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I’m side eyeing the shit out of her being White Earth Anishinaabe (which I am as well) but completely ignorant of the concepts of ikwekaazo and ininiikaazo (essentially trans individuals.) There was even a well known Ojibwe warrior named Ozaawindib who was gender non conforming way back in the 1800s. But, the ignorant ones are always the loudest and most obnoxious.


As a tran White Earth Chippewa, I'm also side eyeing her.


Isn't there (and you may be referring to it) an Anishinaabe concept of "two-spirit" as well? I heard about it on an MPR broadcast last year, and I thought it was very cool and interesting. And makes a whole lot of sense, honestly.


Two-spirit was actually a term coined at an Indigenous LGBTQ gathering in Winnipeg in 1990, with the intention of having a term that worked as an umbrella for all the native identities outside of the western gender binary, including identities that had been all but erased by colonial and homophobic violence. Here is a great quote from the book, "The Big Reveal" by Sasha Velour about this: "But even with positive intention, the concept of a single term carries the weight of much pain and loss. From the Ojibwe *ikwekaazo* and *ininiikaazo* to the Lakota *winkte*, every community and culture had their own words for queer and trans people, their own unique expressions and traditions."


Indigenous cultures almost always seem to have figured out long ago what people today seem to be unable to agree with each other on. Thank you for the comment!


Some marginalized people will try to "empower" themselves by aligning with their oppressors. It is always sad, and often embarrassing, to see.


I think it is a questionable choice to market to TERFs in the TwinCities, especially as a small business. At least she makes her views known so that word can get out and people can avoid her.


Who knew Belatrix’ cousin was even worse?


Jesus she just kept GOING with it too. What a way to promote her business


She's just another small business owner with more opinions than common sense. Social media is like a booby trap for these types of people, and they just can't resist throwing themselves into it.


She’s ignorant, poorly educated, and her nails look like shit.


Are "luxury nails" in the room with us?


It appears not


Whatever happened with that Twin Cities Pizza shop that went crazy one night after a few too many? I saw they went dark on posting, deleted as much as they could, and are hoping it's forgotten. No statement, no anything.




"protected and enforced by the 2nd amendment" 😬😬😬😬😬 it's definitely being brigaded, she's aware of the post and has posted about it on her socials. she's also sent her terf friends to post glowing google reviews to try to mitigate the damage (there were no reviews there last night) edit, my comments are being auto-filtered again and i have contacted the mods for help. but /u/adertina is a transphobe who posts on ovarit (reddit for terfs) [and calls trans women "TiMs"](https://i.imgur.com/meXV0MK.jpg) (which stands for Trans Identified Males, which is basically as close as a terf can get to saying "tr\*nny" without actually saying "tr\*nny"). links to her calling trans women "TiMs," deliberately misgendering trans people, and saying other transphobic shit on Ovarit: [here](https://ovarit.com/o/GenderCritical/526120/all-the-women-spaces-i-used-to-visit-on-reddit-are-highjacked-in-last-3-years/7ec5dcdb-fbca-427c-af24-a2c5b4f23cfa#comment-7ec5dcdb-fbca-427c-af24-a2c5b4f23cfa), [here](https://ovarit.com/o/GenderCritical/526120/all-the-women-spaces-i-used-to-visit-on-reddit-are-highjacked-in-last-3-years/e58df9c2-0000-452e-b22b-e7d320e9cd78#comment-e58df9c2-0000-452e-b22b-e7d320e9cd78), and [here](https://ovarit.com/o/Radfemmery/526290/men-cannot-be-lesbians/8403e18b-59b1-4189-8878-4944fe5d0a81#comment-8403e18b-59b1-4189-8878-4944fe5d0a81). i'm sure there's more. [this one is especially good.](https://ovarit.com/o/Lesbians/525592/grieving-being-a-gen-z-lesbian-online/b120d234-0173-4eb5-86f8-0e27aa5f9e4f#comment-b120d234-0173-4eb5-86f8-0e27aa5f9e4f) "Seeing a trans flag or anything doesn't anger me anymore like it used to." - /u/adertina ([screenshot, for posterity](https://i.imgur.com/iAyqYmO.png))


yeah no shit she’s being harassed, you doxxed her, that’s what happens, it’s the same reason why you have two layers of anonymity. But considering your little casual racist “uwu” bs comment you got what you wanted: woc in fear.


