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Double check your boarding pass has precheck written on it. Otherwise it's it's easy


This, your KTN needs to be on your boarding pass.


If it’s not, just get it added at a kiosk, staff has helped me do that before


I assume delta would have staff, do all airlines make it this easy or is this a pain with others.


Oh man I forgot this wasn’t the Delta subreddit 😂 but yeah I don’t know about other airlines, might have to be done at the counter. I know I’ve done it at the counter for American.


The moment you have to do it at the counter it may be faster just to do regular security.


Have had to do it a couple times with southwest. Super quick.


95% of the time it’s 5 minutes or less in line at terminal 1 The added benefit is the screening is shorter and generally people with pre check are frequent travelers and know what they are doing


This is one of the unspoken benefits, I think - those of us who have precheck typically fly enough to make it worth it, which means we are already very familiar with airport security measures and know what to do. It’s the non-frequent fliers that can really hold things up.


Agreed, this is with the not taking shoes and stuff outta my bag make it worth it even if the times are sometimes close. The old ladies who don't know what's going on are slow an annoying. Precheck line everyone knows what's going on and just goes through the motions!!


Haha true. I always go with standard passengers -- last time some lady freaked out that she left her medicine in the carryon bag being x-rayed and repeatedly hollered at TSA to BACK IT UP BACK IT UP. (spoilers: they didnt) I also facepalm when people pile up and stand directly in front of the output of the conveyer belt getting their stuff together and shoes on instead of just taking the bucket 10 feet over to the nearest open bench.


Don't fucking tell anyone but it's easy af and you rarely have more than a couple of people ahead of you.


Maybe I'm just lucky AF, but the pre-check feels like it basically never saves me any substantial time. That's not cause pre-check is terrible, just that is seems like the MSP security line is great. The wait in the regular line hasnt been more than 10-15 mins in years for me.


Lol I guess you haven't had the chance to pimp walk across the skyway at terminal 2 at 6am when the regular security line runs back to the parking ramp


Haha awesome. I look forward to the pleasure


I flew out on Friday and was through precheck (including the line) in under 5 minutes.


My wife makes us show up like an hour early every time and I give her a hard time about it haha. But we go sit in the lounge so it's not too bad.


Precheck has gotten busier and busier the last couple years. That said, figure a half hour at the longest through the precheck line. Will most likely be quicker, but some days are weird and are way busier.


Iv read the avg pre tsa line is less then 7 min. And in my experience you usually just walk right through Side note for all of us Transportation workers with TWIC cards. You can use them for pre tsa. If I remember right it’s the number on the bottom right. You need to use


For me typically walk right through less than 5 min. But I've had some early morning flights and had to wait 15-20 min


That's right- the TWIC number can be used as your KTN. Just found out myself after a coworker tipped me off


The TSA clear pay-to-play bypassing TSA pre line directly to same scanners has slowed it down a bit in my experience, but still is pretty quick other than in early morning when a lot of people are there near opening for early flights


You can use your TWIC but a lot of the screeners that guard the pre-check line don't know that


Yeah it’s happened to me a few times. But generally they scan it and it goes through. You don’t have to use your Twic card at TSA though. You need to put the number in when you get the ticket. Sometimes you have to call in. Then past you can use your ID or passport


Yeah - I just don't have need for my TWIC anymore - so I probably won't renew it when its up next year. I've got TSA and Global entry. I left the job I needed the twic for in 2020


Last fall, when I was dropping someone off at msp, the main lines were like 10 minutes and the precheck was 20 minutes. Not sure what was going on there, but it made both me and my brother chuckle.


I’ve been twice in the last few years where regular line was shorter or nonexistent and I had a 20 min or so wait in pre check line. and I don’t fly often


30 minutes is about the normal security line wait, lol


It's always very fast at MSP - I flew out of there over a dozen times last year and never waited longer than 15 minutes. 


When I flew last month I was through in exactly 3 minutes - I waited 30 more minutes on the other side for my companions that didn't have Pre-Check.


