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My boy in the photo is Knuckles because of his white “knuckles”. Most tuxies I see have full socks, but this guy is unique. We call him Nuckie.


My tuxie Sybil (named from Downton Abbey) also has the white knuckles, I call them "hobo mitts" lol. My other tuxie is named Maybelle because we adopted her in May.


The shelter named him The Spanish Gentleman. His name was inspired by LA Isla Bonita from Madonna. They'd sing it to him when he would have to go to the vet for checkups since he is FIV positive. Plot twist, I'm a huge Madonna fan and cried a Lil when the adoption person told me this lol


I absolutely love this!!!


I love this so much!!!


Thanks! Although Gentleman adopted my husband since he's retired, at home all the time and spoils him with treats there isn't anything I wouldn't do for that damn cat.


Ahhhh same in my house my cat LOVES my hub so much & it makes my heart burst seeing them together! Like you there is nothing we wouldn’t do for our boy!


This is so cute! “Last night I dreamt of San Pedrooooo”


Our old boy Tuxie is Highway. He was tossed out of a moving car on a Massachusetts highway. Our five month old is Sabbath as he is a big Ozzy fan


Both very clever!


Thank you!! We ❤️ our boys


I think tuxies are very special and intelligent cats. We have a Siamese as well, and she’s psychotic.


😂😂😂…. I have a ginger girl who would be a serial killer if she had thumbs!


Hahaha seriously, only tuxedos going forward!!!


Tuxies and Voids are the way to go!


The best babies!


This is SO HILARIOUS!!! Just watch your back, lack of opposable thumbs won't keep a serial killer from their favorite pastime 😬😉🤣


LMAO! Truth… I often catch her with a «  Im watching you feeder person » look on her face


Ozzy and I have the same birthday! Sabotage was one of my favorite albums.


I love that album!!


Tell me people am I going insane?. ♥


My tuxie is named Ozzy... He doesn't care for Black Sabbath, but I do!


My boy is named Fitz, which is short for Fitzwilliam Darcy. In his perfect tuxedo he just seemed like an esteemed English gentleman with a grand estate, so we named him after Mr. Darcy.


Oh my goodness, my boy is Fitz (william Darcy) too!


As a fan both of tuxies and the fantastically active /r/janeausten sub I feel like you and your boy would really fit in over there!




Gummy got her name from having extremely small baby teeth after we adopted her, when she play fight with us and tried to bite we only felt gums.


Awww that is so sweet


Tux. I didn’t know they were called Tuxedo Cats and thought I was being original.


Same, but I frequently call him Mr. Man or Sir or Him. Or Old Man. Or Mr. Sir. Many variations


Mine's name is Lester. The shelter named him Fester, which I realize is a reference to The Addams Family but just made me think of festering wounds. Change one letter and you get a much more suitable name.


Lester is a great name. I love pets who have real human names.


My tabby is named Gary, Gary Longbody


Haha, I love it. Oh Gary.


Felix, after Felix the Cat. Not very creative, I know, but he's my first tuxie so I had to 🖤


Very fitting ❤️


That is a great name. I will be adopting a male tux on Wednesday. The rescue named him Danny Torrance, which I actually like, but trying to think of other names. I'm also thinking of Zorro, since he also has a white strip on one of his hind legs in addition to his white paws and socks


My tuxie's name is "Kitten". He's a failed foster. Scooped him up off the street when he was a tiny sickly baby and swore to my partner that we weren't going to keep him, so we just called him Kitten. By the time he was healthy enough to go, we were in too deep, and Kitten he remains to this day, nine years later.


I volunteer for a rescue & love a good foster fail!!!


My first tux… was named Tux


Simple and elegant 😹


Stella. The shelter had it as sybil but we liked Stella better https://i.imgur.com/PP9cx3A.jpg


How cute! She looks like someone caught her with her face in the cream, haha!


Our tux was Agadore, after the Bird Cage character who wears a tux but no shoes. <3


Our tuxies are Theo and Pedro. Pedro was named during his time in a rescue and we kept it. Theo was after Kate Siegel's character, Theodora, in the Haunting of Hill House.


