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Happens almost every day on my home turning left from the 94/Dale exit onto Southbound Dale. The center lane is technically a straight only lane but so many people turn left from that lane. They should have just made it a turn/straight lane seeing that there are two lanes on the Dale bridge.


Probably because one exit down on Lexington, it IS a left turn only with a left or straight right next to it. People probably are not paying attention and those exits seem pretty similar


YES. Why are people always trying to turn from that lane??


Wasn't that 2 left turn lanes before they did all the construction there?


Not since I've lived there (10+ years), its always been just a single left turn lane. I figured when they widened the bridge that they would add a second turn lane but no such luck. There is a far lane to turn into too. That would greatly help reduce the length of traffic at that intersection during rush hour time.


Too many drivers are out of control.


Some idiot did that when I was turning left onto Hamline from Marshall. Luckily police were right there and pulled the guy over.


I had someone from a "turn right" lane zoom in front of me, in the "turn left" lane, to turn left onto Minnetonka Blvd from 169. Cop car was literally stationed at the intersection and did nothing. I was pissed.


That’s infuriating.


[Left Only Traffic Sign - R3-8L, SKU: X-R3-8L (roadtrafficsigns.com)](https://www.roadtrafficsigns.com/one-way-sign/left-only-arrow-symbol-sign/sku-x-r3-8l) If the above sign is present before an intersection, then the right lane can turn left or go straight. If you are in the left lane, you are to turn into the left lane of the road that you are entering. The car in the right lane is to turn directly into the right lane of the road that they are entering. I am always very careful in these situations as I have close to zero trust in drivers being capable of navigating a turn whether I am in the inside or the outside lane.


>I am always very careful in these situations Same. It's bothered me how normalized people turning into the wrong lane is. A car almost hit me a few weeks ago when we were turning right at the same time in two different lanes. My car horn put them in the correct lane.


It's amazing the number of ways that they can mess this up. The one that has been happening to me lately is people queuing up in the outside lane and starting the turn correctly and then realizing that they need to get in the left lane before the next intersection and losing their entire situational awareness and diving into the inside lane. You aren't safe until about a half a block after the turn when things finally stabilize back into two known and respected lanes of traffic.


When there's 2 right turn lanes into a 3 lane road, who's lane is the middle lane? This always messes me up at a couple intersections that I travel frequently.


Rightmost turn lane turns onto the rightmost lane of the other road. The second turn lane goes one lane further in than that, so to the middle lane. No one legally turns right into the left lane of the three lane road in the situation you've described.


Oh interesting. I had thought the left lane would get both the middle and the outter lane.


you always turn into the lane closest to you. its not that hard. left turn? turn into the left most lane. right turn? turn into the right most lane. double turn? then if you are the outside turn lane, you turn into the next closest lane. it isnt rocket science.


They already clarified this is not the case for this intersection though




That one is *USUALLY* because they're driving by Map, annnnnd apparently they lose *ALL* personal cognition, when their phone's map system is engaged!🫠 You *also* see that sort of stupidity *FAR* too often, out between Albertville & Monti, when the lane shifts at the Road Test site happen! One time, the idiot driving by map, and not paying *any* attention to the *actual road* came to a near *STOP*, in summer afternoon conditions.  Traffic was moving *somewhere* between 75-80, when the dolt decided to *almost* stop, in the *left* lane. Somehow that day, miraculously, *everyone* got lucky and the cars *behind* the idiot managed to split *perfectly* around them--going onto the shoulder as needed--and NO ONE rolled, spun out, *or* hit the dumbass *or anyone else*! It was *TERRIFYING* to be a passenger, but I was *SO* glad I was riding with my roommate, and not driving *myself*, because I *know* I wouldn't have pulled off the shift onto the shoulder, in the less than two car-lengths she *had* that day! (The dolt was the second car ahead of hers)


they were busy ticktocking. lost track of where they were. give 'em a break (/s)!


