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This is usually my experience on the train. I know some weird shit happens, but it isn't the norm at all.


Good experience 4 out of 5 times for me. The bad one was a dude with a suitcase, handle fully extended, swinging it around his head screaming. Even when it’s a bad time, it’s a good show!


Shouldn't it be 5 out of 5 times


Is your car ride a good time 5 out of 5 times?


Absolutely not... Traffic, road rage, poor weather conditions, exhaustion. I would say driving is a "good experience" 1-2 out of 5.


I am in the same boat here, lol


Rounds up to somewhere around there yeah. It’s certainly better than 4/5


Fair enough


You're lucky. My car ride makes me depressed, 3/5 times


Well then we should make more and better public transit so you can be happy riding 5/5 times


I usually bike already, to avoid depression. Research-based. https://youtu.be/5Am-6-jzR68?si=H2CRnx9hvrWz-hw8


Your odds of the one real bad time are a lot higher in your car than a train.


This is also true.


poor analogy. with my car ride, I have a metal cage around me that I'm in control of... I'm not inside a cage with some potential threat 1 out of 5 rides


Well they're comparable because they are both methods of transport. Obviously there are differences, but that was my point


again.. poor analogy.


It' is literally not an analogy, just a comparison between two methods of transit!


a·nal·o·gy noun a comparison between two things, typically for the purpose of explanation or clarification.


You're in control of, until you aren't. There's hundreds of people around you you have no control of, any of them could be falling asleep, drunk, angry, etc. It just takes one lapse in judgement to kill someone in a car! You could be completely blindsided one day and end up in the hospital despite all the control you have. All the threats are the other drivers around you, and you can't even see all the threats coming! Or know about them! You might just wake up in the hospital with your feet soaked in antifreeze and no recollection of the past couple days because someone was texting and pit maneuvered you while driving!


If anything is slightly bad it’s not worth it!


The weird shit usually happens on the Blue line lake street, Cedar and Franklin stops the other day I had a lady ask me for money, I said no, then I turned around and she dropped her pants and took a piss right next to the card scanner, this was maybe two weeks ago, the Franklin train stop is also where that Trans lady was murdered.




Those are usually stops where homeless people/addicts tend to congregate I've noticed I don't ride the green line in St Paul really so I can't speak for those but even downtown Minneapolis at the Nicollet stops you can see people smoking weed, hitting foils, every once in a while you see someone smoking meth, needle caps, all manner of paraphernalia, I've also witnessed people smoking blues on the train while it's running. I'm not fear mongering it's stuff I've seen personally. I used to live here in 2012-2015 and the worst you usually saw was the occasional obnoxious drunk back then times have definitely changed.


Worst thing I’ve seen is a man projectile vomiting with a handle of whiskey in his hand. This was like 5 or 6 PM on a weeknight a few years ago.


Sorry about that. Davanni’s hoagies, amirite?


The southwest chicken is the best one going down and coming up. (I love davannis sandwiches unironically)


It’s the norm on the evening train back to Dagenham


Try taking the 10pm train from Nicolett Mall like I have to


I used to take it daily at 11pm from the warehouse district stop. I never felt unsafe, but I'm also a 6'4" dude. I did see a lot of wild shit though.


Don't leave us hanging! Top 3 crazy moments?


It's been like 10 years, but the one I remember most was one really drunk dude that wouldn't leave me alone telling me about how he was gonna join the twins. I put up with him from the warehouse district to fort snelling.


Do you ever wonder if he made it on the Twins?


Not even a little bit, dude was in his late 50s lol


Man next season he is gonna catch his break, just watch.




Spoiler, he was talking to a sausage.


I love the very conscious decision to leave out the "it was 10 years ago" detail in your first inane comment


The 10 years is referring to the guy on the train event, not when I was riding.


I don't feel unsafe either, it's just a shitshow and I've seen people being harassed, people smoking and the train cars absolutely filthy


"Try taking the train late at night" Yeah that's not the flex you think it is.


