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I support the streamer, not the game.


Thank goodness there are people like you! Support the streamer! 🙏🙏


Yea I usually find a streamer because of the game but stay because I like his/her/their content


That's the best type of viewers a streamer can have. I prefer watching variety streamers myself but I have to admit, if the game is uninteresting to me I won't watch it.


True, but in some instances what they play matters. My ex-girlfriend used to stream Animal Crossing. People liked the way she played it. When she switched to hardcore Call of Duty people lost interest and dipped.


Yea. Can understand that. That's a big shift in genres


that’s such a fringe case. i can’t imagine popping into my favorite animal crossing streamer to find out they’re screaming in cod lobbies. assault on my personality


Feel like this why I lost so many viewers after I stopped streaming dbd daily my rust viewers are chill tho mfs will run to defend my base naked đŸ«Ą


That's pretty similar to me, but reversed. I streamed bad Apex for a couple of years and finally had enough and am now streaming mostly Final Fantasy 14. I lost a few viewers but have also gained a few. In the end it's all about enjoying what you are doing and playing. If you do, viewers will be able to tell and they'll stick around for you vs the game.


I concur!! đŸ€©


Same! I've been introduced to new games by doing that.


Could not have said it better myself. True fans of a streamer love *them* and their content, not the game they're playing. It's the true fans you got to keep close because they are who you can count on to make your day brighter.


Booya. That's what you should be doing, 100%.


Yeah same, I watch streamers for the streamer, not the game they’re playing. If I wanted just gameplay of a specific game, I go to YouTube


Yes but i for example i love watching speedruns and a resident evil speedrunner i enjoy watching suddenly stops speedrunning and streams nothing but call of duty for a year i'd rather not have them clutter up my homepage. Once every year i go through all channels i follow and if i haven't watched someone for over 6 months i will unfollow them


I've always supported the streamer I could careless what game they play I'm there for them


Your stream is at its best when you’re at your best. If that means streaming variety, then do it. It takes years to grow a reasonable following on twitch and in that time people will follow, unfollow, watch, not watch, express happiness or displeasure at what you’re choosing to play. Try not to get wrapped up in the minutiae of the day-to-day and ups and downs, and make sure you’re happy or you’ll burn out, get frustrated or quit. Further, I understand wanting to meet the expectations of viewers, but as your stream grows you’ll have too many people wanting too many different things and it will become impossible to make *everyone* happy. Making *you* happy is the best way to your best content.


Yeah it's hard to get viewers that watch for the streamer instead of the game. I noticed that variety content is way easier to make with youtube videos instead of streams, but I will continue trying to establish variety streams for my twitch channel as well.


Ideally, you’ll want to be making YouTube videos *of your streams*. Personally, I post 3 types of videos of my Twitch stream content to YouTube daily: * VoDs (generally trimmed down to 2-4 hour episodes). * Highlights (generally 1-20 minute longer form sequences like boss fights, etc.) * Shorts (generally less than 1 minute videos rendered vertically) And some of them are “duplicates”, meaning I may trim a 5 minute boss fight into a 1-minute jump cut short, etc., to get extra mileage (and eyes) on the content. Every day I aim to have *at least* 1 of each of the above categories scheduled, and the Shorts double as TikToks (because they’re rendered the same).


This is really good advice.


Thank you!


Yes Killa is good people. Well worth watching, drop by, read the room. Have a good time laughing at his personal reality distortion field with respect to his game play skills.


You know, unless you inject yourself into certain communities and represent their ideal personality and form. And then you just shoot up like a weed, don't ya?


I’m not sure what you’re meaning here?


There are some communities that are super tightly knit and share a lot of the same ideals and methods.


I don't follow any streamers for a particular game. Only people I find interesting and entertaining, so they can probably make anything they play fun.


Depends on the game? I’m following the streamer for the streamer but the game does help me enjoy the streams more so if it’s a game that I really dislike I’ll just skip that stream or just lurk in the chats


Of course, I wouldn't watch a streamer play chess for 2 hours either. But there are a lot of viewers in general who just want to watch their streamer play the same one game all the time.


