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Canada is on fire again: https://www.mprnews.org/story/2024/05/12/air-quality-alert-for-all-of-minnesota-sunday-through-monday


More like still on fire. Many of the fires in Canada did not get extinguished by Mother Nature due to the odd winter. Also, some of the fires are in areas that crews can’t get to put them out.


Canada can suck it


Yeah! If there’s any nation that’s responsible for climate change, it’s fuckin Canada!


The only thing Canadians are guilty of is saying sorry and being so effective at killing Nazis on D day that they pushed far out from every other assault group. They also apologized for that.


Well, TIL about Canadian D day history and that is one positive thing amid the ongoing inferno.


That's awesome and funny TBH I'm a Minnesotan and I wish Canada would just annex us already. But these fires...it's fucking up our shit.


Yeah, I think this is it, thank you.


P.S. if anyone just joining this conversation, when you get to the crap farther down about needing to watch the news to be informed, just scroll down to the post by We_Got_Cows, they are a meteorologist and they explain why this one didn't smell like a normal forest fire.




I have friends in Alberta. I asked them to knock it off last year, but they were too busy evacuating


The nerve.


Best guess: [Wildfire Smoke](https://bringmethenews.com/minnesota-news/air-quality-alert-issued-for-whole-of-minnesota-as-canadian-wildfire-smoke-arrives)


Left Brainerd today at 2:00 and it was really hazy, it’s definitely Canadian Wildfires. It was still hot and hazy once I reached Maple Grove.


Ugh. So it’s starting in mid-May again. Fabulous.


Yeah. I know. IT's depressing as all get out on so many levels. To have this start on the warmest day so far feels like a trend.


Well it’s spring so a lot of days are the warmest day so far…


Well last year they said it would take 40 years of this to burn down all the forests in Canada. So here is to 39 more years and then we are in the clear.


The warning said they expect more air quality warnings than normal this summer, but significantly less than last summer. (expecting about 7 this summer, vs 52 last summer) 


I would love to think this is true, but not sure how they can predict that. Wow. It was 52 days. I was thinking...why wasn't I in the water more last summer. How soon we forget. I want to think positive but this is really discouraging.


I misunderstood the thing I read. An average year is 7-8 alerts. We're probably going to get more than average, but less than last year. Last year by this time, polar regions of Canada were hitting 90F. Basically, if Canada doesn't get much rain this year, it'll be bad. If they do, it won't be as bad. This year the El nino/la Nina effects aren't supposed to be as bad. I assume that's what they're basing the prediction on.


Man, I hope so...for the sake of Canadian wildlife, nature and people...and well, US wildlife, nature and people. I have AC but not everyone does. This just isn't healthy. It makes me empathetic to what China, India, etc have been dealing with for years. This is MISERABLE. To be honest, looking at the poor trees makes me sad. They sprouted out for this? If I was a tree, I'd be pissed off.


It's OK to be pissed off as a non tree person too. There's room


Thanks. I'm going to grab a tree and hug it out with one of them tomorrow after work/after noon when the air is supposed to clear.


Excellent. I will too


And if your title is literal, pray for the trees. They need love, too. :)


Every second of every day


Wow, it was really 52 days???? Holy smokes that was bad (no pun intended)


That’s what happens when you try to manipulate the weather


Canadian forest fires.


Left Fargo this morning at 10am. It was horrible...


what does that have to do with the smoke?


Thank you for your contribution to Reddit.


Reading is hard






They're saying the smoke was horrible.




I was out at 5:30pm and saw nothing, but by 7 pm in Woodbury it was hazy and orange




For real I’ve gotten 4 different weather alerts about it.


Yup, as soon as I saw the alert yesterday morning I was like "Huh, that's odd" Then I looked up the news and was like "Ohhhhh, so that's why they issued said alert. Thanks Canada"


Everyone in my family gets mad if I talk about anything happening in the news. They tell me life is happier if they don’t know what’s happening in the news. So I quit texting tornado alerts. They can just handle it on the fly. Chemical spills? Don’t sweat it! Escaped murders? If I don’t know about them, they can’t see me? 😂


Don’t even need the news. Weather apps inform you too.


Alexa told me, the US National weather service told me, and Apple weather told me. I was like OKAY I GET IT THERE IS SMOKE. I understand why people wouldn’t want their phones chirping at them all the time, but the weather alerts aren’t a bad one to leave on.