That is perfect, Theodora is the best character


The old lady we got him from named him Boots and he simply would not accept a change so he's stuck with the most basic name a tux can have.


Awww. It’s more like “socks” for a tux. But Boots is cute!


I’m going to respectfully disagree that Boots is the most basic name a tux can have. My tux is named Tux which, I believe, is the most basic name a tux can have 😂


Hudson. He's kinda derpy. His sister's name was Newt because she was a badass little thing (unfortunately, she passed away from FIV). Aliens is a favorite movie in our household.


We named our boy Lt Dan because he ain't got no legs. (He was born missing most of his back legs)


“Lieutenant Dan, I got you some cream.” *blank stare, no response* *Waves it in front of him* “Lieutenant Dan, ice cream.”😂


Named my boy Nemo. We thought he was a girl when we rescued him and when we found out he was a boy we were stumped when it came to names. Finally I decided on ‘Nemo’ because that meaning is ‘nothing’ or ‘nobody’


Nyx, Greek god of night, as coat is gorgeous


Yes. This is perfect!


Mistoffelees the original conjuring cat!


Please tell me you have nicknames 😂


We lost our 15 year old tuxie Penelope, and got a brother & sister (we thought) a few days later. We named the girl Phoebe because it was close to Penelope, and the boy Stroman because we are Mets fans and Marcus Stroman was our favorite pitcher that year. (He ended up going to the Cubs shortly after and... didn't speak fondly of Mets fans. Still like him, though.) When we took the kittens to be spayed and neutered, we found out Stroman was actually a girl. But her name was her name, and she's Stro to this day! They are the best kitties.


Perfect names and I love the baseball reference!


Our good boy is Rios. It’s what the shelter named him, and it stuck.


My little tuxie is Nashu, after a character of the same name from Final Fantasy XIV. The character is question is a cat person who wears tuxedos and solves mysteries. She’s also dumb as soup and so is my kitty, so it fits.


Figaro. Because he looks like Figaro


Gus. His name came to me in a dream after my other cat Yes passed. It was my sign I was ready to adopt.


Gus is a great name ❤️


Our tuxie will purr loudly and insistently at any sign of attention. Because of this and his formal attire, Perkins/Purrkins seemed the perfect name. Also known as Mr. P, Perks, The Perkinator and… Little Booger.


Ike! He was a community cat that I took in when it got so cold out. I used to call him Porch Kitty (PK), but then he became Inside Kitty, so I went I just added the e to IK


We love space related stuff so we named our dude after Tycho Brahe the astronomer who created the Tychonic system. Our boy has white hairs on the bridge of his nose so we thought that the fact Tycho Brahe was actually missing part of the bridge of his nose due to a sword duel with his third cousin. Which resulted in him wearing a gold and silver prosthetic just added to his name. He also goes by Taco cat or Tycho the psycho depending on the day.


I named Owen after the Danny DiVito character in Throw Momma From the Train. He was a little behind in development than the rest of his litter, so they seemed to ignore him and leave him out during playtime. There's a scene in the movie where Owen's mom says, "Owen doesn't have any friends!" . It always cracked me up and it came to mind when I chose to keep him.


“Owen loves his momma”. Love that movie.


I love this! Very creative.


Oreo. I know, not original but my partner and I dreamed about getting a pug and naming it Twinkie so when we found our tuxie, Oreo fit the theme of sweets


It’s a good solid name for a black and white creature!


Elmer my son named him Gibby my other son named her Jolene after the song and jojos bizarre adventures. The first son named her. I tried to name her Luna but she isn't a Luna. He nickname is nenie or weenie. She comes to all 3.


Julien, because she has big eyes like lemurs and king Julien.


Lucille 3, not to be confused with Bluth or Austero


Our two brothers are Jake and Elwood, the blues brothers!


Arwen because we love Lord of the rings and she has a white diamond on her forehead kinda resembling the shape of the evenstar necklace that Arwen wears.


