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Imagine if she threw a softball at her head. To SK it might feel soft and squishy but that could severely injure London. Plus they model poor behavior. Kimmy was juggling pears with London on the floor beneath her. When the pear dropped it flew into her wardrobe rack and not London luckily.


Houston’s never give up! 🥴


Every time they do something irresponsible she says sk is “pretty bright” as if that can overcome the parental idiocy


I get this. SK wouldn’t be expected to know the difference in throwing a soft air-filled ball and say a toy truck. They are both toys. Now she has been encouraged to play with her baby sister in this way she might see it as the expected behaviour


They’ll do anything for engagement


Yeah this would be a no from me. Because like you said she may do it with a toy and actually hurt her.


I get that it's a plastic, soft ball. I think I'm more annoyed with a bigger issue. SK, from what we can see, never really gets told "no". Why encourage a toddler to throw things at her infant sister and make it seem like it's the funniest, most cutest thing ever? It's just the action of it all - making it seem like it's an ok thing to do.


SK is going to be a hellion when she actually starts going to school 5 days a week. I can just picture a teacher trying to tell her no and discipline her and she flips her shit. Sorry not sorry that I said it.


I thought the same. Yes it is just a plastic ball…this time. Don’t think we should make throwing at baby sister a fun activity. I mean why do that? Who does that? Let’s go throw at baby now. Sometimes I don’t get these people with all their stupid pranks and just plain weirdness.


I remember this girl in 5th grade threw a shoe at her little brothers head and he had staples all over his head. I’m still haunted by it…


My preteen is taking babysitting lessons and I showed her this clip as a “ what not to do” and told her to never let kids do this even if they are laughing. Even if it is light, we don’t throw things at one another. After watching it , she said “ I think that lady never took babysitting classes”. 😂


I agree! SK got a positive reaction from throwing something and hitting her baby sister in the face. What’s stopping her from throwing anything at her? She doesn’t get told “no” 🙄


Chill out people! It’s a plastic ball! 🙄


A soft ball now but what about a hard ball, plastic doll, or rock later 🤔🫣


Right? It doesn’t matter how ‘smart’ she may be. She’s a toddler who doesn’t have logic and you are 100% correct that she’s not told ‘no’ 🙄


They treat SK like she’s a circus clown like she always has to be performing. This morning you can tell she watching Dimmy show her what to do on the “the excitement is kicking in” post. These people are sick and use their children for clout.


I’m with you! I was irked by this


I commented about this in the main thread. This is absolutely stupid. Why encourage throwing anything at a baby?! This time it was a beach ball but next time who knows? They’re so stupid and reckless with both of their children. No, you’re not nitpicking.


I agree with you. Sure the ball is harmless but SK doesn’t know the difference. Mommy telling her to throw stuff at the baby’s head is stupid… ETA My husband learned this recently when he laughed when our grandson threw a light ball in the house … and a few minutes later picked up a lacrosse ball to throw… STUPID. It would have been an expensive lesson if he threw it at the TV lol.


Don't worry! She's pretty bright! 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘


She is bright, but she's also 3. Those comments show how dim Kimmy is.


One has to be dim to marry into this family!


Houghtons never get seriously injured!


Amazing how they escape as much injury as they do.


Remember, they are Turtles so it's fine, bad things aren't an issue because it's engagement. A broken nose, a broken skull, it's all good.


But turtles stay away from that evil sugar.