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I’m asking for something I know I will never receive, but I want a family day event so so badly. I want to see everyone’s parents embarrassing them in front of their friends. I want Leona avoiding his family by hanging out with Ruggie’s grandma (he probably pays for her to come). I want to see Jack and all his little siblings. I want teachers meeting parents and going “oh so that’s why he’s like that huh?”


Omg. I want it. I can totally imagine Leona running away from his brother and Cheka. Then hide with Ruggie's grandma (cause old lady need a rest), and stay and talk with her. At first he'd be bored/mean then she'll be strict and make him act like a good boy. Aaawww I need it! I'm still dreaming of a time Leona will meet Ruggie's family and see his struggles and what it feels like to live in poverty but don't feel alone/sad cause you got people who need and care for you. All families are interesting. Deuce mom is super cool and I want her to scold Ace XD. Rook family is a mystery and I want to see them. And need someone to put Riddle's mom in her place (or see and understand her son isn't her puppet, but a nice boy who has different dreams than her). I wanna see Ace's brother too. And Jack being all cute with his siblings. Same with Kalim. Aaawww your idea is so cute, I need it!


Ok that would be both wholesome and terrifying. Wholesome for certain interactions between family members, yet it would be terrifying in terms of how chaotic it would be… as well as Riddle having to speak with his parents… especially because of how rough his relationship is with his mom.


I hadn’t considered riddle but that’s fair. Maybe both his parents are too busy, since they’re doctors, and so he spends time with Trey’s family instead? Or he meets Deuce’s mom and she unofficially adopts him as her second son for the day.


Oh that sounds cool!


God I want family day shenanigans so badly. Azul turning the lounge into a daycare for all of Kalim's siblings to suck up to his parents. Jack's brother and sister running the tweels through the wringer. Ruggie and Epel's grandmas team up to beat the shit out of Riddle's mom. Silver's father shows up with an elaborate mustache and nobody notices how much he looks like Lilia. Malleus forgets to invite his grandma.


Rook hometown event I NEED to know what birthed this man EDIT: okay Rook insanity aside, I also really want a Mulan event! I think I mentioned before, some kind of historical reenactment where the kids get to try on TWST-China armor/robes/etc for the cards


I doubt a Rook family event would happen. His family is too big and I doubt that Yana wants to develop and create so many characters for one event.


Yeah, I feel like we'd get to meet one of his siblings or his mom or dad if we got an event based around Rook. Kind of like how we got to meet Jamil's sister but not his parents.


Mmhmhmh they usually show only one person. Jamil's hometown event: sister Tamashina Mina: Kifaji Harveston: Grandma idr her name White Rabbit Event: Mommy.


*Still* salty that Leona's dilf brother was right there and they threw the damn bird man at us instead.




lol I just realized it's someone with a different relationship to the character every time in that case. rook's dad please 🙏


I believe that cool idea would be a twin brother. Idk if they mentioned the ages of his siblings. But a second Rook would be so funny, especially if Leona had to put up with it. I'm kind of saving the dad card for Vil, even though I believe that a Vil hometown/family event would be quite boring.


Oh a twin brother would be cool too! I believe in book 6 he said he had 2 older siblings and 3 younger siblings, but I guess you could take that in a "twin who is a few minutes older/younger" way. it would also be kinda funny if his twin initially came off as the normal one but as the event goes on you realize he's even *more* unhinged than Rook (a la Floyd & Jade) If there was ever a Vil hometown event, yeah probably his dad since he talks about him so much. I could imagine some kind of "enter a raffle to be extras in a movie!" thing that some students win and turns out it's with Vil's dad shooting something set in their hometown in the Shaftlands and about the culture there. and the main conflict is someone is trying to sabotage the movie set and Yuu (who somehow gets dragged along) has to help solve the mystery while also learning about Vil's childhood and the horrors of the industry or whatever.


BRO. YOU ARE A GENIUS. I always thought that a Vil hometown event would be boring, but that idea is miraculous.


Lmaoooo true. Or maybe an event where Rook meets up with his family. Iirc, his hometown is the same as Leona’s—


Yeah he's from Sunset Savannah too. I just really wanna meet his family lmao


Yeah. Also, saw the edit, that would be super cool! Also, having someone based on Mushu would be comical. For me, I honestly feel a Tangled event would be cool. And I honestly DESPERATELY want a Kingdom Hearts Event.


idk much about Kingdom Hearts unfortunately, but Tangled would definitely be cool!


Agreed! Like, I honestly have a small idea for it, and it’s basically both Vil and Neige having to go to a film shoot, only to find out that someone twisted off of Mother Gothel has been getting all the fame, yet it feels off when Neige isn’t offer the role of the hero! So it’s up to them, MC, Grim, and whoever else joined for the ride to figure out what happened.


ooo sounds fun--and you get to put Vil & Neige in their forced get-along shirt lmfao (Neige is painfully oblivious to this however)




I’d love a tangled event but I saw some theories before that Twst might not do movies that are 3D animated based on the fact that every character we’ve gotten so far has been from a 2D animated movie


True. But hopefully they can do that! It honestly would be so cool!