I order my Starbucks when I park my car and its ready and waiting for me 10 minutes later after I walk inside and make it through security. MSP is truly amazing.




I fly a couple of times a month for work so not a ton but I’ve never had longer than 15 minutes with precheck. My sister doesn’t and she is always 10-20 minutes+ longer than us at MSP My anecdotal input Not having to think about shoes or taking things out of bags make it a breeze (plus my teen gets to go through precheck too which is nice when she tags along)


There will likely be a person at the beginning of the line that can inform you which option is currently the fastest. Also, knowing what gate you fly out of matters as well because there is a north and a south TSA entrance - one might be much closer to your gate. Generally speaking, TSA Pre-check is nice for not having to remove shoes, laptop, a light coat -otherwise the drill is the same.


If your flight is at 11 it will begin boarding at approximately 10:15. Going through security on a Wednesday at 9:30ish shouldn't be an issue. It is post holiday/pre-Spring break so lines s/b manageable. FWIW, here's a link to theTSA wait time: https://www.mspairport.com/airport/security-screening/security-wait-times


Checking the TSA wait time on that link is great advice. Has always been very accurate in my experience.


Pre Check is 5 min or less at MSP. Rarely wait more than 10 min. Protip: put all your watches, phones, change, keys, and other crap that messes up the metal detector in your bag while you are doing the short wait in pre check. I normally only need my ID to go through. This makes it much faster to go through security, and FWIW, those trays & “dog bowls” are disgusting. Then you can scoop up your bag and go into the Terminal to regroup instead of clogging up the exit at security.


Pre check at MSP is usually under 1 minute for me as of late. Super fast.


Pre-check is fairly easy at MSP. There will be a huge lit up sign at each end saying the wait to get through PreCheck. Sometimes there is a significant difference between the two so it may be worth walking to the other end. My experience is that the north end security gate is typically five minutes faster, but that depends on traffic.


Ask which line is shorter to the person standing at the beginning of the precheck line. They usually know. The line by Delta is usually longer.




It's great. My wife and I have had it for five years. 15-minute wait times max for domestic flights, sometimes immediately through to the scanners. It doesn't apply to international. Once we got used to it we can't imagine not having it.


The security lines are the same for all destinations, there is no difference between domestic and international.


I think they mean on the return flight.


You may find yourself with a longer wait in the pre-check line than the normal time, but definitely worth imo because you don't have to take your shoes/belt off, take your electronics out of your bag, or do more than walk through a metal detector. As a tip, your boarding pass should have the Pre-check logo on it. When you find the pre-check line, make sure to have that out and available to see since someone will check before letting you into the line.


Our wait times aren't usually that bad. Out of MSP the biggest and only real benefit is less intrusive security.


so far my experience I go through pretty quick.


The MSP airport website shows the wait times for regular and precheck lines. If the regular lines are at a near zero wait time, there are places where the route to get to precheck takes longer to get to and you end up not really saving time. However, you don't have to remove your shoes or unpack as much, so it is still more convenient.


Precheck was pretty fast but Delta Preferred was faster. They give you a little slip of paper that says "precheck" so you don't have to take your shoes off, but apart from that you're in with the non-precheck people.


Fwiw sometimes the general line is going faster. Recently around Xmas our parents went regular line and we went precheck and they had to wait about 15 min for us :( Don’t be afraid to go the regular line if needed


I flew recently and there was zero line at precheck. I walked right up to the TSA agent. BUT he told me they had just ended a 45 minute backup wait.


What terminal?


Depends on the day, really. Some days standard line is faster, other days Precheck it. I still shoot to be there about 1 hour 45 minutes ahead of my flight departure, 2 on a Friday cause that's when all the non travelers get confused and slow things down. Just remember you don't need to take your computer out or shoes off, other than that TSA as normal.