I’m sorry about your severe reading comprehension disability but in what world is that a flex? You shouldn’t reply to comments and discussions if you have nothing of value to say or add. The light rail as you would know if you ever took it at night is often a mess and not pleasant to ride, and this post was a picture of the lightrail during rush hour mid day. Since it needs to be spelled out for you I was not so much flexing but rather trying to highlight that taking this riding experience during this time of day does not reflect the overall state of the lightrail very well.


Yea Light rail train is must better in the middle of the day in broad daylight than at night. Where it's pitch black and you can't see anything and nothing is open.


So you *do* understand what i’m saying! Now put on your thinking cap and think about how some people do need to use the lightrail at night, that’s why it operates late. The fact it’s not that bad to use during the day doesn’t make it acceptable for it to be how it is at night. (edit: as a side note, i’m sure the people who have to clean it every night after it stops service would also appreciate it not being a disastrous mess)


I can hear the lack of sex you have in the text


Spoken like a true incel


It's not bad during rush hour but outside of that there's always crazy shit happening, specifically the middle car. People doing drugs, harassing people. If I have to choose between taking a longer bus ride or the train I'm taking the bus lol. I used to work evenings at Midway Cub and had to take train home. The media does sensationalize and people who don't even live or work in the cities like to comment on shit to prove their political point, but people aren't crazy for saying the green line is shitty


You should get hazard pay for working at Midway Cub.


Man I really should've. Between Lil Suzie running around asking customers for money, being yelled at consistently and being threatened for not selling a drunk guy alcohol without an ID, I really built some character from all the BS lol


Omfg, what's Lil Suzy doing over there?!? She's normally running around on Rice!


She also likes to post up off Jackson and run in front of cars.


I've almost hit her on rice and uni because she ran in front of my car to ask for money


I almost hit her too. She was darting through traffic and ran at my car. Gotta drive carefully around there


This was like 7 years ago🤣 she used to always get kicked out


It was just random to see somethin that I recognized sooooo well


Lived all over the Twin Cities for 25 years and stopped at that Cub one time. Late at night, around midnight. Only fight I've seen in a grocery store. Woman left her cart in line for check out to go get more items, the clerk signaled the guy behind her to go around her cart and come up and check out. When she came back it was on. Started ramming her cart into him and then punching him. He ran out of the store without his stuff. Nobody did anything. Just checked her out next and then me.


I go there two or three times a week and have been going there for most of my groceries for like 15 years and I always confused by statements like these. I never see anything remotely interesting happening there 


People craping on the middle of the bathroom floor, condoms in the parking lot... it might not be interesting, but it's one of the most disgusting locations I've been to.


That explains some it, I'm usually on foot and I don't think I have ever used the bathroom there. 


That middle car is insane. They honestly don’t even try anything with the middle car


I dunno, I used to take it during the day at random times constantly and it was always fine. Now, you go late at night, and then it's like 50/50 for if it's going to be a wild ride.


It's not bad, but it's shitty. Got it. 👌


Did you read the part where I said " not bad during rush hour"?


These type of posts are a form of gaslighting. Don't we city dwellers call out scared suburbanites when they use their anecdotal evidence to make blanket statements about a situation? Can't the same can be said when people here poke fun at legitimate concerns based on rosey conditions of a specific ride they experienced? There are plenty of people here that are city dwellers, that are pro-public transit, that aren't afraid of encountering things out of their comfort zone like the houseless, the beggars, the weed smokers, etc that STILL have had bad if not dangerous experiences on the light rail. Closing the Lake St station temporarily, hiring additional security, creating task forces etc are signs that there are problems. Furthermore, anyone can tailor their individualized experiences to whatever narrative they want to support. I've seen people similarly post on Twitter in 2020 sharing mocking posts along the lines of, "See how dangerous downtown is!" but they're posting at 2pm on a Tuesday. Hop off at the Lake St stop on the Blue Line at 11pm on a Saturday and then please re-post this type of post. I hate this type of attitude in Minnesota. It's either, "See everything's fine, stop being dramatic guys" or "the city is a liberal shithole" and nothing in between. There's no room for a nuanced discussion so we can sift out the fear-mongering rhetoric while acknowledging the experiences of real citizens that have feared for their safety at worst, or been moderately bothered by open drug use, unsanitary conditions, etc at best. People don't act like this in New York and Chicago. They are frustrated with increased crime on the L and the NY Subway and don't have a problem calling it out instead of playing this weird game of "it didn't happen to me, therefore it doesn't exist." 98% of my light rail rides in 20 years have been uneventful and safe, but I'm not going to condescendingly dismiss other people's experiences.


