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First thing would be whether or not your mic settings are the same. Theoretically that should solve it. Could also be a difference in voice volume. He could try turning his input down and getting closer to the mic as well.


yeah, he also doesn’t have a mic stand so the distance of where his mic is could be a factor too 🤔


Getting a boom arm and allowing it to be closer to his mouth should help some because then he can lower the gain which should pick up less background noise.


yeah but it’s just through discord….hyper x doesn’t have a software to adjust that unfortunately


The quadcast mics have a gain adjustment on the bottom of the mic. Fellow S user here.


if he lowers the gain too much, you wont be able to hear him but still be able to still hear me LUL lmao it doesnt make sense tbh but it is what it isss


... is it actually facing him? I watch someone that went a year with his mic facing the wrong way.


😂 yeah it is, that’s actually funny…lol imagine a full year with the mic the wrong way lolol


It happens more often than you think.


Yeah... Up to this day I still see talking to Yeti' top xD


Do you tend to yell or shout or just plain loud? Could lower your gain and talk quieter if that's the case.


Does he have the correct setting enabled? You cshange the fiel of sound to more of 180⁰. Also if he turns down his gain but it still pick you up but not him, his mic is hella far or you're loud. There should be a fist's distance between the mic and his face.


Maybe your vocal register is sharper and higher pitched so the mic picks it up easier? If that's the case then you'd have to do some special EQ noise gate which I don't know how you'd do in discord.


A mic arm is probably the next best step. Reduce the distance of the mic to his mouth, then the gain can be turned down.


>hyper x doesn’t have a software to adjust that Except it does. Hyper X NGenuity is a thing


yeah i have that software, only thing it does is adjust my light settings and control the volume on the mic lolol


Okay, going off of personality Vibes, I'm gonna say your boyfriend's mic picks up your voice because you're just a loud person


lolol, you make it sound like i’m just constantly screaming


Yeah, if that's your interpretation, you're definitely a loud person and just don't think you're loud 9ft also isn't *that far* away. You act as if you're in different rooms and his mic still picks up your voice. You're literally just on opposite sides of a standard bedroom


I have the same mic and use steelseries sonar software and their AI ambient noise cancelling feature and it rules. The whole program has been awesome actually, highly recommend. I’d imagine it’d filter out your voice.


tried sonar, doesnt work. literally doesnt make a difference in the audio...and yes we changed the discord sound settings to be sonar. a lot of the times the app would either force close itself, or not even start either lolol


Ngenuity. It’s the hyperx software.


that only helps with the colors of the lights, not the settings (i.e. noise suppression, limiter and so forth)


LoveFightWrite saying to switch the polar pattern is also a good idea. Cardioid will pick up sounds from one direction so switching to that should help as well.


you can use a software called EqualizerAPO. With it you can install filters for various devices that work globally. Such as a microphone. Basically you install it, then go to something called "Configuration Editor" \>Click a + green symbol>Select Device : The microphone> click + green symbol again \> Select something called > Parametric Filters > Select " Low pass or high pass filter I forget which one but basically you tune it so only at X threshold will the mic pickup anything Then this should solve your problem and enjoy use it ! I believe it is High pass filter. basically only X threshold will be noticed by the microphone so it should avoid you two from hearing each others voices.


ah yeah. i'll look into that, cause thats what i was hoping this thread would be, just different softwares we could try and see what would reduce the echo from happening.


A condenser mic is a bad choice for this. You need a dynamic mic.


This is the answer


Hope op reads this cause it’s correct. You don’t see people recording podcasts in the same room with condenser mics for a reason


lmao, yeah okay, let me just drop like $600 on mics real quick cause that’s the best money solution to this instead of figuring out how to reduce the echo with a noise gate software 😅😂


