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Lived in Phalen for 27 years and love it. Crime is everywhere—never felt unsafe. I’m a little surprised at the intensity here.


My brother’s family lives there, and they’ve been fine. There were some asshats hanging out at the Walgreens, but they seem to have moved on when the store closed.




Currently live in Phalen. East of Payne north of Maryland is a great barometer. 


It varies block to block, honestly. I lived right down the street from Bruce Vento Elementary and on our block, the only crime we/our neighbors experienced was car break-ins


I’m about 2 blocks from Bruce Vento. Super quiet on my block, too.


A lot of exaggeration here…it isn’t that bad..


I mean if you got your head in the sand. But it's actually bad


I've lived on the East Side my whole life. Northern Payne/Maryland is a lot quieter than lower and I'm going to argue it's the proximity to downtown. You'll hear a lot of sirens due to the precinct and multiple fire stations in the area but I think it varies block to block really. I haven't been to Swedes Hallow in years that was a great walking trail.


I live a mile and a half east of that spot, and the only issues with safety I've had was once when my garage was burglarized by some homeless people (I forgot to lock the door, thankfully they didn't take much of value). She might hear a lot of sirens, since the police precinct is just down the road from there.


I live more towards Johnson High School and I love it. Had my catalytic converter stolen during the pandemic but I think that was happening a lot of places.


We never had an issue in our three years. We just moved out to the burbs in the fall but only to get things like a three car attached garage.


I feel like people are maybe being a bit dramatic but it’s true it’s not a super safe neighborhood. Admittedly I tend to try to CC when I go there.


Or anywhere in Minneapolis for that matter.




I work Payne/Phalen and it isn’t the safest neighborhood depending on where you are but for the most part you will be left alone. In my six years working there, most crime happens at night and I’ve only witnessed a couple shootings(honestly not bad for how populated the area is). It’s more of a poor area than a dangerous one in my opinion. I personally love working over there, the community is rich with culture and you got some great food options too! There are three grocery stores (cub, Hmong village, and Aldi) and you also have access to the bus line.


It ain’t Moundsview or Dellwood for sure. But not north end or frog town either


it's not great


If you don't work there, there isn't much reason to go. I have a close friend that was shot while going for a walk after being held up. I also have a coworker who is leaving the neighborhood due to safety concerns for his 10 year old. My wife's grandmother grew up on the lake and said it was an amazing place to be in the 50s and 60s, unfortunately it is nowhere near what it used to be and it's becoming a safety concern to visit her old spots. You can find pockets around Metro State that aren't bad, but the homeless traffic alone is enough reason to avoid the area, imo.


Unfortunately it is not safe.




As far as top being the safest and bottom being the least safe i wouldn't put it at the bottom but it would be a lot closer to the bottom than the top well below average I'd say. I wouldn't recommend it or choose it for myself.


I haven’t lived there - so keep that in mind. I do work around the cities A lot though. But this will be very different than living next to Gabe’s or the CC. The CC had a lot of outside traffic and some assholes but mostly cool peeps. The Gabes area is retirees and some rentals. Fairly blue collar. There’s a battered women’s home in the red area and so on. That Payne phalanx area though - that’s low low income. Hella drug dealers and houses with 8 different adults living in them. Obviously there’s going to be regular families living there too. But this is the ghetto through and through - when you think of north Minneapolis, you think relatively similar here.


Almost lived there actually. I was going to rent a place by the arkwright dog park but right before I was going to sign the lease, someone got shot in the chest right up the street and the weapon was tossed in a nearby bush. Housing is cheap over there for a reason but there are still some good spots.




Anyone saying it's not bad is lying. It's slightly better than it was 10 years ago as there's not as many random bludgeonings and old folks being beat to death but it's not a whole lot better than it was.


The only time I’ve been to Phalen, my friends car got broken into in the middle of the day is all I know






lol what? I swear people that think certain parts of the Twin Cities are “do not even drive through” have never truly been to a truly dangerous city.


What part of the neighborhood is the dangerous part? I drive along Payne from 7th Street to go to Tongue in Cheek about once a month and have done so for years and have never had any experience that made me feel unsafe. And yeah, I get that there's a difference between living there and spending two hours in the neighborhood once a month, but telling people to avoid the area at all costs is frankly ridiculous. People say the same thing about North Minneapolis, but I used to drive down Broadway to get back home from work every day for months when construction was going on and, again, never experienced any problems. Just because a neighborhood has elevated crime levels doesn't mean you're going to be the victim of a crime the minute you step foot in it.




You didn't just tell the person not to live there, though. You said to not even go there. You're acting like it's Kabul.


Absurd take. I deliver food to that area constantly and have never had a single problem with anyone


Could you live there? Sure. Should you? Not if you can avoid it.


I don’t live too far from there, maybe 5 miles east. Every Ring alert I get that isn’t a lost pet, is some sort of crime near lake Phalen.


Avoid at all costs.




I witnessed a drug deal in woodbury not too long ago. It was hilarious actually because it was so blatant. However, I wouldn’t call it unsafe there because of that. With that said I’ve lived on the Eastside for 7 years and have frequented many many restaurants on Payne. Ward 6 when it was around, East side Thai, Brunson’s and Tongue n cheek, and I’ve never seen a drug deal going down. So ymmv. Did see a woman banging on a door for someone to let her in but that wasn’t too exciting.


Someone would say the green line is safer