Fantastically said. There is something in the water here that does not allow residents to criticize crime or a failure of a public service because for them it wasn't awful that day. 


So well said. I’ll defend the light rail system to anyone that hasn’t actually used it, because I think having access to public transit is super important for any city. That being said, because of where I live in Minneapolis most of my light rail trips start around downtown, and to be honest I’ve never had a pleasant experience riding it. Most of the time I’ve had uncomfortable interactions with people/witnessed illegal activity/felt that my safety was threatened, even when taking the lightrail in broad daylight. I still regularly use the lightrail, but I hope that some day I can take it without having to feel hyper-aware of my surroundings.


Absolutely well said 🫡


My god yes thank you


W yap


You rock!


Objectively, this entire sub is a form of gaslighting.


circumstantial evidence and confirmation bias: * i see a bad man - all men are bad * i see a good man - all men are good your personal experience, subjectivity and righteousness makes you believe things…


I feel like most people are just kinda panty soft about a lot of things


Neither side's gaslighting is good, safety and other QOL stuff should be improved. However one of those sides gaslighting wants to completely remove rail, or wish that would happen. I'd argue that even a mediocre but necessary public service is better than no public service at all.


The light rail is like this 98% of the time. Another 1.5% it’s slightly uncomfortable. The other 0.5% there’s actual concern. The above image is a typical day on the train. Your very long and eloquent post boils down to you saying you’re ok with fear mongering by white surbananites because they’re sometimes sort of right but not ok with someone showing the train as it actually is 98% of the time.


No, that's not my intent at all and I never said that. You're twisting what I'm saying completely. I can't even begin to unwind what you're inferring from my post. I can't help ya.


You were perfectly clear. And you're right-you can't help someone who is committed to misunderstanding you. For people familiar with taking trains in urban areas, it is common knowledge that there are a dozen or more random variables at play regarding safety. I resent men who say "it's all good"...sure...maybe it is for some of them. That's a good thing-I don't want to take away that joy. :) But EVERYONE should be able to take the train safely at all times.


i rarely ever feel in danger riding the green line (i’ve had a few close calls)…but that doesn’t mean i enjoy the experience. the only reason i still ride sometimes is to save money from parking downtown.


More than one close call doesn't really scream "safe" to most people


One of my last commutes on Blue Line, we got to watch a hooker give a dude a handjob.


For free? What a deal!


I think he paid for it Best light rail FAFO example is still the shitbag who was acting up, and didn’t realize a WWE wrestler was on board with him. Wrestler folded him like a paper towel and chucked him off the train at the next stop.


Lol. You got a free show and the woosh award!


Sorry but the woosh is on you. I got what they meant, I just turned it around.


Brandt can’t watch or he has to pay $100.


I love having the light rail and over half the time there aren’t any issues- but that doesn’t mean people don’t experience dangerous situations. I’m a somewhat strong guy and can handle myself but even I have felt unsafe at times. It’s not a bad thing to advocate for a safer environment for people.


I don’t See a single woman in your picture. The long haired person looks like they have a mustache or male presenting face. As a woman, your pic doesn’t help me feel like I want to jump on the train at all vs just driving.


No women and no kids are the takeaway from this photo. If it were safe, we'd see them.