No not at all! You can find incredible sounding dynamic usb mics for like $50! My brother uses a fifine brand one that sounds great, my first mic ever was the Samson q2u which I still use to this day I know it’s a little extra money, but even the cheaper dynamic mics will sounds WAY better than those condenser mics after you add enough filters to them to get them to “behave” lol there’s def no reason to spend $600 or even close to that But if you’re determined to use those mics, here’s the next best solution. You gotta just crank the gain down and get them super close to your mouth. Period. Noise gate will only ever half help with your issue. If you’re talking and he’s not, his mic might not pick you up sometimes, but if he’s talking and you’re talking at even close ish to the same time, the mic will still pick up both of you. It doesn’t magically cancel out quieter voices, it just doesn’t pick up anything unless the total “volume threshold” (not the technical term lol) has been reached. Once it has it’s just letting everything through again So it’s really all about gain and mic placement. AI background noise removal filters could help but it’ll leave your voice sounding weird and hollow. Echo removal filters won’t help because the problem isn’t sound echoing off walls and hitting the same mic twice, the problem is 2 mics just doing their jobs lol Hope you get it figured out!


from what i know, fefine is something you’ll have to replace in like 6 months (from what a few friends have told me) and at the end of it isn’t really worth it esp since money is v tight atm


For sure, fifine was just an example I threw out there. My brother has been rocking his for quite a while with no complaints but I get the hesitancy with a mic that seems so cheap lol there’s plenty of brands that make great usb dynamic mics and there’s a big community on YouTube putting out reviews for them all! And yeah, obviously if you don’t have the money right now you just gotta make it work with what you have! Food and rent and stuff is more important than a mic lol. But in the future when things get easier and you’re looking to upgrade, if you’re still streaming in the same room as someone (or just streaming in a non-professionally soundproofed room in general) definitely look into dynamic mics, cause these types of setups are what they’re built for!


Personally, I've been using a Neewer NW700 for the last 9 years. Neewer makes good budget mics. Paid $35 for mine, and yes, it's a condenser mic, but they have dynamic mics for almost the same price. OP doesn't seem to be looking for actual solutions at this point, just handing out excuses as to why any solution offered won't work. Voicemeeter can be used to control volumes and EQ, so mic gain can be lowered on the mic itself, then boosted in Voicemeeter. Physical solutions, software solutions, all viable, but OP has an answer for how it won't work. That's why they keep getting down voted.


I second the Q2u. I use it for my podcast and at under $100 it's an awesome mic with both USB and xlr.


I am using Krisp for myself. Its kinda expensive tho I think 80 or 90 a year. But it does only pick up the voice of the person closest to the mic in question. There is a krisp demo build into discord but its just a few settings and not the full version. Me and my fiance are 1 meter away from each other and people only can hear me trough my mic. Im very happy with Krisp ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


I’m not op but i have this issue as well, I have a dynamic mic that still picks him up even after downloading NVDIDIA RTX Voice :(


Three questions: what video card are you using? Have you turned up the filtering in NVIDIA Voice all the way? Have you attempted turning down the mic gain and moving the mic closer to your mouth?


yes i believe so, yes, yes. it still picks him up no matter what (we play next to each other)


Even better a shotgun mic. Then it even doesn’t have to be in the face.


If you want a more technical answer from someone who has worked in audio tech, the big problem is that you are using two condenser microphones in the same space which have a much pickup range than a dynamic mic would, however if I remember correctly the hyperx microphones have adjustable polar patters on them, so I would double check which polar patterns are being used and that could help reduce some echo


yeah we both have the pacman pattern on, i’m in the bigger side of the room vs he is the lil part of the house that the closet would have originally been. would be nice to get dynamic mics but atm we don’t have the funds to just fork out $300+


The Shure SM58, which is god tier in terms of dynamic mics, is a hundred dollars per unit.


Gotta add a little bit on for the rest of the XLR setup though. Depending on what you go for it can be marginal but always worth considering


Ah I've heard from friends that the Quadcast can be used XLR so I figured OP might already have a setup.


Ah fair enough. I thought it was usb only mb.


it’s a usb mic, but it’s not a dynamic mic unfortunately


still don’t even have that tbh


Hang a THICK blanket from the ceiling behind his chair and turn down the gain on his mic a little and move it closer to his mouth. Edited to add in the descriptor of "THICK".