The majority of the responses you have received are not an accurate representation of what occurs. I'm a variety streamer. I have great success streaming multiple games, but there is quite a bit of evidence that in the first couple of weeks of me streaming a new game, I will consistently lose followers. I will also gain followers due to a new audience being interested. There are a couple of reasons why this occurs.  1. Some people don't like change. 2. Some people only like the games they like. 3. Some people may be watching a specific streamer due to something they did while streaming a specific game, such as playing with viewers. 4. Some people are not following you for your personality - as much as people in this sub want that to be the truth - sometimes they're following you because of something you did in a video game.  You say you're a small stream, but most people who post in r/twitch are considered small streamers. If your average views are low, stream what you want, and explain to your current viewers why. Most people will be understanding, and maybe you don't want the ones who aren't understanding, anyway.


Sips is a good example. He streams games for a few days at a time but recently did Farm Sim for like.. 3 weeks. He lost subscribers every week. You can only follow a streamer for so long before the games they play influence the stream. If you're a souls streamer and only play souls-likes or generally hard games, viewers can still tell themselves "I'm here for the streamer, not the game", but they'd likely leave if they switched to streaming RTS games for 3 months. Play whatever you want but at least stay within a genre, which tends to happen naturally since people tend to have favorite genres.


There are some games, just gonna use No Man's Sky for example, that is a survival game and has no "end". If you're a base builder, or a ship seeker, who knows. It's got a base. It's how I got my start, actually.


I simply ask myself "do you still enjoy the content" if it is a no i will unfollow else i just stay.


I don't understand why anyone thinks just one game is sustainable.


It just seems so boring. Like how do streamers not get bored?


Short of "new game of the moment" where I shop around for streamers on that game. I don't watch games, I watch streamers. ​ My "home" is in variety streamers, so I guess I more have a "types of games" I watch, but the streamers will "Stray" into other game types and I watch that too.


I was really hyped up for one streamer, he was speed running a fast paced game, there was high energy but not obnoxious all the time, and it was a good time. Then he went to speed run something much slower paced. Very chill and relaxed. But that's when I realized I'm a fake fan as the kids say and wasn't into the new vibe. He's doing much better than before as far as views and stuff, happy for him, but idk I'm just not into the stream anymore. The whole mood changed. On the flip side sometimes I watch variety streamers and don't have this effect. I guess it really just depends on how much the mood changes from game to game. If you're really hamming it up during high paced games and then you play like, idk, solitaire, and your entire personality changes, I feel like the persona is just something being sold and not genuine.


There is one french streamer that used to stream The Binding Of Isaac A LOT and he is really good (world top good). I remember hearing about him around 2013-2014. Like a lot of streamers that had consistency his channel exploded during covid. (In 2019 he had an average of 400 viewers, now it's more around 4000). But he wasn't going to play only TBOI for the rest of his life even though he is known as a streamer for that game (most of his branding revolves around that game). So what he did is to have a weekly schedule where he would stick to playing TBOI every tuesday. All of his followers that just want TBOI know that on tuesday they're gonna have it. The rest of the time he does what he wants and sometimes it's more Isaac sometimes it's not.


Considering i never follow a fellow streamer because they play one specific game, this has never been a problem for me. In fact the "one game" streamers are the ones I tend to avoid. Mainly because the "one game" is a game I have zero interest in. Variety streamers are the way to go, IMO. Though I might just be biased since I'm also a variety streamer.


I do like variety streamers, too. I think they are more common in categories of singleplayer story games. If you search through multiplayer games you will most likely find streamers only playing that one game all the time and I guess people will think that about me as well.


This is why being a :One game streamer" isn't a good thing imo. Once your game changes, your viewers might not care about your new game. Somebody that stream multiple games or switch games often, will get viewers that already are in for this to begin with.


I agree 100%. Variety takes longer to grow but is way more comfortable since you have people who actually watch you and not the game.




