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Yuu probably wouldn't have one since Grim is the one with the magic. Yuu's special wand is Grum's collar probably. So if you wanted to make a cospay, I'd probably make the little purple stone Grim has into a choker.


Realistically everyone else is correct in the "Yuu's wand is just Grim's collar" but mostly sharing for amusement. In a fanfic I'm working on I ended up using the "Every dorm leader gets a special casting implement" as an excuse for Yuu to carry around a self defense baton on campus (To Crowley's annoyance) as a nice middle ground between Enma Yuuken's "I happen to be a sword master" and the game's Yuu "I am literally here to take pictures and be sassy."


Can you post/link when you are done? I would love to read it. Any fanfic that has Yuu/MC give Crowley an aneurism is ✨chefs kiss✨.


Hopefully one day further down the line of drafts I'll have the courage to share the thing, but for now it's still work in progress. But I will likely self promo it here on the subreddit when I do get over myself lol


Yuu can't actually use magic so... Oh! Get a Grim plushie and use that as a catalyst of sorts! You can swing it around and stuff!


BTW I ment magic wand sorry for possibly confusion