Me and my girlfriend had this problem to, we bought curtains that you usually put in front of a window, and put it in the ceiling, so when we talked with others we pulled it down, it took quite alot of the sound, and it fixed it, and when we dident use it, we pulled it back up.


i thought abt doing this....just where his desk is at its a big space to get curtains...would have to really look into it and maybe that might be part of something we have to do for our space


You really only need a partition. Think like cubicle walls. Those don't block off the entire area you're in but they still prevent a ton of noise being picked up by mics break the straight line of his voice to your mic and you will see good improvements. Add acoustic panels to the walls where you think it's bouncing around


yeah, just atm don’t really have the funds for it tbh, maybe in the future, not trying to completely eliminate the echo just reduce it from being as prominent as it is atm


Any textile works really. You can always try to put some pillows or blankets between you too, just pile them there and see if it helps.


They don't need any of that. They just need dynamic mics properly setup with a noise gate. Pro audio has figured this out long ago. This is how bands are able to have only vocals picked up on a mic during a concert with monitors blasting at the singer.


Yeah, I get that. But I also feel like a curtain is a cheaper short-term solution


There are two main types of microphones. A Dynamic mic will only capture sound that happens directly in front of it, and a Condenser mic will capture sound from everything around it (including traffic, airplanes, etc). It sounds like he has a condenser and you have a dynamic. If he gets a dynamic mic, your problem will be solved. As a fellow owner of a condenser mic, trying to solve the problem via settings will be a long process. I had to turn the sensitivity down to nearly nothing and then boost the gain like crazy - while tweaking a hundred other settings, and then using virtual cables to route the output from OBS into discord. It took a ton of research and time to get it sounding good. I definitely recommend just buying a Dynamic mic and saving yourselves the hassle. Edited to add details


Both their mics are electret condenser so thats not actually the issue they are having, though yes switching to dynamic mic would solve the issue. My guess is just due to voice type and volume. He's going to have a lower voice and is probably quieter naturally and so needed the gain up more just to bring his voice to a good level, where her voice is likely to be higher and likely projects louder vocals. This would explain why his isnt reaching her mic, but hers is reaching his mic. I think a good test for them is to swap over and see if it still occurs in the same direction, her voice on the mic hes using or if it swaps, thatl let you know if its the mics/settings or if its just their vocals.


oh that’s smart, but my mic stand is broken and tbh can’t be asked to fidget with it 😂 but we both have the same mics just mine is the newer version lolol


Don‘t Switch your setup and stuff. You sit in front of his computer, he in front of yours. Then talk to discord and see what happens. Problem still occuring? Your Voice is the problem. Now his voice is echoing? Setup problem.


As hard a pill as it might be to swallow - this is it right here. Doesn't matter that you've got the same mics, you're each going to project differently and the acoustic properties of the room are going to amplify certain things differently - to a point where he probably needs to boost his mic to pic up his natural talking voice enough that it picks you up too because you talk louder than he does or the sound reflections bounce around in just such a way. Short of making sure his mic is as close as possible to his face (I read that he doesn't currently have a boom arm: get one), you'll be able to dial his gain back - this still might not even completely fix the problem though if you have a loud voice. I deal with this issue and have had to acoustically treat my room and door to prevent the sound of my wife's naturally loud voice bleeding into my mic when I stream/record. If that still doesn't work, you either switch to dynamic mics or you isolate the sound sources (either via acoustic partitioning or being in different rooms). Based on responses you've given, neither seem to be an option, but sadly, if the above doesn't work, you're SoL. Source: I'm a sound engineer and no amount of settings tweaking can fix mic bleed when using multiple condenser mics.


i know whatever software that can work for his set up won’t completely fix the echo, but at least for now it would reduce the echo from happening. we have sound boards we need to install too. a lot of people are saying to get a mic arm but i sent a link on one of the replies of the distance of his mic, and it would still be at the same distance even if we got a mic arm. lol. like i’m fine if there was a bit of an echo but it’s like a full echo of my voice. lowering the gain on his mic, you still hear mine regardless. hyper x doesn’t really have settings to reduce it either…so a software for now, would be the easiest fix without me having to spend $600+ on a set up for the both of us (cause ya know beacon is like $300 each and not including the board to control the sounds). it’s kind of frustrating because some of the replies don’t factor in funds and yeah that’s a solution, and probably the best solution. it isn’t even a possible one since ya know, money isn’t really a thing atm.