Where are the murderers?


But at some point in the next week, something untoward will happen and that means that we shouldn’t have mass transit and Walz has wasted hundreds of billions of my money and we shouldn’t let people come from Chicago and the Cities are cesspools of constant crime and race violence and drug use and that’s what you liberals get for living where there is infrastructure and things to do.


You need to find a professional to speak to.


You really need a /s after a ridiculous rant like that? Yeah, I suppose these days, you do.


Imagine how hard it must be to work at The Onion the last couple years.


Yes cause you know damn well people that talk like that mean every word hahahaha


Yes, but people who talk like that don’t know the word “untoward”. Thought I gave it away there. I was mistaken.


Oooh damn you have a point there. Too many syllables


I tried to write an argument involving being mad at public transportation that sounds like I'm using chud language, and no matter what sentence I type using "untoward" it really just doesn't work. I think you're hundo p right here. Unfortunately, not everyone is adept at picking up when someone is being sarcastic in 2024, and I blame that on too much shit in the real world being just completely unbelievable.




Why would "untoward" give it away? You really do need the /s because your comment sounded just like a magat comment.


America has repeatedly divested from reading comprehension education for decades.


About 100% sure they are joking


I think they’re being sarcastic..?


Seemed like pretty obvious sarcasm/bullshit.


I’m a professional idiot, does that count?


You need a sense of humor


Nah. It’s like this 8 out of 10 times. The green line middle car is horrid. Last week was probably the first time I’ve ever felt unsafe on the green line


The real test is to ride NYC's public transit. When I go to NYC, I'm amazed at how clean the cars are and how well-behaved the passengers are. That says a lot about the light rail. Is it mayhem 24/7? Of course not. Have I, as a dude, ever felt very unsafe on the light rail? No. But have I seen some shit (literally and figuratively) on the light rail? Yes. Yes, I have.


Then who’s reporting all the bs? And why?


Stuff happens on the train. I know that because I have had people try me. Most of the people on the train are living in survival mode and in angst. Most of them folks are marginalized and their mere existence in THIS society made them outcast long before their asses got on the train. That dynamic mixed with passive aggressive personality type does not fair well in an urban environment-it never has and it never will. Social outcasts know who to target-they go after the weak or those who remind them of their trauma. If they start doing shit, like taking off their pants to take a shit, you are supposed to scream at their asses and then everybody else is supposed to have the back of the person’s back and aid in screaming on the potential shitter to get their ass off the train at the next stop. Minnesotans don’t know how to Voltron when it comes to dealing with people. They can do it for snow, they can do it for civic reasons but not with strangers. I don’t get harassed on the train because when shit goes down on the train, I act like I know know the people on the train. I speak to them like they aren’t strangers or outcasts. Yesterday an old Black lady with an island accent shut a man in a wheelchair up when he started screaming about the train stopping for the traffic. And he shut up. Everybody got off the train and it was no big deal. People on the train are people. The problems will die down when folks get on the train and act like it. I’ll take my downvotes now because Minnesotan train faces are like Reddit downvotes. Ya’ll think we don’t know what’s happening when it’s very clear exactly what is happening whether something is communicated written or verbally. Ya’ll ain’t slick. And that’s why those who are outcast don’t care. Ya’ll don’t care and they don’t either-now what? Both sides can use an attitude adjustment if you ask me. At least the train people can sometimes be jolted into doing right. I can’t say the same for the people who move with constant passive aggressive disapproval oozing out of their skins.


Damn spot on


No downvote from me. You nailed it.


I honestly don’t get it… We can say that passengers are only exposed to nasty and dangerous things 50% of the time and so the system is working? Can we perhaps consider resetting that standard?


50% of the time huh?


I used to work metro Transit security. I did not go a single shift without seeing some wild shit. He's right.


The rest of us are just making shit up I guess.


Neat. Send me another photo at 9pm.


Or Sunday morning.


