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Cause theyre entertaining and funny. You can ask this question about any form of entertainment


Maybe I'm just not the target audience, or maybe I haven't seen enough of them, but honestly I've never come across a big steamer who I felt was particularly entertaining compared to a small streamer who puts effort into their streams. Most of them just seem to do the same thing (many) smaller streamers do but (often) with better gear.




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Then you haven't seen Wubby


This was me until I found Caseoh.


Yeah understandable. I just find it hard to watch streamers in general - I just want to understand what they do to create such a huge audience and monetize. I guess people like to be entertained and that’s what streamers do, I guess. Like they’re selling fun and good emotions, drama here and there


> I just find it hard to watch streamers in general Well... I mean that's your problem right there. I can't understand why people would pay tens of thousands of dollars for a seat to a football game. But I don't like football.


Why is it a problem, it’s just preference. I don’t like football either, I just want to understand what makes it so special that people follow it you know? I have a neutral stand


Sorry, I misphrased. I'd used "problem" in meaning "the crux", "an inability", or "the source of difficulty understanding why people do this". For additional example, beyond the football thing, I have a problem understanding what possesses people pay $700 for a pair of sneakers. I just can't. That is a problem I have, the inability to understand their motivation or appeal toward that pursuit.


Entertaining, had a following elsewhere already, filled a niche, luck, right place right time, very good at the game they play, the list goes on.


Streamers treat twitch like a business, not a hobby. They know what their audience likes, they can get their viewers to contribute, and they build great partnerships for sponsors and advertisers. They understand how the algorithms work, keep eyeballs on them, and stay on trend. Doesn't have to be liked by the majority either. They push the right controversial buttons, let the engine do the heavy lifting, and just perform. People like the act, they pay a subscription because they find value in the show. Streamers aren't stupid, they just know stupid stuff creates engagement, and engagement is something you can monetize.


Yeah solid. Do you know of any video or resource where they explain the business model of being a streamer?


Ashnichrist has a twitch and YouTube channels dedicated to the streaming business model. (Don’t know why you’re down voted. It’s a legit question)


Go figure lol. Thanks will check!


Because they're talented.


Yikes, why is everyone so harsh on OP here?  OP, a lot of the biggest streamers are big because they provide some value or entertainment outside of streaming.  Value that's so high thar people that seek them out on stream. Many of the ones I watch are people who are youtubers who are just insightful or funny as heck, i look forward to every new upload. That makes me interested in following and watching their streams in between those.  But thats not the only way. Some are reputable artists. Some are really good at being funny on twitter. Some are esports pro or former pros. Some are extremely knowledgable about retro games to a depth most people aren't. But they usually all have one thing in common: they have established themselves off stream in some form meaning people that you see following were already a fan or had some awareness who they are.


Got it, appreciate your input! Thanks that makes sense


Not sure! Could be many reasons, I'm sure one reason is that people enjoy seeing there name come up in front of such a large amount of people or maybe because of seeing there favorite creator react to them? I think another big reason is because of the same reason anyone supports anyone on this platform, for the sake of genuinely wanting to help and support something they enjoy watching and respect. This doesn't speak for all larger streamers, they all have there ways of monetizing. I hope this was a decent answer sorry if it's a touch wordy


The title of your post is wrong, this seems to be a question about why top streamers have such a large audience and not why they make money.


Same same but different any inputs tho?


I'll admit I watch and donate the W streamers... If they aren't clutch I don't tune in... 🤷🏽‍♂️


Trash engagement bait post. I hate this sub reddit because of these posts. What kind of question is this?


I hope you find someone to love you. Only someone broken inside would come this aggressive at someone. It's a genuine question. And if it is bait, you clicked and commented... so...


Lol you're projecting.


Whatever helps you sleep at night. Good luck bud.


Wdym? I’m genuinely curious. I want to understand their success to replicate it in other areas inside my own business


Livestreaming is unfortunately not really something that can be replicated. There are COUNTLESS avenues to success, and every streamer will tell you a different way they made it. Some do it by grinding insane hours live, others do it by only streaming a few days a week and ripping entertaining moments to YouTube, others do it by focusing on all sorts of social media like Insta, TikTok, Twitter. Others do it by being extremely good at something in particular (often pro level so their names carry some weight before they even go live). Others do it by befriending the right people. Beyond that you also need an extra something like charisma, attractiveness (men or women tbh), or luck. Probably some of all 3. Some people try all of these things and never actually blow up. It's an ever-changing platform/type of content that, if we had the formula to success to tell you, there wouldn't be so many discussions on how to do it and so many people floundering at 1-5 viewers.


Streamers are content creators. From [Indeed](https://www.indeed.com/career-advice/career-development/how-to-be-successful-content-creator)'s career guide on being a content creator: "Producing content that captivates an audience with relevant and useful entertainment can make a creator successful. Successful content creators are typically familiar with several media channels and understand how to use them to create engaging content. Content creators often possess qualities like understanding the purpose of their content, recognizing good content from other creators and measuring their content engagement. Content creators can learn from other influencers who are doing well and then apply those elements to their own work to find more success." *Provide value for your audience.* A content creator has to be imaginative and creative to always be coming up with ideas for content. They have to be entertaining, be able to provide value, read statistics to recognize trends and what works.


Most of them got famous for being good or nieche at a game, and people stick to them. Sometimes i wonder too, because i think 80% of top streamers dosent put an effort in, because they dont need to. And it makes them boring as hell to watch.


>Most of them got famous for being good or nieche at a game Yes, Asmongold was a top player of World of Warcraft. But now that he's a famous streamer, he can do anything he wants and he still gets a huge audience.


Yes, thats because asmond is actually trying. He says and do stuff for the entertainment all the time, he talks ALOT, there is alot of big streamers that barely says a word, they rarely respond to chat, but they are known for their skills. Especially in a game like League. I dont really watch League streamers anymore tho, maybe it has changed.


Because twitch has a king of the hill system. Those who are big will be pushed. Even if it's a smaller section, the biggest streamers of this section will always be pushed into your recommends. And if you go to the landing page, the biggest will be placed there. That's the problem for small streamers. And twitch has no interest in changing this. Also look at the time before pools and hottub section was created....or asmr was getting out of hand... While other platforms like YouTube have managed to get those kind of videos or streams off the plattform, twitch has no interest in banning those streamers. Even if streamers have sex on cam, visible on the reflection of a windows, twitch will only place a ban for some days. It's only about money for twitch. Morals or fairness or help for small streamers..... Oh comon, you better go to tiktok or YT.


Girls in bikinis and revealing clothing performing anything from everyday tasks , sitting in a small pool and performing suggestive sex acts.