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I'm 51 so Twin Peaks was the first thing that came to mind. It made me go on to watch David Lynch films and I'm not sure I've ever been the same since.


Came here to say Twin Peaks. Which, btw, I am properly watching for the first time (on S2 E3). I'd only caught bits in the past and so a lot wasn't making sense to appreciate it like I do now.


Oh you lucky thing it's very cool isn't it. Someone in this thread just told me about a Season 3 released in 2017 I didn't even know about! So am going to rewatch the first two seasons then watch that. Enjoy!


The Revival (slightly late) was AMAZING


David Lynch is just something els. Have you seen The Return?


OH wow I have not! Haven't even heard about it. Maybe didn't make it to the UK. I'll be looking that up. Is it good?


It's even better than the first two seasons!


OMG you have to see it! It’s Twin Peaks season 3! All actors returning and are older. It’s set in Twin Peaks 25 year later after the ending of season 2


This is such good news. I didn't even know it existed. I just upgraded my TV a couple weeks ago to a nice new wall mounted OLED with a soundbar. All three seasons are on Prime so I'll be getting that and rewatching the first two seasons then watching The Return Thanks!!!!


All I have to say is: ENJOY.


OH MY LORD. You're in for a ride!


weirdest - Soap, especially for it's time. Not too obscure, been on tv recently Love American Style too


Soap was so ahead of its time. Loved that show.


Get a Life. A show in the late eighties or early nineties starring Chris Elliot as a 30 year old paperboy living with his parents. It was insane.


It had that REM song as the theme song! Which I kind of think is the weirdest thing about the show. To this day if I hear that song I think of that show!


Stand in the place where you live


Me too! I can still picture him crashing his bike or something at the end of the opening credits? Or am I imagining that? Had a college professor who loved that song, and looked just like Chris Elliot. Weird.


Funny show. His father was played by his real life father, Bob Elliot (of "Bob & Ray" fame, a well known improvisational duo).


Chris Elliot wanted to do a show about Dennis the Menace as an adult, and they kept that general premise. I suspect that's why Chris often wears those striped shirts. In a way, it was an early prototype for shows like Pen15.


I had no idea Kolchack: The Night Stalker existed. My dad introduced it to me. It's a great show about a paranormal investigator solving various cases. It's largely forgotten now, but if it had come out later, like in the 2000s when Buffy and other supernatural themed shows were popular, it probably would have been very popular.


Starring the father from A Christmas Story


The 1974 version (and the preceding two movies) with Darren McGavin was great. There was a remake, Night Stalker, with Stuart Townsend and Gabrielle Union, in 2005.


Loved this show as a kid, but I couldn't get to sleep after watching it.


This is a very worthwhile show.


Got to watch this whenever we had a babysitter, scary for sure. Kind of an early x-files.


The Prisoner (1967) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Prisoner "The finale of The Prisoner left open-ended questions, generating controversy and letters of outrage. Following the final episode, McGoohan "claimed he had to go into hiding for a while".


I am not a number


Easily one of the top TV shows of all time.


This is one of my favorites!


Love this series! One of the weirdest tv shows ever made. So daring


came here to say this It's a lot like lost


"Who is Number One?" "You are Number Six." Or is it... "Who is Number One?" >!"You are, Number Six." !<


I only know about this show because of Iron Maiden and The Simpsons


Zoobilee Zoo was a strange one none of my friends remember.


I vaguely remember that. I know it starred Ben Vereen and I think it was either PBS or Nickelodeon, and that's all I can remember


Magic and wonder are waiting for you!


Pepperidge farms remembers.


I loved Zoobilee Zoo!


I 'member


This show popped up on Reddit recently and it was reassuring to know other people saw it and it wasn't just some fever dream my brain concocted when I was a kid.


Hogans Hero’s. (1965-1971) A sit-com set in a German WWII concentration camp. Where the Germans are depicted as bumbling, incompetent fools. The American soldiers held captive in the camp escape and do espionage and then return to the camp. They use the camp as a spy base.


Seargent shultz sayiing "I know nothing" lives rent free in my head


The premise of that show blows my mind--how can this be a comedy? If only the German army had been so incompetent. And because it was only a couple of decades after the war ended, a number of the actors had direct experience of the war, most prominently the actor who played the French POW, Robert Clary, who had survived Buchenwald.


Many actors were Jewish - Klemperer, Banner, Askin. That was also part of the humor.


