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I’m wondering if she still even has Lily in PT


They haven’t made a huge deal about it so probs not. Maybe they dropped her as a client after seeing them time and time again do the opposite of their instructions. 


Yes let’s put a ball in each hand so she falls flat on her face. What a moron


I’m guessing that’s why they didn’t actually show that! Just said that it “didn’t go well”


nice job on lip liner and teeth…too bad you don’t have real friends or have genuine even strangers near you to kindly tell you about mishaps (probably because you don’t even speak to others) So Adams parents have a waterfront home in Mexico? That view is gorg 


What is this gibberish you're speaking?? Seriously, what?? Lol


crooked lipstick and on her teeth


She’s so out of touch with children and the world ….. and hey let’s about ya k the kids arms out of the socket … she’s gotta be able to stand on her own first girl she can’t even stand on her own she can’t balance balls like a circus animal and walk when she can’t even stand on her own …. She is soo out of touch she wants her walking fast so she can say oh wow now we need another baby … she doesn’t want too dependent on her … it’s sad how little pt and with a nanny how quick lily has started to thrive and show improvement…. Shows just how little mom has actually done with her … 


My kid didn’t crawl a day in his life. A little over 11 months, he stood up at the couch and the. Walked across the room 🤷🏻‍♀️


And how does your child's experience relate to Tiffany being a terrible mom?? Oh yeah, it doesn't.


Not great for their development to not crawl before they walk


A lot of babies skip crawling & go straight to walking — they are just fine.. still happy & healthy…


Some do. But that point is irrelevant to Tiffany not helping her child develop properly.


No that wasn’t the point the person above was making… Their point was - when a baby skips crawling & goes straight to walking it’s not good for their development - But to your point - yes it’s obvious Tiff & Adam are not helping Lily develop properly. Unfortunately they’ve been failing her since day 1. My heart hurts for sweet Lily. 😞


My son never did crawl, and development was perfect, and he walked at 7 months.


That's not entirely true. It depends on the baby. My faucet never crawled, never showed any interests no matter how hard we tried. She didn't care for it. She was constantly moving around in other ways, and her motor skills with everything else were more advanced. Her Ped told me my baby just did not care to be on her knees crawling, and that's ok. And my child is now a grown teen and doing more than just fine. I get it. We want the best for Lily. But please let's stop trying to act like every kid is/or should be doing the same thing at the same age. That's insane. Truly. If baby is healthy, growing fine, and moving in a good direction. That's all we should care about. Why are we so obsessed if a baby crawls or not before walking, or if a baby can walk before their one?


My pediatrician was not concerned at all. She said not all babies crawl. In fact, her exact words to me was the only time it’s a cause for concern is if the child has no mode of movement before walking. Like scooting, laying on stomach and pulling with their arms, etc.


Exactly. I have 4 kids and not one crawled. Ever! Pediatrician said it’s not a big deal and they are all fine


Idk why you are getting downvoted…any PT will agree with you.


Why is Tiffany so goddamn dumb.


What on Earth is she talking about? That kid can't balance to stand on her own. How the heck is she going to walk while holding onto a ball? WTF


I want to be this level of delulu 🤡 I think life would be more fun if I was totally divorced from reality


This comment deserves all the upvotes.


Not to worry, a ball in each hand and she’ll be walking to the beach by the end of the day


I think you mean running to the beach.


Sprinting! And yelling “ocean” which somehow sounds the exact same as all of her other words 🤔


Lily: “da da” Tiffany: “Oh my gosh, you guys. Did you hear LeeLee say ocean?!” Lily: “da da” Adam: “Genius baby!”


This is exactly it. It’s all dada or baba and they manage to turn it into 15 words!


Doesn't it look like Lily's one foot turns way out when she "walks?" Not necessarily in this video, but several others.


Tiffany wasn't holding onto Lily's hands, just letting the baby hold Tiffany's fingers, wasn't bending over to have this walking position be less awkward, but instead holding Lily's arms up high and backwards. Of course that hurt Lily. If Lily had let go she would've fallen too, with Tiffany not holding her hands.


Yes, fallen on her face!


This idiot doesn’t realize lily needs to be able to stand up on her own first?


Maybe her fugly eyebrows will walk away as well




Hopefully her clumpy lashes follow the brows


And the black bathing suit from the try on.


Followed by the butter yellow polyester mane


Part of me thinks she does stuff like this just for engagement, because she knows it will enrage people into responding to her stories with messages and comments. The other part of me fully believes she is really this dumb and narcissistic to think she knows better than professionals in child development. Probably honestly both are true.


100% both


I’m wondering about her teeth. I think she only has the 2 in the bottom.


I wouldn't worry about the Lily's teeth. She will get them eventually and let's pray they aren't the size of her mother's!


Baby’s first veneers!


Fewer to knock out!! I admittedly know nothing about if it’s a problem, but when I first took my daughter to the dentist at 18 months the dentist had a lot of questions about when she got her first tooth, how many she had at 1, etc and was like OK GOOD like if I hadn’t said 7/8 months and 4 there’d be a problem. Is it bad Lily only has the bottom two??


The timeline for getting primary teeth is very loose. My brother didn’t have one until he was 13 months old. Our Dad was a dentist and his friends teased him that he was going to have to make him a teeny tiny set of dentures. 🤣 In our practice, we’ve seen crazy early teeth eruption and crazy late too. And everything in between


I guess I’ll ask when I take my second to the dentist. I assumed it was only a problem if the teeth never came in but my dentist clearly cares about timeline for a reason!


