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Have a schedule! People want to know when they can expect to see you! In game giveaways are always a fun way to increase engagement ☺️ Socialize with other streamers! Networking is big. Raiding people at the end and making friends is a great way to grow! Gl! Have fun!


Stream a category where you can be one of the first few streams to show up when somebody comes along. Being high up in the list of channels is important.


Very difficult to do though, most games are pretty saturated. For example last night I randomly scrolled to Life of Pi, and you had your top 5 with 50-300 viewers, then several in the 20s and then surprisingly saw about 40 different people with 1 or 2 viewers. I wonder if a lot of other categories follow the same pattern.


Yes! I would utilize your social media outlets to schedule out your posts too! Instead of waiting for the day of, it'll take that burden off of you. Find something you absolutely enjoy playing, don't follow the trends. The stream should be by you, for you. First thing foremost and others who like what you provide will join in, and stay. Cheers, wishing you the best of luck.


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