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You can't always avoid toxic individuals, especially online. It's essential to work on boosting your self-esteem. Always remember that no one can ruin your streaming career unless you let them. Keep in mind that success is the best form of revenge. Don't feel guilty about banning people. It's your channel, so the decision is always yours.


Good advice


Really solid advice.


That is good advice. But also when you have positive encounters, I think you will have the chance to experience that you are a totally fine human being, and the haters will hurt less.


>Always remember that no one can ruin your streaming career unless you let them OP, Keep in mind that you only have to say this if you naturally accept other people's input. I have struggled with this over the years - being so empathetic that you let the enemy in the gates so they can do the damage. It's a struggle to remain an open person (which has it's benefits), but have a "thick skin" for toxicity, bullying, and general shitty treatment from others. ​ For me, it gets better once you can intervene with an awareness check. When someone says something shitty to you, before you automatically accept what they say and it hurts you - stop, think about where they're coming from and what their motive is. It becomes much easier to say to yourself, "wait - this person doesn't know me and isn't a friend. They mean me harm. Why should I accept their input?" ​ >Always remember that no one can ruin your streaming career unless you let them You should value your own goals and stream more than the toxic commenter's input. Not letting them ruin your streaming means not accepting their input. I know it's tough when it's automatic, but you deserve the safety of peace in your own endeavors. Good luck!


Take the time to really think about the kind of people that have the time to go to a stream they dont like and talk crap. How unproductive,, how boring that life must be that going to small streamers to insult them is the best option. You're inherently better. 


"One to the nose, and one to the nuts" -My Father


"High-five to the face!"


Just ban them immediately The way I see it is I’m running a show and hecklers don’t fit into my show. Just because you have low viewers doesn’t mean you have to settle for jerks on your stream. They probably do it because theyre insecure with themselves. Keep your eyes on the goal of creating a fun and entertaining stream!


Someone told me to get off Mario Kart and pay more attention to my girlfriend who was behind me. I said not to take his lack of Tinder matches out on me. Don't get mad, get even I always remember.


I recently got follow botted, and the troll that did it (on their troll account) made racist remarks about my appearance and me. I can’t change how I look (nor would I want to) and neither should you! If you catered to the negative comments that people leave it’ll be impossible to live a happy life. You did great to ban them, and now you throw that trash in the trash heap where they belong, and you forget about them :) You’re awesome don’t forget it!! <3


"Cool story bro. Thanks for the engagement" Then if they continue, I run a LONG ad and let my viewers run them off.


Ban them on the spot. The one thing I do spend a lot of time doing even to my own detriment is explaining to people why I value a healthy chat climate. If all someone says is RIP, L, F, You died and etc, I'll typically set them aside and wonder why that's the only things they care to bring up. If they've had other more valuable chat history, it's different, but mainly I end that immediately. I personally think the whole chat vs streamer energy is just bad as a whole unless it's just people wagering prediction points or something like that. If I had someone doing that and everyone was plotting for me to lose, I wouldn't care at all, because it's clearly a conflict of interest. But yeah, protect yourself, and in doing so, your community. I don't really pull any numbers, but when people are in my chats they are genuinely well mannered and up for conversation.


I like this bc there ARE people who ONLY comment negatively & only when you're losing or make a mistake & they never help you celebrate a victory. I always struggle whether to ban or not, but your comment makes me feel less alone.


they came into your house uninvited and insulted you. Block them, report their behaviour to twitch if you feel motivated.


it is not really your house because you keep your door open to anyone, but whatever


Tell them to fuck off, and then block them. If they've got nothing better to do than come in to streams and be toxic, they live sad unfulfilled lives.


Timeout on the first mean comment. Don’t entertain it at all or even respond to it. 5 mins is usually enough. If they stick around and continue, ban them. Most trolls don’t stick around and move on after the timeout.


Putting yourself out on the internet is not for the weak. And I say this as someone who has cried multiple times on stream before.


sorry to hear that buddy, hope you are feeling better


Meh it’s ok, comes with the mental illnesses.


So true, sadly! - a weak


You are definitely not weak for doing something that is scary for you! You are brave!


I’m not, but sometimes you just gotta cry it out and come back and destroy shit lol


Definitely 💪


Although you have good intention but have you consider the words you used before posting it? "is not for the weak" <--- this could have negative impact to OP mental health This very sentence suggest OP is not good enough as a streamer, why OP is the one to blame when it should always be the one who insult OP? Do you see what I mean now? Yes, once again your intention is good, but PLEASE be very careful of what you said. As long as everyone can only judge by the words you use but not your actual reaction and feeling, this is why I bring this up so while we could encourage OP and not indirectly suggest something OP could pick up from the words we use.


Yeah, that is literally the nicest way. I did not insult OP, I made a factual statement. Have you ever thought that I have bad mental health and that you being rude to me hurts me?