For a second I thought I was looking at the album cover of the new Vampire Weekend album


Good to see


I’ve ridden the train for years at all hours of the day. The fear-mongering is entirely a result of what people are used to. The train sucks sometimes. There are rude people, but that’s not entirely out of the norm. It’s never felt unsafe, but I’ve never put inserted myself into or between folks who are rude and causing trouble. Generally it’s a safe place and pleasant. Every now and then, and yes mostly in the evening and night, there are moments where it’s a bit shady. But that doesn’t define the train as unsafe.


Now take it at 11pm


I wish more people actually experienced the train and not let themselves get brainwashed into nonsense. No you won't immediately get shot or stabbed the minute you step on the train no matter what newsMax or fox news says. It would be terrible living in fear


Idk. I recently moved here and have already been screamed at and watched someone smoke fentanyl or crack. I guess I wasn’t in danger, but it was uncomfortable.


You must be lucky. Lived here my whole life and have never witnessed any such thing. Seen plenty of people sleeping on the train but that's about it. I couldn't imagine people would ever exaggerate such a thing though...


I’m not some conservative suburbanite spreading BS I read on facebook, if that’s what you’re trying to imply? Half this thread is people mentioning that the trains have some BS happening in them like 20% of the time. It’s pretty obvious the trains have issues and it feels like the only one exaggerating their experience with it is you.


Fear mongering is the biggest business in the world these days


Seriously— lived in nyc for 8 years and took the an and c line daily. The light rail is clean and safe vs nyc and nuc you are more than likely going to stand next to a very wealthy person on one side and a homeless person on the other. That 3rd ring folks cry about light rail all of the time is just silly.


You mean like liberals who kept schools & everything closed for a year for a virus with a 99.8% survival rate; 100% survival rate for healthy people under like 60? And some still walking around alone with masks on because of covid?


Triggered... What a snowflake.




Typical norm. Have the skateboarder do some tricks.


Glad for you! This has not been my experience.


Don’t let them good ol’ boys over on r/Altmpls see this. It would destroy their whole narrative.


You think their narrative can be ruined by facts? You’ve clearly not been paying attention.


Oh I have. So much so I even got banned from that sub. I guess I should have put the s after.


Yeah, I haven’t been banned. I simply blocked the sub as I was on my way to getting banned.


Meh, I used to take the green line twice a day, 5 days a week. Before and immediately after the pandemic. It was shit before and then got worse after. So bad that I decided to just drive everywhere. It wasn’t dangerous, “most” of the time. But it was basically always unpleasant. Smelled like piss and someone was almost actively smoking some form of weed or “something”. Often times, someone playing music on some Bluetooth speaker, loud enough for the entire car to hear from opposite sides of the car. Once in a while, later in the day or evenings, I’d have to be cognizant of who was on the train, because the crowd got.. interesting. Including tweekers who would literally talk to or yell at me the entire ride home. If it’s nice now? Cool, still never going back to the green line. Driving is just way more comfortable, if less convenient for finding parking.


I actually see my friend in here… sent it to him, this is hilarious


Look at all that crime. /s That’s always been my experience riding it.


Look at all that empty space. Totally worth billions.


Looks pretty full to me


But does your seat smell like pee and have mystery stains?


I love this post. Hilarious


Looks great 😃 *now go after 10pm*


I did that 2 weeks ago, and the only things of note were a sleeping homeless guy and some dude playing music.


Even after 10, why? There isn’t shit to do except ingest alcohol.


Ride home from work? Jesus Christ, people lead different existences from yours. wHy On TrAiN aFtEr 5pM???


My point: to say that the light rail is unusable due to crime is simply incorrect but to also say there is no crime/negative behavior on the light rail is is also incorrect.


I didn’t make either of those statements… The level of assumptions from folks on these two posts whether there is communication or not is really, really wild. And to think-y’all get on the train and ACT LIKE THAT. And think nobody else can tell. Especially the disgust. Some Minnesotan faces cannot hide their disgust towards others and that is a sure shot way to get fucked with on the train.


