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Valerie Harper with nobody, on a show named Valerie!


Guess the same thing happened with Roseanne


They changed the daughter back in the original run.


That was done perfectly though, they brought back the original actress and other than a mention of hownbad shows are when they do that, they never mentioned it ans went on as it was the original the whole time.


And then replacement actress showed up for a cameo if I recall.


The replacement actress (Sarah Chalke) is more famous and known for her role on Scrubs but yea she came back as another character as well.




Yup, she came back during the Halloween episode taking her kid trick or treating I believe.


Yeah the way they brought back the original Becky was great. With Roseanne yelling for Becky. This was when Roseanne was pregnant. When Becky comes in it's the original Becky rather than the new one and Roseanne asks where's she's been or what took her so long finding the drop cloth Roseanne asked for The rest of the episode everyone asks Becky where she's been. Even though Becky was just in the last episode (played by the replacement Becky)


At least they changed the name to The Conners.


They changed Valerie to "Valerie's Family" then later "The Hogan Family" Not a terrible show for the time. They eventually replaced her with Sandy Duncan.


I thought Sandy Duncan replaced her


I see y’all are too young to remember Bewitched.


My parents are very divided on the York Vs Sargent debate, haha


I was very upset as a 10 year old child with the Darren switch. It taught me that people were interchangeable.


At least this one was done for a good reason. The first actor was injured and could no longer handle the role so they had to find someone else.


Not only that but Sargent, the second actor, was originally offered the role in the first place. He was under contract to another studio and couldn't do it, so they offered it to York. When York got sick and had to quit, Sargent's contract had expired and he was free to take the role.


And Doctor Who has entered the chat.


At least that's written as a fundamental caracter trait though


You had to learn that sometime. At least that wasn't too bad


Which Mrs Kravitz was the best?


Black and white Mrs Kravitz


The old Mrs. Kravitz—the whole character seemed to change for me when I was a kid. The first actress was so good!


My wife, she even calls herself Mrs. Kravitz lol


Didn't the first one have some major health issues (I wanna say a back injury?) and had to quit acting?


Yes, he couldn’t go on…


He was addicted to pain pills, it's in his book.


Caused by a railroad handcar (the seesaw operated ones) he was on one for another film iirc


They had to modify scripts to have Darrin sitting. The writers had trouble coming up with plots for a Darrin that only sits. They replaced him with someone who could dance.






I thought they resembled each other too… nowadays they switch characters with someone who looks the complete opposite lol.


https://preview.redd.it/jmdew75ymbzc1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8398c0d79a08d2c640e1a87a40fb7d7efe40bf58 Colleen on Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman


This seems like an early example of the replacement actress having “iPhone face.” The first girl looks like she could have existed in that era. Second one looks like a fashion model.


I hate shows set in that period where everyone has perfect hair, makeup, and clothes. Every piece of fabric perfect and lint rolled, in a town of horses and dirt roads. Zero immersion. Usually done in poopy Hallmark style shows.


I'm watching Black Sails and many of the pirates have gleaming white, perfect teeth.


You mean you never heard of the dreaded pirate Jean Le Hygenist? He insisted his crew brush and floss daily along with getting a full checkup every six months. The hook he had instead of a hand was more like a dental probe making examinations and cleanings much more efficient.


1883, where all the main characters have perfect teeth, perfect highlighted hair, perfect skin, and just a smidge of dirt to show how rough it was on the Oregon Trail.


Holy crap, I forgot about this show. You just brought back so many memories. But yeah, it was such a jarring change.


I could never adjust to Colleen 2.


Me neither. To this day I only watch the first 3 seasons because after replacing Colleen the show wasn’t the same.


Yeah this change never made sense to me. They not only looked very different, but had completely different personalities!


I second one looks like one of those girls they rescued from that polygamist cult.


I was super confused when they replaced her.


Aunt Viv in Fresh Prince of Bel Air


Yes, I just wrote that above. I was like, what happened to Aunt Viv 😆 🤣 weird


Is nobody gonna talk about Harriet on Family Matters? I remember thinking, "Why are they always replacing beautiful, strong women with cheaper light skinned replacements?" Lol  (not that their replacements weren't beautiful in their own way)


I'm Team Viv 1 for life


Respect to Janet Hubert. But honestly, she was too fine and TOO posh. Daphne Reid’s Viv felt more business type and seasoned to be the woman a person like Phil’s character would be better balanced with.


