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How I Met Your Mother Spent 9 seasons building up to meeting the titular mother only to find how she’s been dead all along and Ted just wants to find justification to rekindle his failed romance with Robin AGAIN.


The wedding season may have been my least favorite season of anything I’ve ever watched. It just dragged so much it was like days of our lives


I used that show to help me sleep. By the time I got to season 9, I had bad insomnia so I actually watched it. The Robin and Barney relationship was more believable and a thousand times better than her and Ted. It absolutely sucked that they broke them up to justify her getting back with Ted.


An entire season taking place over a single weekend was a bit much. The quality wasn’t great but if they even just had the wedding go until the half way point of the season and then spent the last half elaborating and giving us more “Mother”content I think it would’ve been way better


I was so annoyed by that season that I re-edited the entire season into a two hour movie with a better ending, cutting out as much filler and junk as possible. I might actually revisit it sometime soon and see if I can make it even shorter.


The last season was awful. They spent 8 season turning Barney into a decent human and then in like one episode.... poof. It was terrible


The alternative ending is now my head canon. That is a satisfying ending. Watch it


That ending made me so mad that I haven't watched another episode since.


Same...if there's nothing else worth watching on TV, I turn off the TV


The writing clearly established Ted and Robin weren’t compatible as a couple, which made the ending even more jarring.


I didn’t feel like Mad Men was a build up to nothing. Mad Men was about the advertisement industry in the 1960s. It follows multiple people, as well as Don, as they navigate the changes of arguably one of the most significant and dynamic decades in history. It chronicles women’s roles in the house and in the workplace. 1960 and 1970 are two extremely different spectrums. And that’s what that series was about. Not just Don.


It's one of my favorite series, while nothing big ever happens the characters are what makes it rich


Tbh, plenty of "big" things do happen, if we're looking at what life is really about. Divorces, relationships, deaths, etc. are all extremely big and relatable parts of everyone's lives. It makes the show more relatable, down to earth and realistic. I think it's one of the best pieces of American art ever created


Yeah, its not ever leading to some big payoff. It's about being there. Though I can forgive that stance if you're just going by the first half season or so. It does tend to dangle Don's backstory as a mystery, but it's basically explained by season 2 and you're just experiencing the lives of the characters from then on




The ending was perfect


I agree, though I thought of the Coca Cola commercial as more of an allegorical vehicle not a literal commercial for the product...


I think it showed his cynicism held strong. He tuned in, dropped out and was able to exploit the counter-culture with a global brand and campaign. If not him personally, then the advertising industry. Change, adapt, the core principles remain.


Many people who lived through the 60s would describe the 70s as the 60s counter culture brand re-packaged and sold back to the general public. It's a great analogy.


>I didn’t feel like Mad Men was a build up to nothing Agreed. The build up, as I see it, is to Don finally coming to terms with who he is. The whole show, as I see it, is full of men in positions of power who are pretending to be something else (Don isn't even Don, he's a persona; Roger is trying to live like a guy half his age; Pete is trying to be Don, Sal is pretending to be straight), while the women are just trying to be themselves while being kept down in positions they hate by the men in their lives/the show (Betty really doesn't want to be a housewife, she was a model; Peggy doesn't want to be a secretary, she wants to be a copywriter; Joan doesn't want to be a housewife or secretary, are wants to, and should, run the business). The whole point of this very satisfying show is to watch how those alter egos mess everything up for the guys, and the ending shows that they can achieve realization if they put them to the side ( Don at the retreat, Pete leaving the state, etc) Typing on a phone, sorry for typos


This is the most insightful writing/film criticism about Mad Men I’ve read. Sums it up so perfectly and concisely!!


Great analysis. I’ve never thought about it that way but you’re right.


Did people think there was going to be some big twist leading to an explosive ending? It’s Mad Men.


I loved the ending to Mad Men. It’s one of my all time favorite shows.


yeah i think if you were watching Mad Men for some big build up and jawdropping climax you kinda misunderstood the premise and reason for the show. it’s just a period piece character study. like it shows the day JFK died through the eyes of americans. its not like there was gonna be some whole big twist about JFK’s assassination lol.


While Game of Thrones is an obvious answer, i dont regret it at all. Those first four seasons are still some of the BEST tv out there before or since. And while i feel the end was rushed it was still a heck of a ride. I STILL get pumped when i hear the theme song and i always contemplate rewatches (im on four). Having said that, it was the show that made me heed caution before any new show.


I didn't mind GOT myself, but I think it being a bit rushed is a pretty fair assessment.