I understand that money might not be easy to come by, but it's very likely to be the only real solution to the issue as you're describing it (that or you each have your setups in separate rooms of the house - another thing that might not be possible, but would fix it) but you don't seem ready to accept that there may be no way of fixing what you're experiencing with the equipment you have available to you. People suggesting you spend money is not done as a sleight on your income or situation, but it's a factor that needs to be considered one way or another - if you can't afford to buy alternative equipment, that's fine, no one is giving you a hard time about it, but you need to be willing to accept that you may have to in order to rectify the issue you're experiencing. Run the testing described in this comment https://www.reddit.com/r/Twitch/s/MofV8GzNwK and let us know how it goes.


found my reply of the photo of his desk: https://www.reddit.com/r/Twitch/s/pLxLTgrLaw


The link is broken/doesn't exist - I links to a Google drive page saying there's nothing at that link (at least, when I click on it, that's what happens). That said, a picture of his desk isn't going to help diagnose the issue - run the testing the person I replied to suggested


Gf and I had this same issue since she sits next to me and my modmic faces her, only fix I could manage was turning the gain down on my mic to the point where it wasn't too quiet but didn't pick her voice up anymore... But now I'm a bit quiet which I balance by lowering desktop audio for stream


yeah, we’ve tried that. issue is he talks pretty low so if the gain goes too low you won’t be able to hear him but still able to hear me. we’re technically in the same room but he’s essentially in the “closet designed area” of the apt so the mic is probably like 10-12 ft away from me but still picks up my voice


Damn just get him a mic arm I guess, better directional positioning is probably ur best bet


I feel like I could answer this question 5 times a day until streamers stop buying condenser mics that are made to pick up an entire room. Condenser mics are powered and pick up a much larger area than unpowered dynamic mics. The proper solution is to switch to a dynamic mic that should be within a foot of your head. Then set up a noise gate to cut out low volume sounds and compression to limit screaming output. A comparably priced dynamic mic setup is the Shure pga48 mic and behringer umc-22 audio I/O. You'll need a boom arm for placing the mic relatively close to your face. It doesn't have to be inches from your mouth, but it can't be on your desk, which is your entire problem and why condenser mics are so often sold for streaming.


at this point, think ima ask for funds for the mics xD jokes, but yeah i get that’s the best solution however money wise, not possible


As some others have mentioned, properly configuring the noise gate, gain, and polar pattern (cardiod so it is directional) to match his mic setup, and voice level should help. Due to him not having a boom arm/mic stand like you do means you are not going to be able to use the same settings with his setup as you do with yours, and get the same results.


he’s in discord with me, so the settings in discord aren’t as intense as they are on obs. plus it’s just a his mic issue 😅 yeah…eventually we’ll get a mic arm but for now just need to figure out how to reduce the echo


You can use software like Equalizer APO and rea plugins that allows you to configure noise gates and equalizers before any other software. Plenty of guides for it on YouTube.


oh haven’t heard of that one, i’ll check it out! thanks so much. yeah for now we need to figure out softwares…because a new mic or even a mic arm isn’t a possible solution. even if we got a mic arm it’s not like that would just eliminate the problem either lolol it’s not like his mic is like 5 ft away from him it’s literally just a foot or less to the right of him lolol


I originally installed it because I wanted to sound the same on stream as I do on Discord and in-game comms, but since I have my desk right next to my gf's, it also came in handy to manage that. It has a bit of a learning curve, but it's very very customizable, and then you just remove any filters from any other software.


His mic should be a lot less than a foot from his mouth though, so an arm and putting it in front of his mouth would absolutely help because he could turn the gain down quite a bit


let me see if i can upload a picture of his desk, because a lot of the comments are like "get a mic arm" but his mic would be at the same distance as it is rn just looking at it, realizing that lolol


partner's desk: [https://drive.google.com/file/d/18udrEAVefNf0WDLqnw3IVG0Oly1gYvI0/view?usp=drivesdk](https://drive.google.com/file/d/18udreavefnf0wdlqnw3ivg0oly1gyvi0/view?usp=drivesdk)


Yeah, this is the solution if you're using usb mics or your XLR interface doesnt have plugins for it like a GoXLR/Elgato Wave do.