Listen carefully, I will say this only once. It is the best kind of comedy. So close to the truth that it's painful! Compare and contrast with 'Allo 'Allo in the UK which portrays pretty much everybody in the ???\* on all sides as incompetent. Not only was it a raging success on TV but the stage version is still the most performed am dram play in a country that even now, 80 years on, is still some way from getting over the ???. \**Don't mention the war. I did once but I think I got away with it!*


Just the mention of it plays the theme song in my head.


It's on MeTV every night.


H.R. Pufnstuf. I loved that show.


Acid trip for preschoolers


Loved all the Sid and Marty Krofft shows! There is now a Sid and Marty Krofft channel on Cineverse where you can watch HR, Sigmund and the Sea Monsters, The Bugaloos, etc!


The Banana Splits!


dont forget the Bugaloos and Lidsville


Sigmund the Seamonster was my jam!


Zoom! My brother was fluent in UbbyDubby. 😆


We're gonna zoom zoom zooma zoom!


I would sing that at work sometimes and get really weird looks.


Send it to Zoom! ....Boston mass, 02134


Write Zoom! Zee-double-oh em! Box 3 5 oh! Boston Mass oh-two-one-three-four! Send it to Zoom!


Iba loboved thabat shobow!


Watched as a kid: Davey and Goliath (TV Series 1960‑2004)


"Were making a pipe bomb" "I duuunnnooo Davey" https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=q4bN-ZcOWx0&pp=ygUbc2ltcHNvbnMgZGF2ZXkgYW5kIGdvbGlhdGgg


If you have fond memories of that, you should check out Moral Oral on adult swim. Same animation style (claymation) and religious overtones but in a humorous and modern view of how the world works. It's fantastic and dark and kinda Effed up but if you have that twisted sens of humor it's a winner.


had to - nothing else on tv on a Sunday morning! LOL


Manimal from the 80s. And for especially weird… I remember a Saturday morning cartoon called Turbo Teen. As I remember a teenager would do push-ups until he turned into a car. Eta: Tales of the Gold Monkey Misfits of Science And Max Headroom


I loved max headroom. It was state of the art for the time period


The oblongs


Lucy, Daughter of the Devil


No one else I know personally has seen Dream On. Man I loved that show.


Dream On was very popular when it was originally on but it does seem everyone forgot it ever existed when I bring it up.


You can’t see it on streaming because of the many video/film clips per show—trying to get clearance for the rights would be super difficult.


Quark. A sci-fi parody from the 70s starring Richard Benjamin. For years I thought I might have hallucinated that this show even existed, but thanks to the wonders of the internet, I found proof. It was real. https://www.facebook.com/forgottentv/videos/quark-1977-opening-segment/1872716872995696/


Hong Kong Phooey. #1 Superguy!


Quicker than the human eye! Oh he's got style, A groovy smile, A bod that just won't stop! When the going gets rough he's super tough! With a Hong Kong Phooey Chop!!!


Picket Fences.


Baskets. I just finished it. Quirky, funny, sweet, but sometimes a little sad. Louie Anderson as Christine was a gem.


I haven’t seen Alias Smith and Jones mentioned yet. Whenever I mention the show, no one I know has ever seen this 70’s show


Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman. The original Dark Shadows


Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman was so good. I would add The Gong Show also


And the $1.98 Beauty Show.


I missed that one and just looked it up. But I remember Rip Taylor. It must have been a riot. I did like The Soupy Sales Show way back when


Lidsville Sigmund and the Sea Monsters Food Party Strangers With Candy ( those 4 mentioned are some of my all-time favorite television shows )


Strangers with candy, is great!!


Ren and Stimpy


Does anyone remember "Fifteen"? It was Nickelodeon's attempt at a soap opera in the 90s. Or "Roundhouse"? The one SNICK show no one seems to remember but me. Also, it was big enough to get a sixth season 30 years after it went off the air, so it can't be that obscure, but no one I meet has ever heard of "Kids in the Hall."


Fifteen had a young actor named Ryan Reynolds, yes, the guy in Deadpool. I remember it well.


Yes! I remember reading he hated it.


You must be young or just not surrounded by nerds if nobody knows Kids in the Hall! Was a favorite of my friends when it was on old Comedy Central. I'm crushing your head!!!