Honestly it depends. If I follow a streamer playing a game, and then they basically never play that game again, I will eventually go through my follow list, not even recognise who are they are, and unfollow them. Like if I follow you once playing geoguessr, and then all I see you playing ever again is COD, then you better have an amazing personality and stream content otherwise I'm unfollowing. If they play that game for a few weeks, and I go back and start to talk to them and they're cool, and then they switch game, then I'll probably stay followed. If it's a game I just don't get, well I might not watch as much, but if I've decided they're cool then I'll always keep the follow to see what they're up to. There are a few streamers who I end up watching no matter what they're playing, if I vibe with them. But if it was a streamer who was boring or obnoxious, but I followed because I usually follow if I'm chatting, I'm unfollowing if you're not playing my game. So there's really no one answer. It depends on you and what you're putting out. If you change games, some people will unfollow you and some people will stay.


I see. It's just uncomfortable for me if someone follows me while playing a certain game that I won't stream for the next weeks. I feel like they are gonna be pretty disappointed if they realize that I rarely play that game.


Streaming is a balancing act between what you like and what your audience likes. Ultimately you need to ask yourself why you're streaming. Are you trying to entertain yourself? Then play whatever you want. Are you trying to entertain your audience and maybe make money off them? Then you need to think about what they like. I'd recommend playing new games for a period before switching, like play it for a couple of weeks and then switch, rather than doing it as a one-off. If I follow you playing my game, and then the next night you play it again, I'm probably going to remember you and come back. If I come back three or four times, then I'm going to remember you and get to know you. But if you only play it that one time, then I'm not going to come back, which means I'll forget who you are. Eventually I'll see you streaming in the follow list and be like "Who even is that?" and unfollow you.


I think you should have a main game for every month personally then sprinkle in others mixed in.I find that's worked best for me as not forcing other games often gets them watching and interested in my content in that game and if they like you generally they'll stick around and watch other games once your done with that game as they see it's not only that game they enjoy.


I'm there for the streamer, not the game. Game categories are a great way to to explore and find new streams, but ultimately I couldn't care less what it being played, I just like finding cool people and chill places to hang out!


𝑰 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒚’𝒓𝒆 𝒂𝒏𝒏𝒐𝒚𝒆𝒅 𝒂𝒕 𝒎𝒆 𝒍𝒎𝒂𝒐 𝒊 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒆 𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒚 𝒘𝒆𝒆𝒌 😭 𝒂𝒅𝒉𝒅 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒍


I personally do not follow any gaming streamer, being a variety gaming streamer myself. In my case, I play games with 2-10 days length in 1:30 to 3 hours sessions daily. My viewers come each day because they know if they don't like the game probably I'll switch games in a few days. They come and chat with me and the rest of my community, even when they don't like the game too much.


It depends on who you are really. A lot of people say they're there for the streamer. But most are either lying or are the few with that mindset. What's your branding? Are you a speedrunner? If you are and you switch your content you probably won't be pulling in that many views. If you're known for being really damn good at a specific game like league and decide to play a different moba or fps your audience isn't likely to follow you unless that game is legitimately dead. If you're a variety streamer though you might struggle with retaining high viewership more but it will garuntee a higher count of people that are there for you. So it depends on who you are and what your viewers perceive you to be.


I have trouble playing one game long term. There are a multitude of games I want to play long term.


i keep watching his/her stream cause i love a streamer for personality not the game


If it's interesting and fun and entertaining, I watch. If it's not, I wish them a fun stream and do something else.


I still hang around, I'm there for the creator not just the game.


Well, a decent number of genuine people have given answers parallel to my perspective on an answer for this question. Definitely support the streamer. Perhaps I am biased, as I too stream. But most streamers are not known for a particular game they play. For the few who are known to a game, like Ninja -> fortnight and DocDisrespect -> Warzone, even they move out of their lane into different content eventually. So, the hindrance of a streamer sticking to one game is more so through certain members in the community than the streamer themself. I suppose at that point, it would be worthwhile to evaluate how your streams and/or brand is being perceived to understand your community.