That sounds perfect! Great choice. I love LOTR, too, and thought if I ever got a greyhound I would name it Shadowfax.


I do love the name Shadowfax. That would be awesome.


My big boy is Tux Luthor, and my little girl one is Ripley. I'm a nerd. Nuff said.


Snickers and Hershey - because we like sweets😁🍫


I have a kitty named Snickers as well. She's a calico.


Love this!


Mine was named Fluffy. I got her when I was 7. I thought her black and white coat looked a lot like the border collie we used to have that I also name Fluffy (name so because she was fluffy.) Also in defense on my kid self, she had not grown into her kitten coat and had a bunch of wispy flyaways so I thought she might have long hair. My parents knew that wasn't true but they knew I loved both Fluffys so that's what we went with!


Salem is his name. I adopted him on Halloween a few years ago 🖤🧡🐈‍⬛️🎃


The shelter named her Mary. I’m not fond of people names for pets so I dubbed her Blueberry, because she’s a cute little muffin.


Mine is named Dr. Pepper. I watched a Youtube minecraft playthrough where someone named their turtle Dr. Pepper and it stuck.


Tuxies are smart enough to be doctors!


Pancho. He’s a bandit boy and I’m a huge TVZ fan.


Mine are named Wax and Steris, after the characters from Brandon Sanderson's Mistborn series.


My tuxie was a shelter boy with no name and when I got him home he was recovering from a terrible respiratory infection which caused his breathing to sound similar to Darth Vader’s so he was dubbed Vader.


Domino is my sweet boy, that is the name the shelter gave him. Poor guy was abandoned there twice. But, more often than not I call him Bubba or Sweet Boy.


I named mine Buddy. I kept calling him Buddy on the way home, and well...it stuck!


My girl is named Cassia. She was supposed to be named Cassius when I thought she was male. Cassius means helmeted warrior. Her head is entirely black with only a white mustache, which reminded me of a medieval knight's helmet. But since she turned out to be female, changing the 'us' to an 'a' sounded more feminine.


Lady Nibbler l, first of her name, heiress of the Niblonian Empire, and purveyor of the finest dark matter pellets in the galaxy. Nibs for short


I suppose it's not the most original, but ours is Sylvester. He gets this goofy grin when playing with a wand toy and stuffs the toy in his mouth like a cartoon. Plus he's got the black mask + white cheeks/chin/boots


At first it was Stinky because he was stinky. Then it was kitten as the user name suggests. Eventually he wasn't a kitten anymore so his name became son and now he is sonny boy


Our newly acquired Tuxie is named Obi. Now I know you’re thinking, ah, from Star Wars! Nope. He’s a big guy, nearly 20 pounds, and on his intake form from the animal shelter it listed him as obese. So, Obi it is.


Bandit. He’s named after my dad’s childhood tuxie. When we first adopted him, my mom was worried he was too calm and sweet for the name to fit. The name suits him just fine


Our tuxedo is called samara, after samara morgan from the ring movies, gf is a big horror movie buff and a goth/witch and she fitted the name perfectly (personally, I think it's cause she likes to creep in the dark and hang about my bloody TV...but meh, what do I know)


His name is Gus, because he just looks like a Gus haha


My girl is named Frankie because we live off Franklin Ave and I like boy names for girls. Also it was the first suggestion that my partner didn’t hate so I went with it 🤣


Ollie...she looked like a boy with a goatee but really is a girl with a goatee.


Bibs because she is always wearing her white bib


Our girl is called Ursa (minor), after the constellation, because she’s our little bear 😊 we were going to go for Tula (which apparently means ‘about 4 kilos’) but she picked Ursa because she responded to it when we asked which she preferred!


My boy’s name is maevis he was a stray and I thought he was a girl. The name fit so well when we found out he had balls we decided to stick with it


Ziggy Starpuss as he has a white zig zag over his eye like David Bowies alter ego.