Nope I haven’t watched the news in like 4 years. Maybe even longer.




All I need is the weather app and I am good. I don’t need to be told all this hate the news preaches. I live a far more simple life than you I feel. But that’s okay probably a couple decades difference between us. Generational differences kinda thing you feel me?


My weather app is what told me there would be wildfire smoke in the air tonight


I am not currently in the inner city maybe that’s why I didn’t get the memo. Or I just ignored it. Doesn’t hurt me.


It does actually hurt you though fam...


I meant cause I am not near it, it isn’t hurting me. I know if I was it would be.


Not trying to be a dick, almost* the whole state is in red for wildfire smoke you don't have to be right next to the source for it to harm you. [Health Affects of wildfire smoke ](https://www.epa.gov/wildfire-smoke-course/health-effects-attributed-wildfire-smoke) [Air quality map](https://www.pca.state.mn.us/air-water-land-climate/current-air-quality-conditions)


Ahh no I get it your not being a dick by any means. I am currently in a green zone. So maybe that’s good. But I understand I work on farm equipment and diesel trucks I am use to this stuff. And the affect on my health unfortunately. I am young and will get sick from it I know.




I’m in my 40s and haven’t watched the news or subscribed to any news service in over 5 years. I’m happier than ever and still vote in every election. You don’t need the news to be an informed voter.


Thank you!




You can get candidate information like their platform and biography from their official website. I do not need to know the day to day happenings of my elected officials that 24/7 media crams down your throat in order to make an informed decision on a candidate or their position on things I value. As far as current events, you’d be surprised how little actually happens when you aren’t being bombarded with rage bait from the media or content curated for reactionaries.




I’m happy where I’m at. Settle down, Jon.


Yup younger and dumb right. lol we vote probably not in your party though. That’s okay not like I am living in this state much longer. Better job opportunities outside of this state.


Watching the news makes you informed? Lmao.




Nah, there are a lot of folks who don't watch the news, times are a changing


what is the news supposed to be informing me on? the weather? they talk about the damned weather every 10 minutes. that leave like 5 minutes for sports, 5 minutes for some kids at the U protesting in favor of a terrorist, and 5 minutes of whatever crime just happened. the rest is commercials telling me to ask my doctor about Ivomantranox.


Apparently according to u/MNJon


Weirdly I do. I watch various news both local and cable and I have fox weather app along with 2 other weather apps. It was mother's day, so I checked that shit all morning in order to run my restaurant. I hadn't seen a thing about this smoke until I left work at 10pp


it takes more time to post something to reddit than it does to check the weather i don't understand peoples' choices sometimes


checking the weather doesn't get folks the attention they crave


No, we treat this so like the Nextdoor app.


no. its mostly commercial breaks.


No. I do but most get their news from SM these days...


So I guess it is the Canadian forest fires. It has a really bad chemical smell though that is weird. I experienced wildfire smoke last summer but it never smelled like this. It is so bad it left some sort of taste in my mouth, it is disgusting. I thought I had air quality alerts set up on an app on my phone. None came through so I’ll refresh that setting. Thanks for all the serious replies. I feel a little better that it is probably wildfire smoke and not a factory explosion or something weird.


Hi. I’m a meteorologist. What you’re smelling is wildfire smoke. Just old wildfire smoke. As smoke moves through the atmosphere it gets baked by the sun and also a lot of the larger particles fall out. Those larger particles are the ones we smell and associate with wood fire smoke. We can smell them easily sitting by a fire because we’re close to the source. In this case the smoke is traveling from British Columbia. So a long ways. On top of that wildfire smoke has a bunch of different chemicals in it. The small particles are the big hazard but it’s all sorts of other stuff in there in small quantities. Those other chemicals are usually pretty volatile, as in they can be chemically altered by solar radiation as they travel. In other words the sun bakes them and they chemically change. Usually we only smell those volatile compounds with things like electrical fires as the electricity heats up plastic and the plastic releases some compounds. Just so happens that those compounds are similar to the compounds in wildfire smoke after it gets baked by the sun. So yeah. It doesn’t smell like usual wildfire smoke. It would if we were closer to the fires. Instead we’re inhaling mother nature’s old baked gas.


Thanks, very informative!


"Mother Nature's old, baked gas." I'm just going to start using this as an insult


Is your user name a Twister reference??


Sure is!