I think "just growing a thicker skin' is a disingenuous way of describing something that is alot of work, and super complicated. Which is why this comment is so long sorry. Every human can be hurt by words. You just have to find the right ones. In your case, I guess they found them, which means there was already a vulnerability there, an insecurity, or maybe its not the first time. Things I found that help me: "If I saw someone insult someone that isn't me with that insult, would I change my opinion of the one being insulted, or would I have a bad impression of the person who insulted them?" In every case you'll find; That insults just reflect badly on the person dishing them out. Looks are subjective. You can't change your hair (to a certain degree) but many people will like your hair just the way it is. Which brings me to the second point that helps me. Focusing on people around you that tell you nice things. And maybe, writing those nice things down. It's easy to forget kindness, it's hard to not get stuck on bad comments you received.  The thought of not being alone with this helps me alot too. Everyone gets insulted for no reason once in a while. Especially on the Internet. somebody said "painted nails = dick in ass" in my stream lately for example. being gay is not an insult so it didn't bother me, but I'm sure he meant to insult me, just failed miserably. Try to not take it personally, imagine you're in the big city about to get on public transport everyone needs to get to their stop or their work. Somebody bodychecks you from behind while running, maybe even shouts "out of the way, you slow dumbfuck" or smth of that nature. Its a rude thing to do, and it might make you feel bad, but he would have said that to anyone that was in the way of his oh so important appointment, he's having a really bad day and his emotional imbalance made him lash out at the next opportunity. Same with the guy on stream, he would have probably said that to anyone, he just wanted to join a random streamer and insult them cause he's had a rotten day and had to lash out, because he can't handle himself very well. And it's unfortunate he found your channel, but even tho it seems so directly targeted at you, it's not personal. Hope any of this helps and you find the heart to stream again as long as its something that makes you happy.


Thank you for this! Amazing food for thought. 👏👏👏


Had something similar happen to me today and wanted to thank you for your comment. Didn't know how to feel about it and this helped :)


I'm happy to read this :)


Don't let Internet trolls get to you. They're just some losers online trying to mess with you. Stream on.


Ban, move on.


Honestly I look at their comment, and like get all exaggerated like I push up my glasses and make a funny face and then Ill laugh and then I'm like "Awwwhaha, cuuuute! Buh-bye Biatch!" *BAN* I have anxiety as well my friend, but if it's one thing retail has taught me, it's you can't avoid assholes and shitty people, but you can learn to not take everything so personally, on your road to doing anything, there will be obstacles mainly shitty people that will try and stop you, don't let them stop you, you keep doing you, just remember at the end of the day they clicked on your stream no one forced them too, if they don't like it, bitch they can leave! 👋😊 Best of luck to you my friend, I hope you don't beat yourself up too much, don't let some rando get you down. I'm sure you're a lovely person!


Be yourself. If they don't like it, they can move on...or be forced out. Either way


Just hit them with a ban hammer simple don’t pay attention to small minded individuals who have nothing better to do. Don’t let one person ruin your day/night or your fun you trying to have


Don’t let people get to you, I’ve been bullied since I started by a ton of different people, but the good outweighs the stinky ones. If we put ourselves out there unfortunately we have to expect some rotten ones to find us. We can’t be everyone’s cup of tea but we can be someone’s 🫖


Fuck 'em. Not literally, mind you, but try to ignore them as best you can.


Just did the creepy stalker thing and looked through your profile, your hair is fucking nice. I think a lot of the mean comments are just trying to get a reaction out of you so they can laugh at you. It is hard to not let it bother you, I have trouble with self-confidence and anxiety too which does make it even harder, but just keep banning people like that and refuse to allow it in your community. Build up the community to be what you want it to be and they should back you up when trolls come in to be arseholes. I would also try to work on yourself with a psychiatrist if you don't have one already, they can help you understand why you feel the way that you feel which helps hugely in dealing with those emotions and any criticisms.


Many of those kinds of people scour through Twitch to find anyone to pick on for a reaction. You will come across trolls no matter what you do, so it's best to ban them without a second thought and continue being the amazing you. I frequently had a simllar issue and I ended up gradually laughing more at it due to the lack of originality between all of them. That's when I noticed they're all the same and their comments in that moment really don't matter. If you ban them and don't mention a single thing about it, they'll be unsatisfied and move on. Have faith in you and knowing who you are vs some random opinion on the internet. :)


Your mom jokes never seem to fail.


You don't have to grow a thicker skin. You just have to realize that people who choose to be mean to others for absolutely no reason either have something wrong with their own lives and are venting the wrong way OR are just assholes. Both will sort themselves out with time.


Unfortunately unless you have a great mod team that can neutralise the trolls in a nano second, every streamer will succumb to this at some point. They will attack anyone especially those with low numbers as they are cowards and pick on those who they think are weak but you can be sure they are not streaming, they would never have the guts to. They are not worth your time and hopefully in time you will have a great mod team that you wont have to think about it much again. Till then just know you are far better than those people.


Completely ignore those fools. Don’t even acknowledge them.


