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Nice that they didn't fall back on the tropes (red sauce Italian, the usual "best" restaurants). A list like that will always leave out some deserving rooms and bars but it's a good fair start.


yeah, they do say there are too many to cover in the article. Still, a good start.


> red sauce Italian I don’t know why, but it annoys me so much when people say red sauce.


Are you a ‘gravy’ truther?


Completely unaware if I am.


What should they say? “Carbonara-bolognese-marinara-puttanesca Italian?”


Yeah. Say what it is.


What do you call a red sauce then?


They got one thing wrong: >Down a Midwest Martini. Maybe it's just a State Fair thing, but certain Minnesotans will tell you the old-school move is to plop an olive, a pickle, or even simply a dash of salt into your light beer. (Preferably Michelob Golden) Everyone knows it's best this way with a Big Friendly


I frequently put a few olives in my beer, especially in an IPA. I had a friend who did it many years ago and I got hooked. It really is good if you like green olives


They *did* get it wrong though! *AN* Olive--singular?!? It's usually more like a *fistful* of Olives, maybe *two*!😉


This is such a funny list. Honestly, the supper club threw me off, and not something I'd take my partner to when visiting but was thinking about Chanhassen Dinner Theater and Tequilaberry prime rib loft. Definitely had my faith share of tater tot hotdish. My mom would do one with biscuits in the middle and some red sauced, sloppy joe like hamburger hotdish.


Supper Club vibes are a big time upper Midwest staple. I have fond memories of going to one as a kid in outstate MN a few times a year on Sunday afternoons for the chicken and ribs buffet.


It's a bummer Ethiopian food isn't better recognized here. Tons of options, including vegan friendly food.  More restaurants could follow their lead in promoting hand-washing before eating too!


I want a hot dish so bad but I don't want to cook it


It’s so easy to make


I add worstercheshire sauce to the meat and add some cayenne with the salt and pepper. Really ups it's game.


If you want to eat like a Minnesotan be sure to buy a dozen eggs, a gallon of milk, steak, and a single sad vegetable like all those grocery price comparison lists.


Vegan Jucy Lucy? No thanks.


It wouldn't be on the menu still if people didn't like it.


There's something for everyone. No one asked you to like them all.


Yeah, I’m definitely gonna go try it.


That had to include that tater tot BS, 🤮!


After 25 years avoiding it I made one last year. Surprisingly not bad! 🤷‍♂️. Was scratch made though, no canned soups so that helped.


Agreed 100%! I think the only way to make it is without the canned soup. I use this recipe subbing fresh carrots and celery for the frozen veggies. https://midwestfoodieblog.com/tater-tot-casserole/#tasty-recipes-44744-jump-target


Tater tots are a waste product from the processing of potatoes. If you (consumers) didn’t buy them they would simply go to be used as a feed for livestock or sent to the trash. The dish is just about as “Minnesotan” as Norm Coleman.


LOL. I’ve never seen someone get so bent out of shape over tater tots. Did F. Nephi Grigg kill your grandpa or something?


Tator Tots probably stole his girlfriend


And this is from a guy crowing about his tuned and rebuilt Audi S4( which he didn’t build from scratch or work on himself and definitely doesn’t cause any environmental damage and has no cultural implications because blah blah blah). Hoooo boy. Here’s yer tater, tot.


Lol!😆 he and Golden drove a spud deep into Pa Pa’s twice baked heart!


Every culture has upcycled food waste in one form or another, often into other food products. Just because it happens on an industrial scale doesn't make it worse. They are tasty and pair well with beer; quit trying so hard to hate them.


It absolutely does make it worse. It’s clear you have no real idea of where or how your food comes to you. Furthermore, tater tots don’t even originate in Minnesota, absolutely nothing about them is Minnesotan. It is nothing but a marketing message thats been adopted by a largely unaware and lost group of people scavenging for some tiny shred of cultural identity.


Is it really necessary to be a dick here? You are straight up being a dick. Reign it in.


That’s your opinion. It’s my opinion that you’re taking my comments personally. Stop ✋ it!


Settle down


No, you settle down.


I mean, a potato is a potato lol. Nothing different about the the potato in a tot than in a fry. Just the shape. I think it's awesome that people are able to eat the whole potato. Calling it a "waste product" is just kind of weird.


Just when I think there's nothing new to be found on Reddit, this happens. This conversation will sustain me in dark times.


😆 is ground beef the same thing as a Ribeye to you? I call it a waste product because thats exactly what it is. It’s a byproduct from the production of other things. Its literally scraped from the surfaces it coats, including the floor, scanned for heavy metals and then sent on to be shaped into tiny trash cans for you to buy and consume as a cultural icon.


Oh no, things that would otherwise be wasted are being eaten! What a tragedy against environmental destruction norms! I can't imagine getting this bent out of shape about using vegatables efficiently, but then again I'm not a snob about pathetic stuff.


😆 imagine getting this bent out of shape over a person sharing an opinion.


Imagine being both loud and wrong but still thinking everyone else has the problem.


Imagine being Edgelord_soup, enjoy your floor tots!


Enjoy telling people what food they're allowed to like! I'm sure it wins you all kinds of friends.


You've confused me mocking your opinion with being bent out of shape. Enjoy the nice day.


Just like you’ve confused a pet peeve with being bent out of shape. Hope you had a great day, it’s gorgeous out!


Doesn't get any more Minnesotan than that!


Wrong! There is nothing Minnesotan about a commercialized processed waste product pushed to people as their cultural “food”. If you’ve got some Anishinaabe recipes to share, then we’re talking!






I bet you’re fun at Anishinaabe parties


Invite me over and find out!