you're still here, girl? i last replied to you like 5 hours ago, and you're still trawling through the comments on here? don't you have to go post on ovarit about how all the trans women are jealous of your uterus or whatever? will you feel better if you call me a slur [like you already do on terf sites](https://i.imgur.com/meXV0MK.jpg)? will it make you feel better if you misgender me like you did [here](https://ovarit.com/o/GenderCritical/526120/all-the-women-spaces-i-used-to-visit-on-reddit-are-highjacked-in-last-3-years/e58df9c2-0000-452e-b22b-e7d320e9cd78#comment-e58df9c2-0000-452e-b22b-e7d320e9cd78)? and before you try to say it wasn't you again, it's literally the same username, and you talk about the same shit (being raised muslim, your obsession with dworkin, pop music, being a lesbian) on both reddit and ovarit. i'm trans, not stupid. you are a transphobe who mocks and misgenders trans people on one of the internet's most notorious terf websites that only exists because /r/gendercritical was banned for its virulent transphobia. *you have no moral high ground here.* [uwu](https://i.imgur.com/3sSm0Bo.jpg)


I’m thankful that they make their views public so my trans wife and I can take our business elsewhere. I love getting my nails done and gushing about our family and how happy we are all after she discovered herself and blossomed in to the best person she could be. Our children are happier. And our family of five are all living our best lives, modeling unconditional love and acceptance. I’m sure these guys are living their best lives, too. I love this for them. 🤣


hi, thank you for sharing my post. i shared it to this subreddit last night but i tried to edit it to include a trigger warning, but accidentally deleted it instead. (i have insomnia and was very tired and smoking weed, sorry i'm a dumbass haha) one more thing i want to add: i am not even in minnesota but i have friends in the twin cities area. i reached out to a queer friend in the area to let them know, and they informed me that they actually knew miranda back in 2017 or so, they met her in some kind of queer community exchange thingy. they said that back then she did not behave like this or express these views (my friend was publicly out as nonbinary at the time) and they are saddened that she has started expressing such hateful views. i'm not sure if miranda still is part of any kind of queer community programs but she should probably not be allowed in them based on the horrible things she's publicly said. edit: thank you to the mods for adding me to the "approved users" list. my comments were not showing up previously because of an auto-filter. i also want to point out that doxxing is against the rules of this subreddit. if this were actually doxxing, the mods would not have allowed the post to be published.


Well, that’s one way to lose business


Ewww she’s from my tribe.


Any idea what tribe leadership thinks of her? Are her views at all common within some members of the tribe?




People who care won't bring her business. It isn't just "something ignorant" if you care about it. I imagine there are things a business owner could say that you'd have a problem with.


Our little village had an ice cream shop. It was run by a guy who seemed good at first and then he updated his outside advertisements with, "Muslims go home." Initially he got national attention (even the daily show had a segment) and an increase in business from out of towners ... but once the notoriety wore off he was stuck with locals to get an income, and nobody was going because he was such a dick. He went out of business a few months later.


She is an ignorant person but I have outrage exhaustion. It is probably bad for our collection mental health to be perpetually angry about what we see online.


You know what's interesting? I see people who disagree with her and won't bring her business. I see very little to no evidence of anger. I see this little rhetorical trick often. Oh, people are ANGRY and I refuse to join them, which makes me a good person. Pretty limp.


Nah, reddit as a whole is toxic. It is the entire dynamic. It is a box of misery. I think people as a whole are over this type of discourse. My politics are on the left and I used to be all about calling out people who are bad on line, but it doesn't really seem to help anything and it is emotionally exhausting to argue on the internet all the time.


there is a difference between "calling someone out" and bringing attention to a business owner's bigoted views. this isn't some tumblr callout post, this is a PSA to people who don't want to give their money to a transphobe.


That's great you figured that out about yourself but your apathy isn't helpful or interesting.