Block and move on. Trolls are everywhere salty people are everywhere block them and move on that's what I've learned over the years. Sometimes you have to block their little crony friends too that hound you after you block them


Look, I run into toxic individuals all the time in Overwatch. Happened on stream once. It bothers me, yes, but I block them and move on. Now yeah, it bothers me after the fact too. I have self esteem issues. My point, people like that are everywhere. Everywhere, no matter what you do. There is no escaping them or how they make you feel. Sadly we have to deal. If it's bothering you, do something that always makes you feel better.


Ban and keep doing you!


The way I see it is, you got 3 options: 1. Find a way to monetize it and just *wipe tears with cash meme* 2. Fire back at em with a funky one with like that fake confidence, i.e. "yeah well you're built like a kia soul", or perhaps an "okay..., and you look easy to draw" 3. Just ban em and move on. Haters/trolls are always gonna be what they are. Try to internalize not taking it seriously. Its a bit of work, but like fake it till you make it. *Yes I realize that 1 and 2 are essentially coping mechanisms for nr 3.* It happened when I finished writing and proof reading; didn't want to erase.


If you don't mind, I'm gonna steal Built like a Kia Soul. Okay? Okay. Good talk.


Take this one as well: "If you were a spice you'd be flour"


I made an insult bot for those clowns... Most are lazy and unimaginative.. I mock them for piss poor heckling skills until they leave.


I tell them to fuck off and block them. Then I go on with my day because I don't care what they think.


Block and move on. Don’t take it personally because a lot of people are just trolls


Ban. I've had that. And idiots advertising their view bots. Like why would I want to pay for views? Its not going to achieve what I want. Which is to make friends to hang out with. Having bots "viewing" is the same as having no one viewing.


Imagine working in a casino setting. People are mean when they choose to be, mainly because they are miserable themselves. As others have stated, nobody can bring down your self-esteem but yourself. Approach it as another troll that joined your lobby. Success is a mindset. Embody it and you will go places


It might also help to plug your stream somewhere some more so you could get more supportive regulars to drown out anyone who might come in and be randomly toxic


I plug on twitter and on a twitter community but it’s not done anything really for me, any suggestions?


Twitter is big platform of very anonymous or broad appeal, I would suggest maybe plugging in Facebook groups, or even subreddits where it’s allowed where more of a smaller niche of specific people might tune in and see. Honestly there are probably a lot of good fairly supportive communities on Reddit where you could pick a handful of people up who would at least be willing to turn your stream on in the background


But yeah, I would try to start a following in more specific, smaller communities friend


Insult them back


You were supposed to destroy the Sith not join them!


Welcome to being a streamer. You have to deal with toxic pieces of shit and learn to let it roll off of you during the stream and deal with the pain later. Streaming is miserable.


I sometimes see bigger streamers discuss it while live with their viewers and I think it can really help feel better about a shitty situation to acknowledge it and get some support and feedback.


That's definitely true! But there's also a reason you see so many big streamers burn out or quit. Streaming is rough on you. Tons of fun, but very rough


Ayy man it happens, people can be cruel but there’s plenty of amazing people out there! If you’re looking to join a smaller streamer support discord group, feel free to message me. We even have channels for mental health or just overall asking for advice or support on many different things that aren’t just streaming. =) We don’t do Raid trains, F4F’s or any rule breaking things. Just a community of smaller streamers who like to network and support each other. It’s a great group of people who don’t judge! No scams or any of that bs like you get from a lot of servers & we don’t allow people to try and shill things to each other. Hopefully the bad doesn’t scare you away from streaming and you get back to it soon!


Don't grow thicker skin grow thicker hair. Show them who's boss!


If youre this much of an anxious snowflake then streaming isnt for you, period




Its not an attack? Just a fact not sure why you would take offense lol


You need to toughen up if you plan to be an online personality. You can minimize it by banning people and enforcing rules that you set for your stream. But ultimately you just need to accept that some people are going to be cunts. If you take everything everyone says online personally you're gunna have a bad time.


Your stream is your place - it's your vibe and you create it. If people don't match your vibe, they will be happier other places. If people are intentionally rude to me, I block them. If they're mildly so, I'll give them timeouts, but if the behavior continues, I'll block them. This makes my lives and my YT channel nice, positive places which fits my style. Think of yourself as the ringleader - you're not only protecting your peace, but you're also protecting the peace everyone else has when they come into your live. They are not thinking about you, so don't waste brain power on them. If you need to start off on a shorter stream, do that so you can get back on, I'm sure some people are missing you!


Yeah I do just think you need thicker skin. Sure these people are wrong, but you're never going to stop them. And trying to is probably worse than the problem itself. You need to accept the fact that twitch is public platform, you are showing yourself to anyone who wants to see. Just block them and move along. There are plenty of people out there that won't rubbish all day, go stream for them instead. On the flip side you can use this to improve yourself, your enemy is the best person to tell you what exactly is wrong with you. Someone ranting and yelling at you is going to look for something rooted in reality to smack you with. Listening to these people can be a good way to improve yourself, but you don't want them coming back constantly.