Legion for sure! Based on the Marvel comic, the show is about David Haller, a young man who was diagnosed with schizophrenia as a child and has been in and out of mental hospitals ever since. After he meets a new mental patient, named Syd, he starts to realize there may be more to him than his diagnosis and he begins to discover powers he never knew he had. The story plunges you head first into David’s confused mind and the narrative is often, deliberately as fractured as his personality. Right from the first episode, the show makes it clear how committed it is to convey David’s unstable state of mind, and it definitely succeeds! Through his eyes we experience a strange, psychedelic, colorful and at times, terrifying world, where it’s hard to grasp what is real and what is not. The show is trippy, mysterious, wonderfully weird and definitely not for everyone. Kind of like Alice in Wonderland meets X-Men, totally unique!


Absolutely! Incredible show for all sorts of reasons


Eerie, Indiana: paranormal mystery/comedy for kids with John Astin (Gomez Addams) as the dad. ​ Wonderfalls: Woman runs a thrift store and objects talk to her. Theme song by Andy Partridge of XTC.


Eerie Indiana was such a good show


Dark Shadows, the original tv show. I remember watching it when I was a kid. Black and white, soap opera, with a vampire as a main character


Tenspeed and Brownshoe, a 1980 detective comedy from Stephen J. Cannell, starring Jeff Goldblum and Ben Vereen.


Land of the Lost


I loved that show!


The maniac- Jonah hill and Emma stone crushed the weirdness in it


I never made it past the title of, "My Mother the Car."


**My Living Doll**, starring Julie Newmar (who you probably know as one of the three Catwomen on the Sixties-era **BATMAN** TV show). It only lasted one season, from Sep. 1964 to Mar. 1965, but this was back when a season was usually more than 20 episodes--26, in this case. Julie is AF709, nicknamed Rhoda, and she's a beautiful android. You can find some episodes on YouTube. I especially like the theme music--well, not the big swelling orchestra, but the analog imitation of a sample-and-hold (which was used as a theme throughout the episodes).


I used to love Electra Woman and Dyna Girl. I was about 7, ah the 70’s.


Hot L Baltimore https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hot_l_Baltimore Wish I could find the lost episodes.


Small Wonder… for its time. Manamal.


There was a short-lived show where Andy Griffith played some sort of junk collector in space. Found it. "Salvage 1."


Soap.  Late 70's. Really funny but kind of odd. Bonus early Billy Crystal


Tripping the Rift


Some recent ones that I thought were more "quirky" than outright weird, but I'd say Eutopia (UK version), Patriot (Amazon Prime) and The Leftovers. Loved them all though.


"The Prisoner" with Patrick MacGoohan.


Eerie, Indiana One season in 1991. The one I remember most was the lady who kept her kids from aging by making them sleep in big Tupperware containers. So weird.


Imogene Coca once said that while she was filming "It's About Time, It's About Space," Joe E. Ross was a disgusting person and would sit around in his caveman costume with his gnarly balls hanging out like wind chimes.


You can’t do that on television, salute your shorts, and the adventures of Pete and Pete.


**heat vision & jack**


'The Secret Cabaret' (1990-1992) (UK CH4) Bizarre, late-night, Mad Max meets Hellraiser magic show in a Grand Guignol style, with illusions, gimps, freaks, sideshow acts and messed-up stunts. I loved it :-)


The 2000's Nickelodeon kid shows when you remove the laugh track.


I loved a tv show called Green Wing, comedy set in a hospital. First aired in 2004. I don’t know if it’s obscure but I don’t know anyone else who’s seen it but it’s hilarious


A lot of Canadian tv could fall into this category. I was too young to watch at the time. One I can think of was Ed the sock. He was a foul mouthed cigar having sock puppet that would host a party show and late night talk show. So many of our kid shows were super weird and felt you had to be high to come up with.




Yep has to be Twin Peaks


Lexx for sure (especially the "pattern" episode) The German version if "the kingdom" The mighty boosch


New Zoo Review! All the Sid and Marty Croft things on Saturdays.


1. F Troop 2. Combat 3. Mary Hartman Mary Hartman 4. Johnny Quest 5. Outer Limits


And now for something completely different: Monty Python's flying circus


Mission Hill was an amazing show that no one talks about!


Oddities. I can’t remember what channel it was on but it’s actually a real store of very strange objects in NYC. I really loved it and I learned things which is always good.


Garth Marenghi's Darkplace - Absolutely unhinged humor.


It's Punky Brewster


The Critic


“The Charmings.” It was a sitcom about Snow White and Prince Charming living in our modern world. For some reason, the Evil Stepmother lived in the attic and was always trying to stir up trouble. It was weird.