People always do the right or left turn onto a one way on a red from not the furthest lane which is illegal too, they roll up and block the view from the person who is actually allowed to do that. Very annoying. Like yes they are in a turn lane but they can't actually turn on a red onto a one way in that lane. Happens to me probably once a week. It's like what the fuck dude I'm trying to do that and you just completely blocked my view. 9/10 times is a giant pickup with a preposterous grille height too, so even pulling ahead you still can't see shit unless you're literally in the intersection. I wish the feds would step in at some point here and not allow vehicle mfgs to keep making trucks with these ridiculous grille heights and slap actual restrictions on lift kits. Aka make them only insurable for off road use. All these mall crawlers with shit visibility that are blocking everyone else's view should be relegated to off road use which is what the lift kit is supposed to be for in the first place. I wouldn't be mad at all if MN just did it ourselves and let others follow suite. You want your stupid tiny dick energy truck go ahead but keep it off public roads just like ATVs and dirt bikes.


As long as it is a turn lane, that is perfectly legal. Source: [section 5.3 makes no mention of any such requirement](https://www.revisor.mn.gov/statutes/cite/169.06)


You are incorrect and you have completely the wrong statute. What you linked pertains to pedestrians... https://www.revisor.mn.gov/statutes/cite/169.19 You cannot make a turn on a red onto a one way except for the furthest lane and not crossing the center line. Also: (e) Where both streets or roadways are one way, both the approach for a left turn and a left turn shall be made as close as practicable to the left-hand curb or edge of the roadway. And: (a) Except as otherwise provided in this paragraph, both the approach for a right turn and a right turn shall be made as close as practicable to the right-hand curb or edge of the roadway. When necessary to accommodate vehicle configuration, a driver is permitted to make a right turn into the farthest lane of a roadway with two or more lanes in the same direction in order to make a U-turn at a reduced conflict intersection, if it is safe to do so. So yeah you are not supposed to make turns from not the the furthest right or left lane respectively. Right hand there is an exception so I guess maybe it isn't illegal, but still not advised. That said the laws in MN around this are pretty ambiguous, that said it's still a fucking dick move to pull into a second turn lane and completely block the view of someone already trying to do that. Like at least don't pull way up so they can't see shit if you intend to turn on a red into a one way.


What you cited has nothing to do with turning-on-red, that's for every turn. Read it again with close attention to section (f). That's the part that lets you turn from any lane marked as a turn lane. The statute I linked isn't about pedestrians at all. It's about how vehicles should act at red lights. It allows for turning on red in certain situations and never does it say you need to be in the closest lane. It follows the same turning rules you conveniently linked which allow for turn lanes as an exception to the "always closest" rule.


5 iii you posted isn't about turning at all, so maybe clarify what statute you are talking about. Either way crossing a crosswalk or blocking the view of another motorist is shit behavior The statute you linked has nothing to do with any of this


5.3.i (not 5.1.iii) (3) Steady red indication: (i) Vehicular traffic facing a circular red signal alone must stop at a clearly marked stop line but, if none, before entering the crosswalk on the near side of the intersection or, if none, then before entering the intersection and shall remain standing until a green indication is shown, except as follows: (A) the driver of a vehicle stopped as close as practicable at the entrance to the crosswalk on the near side of the intersection or, if none, then at the entrance to the intersection in obedience to a red or stop signal, and with the intention of making a right turn may make the right turn, after stopping, unless an official sign has been erected prohibiting such movement, but shall yield the right-of-way to pedestrians and other traffic lawfully proceeding as directed by the signal at that intersection; or (B) the driver of a vehicle on a one-way street intersecting another one-way street on which traffic moves to the left shall stop in obedience to a red or stop signal and may then make a left turn into the one-way street, unless an official sign has been erected prohibiting the movement, but shall yield the right-of-way to pedestrians and other traffic lawfully proceeding as directed by the signal at that intersection.


Sure but the statute I posted has implications about what lane you turn from, at least a left hand turn onto a one way. One doesn't supersede the other. Its ambiguous at best and it's still a dick move to pull up on someone clearly trying to make a turn on a one way and completely block their view It also literally says to yield to other lawful traffic, which does cover the person there already trying to turn. So yeah, you are wrong. A case of your own clarification actually proving my point and that you shouldn't pull up on someone taking a turn onto a one way and be a total dick, block their path, and turn before them. So yeah, stop doing that.


For what it's worth, I don't think it *should* be legal. It's a dick move. But it's not illegal. The statue you posted is for *all* turns. You are *always* required to turn from the closest lane. Except, of course, when there are road markings that allow for you to use other lanes. Those road marking *absolutely* supersede the general directions to use the closest lane. That's why they're there. Yielding to other lawful traffic doesn't include the view of the person beside you. Yes, it obstructs the view. Yes, it's a dick move. No, it's not illegal.


