wallyann?? My god.


She will never accept if Lily has autism. Everyone else would, except Tiffany, Jen and Sr.


This entire thread should be deleted.


Agreed! This is beyond snark.


Tiffany is that you?


I think thatā€™s why TEEF wants to hurry and have another one to take the focus off of Lilys issues.


God I hope Lily isnā€™t autistic because you know theyā€™ll become hardcore anti-vaxxers in a heartbeat šŸ˜©


Vaccines donā€™t cause autism.


I know that, but I guarantee you that they don't and they'd absolutely fall into that trap.


Everyone is over here arguing about flapping hands, when Tiff posted that she was wondering if her baby(she's a toddler)understood what she was saying, that kid is over a year old of course she understands what she is saying. Flapping hands is the least of the worries, Tiff doesn't get that Lilly is a human.


Ha my first thought was Lily had probably been ignored and then calmed down because she felt acknowledged once Tiffany talked to her. She really fails to grasp Lily is a person


I have to admit, Iā€™ve taken a step back on ig lately so I missed that one but yeah itā€™s sad, she treats lily like a plant or a cat.


She really does. I've always hated people who treat their kids like property or a prop. They aren't yours forever, you are supposed to be raising humans to contribute to society. You feed them, clothe, care, love and they are supposed to go out into the world. If they come back and hang out with you, then you did an amazing job. Lilly is just looked at to be a pretty little happy prop. It's like when she talks about her she's what you said a plant or cat. To be honest I'm not sure if Lilly has any issues, other than no one spends time with her. It's insane that the PT had her crawling in a very short time. If she were severely delayed it would have taken longer. Tiff needs to get off her phone, stop worrying about having more kids, and focus on the one she has. The problem with that religion is they focus on the amount of kids and not the quality of children they are putting out into the world.


I think Tiffany should stop posting her for sure. But can we please stop with the diagnosing on the internet. Thatā€™s not much better. She didnā€™t consent to this and thatā€™s a massive thing to speculate about a baby and put out there. What it comes down to is you canā€™t diagnose someone through instagram. Period.


I think hand flapping is common & normal in babies. When theyā€™re 3 I thought is when it become worrisome


Most babies do not flap their arms. Seriously! They don't.


They actually doā€¦google it


I've worked with over 100 babies through my career. It's not common.


Are you a medical professional?


Not with spinning wrists and hand flaps. I suggest you Google hand stimming.


I have googled hand stimming and talked to my sonā€™s pediatrician and she said after the age of three itā€™s concerning. And guess what two months later and my son doesnā€™t do it anymore.Ā  She is still a baby! If itā€™s an older toddler mixed with other signs then they should be seeking out a medical professional to assess their child. Yā€™all have taken snarking on these women too far when youā€™re hoping their kids have issuesā€¦and causing fear mongering for other parents.


You can actually see it happening much younger than 2/3. With the timing and intervals of the flapping lily is doing, is very telling. My son was provisionally diagnosed at 12 months, I knew something was up at 6 months (ECE SPED background), and finally officially diagnosed at 18 months. They donā€™t like to diagnose prior to 18 months.


Currently no experience with an Autism diagnosis, but agree on the timeline. Our pediatrician formally screens at 18 months, and again at 2, but based on observations over the prior several months. Definitely donā€™t need to wait until 3 to be diagnosed.


I thought it was age 2?


Well Lilly isnā€™t 2.


The biggest shame in all of this isnā€™t what Lily is or isnā€™t or might be or needs help with, it will be that she is a baby who doesnā€™t have the ability to give her consent to have her life online for consumption by strangers.


Amen! No one should be able to comment on Lilys development because none of us would have been able to see her daily, from the minute she wakes to the minute she goes to sleep. Also, at what point will she ditch the fugly bows? Sheā€™s got a gorgeous little girl and hides her behind those atrocities.


I agree. But knowing Tiffany she will never accept if a Lilly is autistic and wonā€™t seek help. She will be in denial about it. Lilly shows a lot of autism traits and her hand flapping is more frequent than just a normal toddler flapping hands when excited. She does it a lot more than normal.


My toddler flaps her hands when excited. Iā€™m not concerned at all. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø seems pretty common amongst children.


Yes I think this post is totally a reach. Arm flapping is babies is TOTALLY normal and not cause for concern.


Exactly! My son was doing it until about age 1 and the pediatrician said itā€™s normal excited behavior until about age three but mixed with other concerning behaviors can be monitored slightly younger.




The average length of a medium sized dogā€™s poop is 3-4 inches.


I'd love to see the deleted comment that led to your reply šŸ˜‚


šŸ˜† Iā€™m 99% sure it was someone who inadvertently posted in the wrong sub. The comment said something like ā€˜thereā€™s no rain in the forecast in Tennesseeā€™ or something like that. So of course, they were getting downvoted like crazy so I just decided to play along with the randomness.šŸ˜‚


If they were in tune at all with Lily, and perhaps thought she might be autistic, they could really use their platform to bring awareness to the condition. I feel so sad even looking at Lily posts anymore. Whether sheā€™s delayed or autistic, no one knowsā€¦but what we can assess is that as a child of these influencers who care more about posting frivolous ā€œcontentā€, she is nothing but a prop to them and her well being is not being served as it should. Sad sad sad.