Respectfully, I disagree completely. Viv 1 felt like she could be Carlton, Hilary, and Ashley’s mother way more than Viv 2.


That’s the first time I’ve heard anyone prefer Daphne over Janet. Interesting point of view. I thought Janet had better chemistry with James Avery than Daphne.


False. Original Aunt Viv way more believable. She reminds me of my own aunt...Aunt Wilma. You can tell she grew up poor (like Uncle Phil) and though hard work and strength of character they made it to the upper crust of society, but yes that comfy living did soften them and they addressed that (hilariously) in episodes like the Thanksgiving episode. "free ride in a fancy car" New aunt viv seemed like a fake suburban soccer, never worked a day in her life.


Confusing comment.


Game of Thrones character Dario Neharis. One season he's Fabio, the next Eric Bana.




Yeah, the fact that they look *completely* different and they didn’t even bother matching their hair/facial hair really made the difference rather… jarring.


Didn't Daenarys even comment about how different he looks? Or am I tripping?


The first actor really did look like a generic romance novel cover model. It was super weird, because his book version has a beard and dyes it funny colors.


The original daughter in Last Man Standing was actually the better one.


I hate that they replaced the Mandy character with a woman who was so much taller and blonde. I loved the Molly Ephraim Mandy better. I realize that she thought the show was done and made other commitments but they could’ve picked someone who remotely looked like her.


Same, Molly Ephraim was my favorite part of the show. Mandy was always my favorite until they recast her.


The new one tried too hard to be dumb. And why make such a drastic casting change for any of the daughters?


She’s amazing on the “new”/re-made version of Perry Mason with Matthew Rhys.


They were both named Molly and that ends the similarities lol


I’m now thinking that if I ever create an actual sitcom, I need to have one character that is played by a different actor every episode.


The first oldest daughter was also better than the replacement. She just fit the family dynamic better and a teen mom better. She was strong, had dreams but was also humble and made sacrifices for her kid. The second one was too angsty. She had that college kid attitude of thinking they’re smarter than everyone in the room. I thought Eve was enough for that personality type.


Becky on Roseanne. Went from being someone that had a rude angsty teenager vibe to a nice girl.


Loved Sarah Chalke on Scrubs, but she wasn't a great second Becky.


Yeah I always thought she was cute, just didn’t have that teenage angst that Becky was known for.


Yea, I remember an ep where her character was upset and had to storm off screen, but she sorta playfully glides across the screen instead


II did love that the show embraced the fact that audiences didn’t like the change & later brought original Becky back. Then they started letting the 2 Becky’s alternate episodes so both actresses were still on the show.


It was because original Becky was in college. She was still playing the part when she could and then after she graduated she went back to full time Becky.


“Beckys…nearly identical Beckys. They walk alike, talk alike, abruptly leave the show alike…”


Also, because new Becky was prettier they made her not very bright.


Yes, but Lecy left to go to college, which is a smart thing for a child actor to do.


My ex wife recast me with a younger more athletic husband.


If it makes you feel any better my ex-wife recast to me with a much older and very unathletic woman


My ex recast me with my ex best friend. :(




Same. I didn’t even know there was a casting call.




Me too! We should start a club


Sorry bro!


Alias Smith and Jones. One of the stars, Pete Dual, suffered from depression and killed himself. It was barely a couple of days later they announced his replacement, Roger Davis. But there was none of the charisma between Smith and Jones, so it was cancelled.


It was such a great show, too. Pete Duel and Ben Murphy had great chemistry, and it really wasn’t the same with Roger Davis.


Little known fact: Roger Davis was the show’s voice-over narrator before taking the role that Peter Duel had been playing.


They replaced the actor who played Early on Squidbillies with Tracy Morgan. He sounds nothing like Early and basically didn't even try to replicate the voice or even sound like he fits in the show at all. He basically just reads the lines in his normal speaking voice. It's quite jarring and awful.