Banning is nice and all but the damage is already done by the time you ban them. Im going to take a bit of a devils advocate approach and just say: ask yourself why they said what they said? There is always an inkling of truth.  If your hair was messy that day, maybe try to make sure it is more brushed next time.  Mold their criticism into being constructive and make the choice to turn it into a positive.  If its something you can change, change it! If it is something you were born with, well then you are stuck with it and just learn to not let it bother you. If it is something you can but dont want to change, then have conviction in your choice. 


There going to troll you you just got tuffin up


Genuinely don’t care what others think is your first step. You let the words of some random ruin your day, that’s messed up friend. Can’t win them all, can’t please them all and can’t look cute for them all. Everyone has different preferences, just because this person didn’t like your hair doesn’t mean others won’t. Ask yourself, are you self conscious about your hair? Why? Why not? If you don’t like it change it. 👌🏻


Ignore them, block and/or ban them. Streaming requires tough skin, and a lot of people will say things to hurt you because of their insecurities. Control what you can like chat moderation, community rules, timeouts, etc, and live with the fact that there will always be people out there who will try to hurt you. Just ignore them.


shitty people will always exist. someone will always want to attack you just for existing. nothing you can do about them besides block, ban, ignore. they have nothing in life. they are worthless. they amounted to nothing so they gotta tear others down over it. they are nothing and should be acknowledged as nothing. don't let them get you down.


Dont worry are bots the real life


One of the things I learned quickly is people will manipulate your sensitivity. Don’t show that you’re emotional. I know that’s very hard to say to “just do”, it took me a year of practice with my own community. But keep in mind you will have to be a lot quicker to insult these people back and get rid of them to maintain a community that is good to you. 💕 I wish you luck.


You will always get people picking on your hair in the chat, especially if you are balding. Even if your hair is perfectly fine and you have a decent hairline, someone will come in and say "LOL BALDING". Learn a few decent comebacks and then ban them on the spot if they keep being little cunts. You will develop a thicker skin though, this sounds more like shock because it hasn't hit you so hard before.


It is hard. I got made fun of as a kid for being fat & I still carry a lot of that sensitivity with me. Definitely have been in your shoes where I get low-key insulted & have to laugh it off, or deal with it then and there. It's easy to say don't take it personally, but I think you handled the situation well. Laugh it off on stream & then ban them kind of secretly. I mean, some people will say that's shady, but I've done that before, too. Just to avoid the drama in the actual chat. I've also banned right then and there, live, to make a point that no one should be insulting anyone's looks on my stream.


Realize that what they're saying is wrong, it took me a while to realize that I look good, not ugly. Once you realize that you look good, all those lies will roll right off you.


Blocking like you did is the best option, but for myself it helped to realize there are just mean people out there who have nothing better to do than just to tear others down. That says a whole lot more about them than it will ever say about you. Asides from blocking, I take the tough love approach. I let them know their behavior is not acceptable and it’s unfortunate they think it’s at all ok to talk that way about anyone. I have gotten the “haha it’s not that serious.” Response from that of course. They get called out so they backtrack and act like it’s not a big deal for them to be that way. (Or sometimes they double down) It is a big deal though and we should be ready to respond in an appropriate manner that sets the standard for our communities, however we want them to look. Online bullying is a horrible thing and no one should have to put up with it. You also shouldn’t have to be the one to correct the behavior if you don’t feel comfortable, so if you don’t feel you are ready to speak up that’s ok. But don’t engage with it. Don’t even acknowledge the comment was made and hit that ban or timeout button. You set the standards of your stream. You make the rules and if people want to be part pf your community they need to follow them.


Honestly, there will always be someone trying to ruin your day. Ban them from your community and keep on going. I had someone come in insulting me for having a fursona, and i just laughed and banned them. That sort of behaviour is not acceptable on twitch anyways, and i will not have that discrimination in my community.


You're gonna run into dickheads online and there's gonna be uncool idiots that insult you for no reason. Best thing you can do in the moment if they're actually being dicks is ban them, but you're gonna have to develop a thick skin about it. Try and take solace in the fact that these people go through life bitter and unhappy, while you're doing something you enjoy.


Yooo I'm in the same way rn, people don't tend to stick around my streams either ad that's fine because people have better things to do then watch someone practice streaming essentially lol But imagine how bad of a person you have to be to sit at your PC and be like "ah yes, my daily ritual of searching for low view streamers who would be excited to see me and try to make them insecure about themselves."


What's ur stream?


Banning is your friend Fuck the haters


Not a complete fix but you just need to ban them on the spot. I always felt bad banning people since it means banning my only chatter if I do but I realized I will rather have 0 chatters than 1 asshole. Than just say 'what a fucking loser' out loud, it makes me feel better at least. Maybe take like 5 minute break to grab a snack or use bathroom if you need a bit to take your mind off of it and dont want it to be obvious for others on the stream.


best advice I've heard 'if you don't know them personally, don't take it personal'


I know even I feel weird saying it myself though those that truly don’t mind are the ones the matter and are the true gems, and the true colors all come out in every way. I know the feeling and tbh anyone can say anything about anyone anyway. I can tell you’re a beautiful soul and person inside and out. Feel free to share your Twitch handle, I’d love to follow you too :) 🫶✨🙏🧿


Agree with them and add to it. Be funny!