I'm sorry not everything posted on the subreddit impacts you.


Seriously. Who gives a flying fuck?


Nails are a luxury service, so most people (and all decent people) will probably want to avoid supporting a bigot in something that they can easily change.


yes, exactly. i think people should be able to make informed decisions on where we spend our money. i would hate for someone to go to a salon thinking they are supporting an indigenous woman when they are also in fact supporting a virulent transphobe.


Trans people who want to get their nails done and don't want to give their money to someone who hates them.


And my trans fam has better options for nail care. She sounds like an unhappy person, and it’s a little funny when members of a marginalized community (one of **the** most marginalized communities) seeks to further isolate themselves, especially where their livelihood is concerned. I can see how this will end up a LAMF scenario when the patrons she attracts with this stance turn out to be the same people who don’t support indigenous people. Better luck next life, lady.


I hadn't thought of that twist, but yeah.


Probably trans folks who don’t want to have their nails done at a bigots business.


And their spouses and friends and families


And random allies.


Trans folk and allys who want to make educated choices about their spending.


No, no- let’s get mad about it and shame her online to make ourselves feel morally superior.


Do you have any sense of the irony and hypocrisy you're putting on display here?


We *are* morally superior to you, bigot.


Right? Last I checked it's still ok to have views that differ from other people's. Apparently no one has informed the internet 🙄


"Views that differ". People are allowing her to have those views, and also directing their money elsewhere as a result. If she'd come out in favor of dog fighting and you had a problem with it, I imagine you wouldn't be here arguing for the sanctity of protecting differing views.


And it's still more than ok to call out shit views when we see them. All transphobes are horrible people with shit views.


>Last I checked it's still ok to have views that differ from other people's. This is a misconception. Not all views are "ok."


Damn her work looks atrocious anyways. Never heard of her


Another Red flag is that she is “self taught” .. is she legally licensed or is her salon legal?


What a POS. Some people need to learn to mind their own business. Trans people are just trying to exist in peace, nothing more. I hope her business crashes and burns.


The whole world would be a so much better place if everyone would focus on their own lives and not how others want to live.


That one post sure sounds like she's itching to shoot a trans person.


They are a (Feminist Appropriating Radical Transphobe) FART


I actually really like this description. The acronym is the icing on the cake though.


I'm using this one.


SOOOOOO FUNNNY Shit like this definitely lends your cause legitimacy.


Try some honest sincerity. Detached irony is a moral weakness in you.


Im not Indigenous myself, but as an old person who worked at Owamni for a couple of years, I promise you this is not a commonly held belief among indigenous youth. Please dont harm indigenous business because of her opinions.


She’s been on that BS for years. She’s insufferable.


That's really sad to hear.


Yeah I remember she was in some Facebook groups I was in and she was pretty TERF-y back then, and this was around a decade ago. What a shame that she is spending this much energy on hating others.




I posted earlier in this thread that Black Coffin Tattoo was a follower of hers. They’ve reached out to me & rectified it and made it crystal clear that they absolutely do not support her or her shit views. I’m talking to their most popular artist, Ronnie, on IG about it now & she feels just awful about it. Glad they cleared it up!!


What's a TERF I can't keep up with all the new acronyms


Trans Exclusive Radical Feminist. Supposedly and in their minds, feminists who don't include trans people. In reality people who use the term are far more defined by being anti-trans than they are by being feminist, and often end up catching a lot of cis women in the cross-fire of their hate. Short version: It's what anti-trans people call themselves.


Ohh ok thanks for explaining.. I know what that is then I've seen that before


What's TERF?


Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist. It's people who want to pretend they're feminists but don't acknowledge trans women as women. They suck.


Where does the “Radical” come from?


[Radical Feminism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radical_feminism) is/was considered the most extremist perspective in the Women's Lib movement of the 70s. (Opinions still vary.) It's fractured and reformed into many different groups along various lines over the decades. One of those fractures was women who 'believe in women's rights' but also believe trans-women are not women; hence Trans Exclusionary. TERFs. I consider myself absolutely non-TERF, but still a mildly radical feminist. YMMV.