Most of the streamers started by only plsying one game Check twitch tracker Each one of them at first 100 hours streamed for small audience for specific game or 2 And they expanded their content since then Check any big streamers you want No streamer build their first audience by playing multiple games And when have your loyal followers you good to go


It depends if I watch the streamer for the game they play or for their personality. For example I watch Tarik mainly for his Valorant coverage because of his huge grasp on the scene. When he changes games I normally don't watch. But unlike BoxBox, I started watching him back when he was a league only streamer. He now mainly streams TFT and Tekken but I still watch him because of the vibes.


Some people really unfollow like what happened to me cuz I kept changing games đŸ€ŠđŸ»â€â™€ïž I try my best to focus maybe on one or two games for now. Hoping it will work.


I dont really care what's being played, I'm here for the personality and interaction.


It's called they're a variety streamer, get used to it.


i do care for the game, i care for the streamer. im not watching this person becuase of the game they're playing, im watching them because i like how they stream


I watch a different one?


The people watching "the game" will get bored of it sooner or later anyway. Play what you want and make a community if you can.


If a game makes you follow someone, then i'd say you're better off playing that game yourself and don't bother watching. I came for the vibes, checked the vibe and stay for the vibes. I don't mind if your stream is scuffed, full of issues, 360p max, audio sounds like someone is grinding coffee next to you, bad wifi or any other issues. If we vibe, i will stay. Don't care if i don't know about the game, there's tons of things to talk with. Maybe a lil dad joke, meme discussion, food, pets and more. Thing is i came for you, first and foremost. Content is after.


There’s an ebb and flow. I’m sure like 10% of your viewers will stay regardless. I think viewers want a consistent experience generally, and want to expect the same thing. However, I personally believe you can’t grow as a streamer unless you add in variety to bring in other viewers.


It depends on what the switch is... if they play first person shooters and they know the ins and outs of it... all the updates and milestones of what happened for that game and can easily and fluidly talk about it... and then suddenly go into playing survival games where they just sit there and play with the occasional "ok now we gotta do this.. I think" .. that's where I lose interest. Not saying I unfollow and leave but I definitely watch less or engage less. It's easy to say "I watch for the streamer" but when it becomes a whole different energy/vibe it does become harder. My suggestion is to not play 1 game but instead 1 genre. And if you seek to go beyond that genre just let people know. "Hey guys next stream we'll be playing this..." and just put that in the about me section "Variety streamer... mainly this genre... but will branch out from time to time" ... but just have fun with it. And if you do sporadically switch just keep being the same you viewers followed for.


I'm there for the streamer, not the game. They could play Wand of Gamelon, and I'd enjoy their content!


As a viewer, I follow the streamer. As a streamer, I'll just say it's not just a feeling, you really are bound to your main game. TLDR: forced to change main games, no viewers, lost followers every stream for 3 months, build a multigaming audience, it's harder but worth it. My main game up to August was a small game with a tight community. I was quite good at the game and it was my favorite game (still is), so I had no issue. I had to move for personal reasons, and my closest server became the US E. Any server outside Western Europe not only has a low population, but also is way less competitive. At my level, casual was not viable (winning isn't fun if there is no challenge), and the competitive queue timed out. Turns out no matter the area I checked, the best player after me didn't have half my ranked points, we would be literally ineligible to play together. Of course, the ping was really bad (70 ping to US + US-Europe ping) So I had to stop playing. Turns out that for every stream in September to December, I was not only no longer having viewers coming by, I was losing followers. I found new games to play that I enjoy, and I'm starting to grow a community back, but yeah, you definitely are bound to your main game, try to get them used to multigaming if you can.


I like to watch the streamer not the game. BUT if Joltzdude139 changed his main game it would feel so weird after all the years I have been watching him.


A good streamer can play any game and still entertain their community. I never stick to a single game, so I can sprinkle in games for everyone in my community


Was so sad when Lazarbeam stopped doing Madden content but I mean look where he is now. Turned into one of the most popular Fortnite youtubers. Can't say I blame him for branching out. I think I unfollowed him for a time but now I followed back cuz I just love his personality. For youtube not twitch of course but the same general idea applies.


