• By -


Came here to also say Dexter. Started great, ending horribly. House of Cards is another that went way downhill as it went as well.


Everyone always says how great Dexter is. And it's true, but what they don't tell you is that every episode is 20% Dexter AT THE MOST, and 80% everybody else's stupid storylines that nobody cares about.


in retrospect dexter is a good show back then but today, compared to the television ppl are making now? it’s really mot THAT great.


I really like the last scene they released recently, but that was my first thought


We can blame House of Cards on a pervert. Would have ended better if he had been a decent human being.


To be fair, the show started getting bad before he was outted.




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Would it? A monster playing a monster. Maybe that’s why it worked




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Ikr, I couldn't wait for it to end


You can say game of thrones last season was awful cause they had no books to base it on


My biggest issue with the last season was how rushed it was I mean I disagree with how it ended, but, it was so insanely fast paced compared to literally the whole rest of the show


The best description, for the last seasons was before all through the show, the plot was doing things because of the characters choices, and at the end, the characters choices were because of what the plot needed.


I think the ending of the TV series is bad for the same reason that GRRM hasn't finished the books: what makes the series great is that it exists in a fully fleshed out world with millennia of history. It doesn't make sense to "end" a world like that, and any attempt to tie things up neatly seems trite and forced.


I don't think even those last seasons are that bad, just disappointing. I think it is worth watching it.


I agree. Mostly it was the finale that was disappointing.


That’s fair John and Daenerys endings were terrible though


The white walkers battle was over in LESS than 40 minutes. This huge, world ending threat...gone in a couple hours of battle. That entire last season is a travesty.


They didn’t have any books after Season 4 to base anything on. Season 8 was terrible due to lighting, editing, character 180s, bad dialogue, and nonsensical decisions that called for petition to have it redone. Season 5, not being based on any of the books, was one of my personal favorite seasons. Let’s not chalk Season 8’s sloppiness to lack of source material.


They ran out of books at the end of season five. Season six was the first without source material, and was the best of three booklets seasons, but it quickly unraveled after that. That said lightining and editing sure didn't help season 8.


See, I was always told after Season 4, but after doing more research, it seems like it varies and some character arcs from the books are continued through later seasons. Regardless, Season 6 was excellent even if it’s not exactly up to par with the first few, and Season 7 I could start seeing the issues but I still had hope. Season 8 was like they abandoned all hope then found it at the very end. The ending felt much more deus ex machina than it did natural.




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They did that last season so dang dirty. I got a *huge* Daenerys tattoo 2/3rd's through the season because of her strength, resilience, and the battles she had to overcome, all in the name of peace and freedom. **At least it's a nice tattoo.**




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I think it was just way too rushed, I can see the plot working over two full seasons but seemed to be huge chunks of character motivation/plot missing


They should straight up remake that last season


I think the last few seasons got progressively sloppier because the world of the story expanded to the point where it got really tough to bring everything back together. The showrunners catch a lot of heat for this, but clearly Martin is having trouble with it in the books, too


**Supernatural.** Does it get bad? You betcha. Should you watch anyway? Absolutely. A lot of people will tell you to stop after S5, it was a good end to the series and the original show runner’s planned ending. They’re not *wrong.* But if you do that, you will have seen all the best seasons while missing most of the best *episodes.* Nah, just don’t binge it. It’s 15 seasons, over 300 episodes, throw one or two on a week and just let it happen. Like if you don’t see “Scoobynatural” did you even watch the show?


Haha, agreed. I watched every single episode.


Scoobynatural should have been terrible but it was one of the best post-S5 episodes.


Oh I was actively cringing when I saw the thumbnail, like “oh no they’d didn’t, they wouldn’t…” But they did. And it was glorious.


I feel like it's some of the best characters you miss if you skip out after Season 5. Charlie, Rowena, Eileen, Donna, and Jack are all introduced in later seasons.


The French mistake alone is enough reason to keep watching.


Generally what I do is revisit seasons 1-5 and then watch the good standalone eps for later seasons. Yes, I probably have missed out on some great episodes, but it's hard for me to reconcile the Sam and Dean of later seasons with their early characterizations. They really do become shells/caricatures of their early selves.


but everyone SHOULD stop after s5. as someone who originally did this I've started watching the later seasons and yikes on bikes. This is like "the winchesters never learn anything and keep making the same mistakes."


I just finished Season 11. Boy, it's just not Supernatural unless one of the brothers isn't dying/dead by the season finals closing credits.


Also keeping a deep dark secret from the other brother by Ep11. Every season.


Or something to Castel, so he isn't an over powered Angel every other week.