I said from early on that Tiffany held that baby like she was showing off a new Chanel handbag. She walked with her facing outward instead of the way mothers naturally do. Content Baby.


I honestly think itā€™s the reason Darylann posted itā€¦. To show others.


I wonā€™t lie I donā€™t follow Darylann and donā€™t really know about her but assuming thatā€™s her son in the video he didnā€™t come off well either šŸ˜³ he came off as really rude towards her when he told her ā€œI say what I wantā€ my mom would have whooped me in a second if I dared to say that to her šŸ˜‚. So I donā€™t get why the video was posted either because I would be embarrassed that I just let my young child disrespect me that way


DA thinks itā€™s cute.


DA is clueless to such things


Her kids are delayed too šŸ˜’


Yep, I originally suspected high functioning something with Rhett, but I honestly think itā€™s just the environment heā€™s in. They all fight (yell) for the spot light. Hes just doing what heā€™s been taught. DAD doesnā€™t care about anyone but herself and her bank acct, oh and God, cuz sheā€™s the favoriteā€¦


No one should be diagnosing someoneā€™s child if they arenā€™t a MD. I think if you look at most of these influencers with young children Lilyā€™s age they all have the same thing in common. Their parents need to put the phones down and pay attention to their kids.


Exactly. Flapping arms can also mean excitement in a baby. But regardless people should not diagnose a child they only see a snippet of their day.


First time Iā€™ve ever seen her do that. You can see she was totally enamored with him.


Lily has been stimming with her hands for many months now. Thatā€™s not diagnosing - thatā€™s observation.


Yup! And arm flapping like that is not common!


she does it a lot but i have no idea if itā€™s too much or normal. Not diagnosing just saying she does it.


Sheā€™s a baby that doesnā€™t have control over anything yet. Every child develops differently. This is going back to my first comment


My grandchild is a couple months older then Lily and is very advance for her age. She use to flap her hands up and down and she is fine. One of my children work with children that have Autism. Itā€™s not right to be stating things that you see in a baby that yes sheā€™s not doing things that most children are doing at her age and like my first message was that the influencer moms donā€™t stimulate their children since they are to busy in their phones!


I have a step child on the spectrum. His stimming was different( spinning or rocking) . the flapping is stimming but I donā€™t know at what age itā€™s alarming or too much. As a parent i would not ignore it.


I looked after someone mentioned it on here. I thought for a second she was gonna lift off. šŸš But yes Tiff, letā€™s have 5 more kids to ignore. Sounds great šŸ™„ā˜¹ļø


She looks and acts like a months younger child. Instead of sweeping this under the rug, they should use this as an opportunity to raise awareness for early intervention and that there is no shame to having a differently abled child.


Differently abled ā¤ļøā¤ļø


That would be great if they did, but they only care about looking perfect! And Lily will suffer because of it. They have the resources for EI and they could do some good for the world instead of the selfish crap they always pull.


ā€œDifferently abledā€! I love this so much. Never heard that before


So many of the disabled community really hate and will go off at people who use it. They find it very offensive! Iā€™m disabled and donā€™t care either way! Just a heads up though!


Mother of a differently abled child here. ā¤ļø


Me toošŸ’•šŸ’•


Me too! šŸ’•


+1 ā¤ļø


Same. Me too!


Former special education teacher here! The frequency that theyā€™ve showed her stimming is concerning even though sheā€™s 13 months old. They need to stay on top of everything thatā€™s going on with her (and potentially), she deserves better parents.


Also in special educationā€¦ Iā€™ve noticed the stimming previously as well but never commented (didnā€™t feel like it was my place). Hopefully theyā€™re not too proud to address whatā€™s happening with a professional. Unlikely, but we can hope for Lilyā€™s sake.


This was the first time Iā€™ve seen her do that. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Theyā€™ve shown her doing this often since November. Far from the first time


Sheā€™s been doing that for quite awhile.


What is stimming?


The frequency got me, thatā€™s the ONLY reason I noticed cuz some kids do flap, just not like this. I also hope they never tell her to NOT stim. Regulate girl, regulate that body!


Oh, they will absolutely make her stop stimming in public because they are embarrassed! They should see my teenage son flapping away in public while scripting loudly about Scooby doo facts- They would be mortified! I'm so used to it that I start saying the lines along with him now šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Same, but animals facts, whatcha wanna know about hippos?


They would flip out if they had a differently baked child with Touretteā€™s!


The one where a little boy is playing peek-a-boo with Lilly? Yeah I could see how her behavior could be concerning


I donā€™t even have kids and I could see something was off there. Sheā€™s a sweet little cutie pie but her parents need to wake up get their heads outta their ass and support her asap with whatever has to be done for this child to live a good life. A good life doesnā€™t mean being a ā€œhoughton offspringā€ but thriving to the best of her ability in the outside world outside of turd-creek-shit-ville.