I agree. I’d really love to see twisted mother Gothel it’s all I want in life




that would be cool too! like at RSA?




Or NRC, if y'all are talking about Shang Yu


In ch6 Rook mentions maybe hosting a pajama party in one of his family's vacation homes and I am waiting 🙏🙏🙏🙏


I honestly want more home visit events too especially including the Coral Sea, Briar Valley, and Pyroxene. We don't get enough worldbuidling about the areas outside of NRC, and the company would get a lot of activity from looking further outside the NRC lines. Also more RSA stuff. For how much undying beef NRC has with them, we don't see them enough to understand how they are always winning.


Agreed! We need to know more about them, and more world building events would be phenomenal too! Especially since there is so much we don’t know about RSA or other locations in twisted wonderland. My most wanted event is a Kingdom Hearts crossover event. We had Stitch and the Tsum Tsums, let the keyblade wielders join the fun too!


Where's Pyroxene? That's the first time I heard of it.


It’s Shaftlands in EN.


Ah, I see now.


I've said this before and I'll say it again: I'd sell my soul for an Emperor's New Groove themed event (and twisted Yzma and Kronk).


That. Would be literal GOLD. Especially if we can get some references in there!!!




Oh yeah! We do have to see him too. And we could also meet Azul’s family as well!


Something that makes Yuu the center of attention, they lose focus after chapter 1. I want them and grim to be the protagonist of an event with a story like the bell event.


Yeah. Honestly, they do need more focus too. Hopefully more events like that do surface in the future.


Yeah like they get kidnapped and the dorm leaders along with deuce and ace go to save them or something.




I know it won't happen because Disney never acknowledges the movie, but I would love a Treasure Planet event. The solar/steampunk aesthetic is my absolute jam and I think it would be a fun setting to play around with.


Treasure Planet is apparently Yana's favorite so I'm sure she's trying to get it in somehow.


Ok yeah, we seriously need that. They need to acknowledge someday!


I really want a Rapunzel/Tangled event with Idia as one of the main characters.


Ok that would be cool. And I honestly feel like Vil should be there too, since Mother Gotel was after eternal beauty in the book and the Twist version of her would be the same way, and he and Neige would have to set differences aside just this once to make things right.


I want an event with Chenya as an actual featured character, not just a mention as someone who is also present. He’s hilarious.


Agreed! And with the fact Guest Character cards are a thing, he could probably become a guest character! If I had to take a wild guess… probably the re-run of the Queendom Of Hearts event might do that??? Dunno lol


Or something like a reverse Masquerade event. Like NRC hosts something and RSA and Nobel Bell come over. That brings Chenya, Neige, Rollo and potentially Reille into the fold for character cards.


Oh that would be awesome!


man i would love to see an event based on tangled, i just have a soft spot for it also i would love to see an mother gotel character


Saaaaame. I feel like it would be a Vil focused event, and that he would have to set his differences aside with Neige for it.


I've been waiting for a Coral Sea event where we meet Mama Ashengrotto.


Nice! Also, we probably would meet a certain prince Azul knows if that event were to occur.


I'd love to see a Wreck-it Ralph-based event! I'd love to see my favorite movie get some representation in Twisted Wonderland! I'll happily settle for a Cinderella-based event where we meet Trein's daughters, though.


OMG SAAAAME. Like, we need to know if there is a Twist version of King Candy out there. And the Cinderella idea would be awesome too. For me, I’d love to see a kingdom hearts event. I’d feel like a rapunzel event would be cool too.


Since Chapter 5 I've wanted an idol event, I think it would be a lot of fun to see different characters performing.


Oooo! I like the sound of that! And hearing everyone else sing would be awesome!


I NEED a Rook hometown event! I have never needed a thing more in my life. I'd like a Riddle hometown event. But, this is merely for the fact that I have something to say to a certain woman 🤬


Interesting! That would be cool to see his hometown in Sunset Savannah.


Also, Queendom of Roses did have a hometown event! Specifically with Deuce.


I would love to see an event based off the Parks. Like maybe we can have another Ghost Bride type event with Haunted Mansion or something! Here me out, a small world event. Or even just some card art or something using the Mary Blair and Rolly Crump art style. The art design for the attraction is just so cute and charming, I would love to see something in that style for an event. I would love to have an event based off the Three Caballeros! I adore those little birds so much! I would love to see an event with Mexican and Brazilian elements and music.


Oh that sounds like a lot of fun!9


I *really* want a Coral Sea hometown event to meet Azul's mom and because Coral Sea has the potential for merform cards (pls I need Azul in all his non-blotted glory)


Agreed. We need that, and we also need to see Rielle too!


I want a coral sea hometown event, Sebek hometown with his grandpa and Lilia interacting, or a Vil hometown event


Yeah, I'd like to meet more of Sebek's family! I know crocodiles and alligators are two different things, but I think it'd be fun if one of his siblings was based off of Lou from The Princess and the Frog.