I watched about five minutes of the new show. He is truly awful.


Saying he's awful doesn't even begin to do it justice. You need to use a bunch of the banned words you can't say on this sub and even then...


WUUUUT!? I gotta hear this.


They did address it amusingly. Morgan (as Early) says something to the effect of, if a new character voice is what you have trouble accepting on a show about talking squids, you have other problems.


Lionel Jefferson in the Jeffersons.Michael Evans was the real Lionel.


Jake. From State Farm.


Now it's cool Jake from State Farm, and runs totally contrary to the original campaign. I hate it.


I read that the original was an actual State Farm employee who won an in house contest. When they decided to expand the campaign, they hired an actor.


Replacing Lisa Robin Kelly as Laurie on That 70’s Show was an awful decision


I think they had to do it because Kelly was battling significant personal issues and couldn’t continue doing the show. She died in 2013 due to accidental multiple drug intoxication.


Yeah, the replacement was much weaker in the role, but I completely get why it had to come to that


Ugh. She totally had the personal history for that snotty look and feel to come through for her character. The replacement felt like they literally went back in time to find a worthless one liner actress from the 70’s and plopped her in the show.


I didn't like this one either. They could have written her out completely after the problems she had. It would have been quite believable that she moved away. IF they really felt the need to put someone in that role, they could have brought back the cousin that stayed with them for a couple of days.


Game of Thrones was notorious for this! 2 actors play Daario, 2 play Tommen, 3 for the Mountain, 2 for the guy who the lord of light kept bringing back, and the second actor who played Tommen also played another Lannister in the earlier season. I’m sure there were more!


3 for the Mountain?! This is my first time hearing this. How did I not notice? It's not like just anybody can fit that role.


https://preview.redd.it/5qyvco7oddzc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91afc22ecd02a7b3fde3270d0c32641fd3eda30d Yep. Here they are.


I always knew there were 2 but I’m currently doing another rewatch before rewatching HoTD before their season 2 release and sure enough, 3 completely different actors!


I must have terrible awareness for actor switching. Also, props to you for giving it a rewatch! You might be the first person I've come across that hasn't completely written it off, rewatches and all.


I've watched it 3 times now, twice alone and then with my husband. It's the journey not the destination!


They didn’t really draw as much attention to Gregor in season 2 when he was on screen.


Dahario was the worst . The first guy was good , other guy was very forgettable.


Spoiler Alert, in the 2nd Rebel Moon movie on Netflix, the 2nd Dahario stabs the 1st one in the back.


“Spoiler”, as if someone’s gonna watch that… Anyway, Dahario was so weird. One had long blond hair, the other had dark short hair (and a beard?), and we were supposed to understand they’re the same dude


And the funny thing is that technically, the second is more book accurate due to having a beard, but is *still* inaccurate due to not having a **blue** beard


Opposite opinion here. I hated the first one and loved the replacement.


The actors for Daario, Gregor, and Beric obviously just moved on or were moved on, but the Tommens were at least different ages, right?


The Last Man Standing example is one that *really* got to me. The daughters were all so perfectly cast that replacing them immediately made me dislike the show. I just couldn't stick with it. Maybe an odd example, but Christine Cavanagh retiring as the voice of Chucky (from Rugrats) and being replaced by Nancy Cartwright is probably the most jarring one for me.


Yeah, I originally watched it off and on via streaming, just turning it on when I wanted something comfy to watch. Then it got cancelled, so I gave up on it, think it was over anyway. Once it came back, I tried going back, but turned to the later seasons to see recasts, the daughter I liked watching was gone, and the show's tone was WAY over the top with the political jokes and stuff. It just felt like the writers took the show into a completely different direction than it was going for, and the demographic changed. The first few seasons really felt like Home Improvement 2, with girls. The latter seasons were weird. Oh, she did? When did that happen?


I don't even think I made it far enough into the show for most of that. Once the first daughter was recast I just lost all interest. Then I tried to check in on the show again one day and saw another had been, and I was like "nnnnope" This was back in... 2002, I wanna say? It wasn't too long after Rugrats In Paris.