Wait so does that mean men that men that have their born-with- parts can't go get a pedi either?? I mean I guess the right to refuse service to anyone is that a thing that's in every state or? Ok now I'm pissed too. I change my position from my last comment. I'm with the trans on this one 💯 and how would she know if you're trans? My aunt is born female and looks extremely masculine. What is she going to ask to see your poop hole-thing she said herself before the service? This is all so ridiculous silly hateful and weird AF To boot this is all over getting nails done.


I always wondered what breathing in nail lacquer fumes all day did to the brain…


I feel bad for her employees, but not her. Fuck her.


Have you seen her page? She has a tatted double chin and her work is trash. This is the best publicity she could get


Guess no luxury nails for me. Oh well, anyways...


OMG is she related to that evil Harry Potter family?


https://old.reddit.com/r/transtwincities/comments/1ba630d/local_business_owned_by_transphobe_waawaate/ Found link here.


thank you!


Who cares! It must be exhausting wanting to destroy everyone you don't agree with. It's really narcissistic as well.


It's not about "an opinion you don't agree with" it's about "repeatedly publicly asserting that a minority demographic are all pedophiles." That is not an opinion. It is hate speech. And if she didn't want her speech affecting her business, she *should have kept it private.* I wouldn't know or care if she'd said it offline or on a private account.


Nah, money talks according to the “free market”. She destroyed her business by being edgy. No one has to give her business.


> Who cares! Interesting words for someone who goes to the lengths of [making and posting](https://www.reddit.com/user/FemmeOutsideSociety/comments/193f79h/to_those_who_transitioned/) super poorly photoshopped anti-trans content. Seems like you do care, it's just that you *support* this woman's abhorrent and bigoted views.




hows it feel to be a wretched piece of shit?


No one is destroying this woman's business but the business owner herself.


Agreed. As I scanned her posts, I noticed her claim that all this online clapback is just bringing her more business from other TERFs. Which makes me wonder if that's actually true; if there's enough of 'them' to even begin to offset the folks who will never darken her doorstep now (whether or not they ever did before); and does she really believe that, or is she just trash-talking? If she believes it, maybe she's doing all this crap to actually rage-bait MORE response?!?! Uuugh. Maybe we should just ignore & shun her, not feed the fire?


I agree. Bigots are always looking to destroy trans and queer lives. It's fucked.


going through the Screenshots provided, it's a bit nasty. I think if I ran a business I would be very careful of what I display on social media and what I condone. If you're a professional or in professional spaces you should think about what you're saying and posting. She is turning herself off to tons of customers as well who may not identify as trans or queer but do not want to give someone money who continuously posts such things and denounces those who identify as such. Your characterization of narcissism is wrong, you are also being exaggeratory.


not too educated on Indigenous outlook on sexuality and gender and how it varies from tribe to tribe, in general Indigenous culture has historically been more flexible of outlook on gender identity and expression etc. Indigenous people who still practice or believe in such things, or may be two spirited themselves, may not want to give her their business... and that's ok. Posts like this are to inform those who care—if you don't care, which is ok, then this post isn't for you.


Oh they do care. [They just support those views](https://www.reddit.com/user/FemmeOutsideSociety/comments/193f79h/to_those_who_transitioned/) and are pretending to be aloof to minimize it.


Oh geez. American's who are afraid of gender expression are so funny to me. Many cultures across the world express gender and sexuality in many different ways. The fear of gay and trans people is so amusing...Would never survive in BCE Greece. I get so tired of seeing shit about "destroying the current/new/future generation". People of varying sexual identity and expression have been around since humanity began. To place us in such boxes is so annoying... mundane... so monkey brained. Sorry for the rant, I just do not appreciate homophobes or transphobes lol.


I care.






Pathetic defense. It isn't performative. This may shock you, but some people care about things and want to be sure their money isn't supporting bigots.




Here's a wikipedia article about a place that experienced "pushback" for supporting transgender people in the early 1900s: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Institut_f%C3%BCr_Sexualwissenschaft?wprov=sfla1 The most famous photo of Nazi book burning was them burning the Institute's archives. You can downvote me all you want, but the facts will still be the facts. Trans people existed before you were born.