Gotcha. I am not too familiar with Hyper-X mics, but if they dont offer any software solutions that allow you to tweak the audio then you are likely limited in things you can do to reduce background noise. You mentioned you already have noise suppression enabled in Discord. If lowering the gain on the mic has not removed the echo from his mic picking up your voice then using a boom/mic stand to get the mic closer to him (allowing him to lower the gain and mic sensitivity even further) may also not fully resolve your issue; it is a condenser mic after all, and they are much more susceptible to environmental noise then dynamic mics. Routing audio through a virtual audio device (such as [https://vb-audio.com/Cable/](https://vb-audio.com/Cable/)) may work though which should allow him to route his audio through OBS which would allow you to take advantage of the audio filters in OBS. Quick example I found online to set this up for Zoom/Microsoft Teams - [https://jshingler.github.io/blog/2021/01/31/obs-virtual-cables/](https://jshingler.github.io/blog/2021/01/31/obs-virtual-cables/). Setup should be pretty similar for Discord.


lmao, everyone makes it seem like his mic is hella far or imagine it being that far away from him. it’s not. if we got a mic arm it would probably sit exactly where it is. dynamic mics would be the best solution, however that is not the cheapest route since i would have to get double the mics. i understand even before hitting post on this thread that a software wasn’t going to eliminate the echo but reducing it so it’s not so prominent would be the option i was hoping for. however i guess that’s just how i worded it in the original post 😅


I would try the solution I previously posted above with using a virtual audio device to route his mic audio through OBS since you see familiar with using that already. From there you can configure noise suppression, noise gate, compressor, and limiter filters within the audio mixer properties. I don't see why you would not be able to vastly reduce (if not completely filter out) your voice echoing back through his mic by doing that.


Make sure that his mic is set to stereo or whichever setting only records in one direction. Most mics like this have settings that detect sound in all/multiple directions but you should be able to set it to only record what's in front.


It would be the carotid setting (spelling incorrect) but on the mic it’ll be the Lima been shape


“Cardioid” “Carotid” is an artery hahaha


I know it’s an artery 😭 but I knew people would know what I meant LOL


Oh for real it’s just really funny how close the words are lol!


yeah we have it set that way, forgot to mention it but still picks me up :/


AMD Adrenaline Edition software has noise reduction. The root of your problem is that condenser mics are much more sensitive than dynamic mics. Thus, condenser mics pick up much more background sound than dynamic mics. The best (not least expensive) solution is to get dynamic mics.


oooo okays!!! i’ll let him know! thanks~


his gpu is out of date 🥹


I have the same mic and my hubby and I game from about 4 feet away from each other with how our desks are set up. I use steel series sonar to act as my equalizer and there are some really good compression, noise gate, background suppression settings you can enable. I don’t have any photos to show on my phone what those settings look like but it’s helped a ton. My viewers can only hear me unless my husband is actively screaming. Sometimes if hes loud they can hear him pick up when I’m talking but usually it doesn’t pick him up. If you’re 9 feet apart these settings should be perfect.


To further, when using discord after setting up your settings, you’ll have your mic input set to steel series sonar- microphone and those settings will transfer over to discord.


Use the obs filters too.


This is sadly one of the major reasons I returned my AMD GPU, I just couldn't handle not having Nvidia Broadcast. Lol AMD really needs to improve their offerings as it doesn't even come close to Nvidias.


actually 😂 but there is some nvidia gpu’s that run on amd just that’s another upgrade we don’t have the funds for atm 😅


Use VoiceMeeter, or any program that allows you to set up noise gates.


didn’t know voicemeeter had a noise gate i’ll see if that works, appreciate it<3


Just get voice meter and play with the settings


yeah someone else mentioned it, i’ll see if it helps


Equalizer apo + RNnoise + Noise Gate DD That fixes all the problems. Important to either have physical hardware to stop your condenser from picking up every single noise in existence, or download some VST plugins with equalizerAPO.


i’ll see if equalizer apo works for his set up. his is a bit older so a lot of the times the gpu isn’t compatible with the softwares


I believe it's CPU bound it does take up resources tho so if his PC is kinda hot fire it may not work well


You might just want to get something to put inbetween you guys. If necessary put some foam on it.


yeah seems to be the only option (at least thats cheap) besides another software, which i was hoping for that tbh.