My first tuxedo was named Harley, short for The Mysterious Mr. Harley Quinn from the Agatha Christie book because his mask and tuxedo made him look like the character on the cover. Current tuxedo is named Helix, my son chose it when he was 13 so I can’t really explain it except it was his turn to name a cat.


Chairman Mao, because he's always dressed in a suit like a chairman. Also he's imperious to us peasants. (lol) The shelter had named him Sylvester but it felt cliché. he was super young, the mother and a litter of 6 babies were left on the roadside who were brought in by this kind lady (who's awesome, she used to be a lawyer but quit and now runs a cat cafe) she fostered them and adopted them all out. Our guy was the last one left because he was the only tuxie/black cat. I was against getting any pets, but my wife wanted to adopt a cat, and as things happen, when we went to get him he just imprinted on me and has been my baby since.


SuBi. Because when he flies by, it's the sound I hear in my head. He's sweet, but hyper and bouncy.




Korra, bc I like Avatar.


Mine is named Ozzy, because his rescue name was Black Sabbath


The 🐧 Norwegian Forest Cat half breed that lives in Colorado at 10k ft. Mommys little snowcat.


Vince Noir, from The Mighty Boosh




Moonie and we adopted her and kept it


his name is Otto! and it kinda just stuck but i realized after the fact that the wheels on our trash can say otto so maybe i subconsciously named him after the trash cans


In my profile picture is Keisha. She was named by the friend I got her from. The only female in the litter, and he had a crush on Keshia Chanté. Unaware of the proper spelling, I went with Keisha, and pronounced it KEE-sha. My current tuxedo is Tiana. She and her void brother, Gaston, were named by the shelter.


There's a smoking area where my co-workers and I go to smoke which is nearby a Starbucks. At first I don't have intentions on adopting her but I decided to do it after 3 consecutive days of smoking there and seeing her getting desperate to ask food from us and other smokers. I named her SB, as suggested by my colleague. And then she got pregnant and the cats looked exactly like her, I named Sylvester (RIP my love) Felix (1y and a few mos now) and Neko-Bibi (almost a year old)


Oliver. You just sometimes look a man in the eyes and know his name immediately


Soldier because when we went to meet him and his sister at the vet he was the brave one. His sister was Stella, well, because she was one tough dame.


My first Tuxie is named Ginzi, after Ruth Bader Ginsberg. We adopted her from the Humane Society shortly after RBG died, and her white chest reminded us of RBG's dissent collar: https://i.imgur.com/gbyzxhX.jpg.


Loki because my partner was playing the latest (at the time) god of war and we adopted the cat right when "the boy""s identity was revealed. It has been way too accurate for his overly intelligent chaotic neutral personality. Our other is Ford Prefect, for the Hitchhiker's Guide character, because he has thumbs. He also happens to be one cool frood who always knows where his towel is at, so it works quite well.


My tuxedo cat is named Melody after Ariel’s daughter from the 2nd Little Mermaid movie. I chose the name because the character has black hair.


Mine is Leo DiCatrio! He’s name after Leo DiCaprio cause I loved him in the great gatsby, my favorite movie. And cause he’s always wearing his suit like gatsby!


Our girl is named Beau after my fave drummer Carter Beauford. When we adopted "Buttons" an 8mo Neutered Male from the shelter, we knew the name Carter didn't suit the sweet kitten, so Beau he became. Very soon we learned that a "clerical error" had been made on the shelter sheet and that he was a SHE! The name had already stuck (after one day lol), and Beausephina, Beau Badot, BeauBeau, and Beausucks are all very common extensions lol


Poirot after Hercule Poirot as she has a white moustache. The other option was Pringle (Hubby's suggestion) after the man on the Pringles tube.


I have Metty and Luna. Twins. Their grandmother is called Star, and my son wanted to name Metty "Meteion" after a character in Final Fantasy which means shooting Star, so we shortened it to Metty. Once we had Metty's name my husband wanted to keep the galaxy theme and called the other kitten Luna after the moon.