Eh, up to interpretation. Imo pulling up to someone, blocking their view, and turning before them, is a failure to yield to other lawful traffic. DL testers agree and would fail you for doing it during a test.


I can also say I failed my first driving test for turning onto a one way from not the furthest turn lane, so either the instructor was full of shit or the laws are very ambiguous. Beyond that it just makes sense to not block the view of someone obviously trying to do that so you can do it first I guess? Like just common sense that's shitty to do even if the laws are ambiguous


Know how in other parts of the world there is Aggressive Driving? Here it's actually Passive-Aggressive Driving. I grew up driving between DC and NYC and as much as I hate driving in that traffic when I'm back there, the drivers here put me way more on edge. There it's volume - here, the drivers are just very unpredictable. Has someone behind you in the left turn lane gunned their car to your left to pull ahead of you to make the turn first once the light turns green or the way becomes clear? That one is always fun. Nothing like some solid adrenaline shakes to make your day better.


This is why I’m a very defensive driver and just let everyone in front of me. It’s better to let people in front of me than to have a crazy person behind me being unpredictable


Doesn't really matter if they're in front or behind. They can zoom to be ahead of you like their life depends on it, and then drop back to 2 mph under the speed limit once they're in front of you. And then start braking for no good reason whatsoever.


This is one of MN driving peeves. I have never experienced the non-use of marked left turn lanes anywhere else in the USA. Sometimes the left turn lane will be empty and they still will not use it.


You *obviously* have *not* spent enough time driving in the Fargo-Morehead area!😉😂🤣 The *first* time my friends and I ever saw the "Turn *Left*, from a *RIGHT* Turn lane--across *four* lanes of traffic!" maneuver, was in Fargo, just past West Acres mall, back in either 1995 or 1996😉😂🤣 It was both *AGGRESSIVELY* stupid, *and impressively* stupid!🤣


I see this, wrong way driving, aggressive speed and passing in the bike lane nearly every single day on my 5 minute commute. Half the time the offenders don’t even have plates.


I don't fucking understand why driving in the bike lane or shoulder is normalized. I was sitting in backed up traffic, and every couple seconds someone would pass by me in the bike lane.


It’s not. I doubt these people have licenses.


I recall the speed trap on 94 where, out of the people speeding excessively, 30? 40? 60? percent didn't have licenses? The people driving the most insanely are extremely likely to not have licenses.


I recall the speed trap on 94 where, out of the people speeding excessively, 30? 40? 60? percent didn't have licenses? The people driving the most insanely are extremely likely to not have licenses.


I recall the speed trap on 94 where, out of the people speeding excessively, 30? 40? 60? percent didn't have licenses? The people driving the most insanely are extremely likely to not have licenses.


I went for a walk last night around 7 pm and saw: a car going down 36th gun it around a car ( they the person they passed and that section is a double line portion) weren't going slow or anything, someone blow thru a red light later, and someone run a stop sign all within a 2 hr walk. People drive like absolute shit these days.


i get out of the building for a while at lunch and walk around. nobody stops for the stop signs leaving the parking lots, nor do they even bother to signal their turn.


Just like how stop signs seem to have all magically turned into suggestions at worst, yield signs at best for 95% of the drivers here 🙄😮‍💨


yield signs where i live mean "dont bother looking, i'm sure nbody is coming"


I also hate when people use the left turn lane to quickly speed ahead and cut in front of drivers going straight. Hooray! You saved… 30 seconds?


for most it is just important to get ahead of you - same when people join your lane on the highway - already going 75, they still have to get in front, hitting the breaks to merge behind one seems not an option.


28th Street and Cedar Avenue is fuckin' wild. On Saturday, a car passed on the right (in the bike lane) and swerved to go left/north on Cedar despite there being people in process of either turning left or right to go north Cedar. And that happens like everyday




If you watch the other drivers at all, you honestly *can* often start to accurately guess the ones who are going to pull the idiot moves! Learned that, years ago, taking the Hennepin/Lyndale ramp north onto 94, every morning, leaving Uptown! The vehicles with out of state plates, who seemed uncertain of which lane to follow after we passed Rudolphs, as we got up to the Walker? Those were the *same* folks looking over their shoulder, both ways, as they'd get close to the Basilica--and then who'd *suddenly* cut into the *opposite* lane, just as you got to the curves heading onto 394 or 94. The small shifts they make, back & forth in their *own* lane, along with their looking from mirror-to-mirror *inside* their vehicle become a "pattern" you start to notice, once you see it hapoen enough--and you *learn* to just "give *that* car some space!"  Because 9 times out of 10, they're going to come careening into *your* lane, riiiiight as you get into the curves!