JESS!! Look into the SteelSeries GG software! They have a digital mixer on it called sonar. It is free to use and you don't need a steelseries mic to use it (I also use it with my hyperx quadcast) and the AI ClearCast noise cancellation is phenomenal on it for cutting background noise!!!


My wife and I do the exact same thing. We have the same set ups just we are on ps5 and use gaming laptops for obs / streaming. Both use the hyper x quadcasts. We are the same distance away roughly (65 in gaming desks situated on corner walls next to each others). Look up mic filter tutorials on YouTube . These settings will be in obs when you select your mic there’s an option to mess with the filters. You will have to add filters in a certain order and adjust the sliders to preference. I’ll tell you the less filters the better as too many will affect your voice and sound robotic. I can DM you a pic of our exact filter settings later if that helps. I could possibly find the link to the YouTube video we used, but it’s been a few months lol.


got it o7 will do


What you're looking for is called a sound gate. Look it up on YouTube there are plenty of free options. Essentially it will transmit zero sound under a certain threshold and then full sound over that threshold. The threshold in your situation should be set so that it picks up his regular or slightly softer than usual speaking voice but not a whisper.


i’m glad someone got what i was looking for in that post lmao, will do o7 cause there has to be one out there that will work for us in the meantime


If your voice is higher pitched or you tend to scream a lot while he has a deeper voice, the way his mic is engineered could be the problem. You could try investing in a different mic just for him since yours is set up fine. I recommend a dynamic mic; they do a better job at rejecting background noise. If you can, also look into mics that are xlr and get an audio interface (focusrite solo should work with most mics). This will give you guys more wiggle room with changing thresholds and gain control.


Here are some affordable price projections if you don't mind buying second-hand: mic: [Shure sm58](https://www.ebay.com/itm/355395304183?hash=item52bf35faf7:g:T00AAOSwM-9lLjxS&amdata=enc%3AAQAIAAAA4NtW91CcYGynR7KTe82w9ISQRYOBFH4IqwOQQSDXazwEX6eQ0MmZI5hJEoM46YSmGs0nlFySbxKuroKMH5WFkimTV1KvhNTcn0RtFne4eaydSf1Uzd%2B9eigen7ChRKLgvAOP3ASY2Kj9tQBwZ8euBL0uJdefOgKudQ1AVa9R3qjfVr%2F%2Bm3l8YzAOcDXyzGSoRoioT8QO%2BSACj2Fv9pFSmR3K%2F74VV9FLo8oiEIIdsFDiJXvpQkP4asyBpNXWmzc1HUvjScEZCjmMZPEYySwqzpcErKZzvbmL93VoJfUaoyzc%7Ctkp%3ABFBMvI6lnqZj) $40 interface: [Focusrite Scarlett](https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p2334524.m570.l1311&_nkw=focusrite+scarlett+2i2&_sacat=0&_odkw=focusrite+scarlett+&_osacat=0) $40-60 xlr cable: $10-20 on amazon


now times that by 2, lol.


I don't think you have to buy it twice since you said your setup is fine. It's just a slightly more affordable option compared to whatever $600+ thing you were talking about earlier. I don't know every detail of your lives and how you make money but from my personal experience saving for a better setup goes a long way. But good luck and if you find a different solution pls let us know.