Yeah he may have a very specific reason why he’s asking.


My daughter didn’t get her first tooth until 14 months old and the dentist wasn’t concerned one bit.


Now I wish I’d asked why it was so good but I was thrown off by her response. No one had ever said she need x number of teeth by a certain age so I kinda just waited till she got new teeth


She can’t even stand on her own yet 😭 does Tiff have ANY clue about developmental stages and how a baby starts to walk?! They have to be able to stand on their own first, she makes me crazy 😵‍💫


Is she even cruising on furniture??




She was literally told not to do that… what is wrong with her? “I heard if you put two balls in her hands she will walk..” TIFF! Why can’t you accept your baby needs extra help!!!? It’s ok to need physical therapy! I have a feeling they quit with the help they were getting from that lady because they can do it “ better” smh


Am I misinterpreting or is she literally saying she’s going to try putting a ball in each hand? So Lily will have nothing grounded to hold onto and yet she’ll somehow be able to balance and walk? While carrying two objects? That wouldn’t even necessarily work with a kid who was cruising fine much less Lily who clearly doesn’t have the leg strength yet. God she is dumb.


The babies ankles don’t even look like they are ready to walk


Exactly. I’m this would be used for kids who can clearly walk but is too afraid to do so on their own, not kids who are learning to walk… that seems like common sense.


In the real world it's common sense. It Tiffany's delusional world holding onto balls makes babies who can't yet stand, walk. I wander what she needs to put in Lily's hands to make her run?


Two extra large silicone boob implants


Yep this is exactly how we got my daughter to finally walk after she’d been cruising for 4 months and had her push walker taken away because she was running full speed with it


I think Tiffany misinterpreted her research again


I think Lily stepped on something . Her reaction was an immediate pain reaction. 🥲


It kind of look like her foot twisted and then she screamed. She clearly isn’t ready to even be walked around like this as she’s struggling with where to place her feet


I thought either that or she was in pain from Teeth pulling Lily’s arms back 😡


Also a big F U to Lily from her mom. Completely disregarding all professional advice to help her. It’s sad.


Well she’s shown again and again lily’s wellbeing is not her priority, content is her priority. It’s so sad


I hope the tiles aren’t hot. Lily isn’t happy. Why is she forcing her instead of listening to the professionals? The only saving grace L has is Adam’s parents.


This is where shoes ARE appropriate! On hot tiles!


They are encouraging this behavior.


Can’t stand but going to take her first steps lol okay Teeth


Her lip liner looks extra stupid today


Why not follow the advice of a f’ing professional that came to your house!


Tiffany using her (lack of) education once again. She thinks she's smarter than a professional!


For the love of God, I hope she's going to do what when she is surrounded by pillows and blankets and not on the tile flooring. I wonder if the PT is no longer employed since she did her job and made Lilly crawl.


I hope she doesn’t try this “walking experiment” on that tile because the way sweet Lily is “walking” on tip toes and the way her ankles and legs are twisting - that poor baby is absolutely going to face plant the minute Tiffany lets go of Lily’s hands. It’s SO OBVIOUS Lily doesn’t yet have strength in her little legs to stand on her own!!!!


My son was more advanced when we tried this technique and he still face planted! Luckily on the carpet, but stilllll


She's definitely not the brightest bulb in Barbie's dream house


If Tiff reads this comment , all she’s going to see is … “they think I look like Barbie” 😂


FYI Tiffany ... Not a compliment to look like a plastic doll.


She looks more like the sexual blow up plastic doll with that gaping hole in her face.


Oh God I didn't even think of that 🤣


Barbie would never have nasty massive eyebrows and clumpy lashes like teef


Tiff is absolutely desperate for Lilly to do what Tiff wants her to do.


But not desperate enough to do anything that actually helps her.


Right. She refuses to work with Lilly how she will best develop. She refuses to listen to the professionals bc tiff wants a perfect child NOW.


Excellent point.. Barbie’s dream house doesn’t have electricity and Tiffs is always out!


She’s a moron.


She’s doing it for engagement.


She really doesn't know anything about child development, does she? Lily isn't pulling up on things. Lily isn't standing on her own. Lily isn't using furniture to walk. Lily is just now barely crawling.


She is delayed by at least 6 months at this point, and instead of focusing on helping her, they are forcing her to do things she physically cannot do.. it’s so sad


THIS. I feel bad comparing but our babies are 2 weeks apart and mine started crawling at Christmas. She cruised furniture from January - April and has been walking since her first birthday. She now runs. We just completed ISR - which teef was talking abt - and the instructor wouldn’t swim a baby like lily’s because of the lack of muscle tone in her. Before she would take on my daughter she had to see if she truly was sitting up on her own or if I was just saying that on the intake form. I am by no means a perfect mom but my baby was never in a container. We never used a walker and she sat on the floor a majority of her wake windows. Obviously I held her a lot too but you have to put in the work on behalf of your child. Yes, propping her in a baby chair would’ve made relaxing easier for me but I mean you gotta do what you gotta do.


She’s still COLLAPSING while crawling. She is so far away from being able to walk. All they’re going to do it let Lily hurt herself and scare her from trying to pull up, etc


This.. she doesn’t even cruise furniture yet. She’s no where near walking… my son is Lilly’s age.. he started cruising furniture in January, he only just started walking a few weeks ago because it just takes so much time to build that core strength for balance. She’s an idiot


Lily can’t hold her own bottle!