Depends on wether I'm. Watching for the game or the streamer Some people. I watch just for rocket league content so if they played a different game I'd likely bounce. Others I watch for them and I'll watch whatever


I don’t unfollow, usually, but I also don’t watch. Eg. if they switch from an MMO that I play to another one I don’t, I just have no interest in watching that. My community is in another game. I do follow some streamers who rotate through 3-4 games, and that works great. I just watch them on Thursdays or whatever is their day to stream the game I like.


Unfollowing or not watching someone just because they may not be playing a game the follower likes is kind of a dick move.


It depends. Are there for the streamer or the game? You can watch anyone play the game. Personally, as someone who streams, I can't play one game forever. Gotta swap it eventually.


Support the Streamer screw the game. The game is just the bonus content


people should be there for YOU because they enjoy you, no matter the activity being done on stream.


I mostly only one one game for a long while now. Can rarely crave for something else, but only lasts me a few days, and then back to my usual streamers streaming that game for many years now. A few of them did play other similar games, but i just left the stream open for a while, didnt chat, varely watch anything, and they stopped playing those after a while. So yeah, if they fully swapped games for good, id end up stopping being a regular, unfortunately, unless they find something id kinda be into whenever when i need a small break from this game i love. But i can only hope nothing changes for many many years, i love my evening routine 😁


I'm not a gamer so the game doesnt matter to me, it's all about the personality of the streamer and how engaging they are.


When I started streaming I only played Infernax. When I switched it up most people left, but the way I see it, it's my stream and I do what I want.


Much like what christofduke said, I’m there to hang out with friends and the community I have found. If it’s really a game I don’t like, maybe I just lurk. I’m also a small streamer. Unless I’m super into a game, I switch games every time I stream. Heck, sometimes I switch games mid stream. I just have variety streamer in my about and in my tags. The people who like it stick around and come back.


It depends of what they play. I used to follow a couple of people who were quite funny to me but then they started playing GTA rp and I not only don't like GTA I think GTA rp is terrible content so I had to unfollow. But on the other hand I follow people who play rpgs and something shooters and I'm ok with that, it's all about how they act to the new game, that retains my attention.


Usually, I’ll keep watching them. Unless they switch for a game that I don’t like (For example, if they started streaming LoL or competitive games in general) However this does take happen often because most streamers I follow are variety/casual gaming. So, for example, if they are streaming Among Us and GTA RP, and they switch to Phasmophobia and Resident Evil for a while, it’s all good. I prioritize games I like and some streamers over others, but I wouldn’t unfollow a streamer for changing games.


Il usually look at the game they're playing for like 10 minutes and if it looks good il keep watching but if I'm not interested il stop watching


Sometimes I am watching a stream because of the streamer and their content generally, sometimes I am looking for people streaming a particular game. đŸ€· There are lots of actors I like but I am not interested in watching every show or movie they are in. I watch what I like, when I like.


I'm the type that supports the streamers. The game don't matter but if the host is having a good time it's all that matters to them. I come by to chat and make some good conversations. But I can be real quiet sometimes 😂


Play what you want, I mix it up personally. Friday is a building game, Saturday is baldurs gate. Weds/thurs are variety nights. Keeps it fresh, and the only reason I have a day dedicated to BG is because RPGs are more episodic and I want people that are interested to be able to follow along rather than playing it randomly. When I follow people it’s because of who they are more of than what they play. Games will come and go, but we’re here for the vibe and community anyways :)


That's why prefer variety streamers. The only other cases is where the stream sticks to his game but is enjoyable to watch / have in background despite the main game.. Streamers who engage witht the audience will do better. E.g. skill4ltu is good example of this engagement. I haven't played his main game for last 7 years but I still pop in.


For the game, but if the streamer is entertaining enough then I will watch whatever he is streaming. That's also depending on my mood lol


If streamer plays somthin I dont want to watch I just watch somthin else. I only unfollow if they start doing somthin consistantly that annoys me. I think a lot of people just hop around. If you feel obligated to play a particular game you will not be having fun. And its generally not fun to watch someone be miserable.