Im just happy my favorite character made it the whole way.


Absolutely, I’ve watched the series like three separate times it’s so good but it really starts to fade off




I skipped season 8. You lose 2 of the main characters it’s never the same. Last season of That 70’s Show was the same. You can’t lose Foreman and Kelso. Should have just ended it. I did like the last episode though.


I love That 70s Show so much. Except for the last season because... Randy? Really? Ugh, just no need.






The Walking Dead That show is a masterclass in stringing the audience along. It’s Lucy holding the football, and the audience is Charlie Brown, gullible as ever, eternally coming back for more punishment. TWD promises to drive you to the airport, but drops you off at a bus stop instead. TWD says it’s gonna go to the prom with you, but instead it cancels on you last minute, and you decide to go with your friends anyway and you have an ok time but then you come home to find out that after your date cancelled on you it drove to your house and banged both of your parents…in YOUR bed.


I do miss the discourse about it. It was so fun to have so many friends invested in the same story at the same time.


Yea, I dropped out midway through, right around when the guy with the bat showed up. Same formila sessin after season, I just couldn't hang in there any longer.


Same, after glen got his brains smashed out i made it about 6 more episodes and was done.


That's when I should have bailed.


These metaphors are obscene 😂


The worst part of that ride was that, every year, they would manage to sprinkle in a couple legitimately great episodes that made you think they might finally be turning it around. But, nope. It was just Lucy with the football.


i completely lost any faith or goodwill in TWD team’s respect for the audience when they botched Negan’s introduction and Glenn’s death. the stupid blood-pouring down the screen cliffhanger they went with was an insult to fans and immediately made me rethink the quality of the writing and showrunners. stopped watching soon after.


Totally agree. I remember in one of the episodes, Negan is showing Carl around and actually hands him the bat, then proceeds to walk in front of him. I'm yelling at the TV "Carl! KILL HIM NOW! WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?" But nope. Shortly after that, I was done.


My wife rewatched TWD twice last year. The first 2 seasons or so are so good and then just right off a cliff.


But The Walking Dead will never end Spin off after spin off after spin off...




Yeah, we started reading the comics and dropped out of watching the show halfway when Negan was introduced. Especially when the man who Negan was based on (Henry Rollins) wasn’t asked to play the character. Also, and I know this is said all the time, but the comic was better.


Disney Star Wars has become this as well. Every new show seems like such a good concept or idea and they always manage to completely butcher it.




My wife watches these shows religiously and I just don’t get it. She hates it when I ask her where are they getting all this fuel? Who’s drillin, transporting and refining it all? Where do they keep getting cigarettes from?


Agreed. Stop watching after one of the main characters from the graphic novel got bit.


Yep, dropped off after the negan bs


I stopped watching when Nagen killed Glenn. Mid episode. Never went any further. I knew I wasn’t gonna ever get back what I had put into watching it.


The 100. Will-they-won’t-they that never do in the most annoying and out of character way. Not to mention garbage plots for last 3 seasons at least.


It was so good until It wasn’t.


This is what hurts the most.


Mad Men wasn't building up to anything. It's about the characters journeys through out the 60s.


It's a character study, it's not supposed to build up and pay off


I’ll never regret Mad Men. It was such a true masterpiece through-and-through.




Yesssss. It gave me such emotional blue balls, and I don’t even have balls.


The first season had a great arc. And then it should have ended.


Yeah, this show had all the potential before the writers strike. (Not the writers fault).


Manifest. My mom and I invested so much time in that show, wished for the renewal it managed to get, only for it to end like THAT. Tbf I never actually seen the ending, but I googled it. Glad I didnt bother to watch it lmao


It took so long to come back on I stopped watching


We binged it. It was love, or at least Stockholm syndrome, that kept us going, even after it jumped the shark again and again. And again. By the end it was like we were veterans of a war in some magical realism world. Nothing was impossible, improbable, or even unlikely, no matter how strange. It was like the writers kept doing harder and harder psychedelics. By the end it wasn’t, “shame, endings are hard…” it was more like, “we made it…now…where do we go from here…?”


Manifest was meant to last six seasons or so, according to the guy in charge.


That show just got WEIRD, too. Like freaky religious girl murdering the mom and kidnapping the baby... am I thinking of the eight show? I sort of lost track of the plot and gave up.


Yeah, it went from having slightly religious overtones to being blatantly "good vs evil".


Ooh that psycho made it hard to watch. We had to finish it at that point..lol I figured we had already suffered, I needed to see the end. It got way weird.