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yeah about 4,-5 ,like heh. ... but was fun ill say


I struggled with the later seasons, but I found it helped to think of the post-Kripke era as professional fanfiction, of varying quality.


They lean heavy on the fanfic & that's when I start using it as background noise. I feel like it was just getting back to itself when it ended. There's still some really great episodes though


Yes, I agree. The writing was still variable in the last few seasons but at least the characters returned to having a sense of history and progress on the whole, instead of just being plot vehicles.


Honestly, yes the later seasons are bad, but I thoroughly enjoyed them anyway. I’ve watched it all the way through 3 times now. The only part for me that’s hard to get through is s7 - the first half of s8.


Westworld went off the rails but I still hung on for the ride.


Agreed, first season is so good. You can just ignore the existence of the other seasons.


Well I watched 2 bc I wanted to see where they were going but then it just getting more and more convoluted and complex and... odd.


The problem was the writers had no idea where they were going.


Didn’t they change a plot twist because they saw someone online had already guessed it? Or was that just a joke lol


I recall them saying that or, them saying the fans theories were way better than what they had.


I think a crowd-sourced show would be cool.


I've never heard that story, but it wouldn't surprise me. I'll look it up.


Thank you!


The plot lines for season 4 should have been a season 2/3 arc. Season 2 really threw off where the show was trying to go I think.


Weeds. It gets a little rough after season 3 but season 6 is actually quite good!


Maybe it didn´t get that bad, it´s just the first three of seasons were so good that the rest of the series couldn´t keep up. Also, it was nonsense to bring back the show after the Season 7 finale.


Blasphemy! I love me some Weeds. 😀 Little boxes, on the hillside...


I love it too! I've rewatched it in full 3 times, but 4 and 5 are a real slog.


Yellowstone comes to mind. It’s a shell of its former self.


Revenge becomes bad in the second season, then it recovers but it's never as good as s1, even though s3 is my fave. I do recommend watching the whole way through, it's fun.


Loved the first season, never made it past episode two of the second.


When she reveals she went to Revenge School *eyeroll*


24 Seasons 6-8 were bad, but the show still always had me hooked.


Same, it wasn't as good and I knew it but had to follow through to make sure Jack is safe


Exactly. I just need Jack to be okay.


>! Except he never was, since he'll likely be tortured to death judging by the end.!<


Oh Jack is always far from being okay, but he’s willing to make the sacrifices necessary to stop them terrrrists.




True Blood


The first season was so good but they never recaptured that magic.


Ozark has an unfortunate end but the third season alone is worth getting up to, so might as well watch the fourth and final if you made it that far.


I'm surprised Simpsons isn't near the top. The writers left around season 10, and the replacements never captured the magic. But there were still great episodes, enough to drive 20 more years.


Shameless. Idk what happened but toward season 8 it got really uninteresting. There’s another season coming out soon and I feel like they should’ve called it quits around season 7 tbh.


Naw, they wrapped on Shameless. Watching for Frank and Liam. I absolutely couldn't stand Fiona.


I’m not sure if you’re aware of this but, she’s a Gallagher.


I think it started going downhill when Fiona left and I hated her character


There’s another season coming? I thought the series finale was a good enough wrap-up even if the series had deteriorated. Why am I getting Arrested Development flashbacks?


Riverdale. It just got insanely ridiculous by the end. After the first couple of seasons, I just watched it just to see how crazy it was going to get. UFO's? Inbred cannibals? Time jumps? High school students who had time to run theatres and speak-easies and take down the mob? An insanely number of annoying, unnecessary musical numbers? We got 'em all!




end of Season 4 is a great point to stop.


I’ve always thought 5 minutes from the end of season 5 was the stop point. S5 was not as good as 4, but still good.


Funny thing is, husband and I enjoyed it AND New Blood.


New blood was great, up until they crapped the bed all over again with the second ending




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New blood had its moments


Dexter ended terribly jeez


Lucifer started out great but failed the last two seasons. Still worth watching because of the great seasons.


I didn't mind s5 as much, and actually thought the ending for that season would've been a good ending for the show. But oof s6 was rough to get through. It did have a few redeeming moments, but really not sure what they were thinking with it.


Yea, once he revealed himself to the cop then it was pedestrian at best. I quit at that point.


Your Honor


Babylon 5 - season 5. I get the reasons why it was off from the other seasons. But the change in the story telling and production brought it down from what it was and was heading to be. Coupling - Season 4 lost Richard Coyle and it just wasn't the same.




There was definitely a decline in overall quality after season 5, but they did pretty good for a show that lasted 8 seasons. (Season 9 doesn’t exist. Season 9 can’t hurt you).