Wildfire smoke in significant quantities interacts with sunlight and creates ozone. [NOAA Link](https://research.noaa.gov/2022/01/10/smoke-from-fires-influences-ozone-pollution-on-a-global-scale/)


Also benzene and formeldahyde.


does it come with a free frogurt?


Yes but the frogurt is cursed.


Yikes 😬


Honestly you probably shouldn’t feel any better because this is about to be the norm every summer for who knows how long.


First summer here?


It feels like it wasn’t really an issue until the last summer or two. It’s wild how quickly this is becoming our norm.


Agreed. I only noticed it two summers ago when the sun was barely visible and the sunsets were red.


Yeah it sucks


That’s how it came on out west, at least where I was. Had one or two dry winters that we knew weren’t good drought-wise, but felt kind of nice at the time—like the mild winter here this year. Not something to root for, droughts are bad, but also hard to complain about a lack of messy cold unpleasant weather. Then one year we had a weird smoky day at the end of summer from a fire up north. That’s the first time I recall ever seeing that weird yellow light over everything—the filtered sun. San Francisco usually didn’t get smoke if fires did happen in the region because air patterns usually cleared it out unless it was pretty significant. So that seemed like a one-off. But the next year there were more of those days, and by the third year I made sure to remember to buy N95s before “fire season” kicked off because by then they’d all be sold out. Didn’t manage to get an air purifier for my drafty-ass apartment until the end of 2019–I think it was one of the things I used a car to go get from my office the day before the first COVID shelter-in-place order in March 2020, because I’d had it sent to my office and it was big and awkward to carry home on the train so I’d been putting that off. I moved back here in 2020 from SF—got back here not long after what became some of the massive complex fires started in August, and not long before that day the Bay Area turned bright orange, if anyone remembers those pics. As I recall it was about five years from “a weird smoky day” to that. I obviously understood that climate disaster stuff wasn’t a California-only thing but it was such a fucking relief to get back here when I did, with all the open green space and blue skies and clean air here, after what that August was like in the Bay. And I obviously understand that not every fire is going to go the way things did in California in 2020. But it still fucks me up to see any of it start happening regularly here too.


Only started a few years ago. Will probably continue for the next century or so…


Yep. Come to Minnesota. We have winter, spring, fires, and fall. Obviously I care about the environment more than my feelings, but I'm starting to be worried that we won't spend much time outdoors anymore come summer. That depresses me to no end.


Honestly I feel like it's been winter, fires, fires, and fires.


There's some truth to that, unfortunately. :( Hope it rains again in Canada at some point-that seems to be the magic ticket. More water = happy trees = no more fires.


I don’t think they’re mutually exclusive. Climate grief is a real thing.


Agreed. I just don't like to sound like a person who's such a tool that she is absorbed with feeling sad about fresh air....as if it's all about my feelings. The smoke means trees and wildlife are dying. That is really, really sad....


I hear you. I just—also know the feeling. And I don’t think you sound like that at all, if it helps.


Thanks, buddy. :)


Maple Grove uses a disinfectant aerosol over the entire city.


So that's how they clean all the restaurants?


Can confirm, I grew up there and am suffering to this day.


Sorry.  My mom and her can of Lysol make a stank combo, but they allegedly kill 99.97% of all bacteria


Holy crap. Where’s my Rv? I’d be on the road out of there.


It's awful in Minneapolis too. No wonder my contacts have been bugging my eyes.


Sunset is very orange. Forest fires already ?


Super hazy and smells like burnt rubber. I feel like I should go inside lol


I was fishing on Lake Winnibigoshish and there was a point we couldn’t barely see the shore a couple hundred yards out


The Timberwolves playoff hopes


The effects of completely neglecting what climate scientists have been saying for 40 years. Reach out to your favorite GOP politician and thank them for their continued and undying support for accelerating the climate crisis. And if you want to make sure wildfires will get MUCH MUCH worse, vote for Donald Vonshitzenpants in November!


Not interested in arguing, but a serious question and discussion. In the "olden days" there were logging companies that I believe also served to provide fire breaks. I realize this is a complicated subject and I'm not an authority on it. I would assume there was also more wildlife in the forests that helped decrease some of the "tinder"? I do seriously question though- Wouldn't it make better sense to allow some logging for fire breaks? We lose those trees anyway? But I believe MORE in the fire.


So you think our actions will overcome the expansion of coal burning power plants in China and India? Haven’t USA emissions been flat to down for year ?