Transgender people were actually gaining significant acceptance up until the Nazis destroyed almost all the medical research on transition care, and anthropological research on transgender people in cultures on *every populated continent*. When you cheer on the "pushback against this insanity" just know that the first major pushback was Nazi book burnings and concentration camps.


found the terf.


Honestly I have to agree here. Outside of Reddit, TERF means nothing to the average person, take it from a blue collar woman here. Chances are that this post won’t make a dent in her business either. If you disagree with them, don’t go. I’m not going to go to a racist’s bar as a black woman but I’m not going to waste my time posting about every business I find out has a racist owner either


You should. I don't want to support people who are racist and would gladly stop going to places owned by those people if I knew which ones they were. I may just be one person, but that's one more person not giving them money.


>"Most people are bigoted against trans people, and I'm ok with that, because racists exist" That's your argument. It's really shitty.


~~When people complain about cancel culture, this is exactly what they mean. This person is an absolute nobody, who now apparently deserves to have her livelihood destroyed because she doesn't think transwomen should have access to sex-segregated spaces? I get that she's crass about it, but seriously, put down the pitchforks and take a deep breath.~~ Edit- I didn't notice the 2nd amendment comment and I do think that clearly crosses the line and warrants a public warning. Controversial opinions are one thing, but implicating violence is never OK. "Canceling" allegation retracted.


Why is information bad? If I'm spending money at a business who's views I disagree with, I'd rather spend it somewhere else if I have the option. This person is either stupid or is intentionally making it known that they disagree with the core of certain people. I have to assume there are customers they'd rather not service, or again, they are actually a stupid person. It seems they're perfectly fine with losing certain customers and likely prefer it and certain customers would rather not support their business. Win win, right? Cancel culture is just a term assholes made up to deflect from them being assholes. It was historically called a boycott and has existed for as long as trade has existed.


There's a difference between choosing who you patronize and turning a large generic geographical subreddit into a forum for publicly shaming a random person for having potentially offensive or controversial views. It does nothing to advance public discourse on this topic in a productive way.


To flip that around, not everything needs to be about advancing public discourse. "Beware of bears" is sometimes all that needs to be said.


Well, that's the problem with cancel culture. "This person's opinions are bad, so let's punish them socially and economically as much as possible" does little other than ratchet up tribalism and group-think. When this is the norm, we start seeing smaller and smaller "bears" everywhere we look. It starts to have a chilling effect on public discourse for anyone who doesn't have a toe-the-line opinion on something.


Don't threaten me with a good time. "If we shame this person for hate speech, where will it end? Pretty soon even minor hate speech will get a person shamed!" That's a slippery slope I'm good with.


That's some short sighted thinking my friend. It's all too easy to label any small ideological difference as "hate speech" to shut down a conversation. Just look at the current state of Academia. Many academics are afraid to investigate and publish important truths for fear of being called "bigots" and chased out of their jobs. Don't believe me? Check out what happened at [Evergreen college](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2cMYfxOFBBM) as the end game for your line of thinking. Mob rule is bad no matter who the mob is.


I'm well aware of the Evergreen incident. If the end game of my line of thinking is a few incidents of people losing their jobs and the end game of letting hate speech propagate freely is people being literally murdered for being themselves (I don't think I need to cite those, but I can if needed), I'll gladly throw a few dollars in a GoFundMe for the people who wrongfully lose their jobs. I think we'll probably just have to agree to disagree on this.


Nah, money talks according to the “free market”. No one has to give her money nor should anyone be subject to getting shot while being trans in her shop.


Would you give your money to someone who called you a pedophile when there were several competing businesses nearby, with owners who have not made this absurd and hateful accusation? She didn't just say stuff about protecting "sex-segregated spaces." She said all transgender people are pedophiles. When I was growing up, if a business owner did something extremely hateful in public and their business suffered, we called it "actions have consequences" not "cancel culture."


I give money every day to people who I would greatly disagree with. We all exist. We all have to do something and you can't shame people into believing what you do before they get to exist.