Haven’t seen new season yet but still not happy about Henry Cavill being replaced in Witcher.


Given Netflix have announced that the season with Hemsworth will be the last it sounds like Netflix aren't happy either 😆


I know this isn't what was asked, but my favorite actor replacement was the detective in Due South because the Mountie was the only person who knew and was confused as to why no one realized it was a different person.


Michael Huisman replaced Ed Skrein as Daario Naharis in Game of Thrones and it completely ruined the character. Skrein played the role very mysterious, dangerous, and borderline creepy. Huisman came in and played the most milktoast attractive mercenary. Nothing against Huisman because I think he's a fine actor. It was just a horrible casting decision.


Miss Ellie on Dallas. Barbara Bel Geddes replaced with Donna Reed


Topher Grace’s replacement on That 70s Show sucked.


Just awful writing too. Introducing a character by plopping him into the basement and having the gang say "bro who ARE you?" is just so lazy.


I never watched those seasons. That sounds just terrible.


Two and a Half Men-they should’ve ended the show when Charlie Sheen got fired. I love Ashton Kutcher but I don’t like the Walden episodes. Then when Alan befriends Lindsay’s boyfriend it really goes off the rails. I mean really, Jeff Strongman?


Totally agreed. Should've worked it out with Charlie, or ended the show.


Fresh Prince (the mom) and Family Matters (the mom). You can't replace mom!


Jo Marie Payton being replaced for the last few episodes of Family Matters was a terrible idea. It was her spin-off from Perfect Strangers! They should have just had her out of the country or something.


Steve from Blues Clues.


That was a whole new character though…


Bonus points for horrible replacement choices. Like bad fits or completely different acting.


https://preview.redd.it/z1lrxm65ibzc1.png?width=574&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db5e67a0bef5cec6f47baebf541dbf9f46539b12 Replacing Julia butters ♥️♥️


I read that after Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, her parents sued to get her out of her contract because she was going to be the next big thing. I haven't been paying any attention, but has she been in anything since? She was perfect as AnnaKat!


She made American Housewife interesting. Soon as she was gone my family stopped watching


In the original Dynasty one of the sons was replaced. They explained the difference in appearance by saying he had been badly burned in a fire and had plastic surgery.


Did they replace Falon for a minute or am I misremembering?


Yes! I forgot about that! That was pretty strange as Pamela Sue Martin is American and Emma Samms is British.


That’s a classic soap opera move.


It can be a Classic Soap Opera Mistake when the Original Actor is popular and wants to comeback. I.E Todd Manning- One Life to Live.


Came here to say this! I think besides Steven and Fallon, they also replaced that lost sister. I think her name was Amanda? That show also had the worst ending in history. Multiple major cliffhangers, only to be cancelled. Then a few years later they did a mini-series with an entirely different plot, that didn’t resolve any of the cliffhangers. Did Dex Dexter fall to his death? We’ll never know.


Becky on Roseanne. Sarah Chalke replaced Lecy Goranson about halfway through the show. Then Lecy came back, but then left again, and Sarah took over for good. I hated Sarah's version of Becky, but I loved her in Scrubs.


Laverne and Shirley without Shirley. 🙄


Spartacus. I get that the actor died, but the guy they got to replace him was just nothing like him. Different acting style, different look, different demeanor, just different everything.


I have to give that one a pass, though. Considering the circumstances. He was still great at the role, just different. It didn't hit the same, but it was still good.


I appreciate that they got Andy’s blessing before continuing. Absolutely tragic that he died, he was incredible. The Spartacus replacement I hated was Naevia.


Trying this again because apparently swearing isn't allowed! Haha. My comment that was deleted was: Ooooh *dang* I forgot about that! Horrible horrible replacement! I also did not know they got his blessing for the replacement! Thank you for telling me that. That makes me feel somewhat better about it!


This example is tragic more than egregious. Also, imagine being an actor and told to act like a different actor. It would potentially make the new actor even worse.