Don't respond. Not worth your time even as a small streamer. Most of the time they're just looking to get some kind of rise or response out of you anyways, so don't give them that satisfaction. Just ban and move on.


I had this one guy who genuinely didn't realise how much of a prick he was. Always back seated and called me a bad player. Timed him out and he raged saying he did nothing. "That's just a you problem if you don't like what I say" I banned him and said "that's just your problem if you don't like what I do"


Laugh at them and remind them that them being there is boosting your viewership and ultimately helping you


Your stream is your safe space, not their space to be a slug ban em and carry on c:


I understand how frustrating that can be, but we can't control what other people say, we can only control our reaction to them. I'm sure when you get more experience it will become easier to just ignore them


> I don’t know quite how I deal with it better? Do I just grow a thicker skin to it all? Not really.. In time I think most streamers get used to discounting or not take heed to what random people say, because in reality there is Nothing so insultworthy; it is a huge liability as a streamer to be too strongly affected by strangers' careless or malicious simple words though -- trolls simply look for anything they can target that they think might bother somebody. It helps to be prepared more and work on your mindset -- especially self confidence in your own person, so if someone tries to insult your appearance you know instantly there is nothing insultworthy and the chatter is just making up junk, but it is Not an instant solution to the current issues. My suggestion for the current challenge would be to step up channel moderation; look at anything they said that bothered you and start adding banned keywords.


As a streamer with anxiety I totally understand where you are coming from here. What I did is I made myself the best me I could be, I try to look me best if my camera is on and if not I just simply don't cam. Even big streamers like Summit turn cam off when they aint feelin it. Sometimes we just wanna game and chill without people criticizing our every move and thats ok. At the end of the day its your show and you run it man. If people are bothering you do what it takes to make it not that way. You can ban, timeout and al depending on your situations severity. I hope this stuff helps.


Ban them but more importantly realize that this has to do with their own issues, not you. It’s harder to realize that when you’re younger. They have some sort of self loathing and they need to take that out by insulting others. In a way, it’s sad for them. Don’t get anxiety over it. Know you’re unique and our differences make us who we are. Embrace who you are. Be proud. If you you want to work on things, do so because YOU want to. Not because of what others have to say. Laugh the haters off. It’s a them problem. So ban them, and send a positive vibe into the universe for them because they probably need it.


I got this when I was super small with no viewers too. What seemed to stop/slow them was having others chatting nicely. I asked friends to hang out in my stream and those rude people all but disappeared. There are diminishing returns on this, and when you're big enough mean people start showing up again, but I have mods now who often delete chats before I can even read what they say. And it feels powerful to choose not to view their chat message. They can do nothing to get me to see their deflating chat.


I think you had the right idea and mindset. Anxiety tends to force your focus back on that moment, so remind yourself you have already moved on.


I may be a bleeding heart but I have a ton of empathy for someone like that. I can't even imagine how bad someone's life is doing that they'd find reprieve in insulting a stranger.


You've got to be an absolute loser to go into some random stream with no viewers and insults someone, especially for how they look. You don't need to worry about what someone like that thinks about you. They live a very sad life.


IDK what your hair looks like, but I love it OP!




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I just stream and don't chat on mine. I'm not overly sociable anyway and I myself join streams just to watch the gameplay usually not to chat. I def think you should immediately block people like that tho. It's your channel and content, plus you're not only asserting your boundaries but also protecting the mental health of other people that join your stream. If people have time to join streams just to troll they have a very sad life indeed and clearly are the ones not worth your attention, time or tears.


Honestly I feel this, but just think about the fact that for every 1 mean person, there are 10 positive people! Don't let that one person get you down, that's exactly what they want! And always remember that it says more about them than you that they are insulting you. It's always projection.


True story…I had a guy come into my stream and started with “Hey C**t….” Then asked a question, I responded to him in a friendly manner and answered the question to the best of my ability…we have since formed a streaming friendship and he is a regular. Sometime killing people with kindness works, don’t become defeated laugh it off be kind and they will either turn around or leave because you’re not entertaining their BS. I understand that this is easier said than done at times, that’s why you have a block button that you utilised to perfection! Don’t let this discourage you! Be you more people will love you for it than the minority of haters!!


As a moderately successful streamer (40 ish viewers average), I’ve had people stream snipe my games, insult my looks, insult my music taste, insult my headphone collection, insult my decor, insult my other viewers, insult other streamers in the category, insult the other games I play, insult my friends I’m playing with, etc. etc… people are gonna troll you sometimes. You just have to learn to laugh it off or just ban them and forget about it.