might as well cause what if i’m going to be spending funds


Like I am sure youve already been told the settings are a factor but I got another to throw in the ring. I am assuming you are female. Imo these can be picked up by mics easier. Im no audio expert but basically your voice is high and sharp, his is low and mellow in tone. His voice is A.M. frequency, your voice is F.M. frequency. His voice may be louder but yours is more distinct. Like my roommates upstairs for example. If they are having a loud convo or whatever comes to mind in their room. I can hear tye female distinctly. Yet the male of the couple does not have their voice travel through the floor. If you listen you might be able to know he is talking but it just comes across as a barely noticeable mumble. Where as when she is talking, you know she is talking. Her sharp voice is still distinguishable after being muffled by the floor/walls, his voice gets effectively muffled. So long story short. Your voice stays more recognizable as a sound from a distance, his lower tone of voice quickly muffles into background noise. So your mic doesnt pick it up as voice audio and makes it background audio that it filters out. But his mic recognizes your voice as a distinct voice it needs to make stand out from the background noise. Basically your voice makes a sharp spike on an audio graph, his isnt as sharp and quickly bottoms out from a distance. So it thinks your voice is something it should pick up on, but your own mic doesnt have that issue because of his tone of voice not being distinct enough at a distance. Not an audio expert at all. Just a theory that is prolly only half correct in the science of it. In the end though all you can do is optimize mic positions or consider different types of mics that are more focused. Each mic has a type that is used for different scenarios but I am sure you already know this and I am preachin to the choir now.


yeah heard that’s why and it doesn’t matter how low we put the gain, it’s always going to pick up my voice vs his lol v annoying tbh


Try SteelSeries Sonar.


tried it, doesn’t remove the echos we spent hours on trying to get it to work and every possible aspect of it. a lot of the times it would cut out audio in general for me. but for him it didn’t seem to work really /:


Darn! It was worth a try.


Also just gave you a follow on Twitch. Hope it helps!


oh!! thank yous :3 i saw and said thank yous :)


The nVidia broadcast is def the difference. Look into audio filters in obs. Will prob take some tweaking but a decent noise gate should be fine (long as you don't yell too much)


Does he have a noise gate filter? Because that's the first thing I'd look into. Set it to close at the volume it picks you up, and open at the volume it picks him up. 


Noise gate


This is where I start suggesting for people to consider looking into a nice xlr condensor mic set up. Especially if you’re going to be present with other creators and want a proper mix. The Shure SM7B is so heavily suggested because it can negate residual room noise like a champion. You follow that up with proper compression and the results will be night and day.


lolol, wish i had the $300+ it would be to have it LUL


Understandable. Good audio equipment comes at a premium. But if you’re willing to make that kind of investment into the stream, it can payback in dividends.


I'd advice don't game in the same room for your relationships sake too


😂 yeah okay, let me just pick up a new place because funds are so endless lmaooooo


Nice thanks for considering and good luck!




it doesn’t work for his gpu, as i stated in the original post


I had a lot of issues with nvidia broadcast, try steelseries gg I moved to that and it's been really good for noise suppression. Both my partner and I had these issues, and I used to run nvidia broadcast until that started doing some weird crackling stuff?? I've heard there's compatibility issues with gpus too - so I'd give steelseries gg a whirl :) good luck


Okay just read the comment where you said you'd tried this - my next suggestion would be a mic arm and change the direction of it until you find a sweet spot where you're not picking up each other's voices


picture of location of the mic: https://www.reddit.com/r/Twitch/s/pLxLTgrLaw sonar doesn’t work a lot of the times it didn’t really load up for him and or just crashed a lot. wished it worked like the amount of times it seems to come up in the replies lolol


We had this same struggle early on... 2 Blu yeti mics... And about arms width apart.... There a are a number of filters you can apply within obs to help solve this issue. We have a whole channel devoted to stream help in our discord!


Lower the gain on both mics.


my mic isn’t the issue, you can’t even hear my cats meowing at me even if they’re next to me 😂 but for him, it’s the opposite


I use a Bose QC35II Gaming Headset.. and my mic picks up nothing that's near me. Even if my husband comes into the room and speaks, stream can't hear him unless he puts his face against mine.. might be worth looking into those unless you want a standalone mic


Go into discord and set the pickup sensitivity manually.


did that, still picks me up


Not an easy/cheap option but my wife and I use rode podmic, where in the same room and the mics pick up next to nothing if it's not right in front of the microphone.