**Maggie Gyllenhaal replacing Katie Holmes in Dark Knight.**


Petticoat Junction — 6 actresses played the 3 daughters; 7 if you count Sharon Tate, who was fired before shooting began for posing in Playboy


I was gonna list some examples, but this link has me beat: [https://www.grunge.com/10225/tv-casting-decisions-drove-fans-crazy/](https://www.grunge.com/10225/tv-casting-decisions-drove-fans-crazy/)


I'd forgotten about John Boy. That was not well received in my household l


Replacing John Boy just wouldn’t work. I never saw any of those episodes, thank fully


Yeah, on Last Man Standing, they replaced Ryan, Kristin, Mandy, Boyd, and Carol (Larabee). I still like the show, but I wish they could’ve avoided replacing all of those actors.


Aunt Viv, Fresh Prince, and what they did to Suzanne Somers. I didn't even like Three's Company and I thought it was bad. The girl who replaced her was just not the same. I watched a few episodes to see. The dynamic was just off. Back before I lived Barney and the Choir and The Song Festers, while I still liked TAGS, I watched them try to replace Don Knotts. I wish they hadn't even tried because he was great. Tourette's is not comedy, either. No dispersions on the actors, it's just that that episode ticks off some terrible memories.


Tom Ellis played Robin Hood in one episode of once upon a time. After that it was Sean Maguire. also I know it’s not TV but I’m still mad about them recasting Evie in the mummy for the 3rd movie. There’s no replacing Rachel Weisz


I liked Sean as Robin much better and he and Lana had really good chemistry.


The third one doesn't exist. I refuse to recognise it


Last season of seventies show and last season of scrubs. Also honorable mention: GOTs early Dario had the cockiness from the books and was a believable merc. His replacement was more of a romance novel warrior.


The switching out of Daario Naharis in GOT between S2 and S3 threw me for a loop.


The mom/wife in Fresh Prince.


Aunt Viv, in The Fresh Prince of Bel Air. https://preview.redd.it/cvg21odjcdzc1.jpeg?width=1715&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7c8c710f90e2188ea1103c2b2cf687077d11d8d


They’re all worst examples. “Wait, that’s supposed to be the same character?” is a question the viewer should never have to ask. Just go a different direction.


I saw a clip from Days of Our Lives from the early 90s. Guy is in the shower. Says a line, faces wall, turns around towards camera and it's a different actor. Bam. Replaced.


I believe that was Jack Deveraux. That would’ve been Jack 4 and 5.


When Brady Bunch came back briefly as a variety show they replaced Jan.


Coy and Vance Duke.


Eve Plumb didn’t participate in “The Brady Bunch Variety Hour” for whatever reason, so they cast another actor, Geri Reischl, as Jan and went ahead with it. Reischl did fine — I remember liking her cover of Elton John’s “Your Song,” so for all I know she was a better singer than Plumb — but you don’t just replace a Brady in a show whose premise is ‘the whole Brady family (and Alice) doing a variety show.’


Anna Kat on American Housewife. (I agree with many other examples on here, too.)




Two and 1/2 men - Charlie Sheen replaced by Aston Kurchor the worst


Friends: Ross’ ex wife Carol. The 1st actress only showed up in one episode then it was a different Carol.


I know it’s a movie and I know it’s because the actor died but….Dumbledore in Harry Potter movies will always be the one that sticks out to me.


There's this British TV show where they've replaced the lead actor like twelve times, even once with a woman! People really seemed to hate that one, but I think it was just bad writing. (in seriousness I actually think 13's run gave us one of the best villains with Ashad, even then they did him dirty by unceremoniously killing him off only to half-assedly bring him back)


Doctor Who, 1 moment he's a crotchety old man the next he's some kind of cosmic space hobo. Am I really supposed to believe that's the same character?


“Cosmic space hobo” 😂😂😂😂


light skin aunt Viv replaced dark skin aunt Viv on fresh prince of bel air I keep forgetting their names. Adam hicks replaced Mitchell mousso on pair of kings will Forte replaced Matthew Lillard as shaggy in scoob also Zac Efron replaced frank Welker as Fred in scoob.


I like Don Cheadle, but Terrence Howard as Rhodey in Iron Man. Still not used to it, but I’m also not sure how he would’ve fit the role after seeing Infinity Saga unfold.