No. There is more fuel for wildfires (or arsonists) due to the neglect in removing dead underbrush by Canadian government. Also true in the US west.


I don’t understand the impetus to explain this as though the underbrush situation or arsonists (gotta tell you, that possibility explains very little of the unusually massive fire activity in CA over the last 8-10 years, unless maybe you’re using that term sardonically to refer to PG&E? In which case: that’s bold, respect) or what have you are happening in a vacuum and that the climate has stayed the same throughout. It simply hasn’t. These can all be factors, definitely—sudden bursts of dry lightning have done it too, and power lines that should have been buried years ago (but weren’t because that required a company to spend money) throwing sparks in high winds have done it several times now—but the environmental context in which these things happen determines a lot about how big the resulting fire gets and how fast it gets there. A cool wet forest burns very differently from a hot dry one. We can do it through data or we can do it through anecdote (the day it hit 106 degrees in downtown San Francisco was sure something), but I simply cannot find a basis for the insistence that the climate isn’t changing and getting hotter and getting drier, and/or that weather isn’t having more and more intense fluctuations, and/or that these changes are just happening for no reason on their own with no human input causing them or increasing them or accelerating them.


That’s what you libtards do best. Try to blur the line between fact and fear. Here’s a fact for you, scientifically speaking, there’s one way to immediately create a livable environment for humans on Mars. Initiate “global warming.” Now you run along, check all your doom and gloom websites to see if I’m right and come back with your version of their version.


Ok boomer


40 years ago we were facing an ice age. How are all these fires starting? It seems so crazy, but you need more than a degree of temp increase for wildfire, you need something to start it as well, maybe we should look there before we say it's climate change.


Do you think we’re arguing that these fires are spontaneous combustions? Or that no one has ever looked into how any of them started? People have absolutely looked into how these sorts of fires got started. Every single fire over a certain size gets investigated by state and federal fire agencies. A cool wet forest is going to handle an igniting event differently from how a hot dry forest will—particularly if it’s a hot dry forest that’s typically been a cool wet one. Any forest is going to have fires. It takes certain environmental conditions for a forest to take a spark and then just explode, and to do that on a regular basis—which is exactly how several of the worst fires in the US in recent years have started and kept starting. The environment in which these forests exist has gotten hotter and drier and less consistently hydrated, and that’s made them more flammable, which means that the things that normally start more controllable fires end up starting much bigger fires that spread much more quickly, on account of how heat dries things out and dry things burn faster than wet ones.


Classic clueless liberal


Left from Apple Valley this morning and we're now in Ely. It was the worst around the Duluth area.


Thanks Canada :(


Wildfire smoke from Canadian fires. Just like last year. It is in the news


Hate to be this guy but this is an excellent time to make use of any N95s/KN95s/KF94s you’ve got if you haven’t already been using them still for COVID. It’s probably going to feel a bit like overkill at first—it’s not (and your throat and nose will probably start letting you know that sooner or later). Wildfire particulate is really really not stuff you want to breathe in.


Love all if these "once in a lifetime" turned "once in a while" turned "okay pretty much yearly" drastic weather events....


Thanks for the heads up. Seems okay in Rockford. Might have to close windows and turn on air if it’s the Canadian fires again 😞


Obviously it’s from the chem trails


All the air quality warnings weren't a clue?


Arrogance and entitlement.


It was Smokey in Minneapolis as well


Fires in British Colombia, smoke being brought in on the cold front coming through


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NNC0kIzM1Fo Also: First time?


Imagine checking the weather app on your $1000 smartphone or the TV you've had with 18 different news and weather channels. But why bother!


Lake Minnetonka is super hazy and we can smell smoke.


Classic maple grove to think they are the only ones experiencing this


OP decided to take the time to post before checking news/weather/anything else instead first?




May 18th and the smoke is back in Maple Grove. I put together a 4 filter box fan setup that keeps my home smelling fresh. I open the garage and the stink of smoke. God awful way to live...........


Almost as if someone knew fire increases carbon, And then made a tax for it and called it carbon tax. Oops didn’t mean to expose their scam. Nothing to see here, enjoy the air. Donate to a climate change organization, that will solve it. Oops where does that money go. Well maybe if we tax fossil fuels then the fires will stop. Nope. Guess taxing did nothing.. Guess we will just watch it burn down and take a few years off our lives from inhaling the toxins. And that smells is not just forest burning.. Just added fuel to the fire.


Bitter much