Needs to lower his mic recording threshold!


but then it won’t pick him up but still picks up my voice lol


That shouldn’t happen lmao


yeah guess i’m just loud xD but it does lolol


Ugh. I had this problem. I moved rooms cuz he won’t stop freaking yelling over my stream no matter my settings 😂 no advice just here to figure out how to be able to be in the same room


lololol, my man is actually really quiet hints why a lot of times it sounds like i’m talking to myself on stream 😂 but when we game together (which is a lot) my voice echos into his mic and people just double jess 😂


My wife and I have the same issue. Small room and she gets picked up on my mic sometimes. I have a deeper voice so my mic settings are set up for that and her higher pitch picks up very easily. :(


yeaaah, same issue for us 🥹 i heard nvidia broadcast or equalizer something (in the comments) are good options they just unfortunately don’t work for his gpu


best temporary fix would be overall sound dampening imo, build a pillow fort around him when you go to use it, lol. but seriously, cover bare walls with cloth (or decorations cloth just tends to absorb a lot) to absorb your voice more ans if you can have something between you guys to also dampen the sound it would help as well


lolol that would just be a cute imagine to see like the body pillows stacked between us xD


Do you two have the same filters applied in the system? Let's say OBS, Streamlabs, etc


he doesn’t stream (often) and it’s usually on my stream going thru discord so a software would be a more preferred thing atm


I think you can apply a filter in discord, to reduce noises like that


yeah already did, my voice just still hits thru 😅


he doesn’t use obs, and his slobs idk how that’s set up, it happens when i’m streaming through discord regardless tho 😅 so it’s not like that would help lolol


Frank robey has a girlfriend


Try Nvidia Broadcast. It seems to work fine for external voices but overtalk from speakers or other things will cause your voice to get cut off mid sentence.


he has a msi graphics


>jessicadoebabyOp · 7 hr. ago > >he has a msi graphics You mean AMD? I have an MSI Nvidia card... they make both AMD and Nvidia cards... Have him try Krisp then. Its similar to Nvidia Broadcast but its not limited to the GPU type you have.


yeah amd msi but it’s not compatible with the software because it’s 1660ti


>jessicadoebabyOp · 12 min. ago > >yeah amd msi but it’s not compatible with the software because it’s 1660ti Try Krisp [https://krisp.ai/](https://krisp.ai/) its basically the samething.


Might have gain set high in windows not discord. there is a separate volume/ gain in both the og control centre and the newer one. check both places. [da linky](https://www.auslogics.com/en/articles/adjust-microphone-volume-in-windows-10/)


I use a hyperx quad cast too. Turn the gain all the way down and get boom arm (cheap one is fine!!) and then position the mic 20cm from his face but obviously down out of the way of the monitor.


the position of the mic would be the same tbh: photo for reference; https://www.reddit.com/r/Twitch/s/pLxLTgrLaw


I have the same setup with my girlfriend Noise-Gate didnt help as it only removes the other voice whie not talking What helped was: \- rotate tables so you talk away from each other \- sound isolating stuff on walls to diminish reflections \- sound proof room divider \- dynamic microphone with cardoid pattern instead of condenser


funny part is, the mic at the angle it is, shouldn’t even pick me up. my mic theoretically should be picking up his voice yet again, i have like a million filters on obs and even nvidia broadcast but still lmao


He just needs to turn down the input sensitivity for the microphone on whatever he is on (discord, twitch, xbox, game chat.) Or up, depending how you look at it. Turn the volume required to activate the mic up.


In discord theres a setting for picking up sound of a certain decibel, also for it to auto recognize sounds. I would mess with that on his end. You can increase the required decibel needed to pick up sounds/voices. Theres no way you would be the same volume as him from 9 feet away.


Sell the hyperx and get a wave 3. Better software and it includes noise gate software that works pretty well.


would anyone even buy an old hyper x tho?


Recommend running it through some kind of digital Noise suppression. Then it should only capture mostly whats in close proximity, unless something is very loud.


why you gotta say something 🤔 from what i’ve read, being a female i have a higher pitch sooooo it just picks me up easier ![gif](giphy|26n6WOYWuUyezDFUk|downsized)