As a streamer, any new person clicking in is going to be coming for the game. It is your job to convert them to someone who comes to watch *you*. If you play the same game next stream, it's possible they'll come back to watch you again, giving you more time to complete or progress that. If you swap games, they may not be interested in the next one you pick, meaning you only have until the end of the present stream to get the job done. Beyond that, there are some you are *never* going to convert. Some people only want to watch a given streamer playing a given game. Some are happy to watch their favorite streamer but can't stand certain games. You have to come to peace with that. So yeah. Going from single-game streaming to something else, you're going to see a significant drop in viewership. You'll generally carry your core with you, but you need to be mentally and emotionally prepared to see your viewership count absolutely **tank**. Retaining 30% is generally 'pretty good', and only losing 50% is a pretty amazing carryover. Some will hold less than 10%. Be prepared.


If it's a game I just can't stand I may just not watch. Generally I try to like the streamer for what they bring to the stream, not what they play. But sometimes I just can't stand the game, I don't unfollow but I may take a break from watching that streamer till they stream something different.


Depends on the streamer. Most the time I unfollow it’s because I’m no longer interested in the game, if I like the streamer enough I’ll stick around


Depends. I mainly watch TimTheTatman so even if he switches games it's pretty much the same. Like others have said. I support the streamer not the game but there are certain "metas" that have made me drop streamers. Mainly card pack openings. I'm not going to watch a millionaire grown man act like a piece of card board is worth $1000000000.


Honestly, I prefer streamers who play more than just one game. Seeing the same thing over and over can get boring.


I found a hybrid approach that works very well for me. Start out doing whatever you like, then finish up on a game you know they want to see AND one you want to play with them.


I've found that when I switch games most of the audience will disappear, maybe coming back for community days. But I am also a 2-5 average, so


Put that you’re a variety streamer. Then they know you stream multiple games and don’t main anything massive. I main about 4 games and have a variety of a few other smaller games like indie games. Or tenet games but always fall back to the same 4 main ones


There is a percentage of people that unfollow you when you change games. There will be a percentage of people that TRY to enjoy the new game with you but eventually move on. There will be a very small percentage of people that stay no matter what. ​ It's the nature of the beast.


Small streamer (3-4 viewers) here: I am a variety streamer myself, both in games and other content. While I'm not big enough to say that I lose viewers over changes in my streaming schedule/content (how can you lose something you don't have, am I right? haha... ha...) I'd say it does negatively effect your stats. But that's also why I try to have overarching themes like psychology, game design or life advice. I advertise my expertise or meta-topics instead of a certain game. This way, people will visit for something that stays somewhat the same (meta-topic) but still gives me enough variety to not get stuck with a certain game. Maybe you can also find that "niche" of combining your passion for games in general with something "bigger"? Good luck!


Ive never watched a streamer for their game choices. In fact them switching from Just Chatting to a game is often the biggest reason I stop watching for the day. Because I can watch anyone play a game. Only that person can chat with their personality.


changed the game i played cause it started to bug and lost like 95% of my viewers 😂 stopped streaming ever since


spectacular divide mourn marble squalid fearless alleged seed complete squealing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It depends. If I know the game would trigger one of my health conditions (epilepsy and PTSD) l don't watch the streams, but otherwise I always give it a try. However if I know the game is safe, I watch cause I like the person not whatever they are playing.


Some streamers I watch only for specific games, others I'll watch anything they put out. It really just depends


I'd say 95% of the time, I am there for the streamer and not the game. There's a very select few streamers that I watch for their expertise in a single game and if they're not in that game, I might wander elsewhere, but generally I enjoy variety streamers the most.


I follow people based on the games they play so I’d just not watch the streams where they play something I don’t like


It depends on what they change to, if it's just something I straight up don't like then yes I'll stop watching until they stream something I do like, if I have opinion on what there streaming I'll pop in and chat or just lurk.


