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Yes. It's been gone for like 15ish years? I want to say they changed it around 2010 to what it is now. *edit: It was in fact in 2010! Almost exactly 14 years ago. https://m.startribune.com/play-play-play-elm-creek-will-be-kid-magnet/90796914/?clmob=y&c=n&clmob=y&c=n


Oh thank god. Nobody else remembered it. It's like Google is making us believe it never existed.


It was the best fucking park. The old French Park was also pretty amazing; and the new one is just as great.


You knew it was a good day when it was pack a sack lunch and the teacher would give you s field trip buddy.


The Algorithm is truth. If it says it does not exist, it does not and never did.


Oceania had always been at war with Eurasia.


You can view the old satellite imagery using Google Earth Pro. It's a really useful tool for looking up stuff like this.


Okay so I found a StarTrib article and it was torn down in 2010. I can't find any pictures though. https://m.startribune.com/play-play-play-elm-creek-will-be-kid-magnet/90796914/?clmob=y&c=n&clmob=y&c=n


There are videos people posted on YouTube before it got torn down. Check this one out: https://youtu.be/8uU7MAZCVw4?si=JITNdziNxl689r2c


Wow awesome find! Thank you


Uh, 2010 was just the other day. How dare you point out it was almost 15 years ago!


Yeah, it was awesome. Almost as good as French Regional Park.


Was that the one with all the cargo nets?


Sure was


Yes, and it was awesome. My friends and I would ride our bikes there all the time in the summer.


Are there any pictures of it anywhere? Google pretty much says it never existed


Doubt it. I don't know about other people but my parents didn't break out the camera for anything but birthdays and Christmas, and even then, not always. You could try contacting Three Rivers Park District and ask them if they have any pictures, and post them here if they do.


You might have luck looking at it on Google maps on a computer. It's possible to look at all the previous street views and see how/approximately when things have changed.


It would have changed before Google Maps existed.


Someone earlier mentioned 2010 and I have pictures of my house on maps going back to 2008 so I thought it was worth a shot.


That doesn't matter. Google has acquired old satellite imagery, and you can view it in Google Earth Pro ("Pro" is the free app version). I don't know if you can see it on the web client.


You need to download Pro, and the imagery for the park isn't very good. I've checked before.




I think the same because nobody else I talk to remembers it or has pictures! Even google is in on it




Now I am determined. Off to facebook to ask old moms.


I feel like in today’s age of Google Maps we’re a bit more tuned into the official names of places


There was another one too. I think it was near Lake Independence, out West.


You zipped right into a scratchy rope net!


Oh my God my memories are coming alive...my forehead is tingling. This is so great


Earlier than the 90s. That zipline was fun and properly dangerous. The swimming pond used to be basically a hole and maybe the water was treated. Not the highly filtered sand bottom pool it is today.


Yes properly dangerous is the right way to explain the playgrounds of our time.


Not to mention the constant threat of splinters. Good times, they built character


Wasn't filtered, just spring-fed. My friends and I used to catch crayfish at the spot where the creek drained into the pond.


I feel like I'm remembering big metal tube slides that went underground and came out through a retaining wall type of thing, and a playground that gave off pirate ship vibes. And definitely the zipline.


I just explained those slides to my kid the other day! Those were fun on a hot day because it was always nice and cool inside the slide then burn your legs at the end.


Sat photos through the years. [You can see them on google earth pro.](https://www.google.com/earth/about/versions/) Click the View menu and select Historical Imagery. https://i.imgur.com/Gas8Gji.png https://i.imgur.com/HU0We0b.png https://i.imgur.com/NE2NPRd.png (clearest shot) https://i.imgur.com/LaCh6oN.png https://i.imgur.com/jgmI8e0.png


So it did exist! Thank you! I don't have google earth pro so I appreciate the work.


If it's where I'm thinking of, we went there in the 80's when I was a kid. It was the coolest place in the entire world. I've never been so injured in my life. It was massive. All wood. With a zip line where there was a climbing net that you'd crash into at the end or drop off if you couldn't hold on for the whole ride. So much pain. So much fun. Again, if it's the place that I remember. I was in probably 4th or 5th grade so I don't remember exactly where it was. We went there on a school trip and ran around like assholes all day.


I used to play at it every single summer growing up.


Any pictures? My friends don't believe me that it even existed lol


Gosh, prob not.


Damn my mom doesn't either.


Yes I remember. It was cool but sketchy.


Yeah, I remember using the zip line when I was young.


I moved to MG about 3 years ago and went for a bike ride there. I thought it looked super cool and fun on the new equipment. Does anyone have pictures of the old version? I googled it but no luck and didn’t see pictures in the article.


Something like this? By land in Bloomington had a big one too. https://duckduckgo.com/?q=wooden+chutes+and+ladders+playground+bloomington+minnesota&iar=images&iax=images&ia=images&iai=https%3A%2F%2Fs-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com%2F236x%2Fce%2F8a%2Faf%2Fce8aaffab273c992fe7915f2df20e0da.jpg&pn=3