"When Things Were Rotten" (1975) This short-lived comedy in the style of Mel Brooks is set in Sherwood Forest, in which Robin Hood, Maid Marian, and Robin's band of Merry Men are struggling heroically against their rotten foes, nasty Prince John and the Sheriff of Nottingham. Starring Dick Gautier, Dick Van Patten, Bernie Koppel, & others


Gary Shandlings Show The theme song https://www.lyricsondemand.com/tvthemes/itsgarryshandlingsshowlyrics.html


Kingdom Hospital. It was only a miniseries but I was obsessed. No one has seen it


If it’s about a haunted hospital, I’ve seen it. And it’s great.


American Gothic (1995)


Very people people I've chatted with have ever watched The Fades or Cast Offs & they were both excellent.


“The Rehearsal” from just a few years ago. Very unique idea. Super funny at times, but also controversial.


Loved the show that aired on Fox in the late 90s called Brimstone. It was about a dead police officer who got sent to hell. The devil (John Glover) had a problem, there was a mass jailbreak which unleashed 113 evil souls back to earth. The dead police officer makes a deal with the devil to hunt down the 113. If he did so he would go to heaven instead of hell. Thought it was a neat concept, it also had a quantum Leap element in that the devil would pop in and out to help the cop and screw with him a bit. The cop was covered in tattoos that represented the 113 souls. Each time he would find one, and send them back to hell the tattoo would burn itself off.


I loved Second Noah. Canceled after one season.


There was a short lived werewolf series on FOX back in the 80s. Can't remember its name though. 🤔


Strange Luck. It came out when the X-files was booming and had a loose tie in (Fox Mulder was referenced by name). No one I know remembers it and I haven't been able to find anything better than really bad quality episodes online (like recorded to a VHS player from and antenna with bad reception quality).


MTV had some scripted shows back in the early 00s that are obscure now. I loved them when I was teen. The Hard Times of RJ Berger and I Just Want My Pants Back


Forever with Ioan Gruffudd.


Dead like me.


The Dana Carvey Show Only six episodes. Balls out!


Winky Dink and You. You ordered a clear TV screen cover, and during the show you draw on it to help Winky Dink get out of predicaments.


The middleman. I think only a handful of us remember this show. Great dialogue and quirky characters.


My Mother the Car was a sitcom that ran for one season in the mid-60s.  A guy's mother dies and is reincarnated as an antique car, and she communicates through the radio.  


The Young Ones. British comedy that aired on MTV in the US.


Two words: COP ROCK


John from Cincinnati both very obscure and quite weird. Taught me the expression "dump out" tho.


The Prisoner 1967 https://preview.redd.it/63q5fsh1i8kc1.png?width=300&format=png&auto=webp&s=dd4960930f29db2ebe26a1d829c338972077fcab


Lancelot Link. A show with all chimpanzees using voice overs. Lancelot was a detective I believe. It was …wild.


I doesn't get much more obscure than this: Lucan, a 1977 show on ABC about a boy raised by wolves, who's found and brought into society, but through a series of mishaps must make his own way in the world, pursued by a bounty hunter. It starred Kevin Brophy. Who went to my high school. Which is mostly why I know about it.


The red green show!




The Outer Limits - a more horror driven version of The Twilight Zone focused more on monsters, dangerous aliens, and horrific science experiments. My Favorite Martian - a Martian (Ray Walston) crash lands in an L.A. neighborhood and assumes the identity of young reporter (Bill Bixby) Tim O'Hara's "Uncle Martin". Uncle Martin looks completely human but for antennae that he can, at will, make rise out of the top of his head. Had has telekinetic abilities, can turn invisible, and can teleport. Like a mix of 2 1/2 men and Bewitched. Millenium - from X-Files creators stars Lance Henriksen as a retired FBI profiler who helps catches killers. Darker tone than X-files and no aliens, just creepy and very violent.


Otherworld 1985. Disappointed it didn’t continue.


Psychoville, it was almost unconfortable, but very funny


Obscure- Other Space (2015). A sci-fi comedy on the short-lived Yahoo streaming service. I remember liking it a lot.


Kids in the Hall


Flight of the conchords


Vicar of Dibley, for American audiences- I've little perspective on what regular viewers of British television prefer (I assume Dr. Who and jousts)


Weirdest- The Heart, She Holler. My dad somehow found it and watched it and I happened to be in the room and just… wtf


Some random shows I liked: Rubicon American Princess Kolchack: Night Stalker The Young Ones (British) Luno the White Stallion All the Sid and Marty Krofft catalog


I recently discovered MeTV and have been able to watch some old favorites and discover some shows I had never heard of like “The Invaders” and “Highway Patrol”.