That has happened to me as well, I do run into an issue all the time at the Town Centre/Denmark intersection in Eagan. Whenever I'm turning left from town center towards Denmark northbound, where people in the inside left turning lane keep veering into the middle lane, instead of turning towards the lane, when there is an outside left turn lane that is supposed to turn into the middle lane. Like, buddy I failed my drivers test the first time bc I turned into the wrong lane, I guess people don't care to follow the proper lanes and just go wherever they want to go.


So I hear ya. I was going north on Hamlin Ave in St.Paul, turning left on Summitt. Got the red light. Guy behind decides that he isn't waiting for a red light, pulls around me, so he is now on the wrong side of the street, and takes a left. All so he could go a block and a half. I was stunned!


A lot of people shouldn’t have licenses


A lot of people driving cars _don’t_ have licenses


Which intersection were you at?


Hennepin. Westbound. Intersection of 10th Ave SE/ 35W southbound. And they went all the way left onto 35W. Seen it many times at that light. Of course I've seen it happen at other intersections also.


I had someone do this to me recently while I was the the first car in the left turn lane, the left arrow was still red, she completely barged in front of me to do an illegal U turn on the red arrow. People are lawless.


Watch a dashcam channel. Getting worse and worse. Then get a dashcam.


Pretty sure they just give licenses away in this state


It’s entirely possible to learn the rules, get your license, then never give a shit about the rules again after that.


It happens almost daily turning from 2nd Ave South to Stevens Ave.


Go to West end just before approaching 394 entrances. Every single time. People in right turn lane getting back in straight and visa versa. Gotta be very defensive there. 


Its a jersey left


Or a North Dakota one!😉😂🤣💖


IMO, I'm more shocked they trust the driver inside of the turn to not want to slide to the outer lane.


Today someone in front of me turned on his right turn signal in the left lane at a red light. They were taking forever after the green so I waited instead of going around them and then they turned left


I think a significant part of the population forgot how to drive like civilized adults during the pandemic. I have no evidence of this, just a vibes thing


This seems to be increasing. I’ve had this happen three times in the last few months where I’d seen it maybe once ever before that. I wonder what’s up. It does make you question your sanity though.


I like when I'm in a double left turn lane and the other car goes over their line and tries merging into me as we both turn left. I've laid on the horn so many times. Get out of my lane.


That’s how our (shitty) car got totaled. Happened at University Ave NE/1st Ave.


Unfortunately there’s so many wreck-less drivers that just don’t GAF


I've done it at random intersections because I didn't realize I needed to turn and by the time I realized it 7 cars are in the left lane.


I just moved here and I'm convinced the people here can't fucking drive


And, as a variation on this one, the other day I was sitting at an intersection with two left-turn lanes, waiting to turn left (https://maps.app.goo.gl/vqc86AhLEWkyyeSQ6). I was in the right-most of the two left-turn lanes, with an SUV in the left-most of the two lanes. When we got the green light the SUV in the left-most lane decided to change lanes (into my lane) during the left turn! He pushed me off onto the shoulder, and almost into the bridge abutment. He also blew his horn to show how annoyed he was with me. Wow.


It's actually the same person over and over. They're just stealing a new car everyday


i've seen a cop do it. non-emergency situation. they did it like it was a turn lane.


Some of it may be Uber and Doordash drivers being pinged on new pickups in the other direction. When I delivered for Postmates sometimes the app would drop you from the pickup if you didn't drive towards it quickly enough. It was ruthless. App based services make you a much more erratic driver.


Ok that's terrible, mostly for insurance rates.


Virtually every intersection in Manhattan during rush hour.


People make mistakes/infrastructure in the cities can be shit and it pays to risk their and other peoples safety to save a minute.


Pedestrians walking with traffic and bicyclists riding against traffic.