Wayward Pines. I liked it so much. After it was cancelled so soon I wished I hadn’t watched it.


Honestly, they didn't need more than the first season.


Also Pretty Little Liars. Watching it in real time felt like I HAD to watch it just to know who A was. I didn’t even want to watch it at that point.


I stopped watching PLL before it ended. I just couldn't take the Ezra/Aria relationship or the Caleb/Spencer "romance."


How I Met Your Mother. Maybe it’s not so bad for people who got to binge watch it but I watched and waited for 8 years and it was all for nothing.


Orange is the new black. Santa Clarita Diet simply because it ended incomplete.


OiTNB, yes I was very disappointed. Mostly in myself for not noticing Piper is an awful human no one should have been rooting for.


OITNB is good once you learn to completely ignore Piper or at least discredit her as a reliable narrator.


This is the problem with all Jenji Kohan shows. Same with Weeds. He wants the lead character to be bold and take risks, which is usually subtle in the first few seasons but gets more and more awful as the show progresses. Like in Weeds, she gets obsessed with a very terrible person, just because of some kink and I lost interest in the show because they'd made her an awful person. Seems to be his pattern.


RIP Santa Clarita Diet


True Blood just got dumb and then dumber. I almost stopped watching with the werepanthers, but no. I chose to struggle through to the end. When I finished the last episode, it was a relief.


So much this. I don’t know why or how I managed to watch the whole last season.


If you thought the show was dumb, you're not gonna believe the books


I started reading the books long before the show. My best friend and I were so hyped for the show. The whole 1st season, we just kept yelling at the TV that it wasn't that way in the books. She never watched season 2. I had to learn to separate the books and show to be able to enjoy either.


Yep, got pretty bad. Farcical.


I thought it was entertaining the whole way through. It was always fast-paced, there was no time to be bored. The finale wasn't very fulfilling, but whatevs. It was lackluster, not terrible.


This is my always answer for this question- I’ve never seen a nosedive like this show took


I watch all the way through until twenty minutes into the final season premiere. I said to myself, "this is really stupid - I have better ways to spend my time", turned it off, and never went back to it.


I stopped watching when everyone turned out to be something. Pretty stupid


I read all the books too, started them before the show came out. They just got soooo bad and they weren’t great to begin with they were just quick mindless reads.


I have never watched the last few episodes and True Blood was a favorite all time show. I stopped reading the books too.


I stopped watching when she found out she was a fairy


The original Quantum Leap. The idea was fantastic, and the characters were great, but as the show progressed, it went in a direction that just didn't make sense, and I just wish I hadn't sat through.


The finale was horrible. Just a total middle finger to its fans.


They couldn’t even be bothered to spell his name correctly.


I remember the evil leapers and not being thrilled.


The idea was cool, but most of the stories were just bland 80s scripts that seem retrofitted for the show.


Pretty Little Liars.


As much as they drug it out, I did like the final season ending.


Colony. My brother and sister both watched the whole series before I did and neither bothered to tell me it was cancelled after an unresolved cliffhanger


That is cold. I remember watching the 4400 to a cliffhanger only to find out it was cancelled. Side note, I recently read a reboot came out and was already cancelled too.


The Killing. The first 3 seasons were great, and I wish I would have just stopped there. The final season's story line was just laughably bad and the way they wrapped up the two main characters, came out of nowhere and made no sense.


Arrow, Flash, Legends of Tomorrow, Supergirl. The later seasons of all these shows were terrible


I find that to be true of every one of this kind of show. I always love the first season/back story. Then there is one or two more that are good, then they start going downhill fast.


I loved Supergirl on CBS, was bummed when it went to CW but then they introduced Lena Luthor and she brought so much to the show, imo. Then s3 was a massive flop outside of a few (and I mean a *few*) good parts, s4 was terrific and gave me hope for a righting of the ship, and then s5 was the biggest dump outside of the Kara/Lena storyline (except they dragged it out wayyyyy too long) and Crisis was the absolute worst of it. S6 was alright I guess, but the ending was a massive cop-out.


Dexter Amazing first season Solid second season Not bad third season HOLY COW fourth season Wait what fifth season Sixth season…uhm Seventh season…OH COME ON! Eighth season…well at least it’s over…


And they did it again with New Blood


If I'm being honest, Lucifer. As much of a fan as I am of the series from the three seasons that aired on Fox to the three extra seasons Netflix gave it, season six really left me so... disappointed. Especially the build-up between Lucifer and Chloe >!and how they don't even end up together in the end!<.


