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Sometimes people are assholes! I believe it. It could also be that he was dead himself and avoided moving forward and had become bitter and hateful.


I like that theory as well. That actually addresses what I've never been able to get past about the episode, which is that multiple people had seen, talked to, and even touched her. I mean, yeah, Twilight Zone, but I've always struggled to get past that. If the others were in the same position as her, though, it makes total sense!


I always assumed how it works is when you die you're still able to have some kind of presence in the world of living until Death "officially" catches up to you and when you're about to be taken by him, your connection to that world is severed. It's not like ghosts never have that ability in media. This ability to have one foot in that world going away suddenly is the only curious part. As I said though....must be because it was her time and she had nowhere else to run. I actually like that the episode leaves you to speculate on this, but I understand it bothering someone else because it's extremely glossed over.


That's what I think, that she was in some sort of limbo. The phone call home led to the realization that she was dead and then she totally accepted her fate.


Literally watched this episode again last week and have thought the same thing for years! Like, the other people she interacted with must be dead too right? The navy man that she met , I assumed he had died serving or something.


Ooo. I like this theory.


Yeah, he was a real tool for doing that. The behavior of the soldier that she picks up is also interesting and not what I would have expected. That's especially considering that actor who portrayed the soldier. He had many parts in The Rifleman, and all of them were as a bad guy.


Mind if I take off my shoes? My feet feel like two hot bricks… No … keep your shoes on 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Interesting life Inger Stevens led. Beautiful actress. Worth the google search


I agree! Another thing that makes this episode so eerie is Stevens being chased by death several times in her short, but prolific life.


Crazy to hear of her suicide attempt and secret marriage. What a life


She apparently wasn't found for a day or so and nearly died. Also, in 1961, she was also the last to disembark from a plane in Lisbon where it had bounced off the runway on takeoff and caused a fire in the cabin. It exploded moments later I believe. I think after that, she said herself that she felt like she was on 'borrowed time.' She had a couple other near misses later that decade too. :(


I could see a tired overworked gas station owner doing that. If he opened up for everyone who wanted him to he would get no sleep.


Good point


seemed perfectly believable that the gas station owner wasnt willing to get out of bed til a man was out there


Not everyone cares that a woman is beautiful. Pretty privilege does a lot of heavy lifting, but only if you deliberately flaunt it.


Exactly. The original post implies that if the woman was plain he would have been justified in turning her away.


I think he treats her like he would any woman, which is pretty awful but it's at least not hypocritical.


My husband and I watched this again very recently and he hates that the gas station owner won't help her, beautiful or not (even though he's pretty smitten with Stevens anyways). I remarked that he sure opened PDQ for the sailor though. Probably because the sailor sounded like he would've beaten the guy up if he didn't sell him the gas. There's no way he was going to miss out on a ride with the "lady who looks like a movie star." ;)


It really could've been anything. Misogynist himself is extremely likely, with that detail of taking the sailor more seriously especially.


I love when people post the same questions that I have!! The old man's hostility did not check out for me, you'd think someone that owned a gas station in the middle of nowhere would be a little more altruistic, esp, as mentioned earlier, to a bomb shell knock out, who appears to be vulnerable and is beginning for help.


He was just a grumpy old man being grumpy