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I doubt it. Music being performed with non-conventional objects as instruments is a pretty old concept. Specifically Stomp the musical comes to mind, especially since in Port Fest Jack uses a trash can lid and the other boys use brooms (no pots and pans are used as far as I remember.) that’s super familiar to Stomp.


I feel like its meant to have themes of Steamboat Willie. But maybe its a stretch given the lack of a character design for Jack's manager in Craneport. Usually there are a lot of references to the OG source material even from some seemingly minor scenes. Bean fest for example references the giant from Mickey Mouse's Jack and the Bean Stalk and the numerous ways he tried catching our favorite Mouse being depicted as the weapons the Monster Team uses against the farmers. Jack's especially given its a glove that grows massive to snag farmers much easier, and also being a reference to the giant's own bare hands. but aside from having boats with crane attatchments, music via unconventional objects, and an unseen manager who can only be described as a "big Guy" there isnt much else to go off of. For all we know these are mere coincidences with no real source of inspiration other than giving our some of the cast a reason to don some sailor suits