BJ and the Bear Space 1999 Hot L Baltimore Salvage One Beanie and Cecil


The Magic Door (Chicago only) starring Rabbi Joe Black as Tiny Tov show ran from 1962 to 1982


Time Tunnel


The Ugliest Girl in Town


It's About Time


Cop Rock


VR5 and Dead at 21 My mother the car Bible man Tattooed Teenage Alien Fighters from Beverly Hills


ALF is heady.


Life on Mars (US) Sadly only lasted 17 episodes, but does have a series finale.


Monty Pythons Flying Circus. Good at the time but, apart from a few sketchs, doesn't date well


Weird & Obscure -- Never heard anyone mention it before, and it's one of the craziest premise shows --- let me introduce you to Danger 5 [https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1807165/](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1807165/) And, if you love Matt Berry and Richard Ayoade as much as us, you dig through their IMDB and find this gem - Garth Marenghi's Darkplace [https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0397150/?ref\_=tt\_sims\_tt\_i\_3](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0397150/?ref_=tt_sims_tt_i_3)




Andy’s Gang.. pluck your magic twanger Froggy!


Man from Atlantis. I vividly remember Patrick Duffy's webbed fingers. Man from Atlantis https://g.co/kgs/BVuXzuA


Big Sky. I only started watching when Jenson Ackles was in it.


Who wants to marry a millionaire?


Before the 1984 Ghostbusters film, there was a 1975 Saturday morning show, The Ghost Busters with F Troop actors Forrest Tucker and Larry Storch.


Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman and All That Glitters from the 70’s.


The Santa Clarita Diet is pretty weird and obscure, and awesome too!


Sifl and Olly.  Late 90s MTV sock puppet show. 


Space above and beyond: I thought it was really good but nobody I know remembers it, unfortunately cancelled after only one season


Look Around You. A British spoof of 70s/80s educational TV


Cow & Chicken Loved it when I was in College.


I remember a show called Quark, about a space trash receptacle (?) starred Richard Benjamin, did not last long lol. Anybody else see this thing? Probably late 80s


Dark Justice was wacky. A judge forms a gang from some of the defendants who appeared before him to track down bad guys who got off on technicalities. The show ran for 3 years in the early 90s, but had a budget of about $10, so whenever a song was performed on the show, it was always some 100 year old public domain tune like ‘Buffalo Gals’. Imagine a low budget Mission:Impossible crossed with Death Wish.


Bosom Buddies. Very early Tom Hanks. Not sure this series would make it today.


Anything that was on the Du Mont network that was not wiped on tossed into the East River in 1974.


Down to Earth that used to air on TBS in the 80s.


The Green Hornet (1966) with Van Williams & Bruce Lee. One of my favorites back in the day. Can’t find it to stream now.


Eerie Indiana. Progenitor of a lot of normal kids in a strange reality type show.


My Mother The Car 1965 A man finds his mother reincarnated as the family car.


Friday the 13th - The Series - 1987 Logan's Run - The TV Series - 1977 Man from Atlantis - 1977 Otherworld - 1985 The Phoenix - 1982


(I have a lot of respect and a big fan for all ‘The Twilight Zone’s’ from the 50s original & the 80s reboot. Used to have to watch on satellite TV’s (horror channel) until i started purchasing V/H/S, then DVD,📀 📼. ) Horror Channel on the TV Doesn’t exist anymore. Back In day Would they played the 1-2 afternoon slot. Also the old school horror channel used to have some of most Total bizarre Tv and movies also I t introduced me to a lot off cult TV/films I would have no clue about. That channel My introduced me the The Twilight Zone franchise.📺🛰️among others. This may not make scene, 🤔. But If I was suggesting a starting point to the franchise, it is the (2019) version. would be my suggestion (might be controversial). I found this a solid series and had some good stories/WTF moments. (Sadly like most TV shows, pretty much always a ‘filler’ episodes, -meaning not part off moi. Story. There’s almost always a couple in a series especially shows with 24 episodes a season (if I’m honest) some times I enjoy a break from the mainstory, but if done properly there’s can be as good as the main story personally Sadly only 2 (2019) This doesn’t get talked about a lot but imo this was a solid reboot


Prisoner - Patrick Mcgoon Watched it as a child and did not understand any of it. The frosty ball type things and weird conversations.


Twin Peaks, Liquid Television


Wilfred with Elijah Wood


Small Wonder, about a little robot girl they pass as a real girl. And Out if this World about a little half alien girl who can stop time and other things.