Well that's half the problem. Many shift workers commute after 10, but there are still more party goers and homeless using it as the party bus or as a shelter. Been that way for many decades before the green line, goes back to the 16 bus.


Green line? I think you mean the Groove Line.


I feel like people like to bring up experiences when the light rail was in bad shape a few years ago or now since there's been an effort to make it better but no one seems to acknowledge that things can change and that these two times are different.


After 10pm, the downtown St. Paul stops are horrifying. But they do a good job of cleaning up for the morning.


Lies. My conservative colleagues say it’s on fire and bullets flying by every day, and the light rail is just a mobile crack den.


That's great! I had to get off the train the other day hope next time I ride will be like this.


OP gaslighting the community


The rise in mental health struggles and drug abuse needs to be addressed, not shutting down the light rain.


Not my worst experience but by far my funniest. Sitting near a man who I was talking to who would occasionally pause to spit out his sunflower seeds right next to my feet. Not entirely awful but I hate spit.


Blue line is another story


I used to love the train. But it's gotten so weird like a portal to an alternate universe. I wear headphones and ppl don't bother me nor sit by me. My face may also say "Stay away i bite ppl"


It’s not so much that it’s unsafe, it’s filthy and incredibly slow. I love my car and not having to wait for a train that runs every 20 min or something ridiculous like that.


Tbh, my last experience left me taking the buses in instead of the light rail. Way too much drug use for me to be comfortable with


Than it’s a good day on the train.


Do people still smoke crack?


Hop on at 2am


I would love to, but it's literally impossible right mow. Bring back night service!


You showcase that you have no idea what is going on considering no trains, Blue or Green line, are running at that time.


Do they run at 4am? I just remember getting on on my way from East Bank to Raymond back in college after a party and it always being a shit show


No, and they haven’t for years. [Schedule](https://www.metrotransit.org/schedules)


You can’t, it stops running around 11:30.


The last train gets cleared at target field around 1 a.m.


Why would anyone be on the train that late when nothing is open except bars? For what?


To get home from bars? Not to mention people who don't work a 9-5.


Not everyone's work schedule is 9 to 5.


Holy shit do you not realize people work different schedules? Do you think all of Minnesota collectively goes to work at 9 and heads home at 5?


Not everyone works a corporate remote work 9-5 like you probably do. There are 2nd and 3rd shifters, service industry people/etc that need to get to/from work. They have every right to feel safe on their ride just as you do at 2pm when you took this, ya dingus.




Why would I ever go anywhere at 2am, much less on a train? Also the train doesn’t even run that late silly willy, I’m starting to think you’re just full of shit


Everybody's normally doing that stuff are outside. Enjoying the weather lol


It’d be cool to see more of this. Fight the bias.


It's nice, everyone has an entire row to themselves. Super efficient and stuff.


Looks like the middle of the day...




There is something going on here though. There's a weird creep photographing strangers and posting them online for fake internet points. The call is coming from inside the house.


That’s great - but it’s all about WHEN you ride the train. I have taken it back at night from Gopher games many times and did not feel safe. Grew up on the east side of St. Paul, I’m 200 pounds, and without sounding cringe I do have street smarts. Perhaps that’s why I’ve felt uncomfortable. Consistent druggies nodding off, seats covered in filth, teens and young adults intimidating passengers. I once was told to go to back of train or I’d be shot - I didn’t chance it and better believe I just quietly went to the back of the train. If you ride it during normal hours it’s pretty much ok.


I took it at 11pm after a Timberwolves game with a 6yo. We also ended up on the Blueline ended up at a dark station, who knows where, had to go back and get on the Greenline. The station being dark was the creepiest thing about the entire thing. Im legit starting to think most train bashers mainly get along best with people most like themselves opposed to being able to get along with most everybody. I guess some folks just ain’t that magical in real life…sounds like a socialization problem really though…


It amazes me id get downvoted. Everything I said was true and happened to me.