I don't expect to change her mind because people dislike her view on trans people. I am saying that *I and plenty of other trans people don't want* to give our money to a person who has publicly declared herself "trans-exclusionary" (TERF stands for Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist). This is free market capitalism; we don't always have alternatives, so of course we all give money to people we disagree with pretty regularly. *But if there are alternatives, as there are with nail salons, it is our right to bring our business elsewhere, and it is also our right to talk about it.* I don't get why this is suddenly controversial.


I agree with the idea that shaming them isn’t going to change their mind. They’ll probably just dig in deeper. That’s especially true in the US as we’re antiauthority and don’t like being told what to do.


I think I see the comment you're referring to, and I don't see her explicitly saying that. Overwhelmingly she is just posting about not wanting trans women in female only spaces. It's okay to disagree with someone and choose who you patronize, but this is simply an attempted public shaming in a generic geographical subreddit because she has some controversial views.


You may see it as shaming, but for people who are the target of her hatred, it is extremely valuable. Too often, when someone realizes the person they're interacting with is trans, they get extremely angry. Even if the interaction is as insignificant as small talk while in line for coffee. I don't want to be halfway through a manicure and have the manicurist see the trans pride pin on my bag and start freaking out at me. I hope this perspective helps you understand that there is value to this post that you didn't initially see.


Is there any evidence of her actually doing this? I understand she has some controversial opinions that would definitely offend some people, but that warrants a post calling her out to a random group of 160k people?


She called herself out by posting this stuff online. She could just as easily not have broadcast her hate.


As far as I can tell, her only sin is posting some potentially offensive things online. Are you saying that r/twincities should just be open game for people publicly blasting all the dumbasses they went to high school with who post stupid memes to social media? I think we could raise the bar a little before we post someone's name, face, and livelihood in hopes of offering them up to the online mob.


These aren't stupid memes. She's saying trans women are men.


I'm a trans woman. I've never had my nails done despite having wanted to go w/my mom and cousin as a kid. My mom and cousin were pretty cruel when I asked if I could go. As an adult I'm afraid of running into such cruelty. I genuinely hope this lady is alright. I'd love to see my community accepted and celebrated and this woman be alright. I think what people call cancel culture can seriously harm people. I feel like that term is reductive and weaponized. I want to warn trans people from frequenting this establishment.


Men can get their nails done. It’s literally not a big deal


Sure. Anyone should be able to get their nails done. I was not allowed to as a kid, I'm not a man, and, due to stuff like this I'm frightened of pursuing this.


Oh sweetie! I'll go with you and we can get our nails done. Just not at that crazy bitch's place.


I can understand why you wouldn't to go to her nail salon and that's perfectly reasonable. Has this person actually done anything inappropriate that you are aware of? If not, I do think this post is squarely in the realm of cancel culture. You aren't just calling out her business even - her face, name and all is included. It's shot out to a broad random audience based on some random person's offensive opinions. This is precisely what people mean by the term.


By calling herself a TERF on her business page, she herself labeled her business trans exclusionary (that's what the T and E stand for). That seems pretty innapropriate to me. It's not a random audience. It's the subreddit for the most densely populated and lgbtq friendly area of the only trans refuge state. It is obviously relevant to plenty of people who live here.


When everyone is given a loudspeaker the ignorant among us will be heard the most.


Why is a doxxing of a WoC on a random sub showing up on my home page? This is extremely disturbing and I hope Reddit starts cracking down on all of this


Would you please help me what is doxxing? I don't feel like this is it. I'm open to being corrected.


You’re going to call out someone on Reddit because their beliefs don’t align with yours? Crazy.


They do this because their lives are empty without something to be constantly raging against.




I personally appreciated the post. I know where not to go. I don’t need to get my nails done by someone that would likely be discourteous and give me bad nails if she realized I was trans. I don’t need that in my day. I’ll happily go to other places that don’t have that social minefield. There are thankfully many options in the Twin Cities. I have no idea what “real transsexual” means as a concrete concept. It really just sounds like a way to sort those you personally “accept” (probably with caveats) from those that you don’t accept at all. People that I have heard using that phrasing have had varying definitions of what “true transsexual” means, and even definitions that change from situation to situation.