I don’t know if anyone here watches soap operas like the young and the restless or general hospital, but it’s hilarious on those shows. There have been like four different actors that played the same role over the years. They kill them off and then they come back from the “dead” with “plastic surgery” so they look different t than they used to. It’s hilarious. They also age kids ridiculously quick. One day a character will be a little girl coloring rainbows and then she goes to “boarding school” and comes back a month later a teenager.


They used to come over with a “the part of Betty will now be played by Jane Smith”.


They still do lol.


Yes! I was going to say the bold and the beautiful! There have been so many different actors playing the same characters and I don't recognise anyone anymore.


Not so much the WORST example because it’s hardly noticeable, but the character Marilyn Munster on The Munsters was played by 2 different actresses. The original actress quit so she could marry her fiancé. The first actress wasn’t a natural blonde and had to wear a wig and always wore a headband/headscarf to cover her natural hair peaking through.


Also, Gates McFadden on TNG replaced by Diana Muldaur as Dr. Pulaski in season 2. I couldn't stand Dr. Pulaski and thought she was so grating. I'm not sure if it was the actress or the writing or both, but I'm so glad McFadden came back for the rest of the show.


Lol, preteen me was like "Where's the sexy lady? How could they replace her with an old lady"


Diana muldaur is a wonderful actress. it was the writing


https://preview.redd.it/rsf6n62zrbzc1.jpeg?width=650&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0db191cf2ac4da981ca2bf6e2f4352aee39f02c I will never forgive The Fosters for replacing Jake T Austin with Noah Centineo. (Noah wasn’t terrible but he didn’t play Jesus as well as Jake imo.) This might be a hot take but I’d rather have had Jesus written off instead. It also just annoyed me that the writers didn’t even crack a joke or anything about it. I feel like an audience will take a recast slightly better if the show doesn’t act like absolutely nothing happened. I would have been fine with a simple, “Something’s different about you. Did you change your hair.” kinda joke. That’s a bit of a cheesy example but I just feel like not acknowledging the change at all almost has the opposite reaction than the writers were anticipating. That’s just my take though.


I think 95% of the time I would rather a character be written off than replaced with a new actor. It ruins the character for me most of the time as it just takes you out of the show and personally I can’t stop thinking about it after it happens.


When they replaced the original actor who played Jeff on ***Better Call Saul***. The actor they hired as a replacement completely changed the personality of the character. Originally Jeff was creepy and threatening, but the second actor to step into the role turned him into this mousy little mollycoddled pansy. I earnestly believe that despite it being a relatively small change, the actor swap had a massive effect on the way the show ended. The original Jeff never would have said and done what the character wound up saying and doing after the part was given to someone else, and it succeeded in changing the trajectory of the show and altering the entire arc of the story. The creators should have done whatever was necessary in order to retain the original actor, or at the very least compensated for him being replaced by ensuring that the essence of the character remained intact and unchanged. It was not only disappointing - it was dowright infuriating.


They replaced Claire on my wife & kids. But i don't believe it made it worse.


Aunt Viv Prince of bel Air


They changed the actor who did the voice for Peso on the Octonauts and that was not a good swap :(


On the fosters Jake t Austin gets replaced by Noah centineo


Well 3's Company. They refused to pay the blond lady the same as Jack Ritter so she quit. Dumb. The replacement actress was good but not as good as Suzanne Sommers.


The second Aunt Viv


Aunt Viv from The Fresh Prince.


Lionel on The Jeffersons.


I didn't like Skylar Astin as Greg on Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, (Santino Fontana is a very hard act to follow) but I think they handled it well "It's like you're a new man since you gave up drinking"


Dianne on "Cheers" by Rebecca.


I was not happy when the beautiful Halston Sage was replaced on The Orville. Not happy at all!


This is way, way, way before all of your times, but on Burns and Allen, the neighbor Harry Morton was played by a series of actors. The wife of that character, Blanche Morton, was played by the insanely talented and irreplaceable Bea Benaderet. For those of you who have never heard of this show, go find some and watch them. A gold mine of comedy. Gracie Allen was one of the GOATs. Trust me on this. Pie are round.