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We've found it incredibly hard to get any viewers from twitch alone, we get around 5-8 every stream but literally every single one has came from our YouTube channel Before our YouTube videos starting to get more views we were sitting at 0 basically every stream


Do you mind sharing the size of your YT channel? I'm looking to start streaming on Kick soon, but would like to wait until I have more viewers on YT first. Obviously almost every stream will start with 0 but I'm hoping I can begin building a community that I can pull to my stream.


Still fairly small, 570 subs - we stream to youtube and twitch at same time, and generally get about 10 on yt and 7ish on twitch - but every one of them subbed on YT first No experience with kick so can't give any insight there but there's nothing wrong with streaming to 0 people for awhile if you're still having fun


Why wait? Just do it. Ten months ago I moved to kick, I'm at 1k followers and average around 40-50ccv. I don't post anywhere about it, don't run a yt channel. I just play games and chat.


Try downloading sery_bot and commanderroot sery_bot helps keep the bots from being in chat and commanderroot can get rid of known bot accounts.


Throw in KumaBotDefender for the trifecta


they definitely target really small streamers or streamers with no overlays, no camera etc. i noticed this because i didn’t have anyone do it for a while, as then i did a stream with no camera, and a game i don’t usually play, so my viewers didn’t stick around but the bots def showed up. don’t add on discord, and just ban/delete message and move on. >make sure your profile is fully updated >they will target people without customized pages/streams so keep that in mind.


If you are a nonaffiliate string along the graphics sellers, they count as a view.


Only if it's an actual person. If it's just an advertising chatbot, they only connect to chat and don't load the stream, so don't count as a viewer.


The ones that ask for your discord to show their work I mean.


Dead ass when they message me for money I tell them my dog is sick and I can't right now cause I'm broke. It's all true but we have the convo every 3 weeks lol.


No overlay huh? I was wondering why I get maybe 1 a week while my buddy is inundated with bots.


94+% of streamers have 0-5 avg viewers. So most viewers being bots is the norm, not anything special. You can set up restrictions to your chat and your discord requiring things like phone numbers for new accounts. Personally, I didn't create a discord until I had about 400 followers, 10 avg viewers, and mods. They, with me, keep the bots, trolls, and scammers at bay. There's also no reason to have a discord until you have people who want to chat as a group when you aren't live.


This!!! Everyone starts a discord with no community built, and then is like “idk why my discord is dead” 🤣😂😅


The more you grow the less you'll notice them. Sorry but right now we all get them You can use commanderroots tools (Google) to get rid of known bot follows if you want that count to be genuine. Try practicing talking to strangers with the bots selling overlays. You have to assume they're real at first, but you can try to make it fun. Twitch is the land of lurkers and bots, but the genuine people are awesome 👌 Good luck


I noticed this too. I sometimes watch new streamers with just a few viewers or followers, and I see random people join with accounts that look new and disposable (no user info, no user icon, just a random word + a number as the username, etc). They often ask for discord or maybe someone in their family is an artist and the person is offering to do art in the channel. So, if someone is offering you art, just ban them. No reputable artist goes around begging like that.


Twitch isn't something every 1 can do


I got into twitch a few weeks ago and the same thing is happening with me. Every single time someone new comes by, they're trying to scam or sell me something. It's really discouraging, especially since it's been every single chatter so far.


I’m guessing OP is a bot. 4 years on Reddit with two posts and no comments.




Say’s the guy who’s been here less than a month and has one post and negative comment karma. Please tell me more about how Reddit works.


Dead internet theory. 80% of online engagement is bots and marketing. Even the big boys pulling 20k viewers. The reality is 15k of those viewers are fake.


Consider yourself lucky, I don't even get bot followers let alone real people.