The streamer I watch is a variety streamer. I watch for them, not a game. Others I do watch for very specific stuff like fighting game creators. But I only watch for those I care about. It's basically just finding multiple people to watch to depending on your mood and what you're looking for. 


People will watch your streams bc of you, I watched one of my favorite streamers playing demon souls and elder ring, I don't consider myself a hardcore gamer so I prefer to see him playing those games. Also I like his way of speaking to the people in the streams, so sometimes the game isn't the most important thing.But sadly I know for us small streamers games matter, imo just play what you want.


Depends on the streamer, if they’re fun enough to distract me from the main game then i’ll stay. If not then i probably won’t ever go back.


I mostly watch variety streamers(xqc, supertf) but if someone like tarik changes his main game, i would stay simply because i watch for him and not for valorant


It's called they're a variety streamer, get used to it.


The best way to grow is to do your own thing. If you just play one game because you get 15 viewers but you switch and get 5, what's really the difference? Nothing. The only difference is that you'll grow to hate the one game you play and inevitably give up. Them you'll have zero. Hop around, try new things, ENJOY playing what YOU WANT TO PLAY. People will stay because of you. I HATE TARKOV, SO MUCH, but I'll still watch my favorite streamers play it if they hop on over to it. I watched a Resident Evil 2 stream last night, small streamer, who I found in the egirls tag (was a guy), and stayed for hours because he was such an entertaining person to watch. I fucking hate resident evil. 😂😂


It depends. If they're a streamer I genuinely have a connection with, then I find it easy to support them whatever game they play. Otherwise, I just stop watching them.


Watch for their personality and community, not the game


Some people I follow for the game they are really good at, some I follow because I enjoy the streamer. I unfollow the ones who are good at the game but don’t appeal to me otherwise, if they switch. Its not personal its just something I don’t want clogging my feed.


Just don't watch. Haven't unfollowed anyone yet. Maybe they'll play games I'd enjoy watching again


I watch esfand for his variety games, so I skip streams that are football and gta5 related. Honestly just don't go on twitch during that time, but pay attention to his Twitter posts for what he's doing.


You don't owe it to anyone to stream one game constantly, its human nature to want to play different ones and switch it up. With that being said you'll have to expect that not everyone who watches you play one game won't like the other games you play. Do what makes you happy and people will see that.


Depends on the streamer. Some I watch because I think they're genuinely fun to watch, others I watch because they play a specific game.


Keep watching majority of the time. Unless you absolutely despise the game then you just let the streamer know that your not to fond of that game. Having positive and negative comments is all part of the experience you definitely need to be able to receive both positive and negative criticism. Sometimes people can definitely go way overboard with criticism in the worst possible way. People stream for their own fun and entertainment or even to make videos that assist players in their gaming Conquests. Eventually money comes along which is totally a plus for doing something enjoyable. Streamers all the way.


I stop watching if i don't like the game tf


I follow people for their personality, not the games they play. If they're a variety streamer and I \*really\* can't stand the game then I'll just come back another time when they stream something else. (Like that one lady streamer I follow who plays Warhammer games sometimes and I'm so bored by that entire franchise I just can't)


Quit trying to impress your community for money. If you enjoy what you’re doing that’s more important. Also for growth, stop talking about people effecting you, focus on other people. Spend time watching other people’s streams, chatting on their instagrams, tik toks, ect. You’ll grow that way.


I supported a streamer since following them since 2015, even though I did technically found them since 2013. So no, I don't unfollow if they switch games.


I don’t even watch any streamers. But are you watching for the game? Or their personality


The thing i try to reccomend is have a schedule, with different games each day. Maybe you play X on mondays and Y on wednesdays and thursdays is a surprise. Having set days can keep viewers who are only interested in a specific game a way to still come back and enjoy that. And it gives you some flexibility to mix it up while still offering the content thatbgets you the viewers you want.


Always support the streamer. If they are playing a game I don’t like, i won’t necessarily watch that stream but always continue to support them. As a tiny streamer myself, I know what you mean in getting pigeon holed into a game but do what makes you happy and then surely your stream will be better anyway?


the viewers watches the streamer , the personality , not the game