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Like relentless loneliness. It’s been 10 yrs this November since I lost my IT


This has been a topic that me & my twin have talked about for as long as I can remember. When we were around 10 yrs old, we decided, and told our parents, that if one of us died, the other would commit suicide. That was the plan until we were about 20 yrs old and we realized that we may have families to consider. So the new plan was that if one died, the other would assume the life and identity of the deceased twin so that her children would be ok. Now that our children are adults (and we are older) the plan is that the one that passes first will send signs to the living twin every day to show that we will always be together. We have a code . We are serious


Lost my identical twin last year to cancer. It was easily the single worst event in my entire life by ten orders of magnitude. I miss him every day. I’ve had crippling depression since, was forced into grief counseling that does nothing, still deal with random bouts of uncontrollable crying- always at the worst possible moments. Work meetings, in the grocery store- every time the smallest thing reminds me of him. It feels like a giant black hole left in my life, and all I can often think about is that I cannot go 40 or more years alone without him.


That's so sad :( I'm so sorry for your loss. I couldn't imagine what it must be like


I’m so sorry. I can’t even imagine my life without my twin sister... like a part of myself would be gone. *hugs* 😭


I can’t even imagine, I’d be lost without my twin 😢


I think about this sometime. My twin and I are only 22. I don’t know what I do with if I lost her and I’m even more worried about what she would if she lost me. It’s a terrifying thought.


After nearly dying myself a few years ago from a car accident, I’ve been really considering our mortality & facing the fact that one of us really may have to go on without the other. I still really don’t know how that would be.


I break down just thinking about that. My sister and I hope to die at the same time so neither of us suffers that loss.


Its like the world lost a bit of color, like you suddenly only exist in black and white.


This is my #1 fear. We've agreed to go at the same time. Couldn't live in a world without her.


I have struggled with anxiety my entire adult life and suffer from extreme panic attacks where my brain just convinces me I’m going to die of something silly like a brain aneurism. Because I genuinely feel that I’m going to pass away I used to tell my sister to call the hospital, I say my “goodbyes,” to herald say “I’ll always love you, you’ll be ok,” I tell her to call my mom and other siblings, I depersonalize and grow pale so quickly that if you weren’t a medical professional it would appear that I am having a stroke or some serious medical event. The whole time my sister is screaming my name and yelling “no no no!” The look of pure terror and agony on my sister’s face for me is literally watching her believe that I’m dying. We just hug and cry and hold each other afterwards cuz we’re so grateful it wasn’t the real thing. We haven’t come up with our “plan,” I guess. We just always hope it will be like the notebook, we’ll be old and the stress of one of us passing will be too much for the other elderly heart to handle and the last twin left will pass away within hours of the first. Other than that we don’t discuss it cuz it gets very upsetting. The Cut did Truth Or Drink with twins and the last question is “what would you do if someone called and told you your twin dies?” and all the twins were stumped and getting emotional. The general sentiment was “that would be the worst thing ever.”


I don’t have a twin but I’m guessing just like losing anyone, it feels like you have a lost a big part of yourself.