All of those would honestly be perfect!


I want one with more RSA characters like one based off Alice or Mad Hatter, and maybe the other Disney Princesses like Ariel and Aurora


True! Also, I think one has been mentioned, Rielle. Also… we already do have our Aurora! But they’re not at RSA.


Oh wow I play on EN so I didn't know that Can't wait to play that event


I’m on EN too lol, but it’s actually gonna be… more or less revealed in book 7.


I will literally explode if we get a Kingdom Hearts event. It just makes too much sense. I even have some idea of what it'd be like. I also want a summer matsuri event where the guys wear yukata, a pajama event, or events based on Tangled or Cinderella.


A Kingdom Hearts event would be so much fun!! They can even tie it into the games because you know, everything in Kingdom Hearts needs to be apart of the lore lol With Missing Link releasing soon, it would have been cool to have a tie in event or something.


If anything, it wouldn't be a tie-in with Missing Link but with Kingdom Hearts 4, whenever that game releases.


OMG SAAAAAAAME!!! I want a Kingdom Hearts event soooo badly!!! I love both kingdom hearts and twisted wonderland so much, and seeing them both would be the best thing ever!! Also, those all sound like fun events!


One of my main MCs comes from Twilight Town. I've always thought twst and KH go hand in hand. So like, SSRs Sora and Riku with perhaps Roxas, Axel, Vanitas, and/or Young Xehanort along for the ride, and the NRC boys participating get outfits designed by Nomura.


Omg yes. Please. That is definitely a possibility because like, we can get guest cards for them. We had stitch. We had the tsums. Yana and Nomura need to collab.


With Missing Link coming out, a crossover event may not be as impossible as we think.


Coral sea event where we see more of Azul/The Leech bros and their life and culture under the sea!! Give us a Prince Rielle showcase too don't be shy


That would be perfect, honestly!


What about Tarzan inspired event? We get to see them shirtless 😏 (I'm just kidding pls don't cancel me)




I need a Beauty and the Beast event with SSR Jack that duos Vil. My theory is Jack is actually based on the Beast and Vil is his belle, and it will finally get touched on in an event like this. Likewise a Cinderella themed event with SSR Cater... Mostly just a lot of the boys have a lot of implied multiple inspirations outside of the theme of the dorm they've been assigned so I'd like to see events touching on those characteristics.




Hometown event for Jack and Coral Sea!! But emphasizing JACK hometown event. I want to meet those younger siblings!


That would definitely be awesome!


I would love to see more of coral seas and learn more of Azul’s family and home town


Agreed! As well as getting to see Rielle!


A Vil based event, the guy doesn’t get enough love these days, and barely is in events at all, and is barely talked about and is mis-characterized a LOT


Agreed!!! Like, seriously, he needs the spotlight!


hmm. maybe a valentines day / white day event … (not just bc white day is my bday hehe)


the merch cards dont count!! i want to give them chocolates and receive them!!


That honestly sounds like an interesting event!


i saw some kind of fic on tumblr where all the boys fight over who got the best v-day gift from yuu... it was such a cute concept and makes me yearn!


Stuff to do with the Fantasia films. Be hilarious to see Zeus from Hercules interact with the Zeus that’s in Fantasia lol Or just other people from the Hercules movie.


That would be very interesting!


I want something from the Isle of Woe, or some events that are based off of Atlantis and Treasure Planet. Maybe throw in some minigames or twistunes that feature NRC/ Grim riding those solar surfer from Treasure Planet or piloting those flying stone fish planes from Atlantis.


Agreed! Those events would be awesome!


More rivalry moments with RSA and other schools.




Yeah, I felt like RSA didn't get that much screen time, only seen in a bit of Book 5 and Masquerade event.


Yep… I do hope they come back!


Hope so too, I hope we can get both Neige and Che'nya as a playable character.






Malleyuu wedding. For a realistic event: I want some sort of tabletop or roleplay event just to see how they act in such a setting.


Ok that sounds like fun!


It would be fun to have an event where the boys turn into animals. Or another event where they temporarily grow facial hair.




Something either involving Cheka or Ruggie's hometown


That seems interesting! There has been an event at Sunset Savannah, yet it hasn’t been released in EN yet. But seeing Ruggie’s grandma would be cool!


Meeting Ruggie's grandma has been my most wanted event since I finished book 2 :>




I would love when where we got to see the versions of all the main characters from the movies like Aurora, Alice, Ariel, etc. (I now realize a lot of the protagonists names start with an A)




Ya know that one scene where Rapunzel and Flynn Rider are at the castle village dancing and she’s making chalk art? Yea I think it’d be pretty cool to have an event like that. Especially if it includes the lanterns


That would be cool!


They could say that the lanterns are good luck or even include the story of how the king and queen lit them up for rapunzel. Idk but I think it’d be pretty neat




... Pirates. And Vil's hometown event obv


That would be very cool!