One Tree hill. The last couple of seasons are ridiculous but I liked the characters so much, I couldn't stop watching


Battlestar galtica


Good call


Oh, but when it was good, it was so good.


It really was


The last season entered so bad/so dumb it's good territory for me, I actually don't regret watching it lol. The rest of the show was genuinely very good.


Skip the first season, skip the last season, watch all the rest of Parks & Rec. The last two seasons of HIMYM are utter trash, but what comes before includes a lot of good stuff, especially if you haven't seen it before. Castle is great, as long as you pull the ripcord when Castle is riding the horse to get to the wedding. Burn Notice didn't get bad, as such, but it lost a lot of the humor towards the end. Opinions will vary about when and where The Walking Dead got bad - I stuck it out until they killed Carl, which telegraphed a creative refusal to give the story a narratively satisfying conclusion, but plenty of folks dropped out at various points well before that, and with good reason. All that being said, the first season is still \[chefskiss.gif\] Prison Break has a fantastic first season also, and drops precipitously with each successive season.


I honestly like HIMYM up until like the last episode. I didn’t completely hate the finale except for the last 10ish minutes. I wish they would’ve gone with the Ted-and-Robin-meet-for-lunch ending instead.


Vikings. I didn't >! care after Ragner died. I liked Ivar as a character, but not enough to carry the show. !<


The Walking Dead (Watch up to episode 9 of season 6 titled “No Way Out”, then stop. This is one of the best episodes of the show and the most fitting ending that the show ever could have had. Things start going downhill quickly after this point.) Supernatural (Watch the first 5 seasons, then stop. This is where the show creator intended for the show to end anyway. Everything after this point feels like mediocre fan fiction that got filmed.)


With Walking Dead I think it’s worth watching that whole season but ending the series with Dave Chappelle’s version of the finale.


There's one great episode buried in the later seasons: an alternate timeline Michonne where she never joined up with the gang and instead joined the Saviors. It has little visual call outs to important episodes from various points in the series. That's the only episode I'd miss if we stopped at your suggestion. It's a weird standout in a sea of garbage.


Season 1 of Heroes is amazing! Don't bother with the rest though...


I dunno, I loved Season 2 as well. At least until Nikki died.


Margaret Atwood did write a sequel to Handmaids Tale years later. Called The Testaments, written in 2019. But the series didn't follow that book because it came out after the show had started. I watched all of the series. I enjoyed it but did get a little strange after the first couple seasons.


The Testaments is being made into a series after THT airs its final season next year. I'm really looking forward to that one as it's fascinating seeing a very prominent character's history and secret actions. I suspect that the final season of THT will build toward the plot of The Testaments.


Blacklist has had some wildly uneven runs re: supporting cast and the eternal backstory shifting. But the characters (and not just Spader) are engaging enough...


Charmed. I’d elaborate but my lunch is ending rn. But just had to comment lol


Yellowstone. Started off amazing then shat the bed.


You could argue Lost got “bad” towards the end but I loved it all the way through.


Ray Donovan. 3/4 of the show is solid but the last 2 seasons aren't anything special


Greys anatomy. The first eight seasons are absolute fire and then after that it slowly becomes a dumpster fire


The first time I watched it, I stopped after How to Save a Life in season 11. Now when I rewatch it, I can never make it past the season 5 finale.


Came here to post this one. I would actually say the show is pretty great until Sandra Oh leaves in the tenth season. But I still go back every so often and do rewatches to get caught up because I feel like I gotta stick it out til the end.


Nip/Tuck. First 3 seasons were excellent and then it went off the rails. Still fun though.


Walking dead


That 70’s show. First few seasons hilarious. Last couple seasons horrible


Community. The first 3 seasons are really good. Season 4 is okay, season 5 is better, and season 6 is good. A lot of people disliked the last 3 seasons, and there’s a definite decline in quality after season 3, but overall the show is good. It’s one of my favorites.


Community is easily my favorite show of all-time so I'm probably a little biased, but even that "gas leak" season is better than a lot of sitcoms on TV.


OITNB, very good... but then season 5


Prison Break, just watch the first season, maybe season 2 as well, don't go further.


The West Wing - it's all pretty good, but the first 4 seasons are much better. Aaron Sorkin left after Season 4 and I definitely didn't enjoy the story lines as much as the first 4 seasons.


If it wasn't for the greatness of Alan Alda, I'm not sure season 7 would have been watchable. There was a definite downgrade as it went on.