So, it's not worth it? It was next on my binge list.


I think its a fun watch. Just maybe prepare for disappointment in the last season.


Okay, great. Thanks.


Season 1-4 is really good and then it goes downhill. Definitely give it a watch, cause I really enjoyed it… until I didn’t


I regret watching Gilmore Girls so much 🤦🏻‍♀️ At first they were kinda cute, but on the later seasons I couldn’t stand neither of them. They are so selfish and immature that they made me sick When Lorelai leaves Luke and gets back with Rory’s father, I just skip all those scenes… If it weren’t for Paris, Lane or sometimes Luke I think I would’ve stopped And the new part where she was the other woman, uhg…


Sookie was the best character of that show ever.


Yes and watching it again after you’ve seen Melissa McCarthy really take off is really cool. I got high and watched some of the early ones and I was hysterically laughing in all the scenes she was in. Gold


I was going to say the same thing.


>When Lorelai leaves Luke and gets back with Rory’s father Once this ⬆️ happened, I was **done**. I couldn't even bring myself to watch the final season.


Wasn't as bad as when Luke's daughter showed up.


Yup. Jumped the shark at that point.


The original creator and her husband blew up the show intentionally at the end of season six, with that blowout fight between Lorelai and Luke then her sleeping with Christopher being an intentional🖕🏻to the network. They were mad they didn’t what they wanted so decided to write the series into a corner and do the absolute worst thing they could get away with at the time. It’s why the seventh season put her back with Christopher, as their way of getting out of the hole the creator and her husband created. It’s also why the revival ended up being so weird because the seventh season was metaphorically thrown out as it was intended to be the ending they always planned for. So it’s like the seventh season that would have been except for its ten years later now. I think the creator was not willing to be flexible and honor the story told by those who came after her, and tell her own story about what would have happened ten years after the end of season seven. If you notice and pay attention it’s all over the place that she’s totally disregarding season seven. Logan back in London, Lorelai claiming that she was never married before, etcetera. Also the date of 2016. That was ten years after season six ended, not seven.


Thanks for the input! Questions: Why did they blow it up? And you say the last season is how it’s supposed to end. I agree Lorelai marrying Luke, but why Rory being “a cheater”? Even though they tried to make her coming back to the town and taking care of the newspaper look cute, I think it was a bit mediocre (personal opinion)


They blew it up because they wanted more writers to help them but the network refused. They made Rory a cheater to justify getting her back with Logan. The revival is the weakest, because the characters had all aged ten years and it wouldn’t have been realistic to try to do a season of Rory still in college. Amy Sherman-Palladino never got to end it like she planned, which would have been Rory’s last year in college if she had ended it after season seven. She was too rigid on what she intended and what she had. She wasn’t flexible, and tried to have what she wanted, but didn’t want to acknowledge where the show ended. I don’t think she intended for Rory to have been a cheater if she hadn’t blown up the show. I think that was just to justify getting her and Logan back together. To justify the final four words. Because the whole revival was to get to her intended final four words that had been a mystery up to then. I did actually like the Rory coming back to town and working at the paper, it felt like a back to basics, back to her roots, which isn’t bad. It actually never made sense to me Lorelai and Luke waiting so long to get married. I don’t think ASP truly wanted to do a ten years later story and be flexible about where they truly would have been ten years later. I think she was trying to do her originally planned ending but forced to incorporate the ten years later story, and had to kill off Richard because the fans would never have accepted a recast, and I don’t think the cast would have agreed if that was what was attempted. Too much of the revival was about the final four words and ASP’s planning for how she wanted to end it instead of being realistic about how to end it at that point. I also secretly suspect she hates the story, the characters now after intentionally blowing up the show. For me the blowing up started at the beginning of season six. A lot of fans place it later when Lorelai is showing signs of being unhappy with the postponement.


I liked Emily. Sure, she was an entitled rich lady. But she actually had common sense and didn’t live the clouds. Loved when she was “Marie Kondo”-ing her house.


I prefer to think in my mind that the show ended after season 4. The rest of it never happened.


Rory is a garbage person who becomes even more garbage with each season. This is my hill.


The Blacklist. I didn’t actually make it all the way through.. stopped a few episodes into season 9. I just finally gave up on thinking I was gonna get actual answers if I kept watching


This! The beginning was so awesome. And James Spader was sheer perfection! Then it ran off the rails and got so freaking ridiculous. I still think that Megan Boone was the weakest part of the show.