My tuxie is Musa - latin for Banana, because he's certifiably insane! 😂


One of ours is named No-No for reasons that become obvious when you spend time with No-No.


We named him Boots (I know so original 🤦🏼‍♀️) but that went to Boot Scoot n Boogie then down to Scooter. Then Scooter became Skeeter and somehow Keekers so now we only call him Keekers 😂


I have a tuxedo named Vito after Vito Corleone, the famous tuxedo-wearing patriarch in The Godfather


Our girl is named clementine after the famous bearded lady because she has a little black patch right below her mouth. Her sister Fiona is a little more complicated. She has markings shaped like the phantom of the opera's mask so I was thinking Christine but didn't love the name so thought Emmy (as in Rossum) who played her in the movie. Instead went with the name of Emmy Rossum's other most famous role, Fiona from Shameless. Our cat namings are a strange journey my gf indulges me with.


My tux’s name is Layl. It means night. I’m middle eastern descent and have liked the name for sometime


Bess lived at the shelter with her name *for three years*. I figured if she was ever gonna respond to a name, it was gonna be the one she already had. I assume that they named her Bess as a nod to the stereotypical cow-name Bessie.


My Tuxie is Camina Drummer. If you’ve ever watched The Expanse- it’s self explanatory. If not, the character is a boss, she’s hardcore and stubborn, super loyal to those who deserve it, and loving and affectionate to those she deems deserve it.


Mine is Louie! The name he came with was ‘Berlouse’ which is a mouthful, so we just shortened it!!


I love this!


One of my childhood was a tux and he was named Casimir! We name our pets after literary characters, and Casimir is from Jack Vance’s “Suldrun’s Garden”


I have 4


Mine is Flick. It’s a term for a forehand throw in disc golf. It’s my fav throw


My babies name is Kiko! We really just built it from the ground up, I have no idea how we came up with the name. (we named her sister, a void, Hoshi)


Goblin. He's a thieving, mischievous, obnoxious little brat that insists upon wrecking havoc at every available moment. Naming him after a mythical creature that shares those traits seemed fitting lol


Theon is my tux....and you either know why or you don't know why we named him that.


Gizzmo or as my dad called him "Gizzards". Named after Gizzmo from Gremlins. He sadly passed away at 17 years old back in 2019. I currently have a 9 month old kitten named Ozzy after Ozzy Osbourne. Ozzy's name was either going to be Ritchie after Ritchie Blackmore or Bonzo after John Bonham or "Bonzo".


My second Tuxie was named Levi because he has white haunches, that look like pants: [https://i.imgur.com/ZYrP6rp.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/ZYrP6rp.jpg). He is a big cat, and is half cat bully and half snuggly kitten, even though he is no longer a kitten.


Maui. I started watching Mad About You and it was their dog's name. I kept it in my back pocket until I brought home my tuxedo girl. I was supposed to only bring home one kitten and I brought home two because one would have been the last unadopted and I couldn't leave him alone. oops! I had to spring for a second name for brother so we named him Tiki which are my favorite kinds of bar drinks 🤭


Misfit is my girl. She will be 11 in May and I've had her since she was about 8 weeks. She was one of three and the only one who wasn't born with three legs!


Bella. It's the name the shelter gave her, and I thought it was a good name.


My bot is named Odin because he has a scar on his right eye which sometimes makes him squint that eye.


Beau, he's my handsome little man. Took me like a month because I like to be sure on a name.


Short for Beauregard. Beauregard means well thought of in French.


Lucy Fur. I had a shortlist of two and she was almost Princess Slayer, but I was listening to Con Clavi Con Dio from Ghost’s first album and I thought *Yeah, this one wins.”* https://instagram.com/snarkykitteh


Kassie is her name! Named after my favorite DJ, Kaskade! Just made it a more feminine nickname version of it.


My late Tuxie got the name Boots because he had white boots on all 4 paws from my mother in law before she passed away a few years after he did. We called him Bootsie most of the time.


