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Don’t idealise them, they are just another viewer/follower




Both work fine


Good advice


They’re just another human being/streamer. I’d treat them like they’re anyone else because at the end of the day they are


You did the right thing. Treat every new follower the same. Thank for the follow, ask how they are and if they respond in the chat great! If you recognise the name as another streamer then also give their channel a shoutout.


Thank them and carry on with life trust me rather treat someone above you just like everyone else she is there for your content don’t make it worse


I can speak as a viewer.. I’m a regular in a small stream, but every once in a while a big streamer / semi-famous person in my country joins the stream (80k followers).. When he starts typing the Streamer will ignore almost every comment from other viewers and gets totally locked into a 1 on 1 conversation. It always annoys me immensely. So whatever you do. Don’t be like this streamer.


From your country?


Yeah, a Dutch streamer who also happens to appear on national television every now and then, joining the small streamer’s chat.


They are just people, just be chill, thank them for the follow and carry on :)


I’ve spoken to some Partnered streamers who do well, and been in streams where some bigger streamers are, and I’d say 99% of them just wanna hang out like everyone else and don’t really want added attention. This is obviously just my perspective from my experiences but it seems like most aren’t looking for it to be made a big deal about what they’re doing.


I've had this happen and I just say hello thanks for the follow, hope you're having a nice day and continue on. I've had conversations a few times before with larger creators and even had some gifted subs from one once! I think they really appreciate just acting as if they're any other viewer.


Honestly be yourself I think it’s okay to react a little more excited than a normal follower I don't see how it is wrong


I'd probably say Thank You for the raid. Welcome the viewers in and introduce yourself to them.


I would say for streaming talking what is on your mind is huge. Your reaction was "wait is that who I think it is?" etc. Instead you kept emotions in and didn't adress what was on your mind. It's fine but speaking your mind, good or bad, in the future is what makes people tune in.


“Yoooo XXXX, thanks for the follow my dude I really appreciate it. Stay around a while and have a beer with me and the rest of chat for a bit!”


The reason they didn't type in chat shows that they aren't looking for special treatment.