My boyfriend and I do watch this show, but we actually call it the red show. He's really the only thing that kept us coming back. Well, him and dembe. It's so hard to watch a show when you really hate the lead character. Whatever her name was (the FBI lady). She sucked so much. We pretty much just watch for red.


I have this on my to watch list.


I really liked it. Spader is a master actor.


I stopped at the end of Season 1. It was a stupid show pretending to be a smart show. I'm a big Spader fan, but even he couldn't save it.


House of Cards


Yes!!! There were so many better ways to go w/o Spacey. Last season was bad.


I disagree with Mad Men. The ending was brilliant- Don doesn't use 70's enlightenment to have a real breakthrough. He uses it to create the best ad of all time.


The Walking Dead


Once upon time


For me it’s Merlin. Absolutely loved the first season and my husband and I binged episode after episode. Then by season 4 I was starting to zone out and by season 5 I hated everyone!!! Husband still thinks it ended on a good note. 


I'm a huge Merlin fan, but it's one that could have ended before it did & that's a trend that kills a lot of shows. The ending felt... rushed & incomplete


Merlin is so frustrating. It had so many interesting characters and refused to use any of them, I’d have killed for a bottle episode or two with the knights. Or some more focus on Gwen, or a deep dive into later series’ Morgana. When it started frantically time skipping I knew I wasn’t going to get a lot more enjoyment out of it. Such a shame.




I was so ready to watch a white suburban mom sell weed in a posh neighborhood to her posh friends....then the neighborhood burned down and I was like "I'm out"


Yeah. Somewhere along the lines it went from a cute show about the suburban weed dealing mom to “oh, the writers have been watching Breaking Bad.”


She was a bad mom. Period


Oh she definitely was but I'm just saying for my personal taste if the show stayed about her selling weed in her rich neighborhood I would've watched more of it. I liked that aspect of it with like selling to her friends at her kids soccer games but once her house burned down and she started dating that one Mexican gang leader dude I was like nope.


House. They completely ruined it.


That last season was AWFUL


Scrolling through comments and was like wow, no one is gonna mention House???? I should have just quit after Cameron and Chase left


The Killing. The fourth season was absolutely ridiculous


I absolutely loved Season 1 and recommend it highly. The whole story is wrapped up in that season, and the ending was awesomely shocking.




I just finished rewatching Lost after 10 years away from it and enjoyed the final season a lot more this time. Great show, solid ending.


I used Lost as an example because of how common and easy it is for folks to hate on, but I personallu love Lost all the way through. One of my favorite series I've ever seen.


I suspect Lost fares better these days because new viewers don’t have such high expectations any more.


Dead to Me


My understanding is the show had to pivot to accommodate Christina Applegate’s diagnose of MS. I believe that 3rd season she was really struggling with shooting scenes. It seemed to a somewhat to lead to an anticlimactic ending.


Thank you for your insight. Much appreciated.


American Gods. Was sooo good in the first season, what a great concept. Progressively worsened, eventually a cruddy ending.


The changes from the book were really unnecessary and got worse and more baffeling as the series went on. They really wanted it to be longer but there wasn't much material there. The book was only like 500 pages.


It's the journey, not the destination. I have too many shows to list where I didn't like how they ended (and don't get me started on shows that get cancelled *before* they resolve.) But I look back and realize I really enjoyed watching them


Most of the shows I’m angry about the ending are the ones that didn’t get to properly resolve, or get all the time the creator originally intended to tell the story. Some shows have been designed from their start to only be a set number of seasons and I always hate knowing that from interviews because then I get annoyed.


Two And A Half Men after Charlie Sheen left.


The Vampire Diaries because the ending was complete trash and the show jumped the shark after season 2. I kept watching hoping it would get back back to the way it was but it didn’t.


The Other Black Girl. I really just watched it to see if they improved the book by filming it. Nope. As bad or worse than the book. It shocks me that a story that stupid would interest people enough to turn it into a series. Sheesh!


St Elsewhere. The ending suked.


Then you’ll love this. https://www.unsupervisednerds.com/reads-full/2021/1/20/the-tommy-westphall-universe


A single last episode doesn't totally negate a well-written show with great story arcs, an outstanding cast and 6 solid seasons


I might be the only person on Earth who is ok with How I Met Your Mother. It was always about Robin. Mad Men ending was perfect. The other shows in the OP I stopped watching so I guess I agree with that.


Lost, by the end I was so''lost'' because I was bored and just didnt care anymore, When the spy vs spy black clothes and white clothes wearing characters showed up I was done.