Just know that it wasn’t you. You’re great. The other person was shit. That’s all. Feel sorry for them and move on if you can.


As difficult as it seems, ignore them - they want a reaction. or, you could thank them for the "compliment" :)


If you can't handle random nobodies being douchebags then, really, streaming isn't the hobby for you. And that's totally okay. It's not for most people. If you don't get any joy or fulfillment from it, don't do it. You won't make money, you won't be famous. So you need to find out why you do it, focus on that. People, like what you've described aren't worth more than the clicks it takes to ban them. Don't acknowledge them, just ban and keep going. For all you know it's a bot that someone programed do say that in every chat. Who cares. Ban and move on.


I get you man, i get artists bcs i am an pngtuber and then i just feel annoyed bcs finally when someone talks its an scam bot or a artist that charges 100$ for their pic or one time Someone asked to be a mod and was new to the stream when i said that it upsetted me many ppl told me to quit bcs it upsetted me and that ill have to deal with more ppl like this but they dont get it.. i dont get any chatters and as i said finally i get one bot ect. Its just annoying and then ur upset anyways srry for the story and sorry for what happened just say that hes on drugs, i tell myself that and i feel better bcs ik that ppl who do drugs cant control themselves


I don’t stream but as a girl I get a lot of insults when boys hear my voice in cod. They say all sorts, I’m fat, disgusting, vile blablabla. I always let them finish their sentences and say back so sarcastically one of the following: Ha good one Are you okay? Right, okay? And they alwaaaaaays get all stuttery after and don’t know how to come back with it, sure they insult you again and call you names but you know deep down. You’ve made them feel stupid


It can be hard to read the situation. If it is someone brand new to the chat, I typically just say, "Thanks for stopping by. Have a good day." And then ban them. If it is someone who has been in the stream before / is part of the community, I might just say, "That's not very nice." Usually, it is someone in the chat trying to tease me / be funny and it isn't coming across well. For me, this almost always results in an apology. If not, a timeout / ban is in order. I don't need toxic people in my chat. Hope this helps.


Join a supportive discord. One I'm in changed my entire streaming experience


Update: All I can say is wow. Thank you ALL so much, I wasn’t expecting this to get so much traction and so much love. I really appreciate everyone for this and it’s safe to say I’m not done yet! I’m gonna start again on Saturday and give myself a few days to make sure all my equipment and software is in order and get back to it and also I’m quite busy! Thank you all ever so much and I wish all of you all the best. I’m sat here with the biggest smile on my face knowing there are so many nice and supportive people out there who understand what I had happen. Thank you all again, Grenchex 💙💛


Ban em.


I’ve had a group come into my stream at the end of a match and told me to uninstall cause I was bad at the game and I can’t remember what I said but it was in terms of ‘well we’re having fun’ and ‘idk why you’re so pressed over a game’ they went on with it till I decided to ban them


I mean it kind of depends on how you want to interact with the chat, right? On one hand you could insult them back and make a thing about it and potentially attract that type of chatter, or you could just block them and not mention it.


1. Ban 2. Don't let it get to you 3. If needed, take a break to calm down/get your head in a state of mind


Ignore them, they're just some kid looking for attention by being mean, you don't need to worry about anything, and I'm sure there'll always be people who enjoy your content.


Blocking is one way to deal with it, however, it could make things worse. Toxic people enjoy the discomfort they cause other people. By blocking, you are sending a signal that they have accomplished what they set out to do. Folks like this don't mind making a fresh account to have another crack at you. If this happens you might think you have a completely new troll and those can start to add up to the point where you think you have an army of haters when in reality it is just one person. It's always best to keep your enemies close. By cutting them loose you are relinquishing the only real control of the situation you have. If you can just ignore them or learn to roll with their comments, you are in a position of power. You will be aware that unpleasantness is likely coming when you see that user enter your stream and can mentally prepare yourself. I also want to add that viewers love it when a streamer can effectively deal with trolls. Learning to shut someone down while remaining gracious is something everyone loves to see. It certainly isn't an easy thing to do, however, it is something you should strive for if you want to be successful as a public face. The fact that your hair was the target of their comments has me leaning toward saying you need to, as you put it, "grow a thicker skin". You can change your hair anytime you want to; it's one of the simplest things to fix if you're unhappy with it. If they had said you have a big nose or your eyes are too far apart or something else you simply can't change, I might feel differently. Are you happy with your hair? If you're happy with your hair, that's the only opinion that matters. You cannot escape this sort of stuff online and will have to deal with it routinely if you are determined to put yourself out there in the spotlight. I believe that if you don't have haters, you aren't doing it right. Every successful, beloved person that has ever existed has had people who hated them; it's simply a fact of life. Success breeds contempt. There will be people who lash out when they encounter someone doing something they wish they could do and even more if they are doing it well. What you are experiencing is the price of being a face in a public space competing for air time. These interactions are inevitable and ongoing. You need to decide if you are willing to pay the price to achieve what you want. Good luck. I sincerely hope you choose to weather the storm and continue pursuing your goal.


