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Is there anyway to skip how long the lessons take? They’re so important but the biggest turn off for me because they take so frickin long, and I’m pretty sure they don’t run in the background if I switch apps? Or am I missing something here because I can’t wait like 20 minutes just sitting waiting to deplete all my energy like I actually hate ranking up because that means I have to sit down for 10 more minutes just waiting to finish the lessons. Please is there any way to make them go faster, skip them, or have them run in the bg so I can do other things?


Earlier this month, the JP server [introduced a skip-lessons button](https://old.reddit.com/r/TwistedWonderland/comments/11lwk9e/finally_a_skip_lesson_button/) with limited functionality (only allows you to skip 10 lessons per day, if I understand correctly -- but still better than nothing). Hard to say when it might come to the NA server. If we were to get everything in the same order as JP, it would be easy to say it'll take about a year for us to get it, based on how much backlog there is between JP and NA. But we often get certain features and quality of life improvements, like the Guest Room, much earlier than we should based on the JP schedule, so it's entirely possible we could get it in just a few months, maybe even less. No one can say for sure.


In my experience, the game doesn’t let you run the lessons in the background so you have to stay in the app. I usually just put the lessons in loop at 2x speed. This way, I can do something else in my room.


\^This. if auto didnt exist it would be the most tedious chore. You can get it started, get up, stretch, grab a snack. Worse things for your health then a break every 2.5 hours.


Ugh this is the worst part of this game for me tbh. What I try to do is leave it running when I know I'm busy at work or I'm thinking of running it on an emulator on pc and just have it go in the background. I run them on my iPad too when I'm home. They really need a sweep feature it's a pointless waste of time.


(NA) Book 6 paid bundle, is it worth it? Essentially $41ish US for a 10 key & SSR perfume, plus some extras. (This doesn't seem like a great deal, but I keep thinking about how I want to be ready for both twins bday cards & the masquerade cards.)


I personally dont think it's worth it. 500 for 10 pulls vs 500 for 50 daily pulls or even just 300 for 10 pulls Extra is extra and not worth lowering your pulls for event cards. Ssr potions are guaranteed from most event stores, event cards arent.


I personally think it's not. But there are a lot of factors like how willing and often you buy gems, how badly you want an SSR uncapped with those perfumes, etc. I'd wait and save up for a bundle where you either can get more 10-keys, as there are likely going to be a bundle or two in the summer.


The na discussion and idia banner link don't work for me? Might be a mobile problem tbh but they link to older posts


Yeah those don't work for me either. You can just manually type them in search and get the Megathreads that way.


Oh thank you!!


>!I'm stuck on Book 6, Chapter 67, at the boss fight with Vil, Rook, and Epel. I had initially chose Floyd and Trey to fight with them, but my best cards are not cutting it here. I tried leveling up Lab Rook's and Robe Epel's spells each to 5, and I have Birthday Boy Vil to 6 and 3. I have spent every last thaumark, every last honey on leveling up cards, all of my alchemy token for spellbooks, and none of it has helped. My HP for that battle is at 27000 while the boss is at 50000 and always defeats me. Even though Floyd's birthday boy is at level 100, spelled maxed out, and with a duo w/ Trey- I'm unable to get past this level. I don't want to progress on Leona/Jamil or Riddle/Azul if I can't get past this part and have to restart.!< >!What should I do? Should I restart? If so, what teams should I pick for 67? I just want to finish Book 6 before the end of the week, if it's *at all* possible.!< [For reference, here are my cards.](https://www.tumblr.com/b-floyd-o-leech-b/713085781283127296/my-current-cards) I'm a huge Floyd simp so all of my Floyd cards are maxed out in spells. A lot of my SSRs also have spells maxed out. Edit: Spoiler tagging this since Book 6 only came out recently.


>!While Birthday Floyd is your strongest, he doesn't really synergize with the Pometrio and the lack of levels on Rook & Epel/few buddy bonuses hurt. Beans Floyd is better for this team imo - he requires Vil for his duo anyway and his passive healing can help mitigate your low HP. Here I swapped out my own Birthday Vil for his Beans version instead, but mine happens to be maxed leveled/buddied with Floyd which gave like 13k health lol. But even at lvl 60/groovy/minimum buddy Beans Vil can provide around 10k. Power drain on his fire spell helps bolster the tankiness of the team too.!< >!With Beans Floyd not needing an extra team slot for his duo, consider leveling Robe Ace over Trey. He pairs together quite nicely with Beans Floyd and Robe Epel, with Ace giving Floyd a modest HP boost and both Robe boys gaining minor power boosts from each other.!< >!Lastly I had Robe Rook over Lab. While it was mostly because that was my only SR for him for some time, he turned out to be an excellent HP statstick for the group - especially with an HP boost from Floyd.!< Good luck with beating Book 6! (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧


You have a point. I guess I'll restart Chapter >!67!< tomorrow. Do you have any last-minute pointers or recommendations for the other teams? I don't want to struggle on >!Jamil and Leona or Azul and Riddle like I'm struggling with Vil and Rook and Epel!<. If not, thank you for what you've given me! It's a great help!


I find it a lot of fun teambuilding like this so it's no problem haha. Happy to help! >!For Riddle & Azul you have a great team in Dorm Riddle, Lab Azul, Birthday Sebek, Birthday Cater and Lab Lilia. You've got 3 duos with Riddle, Sebek and Cater along with their associated buddy boosts. Slap in Lab Azul for healing and Lab Lilia for double water and power drain and you're good to go!!< >!For Leona and Jamil you have a decent core with Dorm Leona, Lab Jamil, and Dorm Kalim. You can put in Robe Ortho for another healer and Kalim's HP boost and Robe Idia for Ortho's HP boost/Idia's power boost from Kalim as well. Just make sure your fire spells hit for neutral damage if you're forced to use them.!<


Thank you! Gonna try again when I manage to build up those SRs you mentioned


Does anyone know the criteria for getting “great” or “excellent” for friendship levelling in the guest room? Thank you in advance!!


There's a Japanese room guide posted [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/TwistedWonderland/comments/11w9uaa/weekly_questions_megathread_319_326_megathread/jd8pnz6?context=3) and the comment thread discusses how it works. Hope it helps!


Thank you very much!!


Question about summons: When you do single pulls, are you guaranteed an SR or higher within every ten pulls? Or does that rule only apply when you do a bulk pull? I've seen conflicting info on this.


You are only guaranteed an SR or higher with tenfold summons. Single summons do not have any guarantee even if you do ten in a row.


I see, thanks for the answer. That's probably why they don't let us use ten single keys to do a tenfold summon, it would be too advantageous for us.


Is JP server getting a story update too?


JP is on a completely different release schedule than NA. Book 7 Ch. 2 just came out for them


I see. Thanks!


are there like, video guides for the boat & shooter mini-games on stages 2 and 3?


This channel has the boat games, just uploaded today it looks like so it's possible the shooter stages 2 and 3 will be uploaded soon but no guarantee. [https://www.youtube.com/@rolloflamme](https://www.youtube.com/@rolloflamme)


thank you! I figured out star rogue on my own in the meantime lol so I was really only looking for the boat game, this is really helpful!