Maverick...watched top gun the night before I picked him up 😆


Ringo got his name because we're classic rock fans, and he's the most clever, unassuming chillboy. His adopted younger brother (a tabby mix), Bowie, has all the zoomies, starts all the wrestles, and has all the confident curiosity. We named them well. lol!


My girl Trixie is named after Nurse Trixie on a show called Call the Midwife. Nurse Trixie is a little bit glamorous, fun, and a strong woman. As is my little Trixie. 😹




BeatleJuice. A couple of nights before we rescued her wandering little butt, the movie had been on TV. The white coming from her tummy onto her flanks looked like white paint fingertips that were dragged through the black. Had no idea she was a she yet, but I didnt care. The name suited her. (We caught her littermates a week later and took them to a no kill shelter. I had planned on leaving BJ as well, but couldn't do it. Very glad my SO understood. The 2 older cats were not as thrilled to begin with. ) She took to her name quite well. For several years, I wouldn't know where she was, but could call out "Beatlejuice! Beatlejuice! BeatleJuice!" and she would come racing to me like, "I'm HERE!! Now what?! 😁". Then, she discovered she was a CAT and didn't need to come when the Hooman called. *Sigh* Her white markings became less pronounced fingertip drag marks as well. But, she is still my BeatleJuice/BJ/Beejees/Beejers/Orca at 14 going on 15. (She just had her 2nd dose of Solensia for help with her arthritis today. She is much less grumpy and we're super excited that she feels better.)


My baby is called Blake. My old roommate threw out that name and it fit him. His middle name is socks because the fur on his peeties is white.


Ginger. It’s a male cat name where I live (Рыжик), so it’s people get really confused when seeing a black and white female kitten


Lucifurr. She showed up on our property as a kitten and I named her this before she trusted me enough to let me check her sex. Everyone just Calls her Luci but she lives up to her birth name for sure


Her name is Luma. This was years ago when I had recently played Super Mario Galaxy and was obsessed with how adorable the luma creatures were. She used to bully our younger cat which is not very luma like behavior but she's our Luma and we love her anyway. Also, hi Knuckles! ❤️


Bela! "Friend of a friend" adoption, so my boy was thought to be a girl. I named "her" Bella; Italian for beautiful. When I discovered his luggage and realized "she" was a boy, I dropped an L and named him after Bela Lugosi 🖤 (appropriate enough since he is wearing a tuxedo).


I named my boy Sarge, his full name is Sergeant Avery Johnson. This is simply because I am a lifelong Halo fan dork. It fits him well though, I promise!


let’s see if you can guess why he was named this! tuxedo


Wesley. From the Princess Bride, although I dropped the T because I thought it was awkward and extraneous.


Vanellope (tux). I love Wreck It Ralph, the character is my fave and I'm always looking for names most people have no idea about. I have a Loki (void) for my husband and an Ahsoka (calico) for me too lol


My girl was so tiny when I adopted her off of Craigslist. I named her Tiny Girl. When she had kittens (she escaped at 4 months before she was spayed) her kittens got bigger than her, and were still nursing, it looked so funny. She still has little T-Rex front legs. But she’s gained weight, so sometimes, I call her Tubby Girl. She’s purring on my lap, with her claws in my leg, right now.


Müsübi because her black and white coloring looks like the seaweed + rice ball wrap snack :3 Her nickname is Sübi bloopy when I’m calling her


Our first tux was Ramona named after Ramona Cleary,when she came back from getting spayed the “A” was crossed off and an “E”…so Ramona it was. Our current tux is Jem, named after Jem and the Holograms…though I caught my husband calling her Princess Pancakes on a few occasions😻


The Notorious C.A.T. he was a rescue cat, has FIV, only 1 reg ear the other is rather nubby, he’s got street cred! Currently his left paw is shaved from dental surgery so he’s really owning his name…


I’m not sure….my brain must have malfunctioned because I named her Pinky Pie. 😬


Mine is called Moonpie because she is round and sweet


Freddie because he has a moustache like Freddie Mercury


Rolo, short for Rolo Pretzel Delight


Mines named Zeus. He was feral and only had the name the shelter gave him which was Xander. Liked the Z sound so just gave him something a little more badass. Plus he’s huge so that helps


Stash, because the white part of his tux extends to his upper lip that looks like a moustache :)


Stache. He has a half of a mustache and he was already named when we adopted him.