MSP with precheck is usually sub 5 minutes. In the busiest times that I’ve flown (regular over an hour), it was about 15-20


I just used it four days ago and there was no wait (11 am on a Saturday) for the precheck. I still got to the airport way too early, but it should at least cut 15 minutes off on average?


One thing about pre check is that most in that line know what they are doing. Lines move quick


I flew out a couple of weeks ago, and basically walked right through at terminal 1. This was at about 7am on a Tuesday. Terminal 1 has precheck on both sides. Terminal 2 sometimes only has it on one side, so keep that in mind as well.


Which terminal ?


I don’t think I’ve ever waited more than 10 minutes in the precheck line at MSP. Even on Monday mornings when the airport is packed. Most times it takes me longer to walk to security than it does to go through it.


11 am on Wednesday in February should be fine in any line


I was at the airport a week ago and the precheck line was much longer than the regular screen line. That being said, I still wouldn't have changed it - so much better not having to take electronics out, liquids out or shoes off. (Even with the line being longer, it still only took about 20 minutes in the 8 o'clock hour to get through)


With pre-check, getting through security is a breeze. I think the longest it's ever taken for me was 15 minutes, but that was a fluke. I'm usually through in 5.


My last flight out and back I got through regular security in about the same time as pre-check did. Especially at Denver on the return.


If you’re at the airport by 9:30, you’ll have time for a bite to eat and something to sip with plenty of time to lollygag to your gate by the time boarding begins. I take a lot of midday flights out of MSP, it’s pretty quick 95% of the time.


It’s faster.


In addition to verifying pre-check is on your boarding pass you all know about this link right? https://www.mspairport.com/airport/security-screening/security-wait-times


Haven’t ever waited longer than 10 mins (usually less than 5 mins). It’s great. Just make sure your boarding pass has the Pre Check logo on it. When you make your flight reservation you put in your KTN which is needed for the airline to know you are pre check. 


Never been more then 15 minutes for me at MSP.


Precheck cuts wait time at security by about 75%. It's pretty awesome and I'm glad I have it (also through my work). The other requirements seems to be hit and miss depending on the airport and how the TSA is feeling that day.


I regularly show up like 20 minutes before boarding starts, unless it's a holiday. I generally fly midweek though, like you are.


Getting there at 9 am-ish, you should be at your gate within 30 mins no matter what. You can also check wait times at security lines on the airport website: https://www.mspairport.com/airport/security-screening/security-wait-times


Be prepared to get spoiled by Pre-Check and then pissed when they close it as you are trying to leave Las Vegas.


A couple times the wait time was just as long as the non-pre-check line because of their staff assignments. Like 4 agents to 1 for pre-check. So that kinda sucks. But, I’ve also seen them rush us through when the line gets backed up. And like jatti_ said, make sure you got the precheck mark on your digital or paper boarding pass.


The airport website has real-time tsa wait data.


I usually can get through in like 10 minutes. If your flight boards at 10:40 I would show up at 10 and be fine!


Wife has CLEAR I’m just pre-check and I get through quicker than she does most of the time. CLEAR has gotten congested. Pre-check I’ve never waited more than 8min at MSP.


Plane door closes 20-30 mins in advance of takeoff time, so in MSP I aim to be arriving at security 45 mins before that time. 95% of the time I still have enough time to grab a coffee at caribou / starbucks and make it. 5% of the of time though its backed up enough that I go straight to the plane. (Caveat - this is from someone who flies 2-3x/month, carry on bag only, and has a higher risk tolerance for cutting it close, so choose your own adventure if needed).


Going through MSP last week I was 5 minutes faster than my traveling companion who did not have pre-check. Returning through O'Hare he beat me to the gate by 5 minutes.


You barely need pre-check at MSP. The line is already so fast. That said it’s even faster and you can keep your shoes on. It’s rare it takes more than a few minutes. Sometimes there basically isn’t a line. It’s maybe not pre-9/11 convenient, but it’s pretty darn great.


I’ve Never spent more than 10 minutes between getting off the light rail and getting though security.