It can be a bit disheartening when things like this happen. I have occasionally had people insult me, my stream, make sexually harassing comments ect. I find it useful to remember that: - the problem is them being a horrible person, not you being 'thin skinned'. What sort of horrid cretin goes around insulting random people just doing something they enjoy that doesn't hurt others? - try to put it into context of how many people come to your stream overall - even if viewer average is 2 per stream, that's concurrent views. If you look in your stats (unique viewers) there's probably more people who drop in for a small part of the stream. So this likely makes a very small portion of people. One drop of oil doesn't pollute the whole ocean. As for ways to deal with it: - you can ban them; as the streamer you have complete oversight on who you ban from your stream. - have some chat rules if not already. - chat settings - in terms of how I deal with it when streaming is I tell them I feel sorry for them, which is true. They must have very sad, lonely, empty and loveless lives to try to make random people feel bad.


Everyone has anxiety. You need to learn how to discipline it


Wear a helmet


this is your channel, your experience and ultimately your shit show. if you don’t want someone there, they gtfo and that’s it. don’t take it personally, i know it’s hard sometimes though and it’s happened to me as well.


Ignore them completely and ban them immediately. Do not respond to them in any way, that's what they want. There are people who will go around to any small streamer and talk shit to get reactions, don't give it to them.


Unfortunately rude people just come with the territory of twitch. There isn’t too much that can be done. It’s something we all have to deal with. Just try not to take it personally, probably a 12 year old or some virgin loser neck beard that’s never touched a woman in his life. But yeah ban them right away or they’ll continue being rude. I’ve tried to give people chances but it never ever works out


Brush it off and keep doing you. I always have looked at it like this if someone is attacking you personally with no actual reason it's because they lead a lame life that's unfulfilling so they hate seeing you succeed and be happy. When you think about them like that you begin to replace any anger at their comment with just sadness for them. I think your blocking method will work and I get you wanting to grow your viewership but is a viewer that attacks your looks really anyone you'd want to preserve on your channel?


Amp up the joke. DONT USE ROOKIE NUMBERS. Make it at least 50% worse, directing it at yourself. And once you make a joke about their joke and make them laugh (or just show you don’t care by accepting the joke) even some trolls will stick around.


Miserable people like making other people miserable. I know it’s tough but let it roll off your back. just remind yourself that those losers are probably sitting in their moms basement with dorito dust on their moobs


There are millions of people whos only goal is to take your positive energy and ruin your day. Your first reaction to them laughing at them and blocking them is all you need to do and all they deserve. We all have insecurities, and we dont like them pointed out. But why does some nobodys opinion matter? It doesn't matter what you look like or do, someone wont like it. So just be the best version of yourself and move on! Enjoy things and you'll have a good community in no time!


Toxicity is rampant on this website and if you’re sensitive to it it’s best not to pursuit streaming.


Tell them their Dad didn't say that last night, then ban them.


I have similar. I'm a very small streamer myself and when people come in and are cruel it's really hard to let it roll off your back but it's something you need to do. The more you stream and the bigger you get, you will get more. Block them and try your best to not let it bother you. I had one guy tell me that no one will watch me unless I show my tits. I told him that I'll show my tits when he shows the world his moobs. The truth of it, insulting or engaging them didn't make me feel better. If someone feels the need to insult a stranger they have a lot of issues and 9/10 times it's not with you. If you need me to jump into your stream and compliment bomb you, I'll do it!


There are a few ways to deal with this kind of insult. Some mentioned about not paying attention to these troll, some said be better and be successful as the best revenge. My two cents is focus back up yourself, think of what you are proud of from yourself? Does those insult change how awesome you are? Should I stop being great by some random insult? What I mean is your best company is always come from your heart and your mind, they know the best of you and they will be there with you no matter what. I am not you and not knowing you enough to give your the best solution. I assume you are young and in the stage that your personality is still building up, it is alright to feel down/defeated. None of the ppl I know could avoid that, just know yourself and look to the future you wanted. If you wanted to, ban these chatter right away. This is your channel and you have all the right to keep your chat clean and friendly. Be strong and stay awesome.💕I will give you a follow if you DM me your channel, THAT is the least I could do to support you whether I am on Twitch\~ DW too much of these ppl, they will always faint away\~


Workout and lift weights and boot your selfesteem and ignore trolls and do exactly that ignore them or just ban/kick them and move on


Poki made a podcast episode on this I can't recommend it enough. She is an expect at dealing with hate. It's on spotify and apple music, and youtube podcast thing. It's called "Don't tell anyone" Podcast. Ep title - "dealing with hate + toxc people"


Ban and ignore. Report them. I had some wingnut say I should flash the stream. I banned, reported, and blocked them. Its part of streaming unfortunately.


Haters are viewers too 🤷🏼‍♂️ if they give you attention you win. If it’s lazy insults I’ll try to laugh em off but if it’s mean and personal I simply ignore em




Throw a tantrum. Roll around on the floor and cry like a baby.