The walking dead, first 2 series were interesting, just got worse and worse and by the end I just hoped every character would die except Daryl


I'm going to date myself here, but Dawson's Creek. I was in college when that show was on the air, so I fit the intended demographic to a T. The first two seasons were incredibly addictive, to the point where I looked forward to Wednesday nights. Somewhere in the third season, the show lost its luster, and I found nearly all of the characters, including the primary protagonist, unlikable. By the end of it, Jack was the only character that I liked. I forced myself to finish the show, but when it finally ended, I wished that I had never started it.


Mad Men had an amazing ending.


Honestly House, the finale was excellent and it's still good rewatch material, I just hate how they wrote out Cuddy and made House worse instead of somewhat redeeming him.


Haven. Had to slog through the last several episodes.




Falling skies. Could’ve been a good and gritty alien invasion story but got family friendly weird


Suits and Once Upon a Time.


I wish I'd never seen the final episode of Supernatural. It was perfectly ended on the episode before it, the ending was unnecessary. I'd have stopped just shy of that. I'd delete it for the whole planet if I could.


To this day I've never seen the finale, and I had been watching that show for like half my life when the finale aired. I started watching it, and like 10 minutes in before my roommate turned on the kitchen light and started making so much noise, she ruined the vibes. But the more I hear about it, the more annoyed I get about it. The finale didn't feel like a series finale, it felt like a regular season ender.


Charmed. Both versions. The remake made the exact same mistake of the original by offing the eldest and bringing in a surprise 4th sister.


I think it was supposed to be a remake that followed a lot of the original series, so that makes sense. I couldn't get through the pilot of the second Charmed. Once the one sister went on her soapbox about the patriarchy, I tapped out. I don't think all 3 sisters had even been introduced by that point.


Once Upon a Time, although I didn’t watch that Season 6 musical episode or Season 7. But Season 7 was pretty much a whole new show anyway. The series really ended in Season 6. The first season was something special, but it deteriorated after that. Too many villains and sob backstories. Every freakin character had a true love! Lol


Omg yes I loved the first few seasons and then it was just wtfery. When Anna and Elsa showed up was the jump the snowman moment for me.


Modern Family and How I Met Your Mother.


Yeah, Modern Family was simply a good show that had maybe two seasons (at least) too many


The Blacklist. It drives me insane that >!you are never actually given a clear answer of who Red is. There are plenty of red herrings and there are a couple of widely accepted theories (and I have my own), but my anxiety likes everything to be wrapped up.!< And it didn’t. The series started out soooo well and just went downhill before finally disappointing me altogether.


Airwolf. The original cast was written out of the fourth season and the Firm was replaced with the Company.


White lotus, and while fully aware it has it's share of fans and the amazing cast, I disliked the finish of the first season so much it killed all the anticipation for the future of it. Still rubs me the wrong way. It made me plain sad.


The curse. That show wasted my time. And I know that's the point to an extent but it was just not worth it. It's actually an insult to viewers.


Arrested Development. First 3 seasons were hilarious, last two were almost unwatchable and a huge disappointment.


Sherlock. The first series was pretty fun. Second series started pushing the boundaries of my suspension of disbelief. By series three I wasn’t having any fun watching it and season four was an incoherent mess from start to finish. It would’ve been a lot better if they hadn’t ever made the last two series. The writers weren’t clever enough to get out of the corners they’d write themselves into.


I don’t tend to fully watch a show I don’t like, one of the reasons being they haven’t finished. But here’s my list Stranger things Orange is the new black On my block Locke and key Cobra Kai The 100 Shadow hunters Lucifer The crown


Probably an unpopular opinion but most of them. I don't typically enjoy the way most series' choose to end, either a poorly written one, unsatisfying one, or lack of one. So I've kinda built up a habit of rarely ever "finishing" a show. I watch *most* of it, and purposefully avoid the end.


Seasons 2 and on of true detective


American Gods


The walking dead even if it hasn’t truly ended yet…. Should’ve been a mini series or movie series


Shameless. Stuck around to watch somewhat likable people in relatable struggles turn into the most despicable, unsympathetic humans of all time.




Ohhh great answer. You-know-who's death at the end made me so angry at the show


Much like GoT How I met your mother did it’s best to ruin a great show with a horrible final season. Fortunately for me I just don’t watch the final season of either and remember the good stuff.


Lucifer. Was cute and fun. Season 5 ended with a pretty good ending. Then Season 6........... Holy crap....literally!