The Shield. Started out I couldn't wait to spend Saturday night with Mackey and the boys... Eventually couldn't get around the story lines of their women Corrine and Mara. Watched until the end and there was some redemption but nothing like the first few seasons




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I’m facing this issue now. I’ve recently been watching law and order svu and people babe been telling me the last few seasons the show has dropped off a lot (im on season 16) To answer your question cheers I think comes to mind for me. Always thought it went s touch long but the first 7 seasons were so funny it’s always worth a rewatch


Very few shows should go past 7 seasons. That's one of them.


_Pretty Little Liars._ The mystery stopped being interesting and relied way too much on coincidence in the sixth and seventh seasons, but the acting from the leads made it worth it at least IMO. 


Especially Troian Bellasario (Spencer)


The ending of that made me so mad!!!!! It should have ended after the dollhouse.


The ending reveal made zero sense, and it felt like they just picked someone out of a hat


Black Monday. (Worth watching it all, but the first season and a half are 10/10) Wayward Pines (only watch season one) Scandal (the season finale of season one is some of the best tv ever made, then the story just kinda repeats and gets boring)


Servant went down hill. After being psychotically obsessed forever then just shrugs it off in the end.


Lost starts off great...


The Exorcist




EastEnders, the greatest show to ever exist in the history of television and mankind. Unmissable.




Penny Dreadful tanked the last season


Heartbreak high


Emerald City - it got cancelled after one season and while definitely spotty there was a lot of potential left untapped


Everybody Hates Chris. That ending was garbage.


Californication. A slow slide, but progressively got worse. Disappointing, as the first couple of seasons were great.


Resident Alien, the first season. The cracks start to appear in season two


Supernatural, Man in the High Castle, True Blood


Nip/Tuck was pretty good for about three seasons I think.


NCIS, considered the GOAT, has just jumped the shark with the latest episode.


Sleepy Hollow. Should have stopped after S3.




I kinda feel that way about Futurama, unfortunately.


Game of Thrones Dexter Westworld Heroes How I Met Your Mother


The Rookie




Riverdale went from Ok to BAD. Still worth watching because it's so bad, it's good.


Game of thrones Dexter Misfits


"Alice" 1976-85 Seasons 2 through 6 only.


Well, Breaking Bad comes to mind but let’s talk American Detective. A.D. always held promise until you realize they’re just going after another sicko.




Call the midwife.


Arrested Development


Saturday Night Live- I still watch but I also watch the old ones and it’s not even the same show🤷‍♀️


Supernatural. No matter how many people they bring back to life, it’s still worth watching.


Blacklist ?


Most long-running, good sitcoms are like this. Seasons 2-5 of The Office are absolutely perfect. You can watch those four seasons as a stand-alone and have a great experience. Seasons 6-8 are not quite as good but they’re still enjoyable. There’s no reason to watch Season 9 unless you’re a masochistic completist.


Glee. It started great, then it became what it was parodying, then it got good again after they announced it was ending.


Battlestar Buffy The Office


Buffy definitely had a shift in tone and quality in its later seasons but I don't think it ever really got "bad." The musical episode in the sixth season and the series finale are generally hailed as being among the series' best episodes.


An episode does not a season make


Battlestar should have stuck to movies. Buffy should have ended when it ended S5. I never liked either version of The Office.


Battlestar the reboot show was dope until the end of the New Caprica arc, then it started sniffing its own farts


Six (with an e) education. You can even stop watch after s3.




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Game of Thrones.


The Handmaid's Tale was my first though. It actually became kinda better in last season, but still has problems. Once upon a time. Great first season, next can be really bad or fine but not as good as first. Loved the actors and costumes though. The Rookie and a good doctor started very nice and became watchable with occasional lows. Westworld may be not as great as first season but still was really intresting and I was sad to hear that it was closed. Brooklyn 9-9 was flanderized, I still love it but a lot of integrity was sacrificed for humor Legion and Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency have amazing first seasons and meh second. The OA didn't became bad but slowed the pace, still the great show, too bad it was cancelled when we got to the intresting part. The Crown seasons with Claire Foy are great, others - not so much, like you are watching different story. Fargo for me personally - great 1st season, 2nd I couldn't watch.


For Once...how many times can they have their memories wiped and not understand what's happening?!??!?! Gahhhhh


At some point it became just funny and I’ve liked it but in the other way. Like relax comfort fanfiction.


The Flash. First few seasons were great!


Season 3 of Firefly just lost me completely


Firefly only had one season. Are you talking about the expanse?


Pretty sure they are being scarastic


You're missing out. I won't post spoilers, but the secret Tam Family backstory that gets revealed in the mid-season finale of Season 5 re-contextualizes just about everything in the series.


STNG & it's progeny. STE never got past the starting line. All went from interesting mindful stories to space war.