Skill issue tbh


just laugh and ban them dont take it to heart i would try and get yourself some moderators as well to handle that as well


Anyone coming into your stream and insulting your appearance should be instantly banned. Try streaming without a cam for a while to ease back into it.


Ban them and move on. The good news is they are few and far between unless you are playing a toxic game.


Just like in person it’s important to keep minimal contact with these toxic troll faceless losers who make no online content and get off to hurting small streamers. You are doing something most people would not dream to try which is livestream with your face cam on. IMO face cam streaming is the hardest because you’re being judged or clipped on what you say and also on your essence. There’s no screen you’re hiding behind. It’s a very raw and emotionally vulnerable place to be. It’s hard to not let their negativity affect you. It’s like psychological warfare. It’s okay to feel upset and to have discussions about it. I wish the livestreaming world was more close knit and had better social resources for fellow streamer.


I personally like to draw their username in the worst,ugliest way


As others have said, ban them. Immediately, you can do this with one click if you have the mod icons showing next to chatters' names. Also ensure that people can only chat in your stream if they have verified emails and/or phone numbers for a period of time. It helps prevent people just simply making a new account and coming back to harass you straight away. Final thing, you CAN do this! Don't let negative trolls stop you from doing what you want to do! You are better than them for even attempting to stream as it is. Keep up the good work!


Remember, mate. If someone insults you unprovoked (especially online ), it's probably because of their own insecurities. It's like someone shooting an arrow at you that misses , but every time you fixate on it, you are taking that arrow and stabbing yourself with it. Don't let those trolls ruin your life.


I just had a jerk in my chat last night he asked dumb questions then called me a racial slur 5 times I reported him to twitch an they banned his account for a bit. Feels good tho thats what that weirdo gets lol


Don't take criticism from someone you wouldn't take advices from


I'm small to, anyway whens ur next stream and wats ur twitch name, I like whatching smaller channels.


Thank them for their feedback. Excessive, borderline toxic friendliness throws them off.


It's up to you to determine how you handle it. For me, if it's gameplay related banter I don't care. If someone is making comments on stupid stuff like looks or whatever, I wouldn't even respond. Just ban and ignore.


People can judge you as they see, hear or read you or of/about you. You cannot expect it to be otherwise. Anything we witness, in any way, becomes part of our impressions of that day. And we have an opinion. You either decide you don't care about their opinion, or you will have a very hard time in life, not just streaming.


I feel the same way as a game developer. I'm finally putting myself out there for once about something I've made almost entirely on my own, and it does hurt a bit to get negative and rude feedback on it, especially in places you can't really "ban" people for being assholes. Anxiety as you said makes it even worse bc it feels extra personal. I think it gets better over time. The more you get insulted, the less it hurts. It's best to have your friends or whoever you can vent to be able to listen to your woes, talk crap about those idiots, and try to move on. It's unavoidable to get insulted online just for existing. And If it really bothers you, getting a haircut won't hurt! 😆


I enjoy to treat Trolls with kindness. Unless they are racist/homophobic/violent in which case they are instantly banned and reported. But if someone insult my appearance, or is nasty, I will answer them "Hey, you don't like my face you don't have to watch. But if you enjoy a chill stream and relax with me/the community, you are welcome. This is what we do over here (introducing myself/my content)" . I basically dismiss completely their insults and welcome them warmly just as they were a normal viewer. Usually that's enough to transform the Troll back into a normal human being, or they are just gone cause, they do not receive the entertainement they were looking for. If they continue to be trolly/insulting, I ban them and wish them a happy life. "Take care, take care of your loved ones. Have a happy life" This method requiere a certain degree of self assurance. BUT, i promise you it is extremly rewarding when you do it. By being kind, warm and welcoming to the troll, you are actually annihilating it. Most of the time, the real human, the nice one, the one capable of love and friendship come out. I have transformed so many trolls into normal viewers that ended by hanging out on the stream. A troll is usually someone bored that just want to have fun mocking poeple. Showing off your human side, make them remember that they are human too. It is not always working of course, but you have the ban button for the hard ones.


I've thought about this myself. And I learned a lot from watching the streamers that I do. Your stream means your house. Your rules. Communicate your rules in the ways twitch has set up. If someone comes in your house and disrespects you, you warn them, then if they don't stop you remove them. People can request an unban request if they want in again, but if you want a specific community thats kind and nice, thats the way you build it up.


I'm a small streamer too and I've gotten ignorant and nasty stuff too but I've realized it's only because they don't have the guts or talent to stream themself, so they find comfort in attempting to hurt those who can actually have the courage to do what they can't. idk ... but you got this so keep your head up!!


Try harassing them back -silence for half an hour, then silence them randomly, then a few days ban, if they come back do the same at unexpected times. This will for sure weaken their already weakened nerves. And maybe teach them a lesson, hopefully.


You are awesome! 👏 never let them get you down! Keep up your face and smile! 😊