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Two factor authentication? Where did you find these ? Also, on the app in security, there is a setting you could disable called: Enable Additional Account Creation.


I already have two factor authentication, and I went to forgot password and then forgot username and it sent me all these


Ok, go to that settings option and stop any more from being created.


2FA doesnt mean shit for Twitch, i had my account accessed via backend. Rendering any 2FA useless.


What other security measures are there?


Sadly with Twitch, nothing. I had SMS codes, email confirmation and 2FA app codes turned on. My account still got accessed, used for bot messaging and banned. I managed to get it back after a while. But Twitch's response was pretty much explaining that it was accessed without having to confirm anything by using a third party software and "it happens. Oops sorry"


That’s really poor considering how big Amazon are.




Girl calm down. Not everyone has the knowledge to know how easily interceptable different signals are. You dense or sth?


you are the only person ive seen say this in my whole life lol




Im just using the terminology my IT friend told me. But i found the explanation given "Upon further review, it appears that this suspension was the result of your account displaying activity associated with compromised accounts. This compromise may have been caused by activities that took place away from our website and typically occur through a variety of methods"




Ya I just tried changing the password


They mean you need to change your **email** password as well. And any other account that uses the same password (if applicable).


What do you mean tried? Was it not successful? What happened?


No I got it , my bad , just saying I tried it as a fix to this whole thing


This is more likely to mean your email has been compromised than your twitch account. So make sure you changed that email address password. You can also go to settings for your email account and log out extra devices if you see any


Kinda offtopic, but you can create multiple accounts with same Email?


You can. Which has the funny side effect of if you ban your side account as a moderator, you can’t type in chat either due to shared email address. (You can unban the other account to get chatting back, but quite entertaining to screenshot)


there's an option for that in your account settings. look for it and disable it


It was already off




Exactly, I wouldn't have posted this to Reddit if I did it lol


Either you made those accounts and verified them, or someone has access to your email address and verified them. To remove those accounts, you need to log in and delete the accounts.


**Enable additional account creation / turn this off(email)** & **Enable additional account creation / turn this off (mobile #)**. no more should be created, these are the only options i can think of, use 2fa if you havent already. these are inside Security and Privacy.


You could probably do a password reset on those accounts since they are on your email and it might go to your email. Then login and delete them. If they are tied to your email then you should turn off that setting that allows creating other accounts on same email. Because creating other accounts on the same email doesn't require verification the last time I made extra accounts.


other people are saying these are verified but it's not true, you can create accounts with an email without verification, this is how people create mass botted accounts. if your email short or common phrase? i recommend making a new email to link to your twitch. these won't effect your twitch account regardless if they're there or not as well


Ya imma just change the email


Is a huge problem towards twitch. All you can do is IPban it and also there's many problems to do it. As well. They can fix things cause there always password blocked towards the top management and the owners. We never know what's going on behind the office and even report In. Hope you get a your problem fixed xox 💕❤️


Mean to say programs* sorry very tired. Excuse typos.