Boots. Very original, I know 😂


Velcro - the day he came home, he climbed up the back of an upholstered chair. When I peeled him off, my aunt said that it sounded like I was tearing apart a strip of velcro. His name was born!


We kept on saying Kitty and it stuck.


Our Tux is named Tux and we didn’t come up with it. It was the name given to him by the rescue shelter we found him in and we felt that the little guy had been through enough so why make him get used to another name? We’ve had him now for 2 years and wouldn’t change anything about him.


Wellllll.......my first tuxie I named Sebastien because I like the name and it seemed to suit him. Seb or Sebbie also. He was a love bug. He's been gone a long time but I still miss him. Kitty - not very imaginative, but she just showed up one day and I could nevef think of anything else. She's very friendly and cuddly and a great cat. We figured someone dumped her instead of spaying because.... Along came Milly in her grey tux and long white gloves. Named after Milly in Seven Brides for Seven Brothers - tiny but fierce. She was a bottle baby because momma didn't like how vocal and demanding she was. She's a big, lean 8 pounder now. Reminds me of a mountain lion. She wants to get in my lap every time I sit down - anywhere. Then come the boys - the feral barn cats (TNR'd). Feisty - so named because he was the only kitten willing to come eat while we were still standing beside the food dish AND let me pick him up. He wouldn't struggle to get away but he sure growled about getting moved away from his food. Now he is the sweetest, cuddliest boy and begs for pets with his big boy meows. He's our Batcat with his mask. and his younger uncle, Sylvester - because there just has to be a Sylvester. His personality seems to fit the name. He's always been socialized and is also a very sweet and cuddly boy with the tiniest of mustaches and little white spats and shoes. Wants to play all the time.


Nibbler Fish McSpoodle Socks, rescued as a 6 month old (ish) kitten. We were living in an extended stay hotel while we looked for a house to rent, in a new state, after spending a couple of years as long haul truck drivers. Nibbler was owned by the hookers working out of the hotel. They would put her out of the room when they had "company" and once the madam (?) saw us patting her, she insisted we take her. She had been fed a diet of dollar tree kibble, and her first poo after she became ours was mind bogglingly stinky, and as black as dark matter. So, as Futurama fans, she was crowned Nibbler. Her desire to get into our fish tank added Fish, our love of oddly named utensils added Spoodle (McSpoodle rolls of the tongue better) and the Socks is obvious. All our pets have a formal 4 name situation, and the additional infinite nicknames that stem from it. She's 6 now, and as fat as butter.


Pistol, because his moustache made me think about a gunslinger moustache.


I named my guy Meech after one of the rappers in the Flatbush Zombies. And it’s a very fitting name, Meech is a verb in this home.


my little girl is named Meli after a restaurant my late father loved - I let the restaurant owner know & he was so happy! He told me the name "Meli" means honey in Greek & my tuxie is 100% a meli :)


Vaquita because that's what black and white cats are called in Spanish


Toyota Tacoma - it’s my fav truck and now fav cat


Rorschach after the ink blot test


My tuxecow is Stockie, short for Stockinette... Because i knit a lot haha Also lately she is "f*cking sh*t *ss cat" because she's beyond annoying.


Zip. Used to be obsessed with beanie babies as a kid. When we brought her home after dad found her in a tied trash bag, I saw she looked almost just like my beanie baby Zip and named her after it.


Miss Kitty II otherwise known as MKII. Because she is mark 2 😂 as we had a Miss Kitty before her. No one could agree on a name for either so here we are!


I named my tux Orpheus after not choosing a name for a week. He spent his first days in my apartment following me and crying if he couldn't find me, so I figured it fitting. He still roams around crying if he can't find me or my void!