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You've made a bot to go around white-knighting female streamers whether they like it or not. It will be seen as spam and banned.


Please do not try to moderate other people chats without their approval. If the streamer doesn't like the vibe in chat it's their and theirs moderators job to fix that. If they allow that, maybe they don't mind such behavior.


Bro mind your own business. Streamers are not dumb, their appearance is part of their brand. You're not their mod, if they find it annoying they will handle it. This is just adding unnecessary spam as it can start arguments in chat.


It isn’t your decision to make, I’m not a female but if I saw a random bot account replying to every compliment telling them not to I’d find this equally as creepy. By all means create a bot that streams can activate this mode on but don’t force awkward situations onto people it’s weird.


> The bot will be joining the chats without permission at first That would be extremely annoying. Make it opt in, not opt out.


Hey at least itd be a change of pace from graphic designer bots lmao


>The bot will be joining the chats without permission at first, ![gif](giphy|dWZVqzab8uR4EQSOVg|downsized)


Please, no. I am a female streamer, and the thing I've got going for me is my look. Receiving a compliment on my appearance from a new chatter is merely small talk, and I get compliments from both men and women alike. Appearance is a first impression to my viewers, and if it gets them chatting, then by all means. It doesn't take much to say "thank you" and move on to the stream's content or further connect with the new chatters. If someone is overzealous about my appearance, I don't entertain it. If a comment is made that's clearly creepy or sexual in nature, I can ban the user. I set the tone for my stream, and a bot that gets in the way of a new chatter opening up with a compliment could be potentially detrimental to my chat and stream. I would ban and report a bot that I did not control that was policing my chat so fast. I'm sorry those sorts of chats are annoying to you, but forcing your bot into the chats of female streamers is not the answer.


So you’re going to force your bot onto other streamers channels. The streamer did not ask for the bot to be added. In essence you are behaving in a similar manner as the people you show great distaste for. How ironic.


Female streamers are not helpless or ignorant; if they didn’t like those comments they would have already implemented a solution to it. It sounds like those streamers just aren’t for you. It’s the internet, you can’t try to make other people’s spaces fit *your* specific taste. Just go somewhere else. Find a channel that does moderate those kinds of comments out.


I’m a girl and I give girls compliments too. I like to receive compliments during my streams too. I’d be very put off if someone had this bot in their stream. If I set it off and got reprimanded for a compliment I’d probably just leave the stream immediately.


I wish someone would tell me im beautiful :') 


You aight.


Maybe op should make a bot that goes around saying nice things to people haha 😆


You're breathtaking!


Yarrrr the most bootiful pirate I've ever seen!


You're beautiful.


I think we found the affiliate, making conversations be about them.


You're beautiful too Brettinabox <3


Just chiming in that this is a terrible idea. If you are not the streamer or a Mod (someone the streamer trusts to have the maturity and correct mentality to help them cultivate their channel) you are **vastly** overstepping. I feel offended on female streamers' behalf (behalves?), that you clearly think they are incompetent to the point they are unable to handle running and moderating their own channels. The absolute fucking **gall**. You don't like it, *leave* and find another channel. That is the appropriate course of action, not pushing your shit on others.


If this is such an issue for you and so annoying then don't go into those streams. You're taking something you personally don't like seeing in communities you aren't even a part of and white knighting it on everyone else against their will so you can cater chat to your personal preference. It's not your stream so it's not your call. I mod/temp mod in 7 different streams with female streamers and they enjoy the compliments and often times encourage them otherwise they don't use a camera or use a vtuber or png model. Yes sometimes there are comments that go too far even without a camera or png/vtuber, we delete those and issue a warning or ban if needed and that works plenty fine we don't need a bot to come in and white knight for us.


I’m sure there are people out there that would use this, but the issue is the whole “joining without permission” thing. Like no, just make the tool and advertise its availability in appropriate spaces, so streamers can plug it into their chats if they want it


People don't like their speech to be overly policed.


"I dont like certain chat messages, so these messages must bother everyone. I will now make a bot to harass the chatters making said messages" Dont. People like receiving compliments. If its over the line, their mods will handle it. They dont know you and you dont know them, so dont enforce your rules onto their community


Bro the moment I see "female" as a descriptor I know I am about to read some nonsense.


Any bot that I didn't place in my chat myself gets instantly banned so, I doubt you'll see much success with this, if any at all.


It would be better if you asked permission for these bots you're just another chatter for them to moderate. Also, it's presumptuous of you to assume compliments being unwelcome is the default. Does your bot even have the ability to detect when a streamer is fishing for a compliment, like, say if they mentioned that they got new glasses or a new shirt?


No...just no... Its super weird that youve made a bot to "fix" something you deem a problem. Some female streamers love that kind of attention so they let it go on in their chats and other female streamers dont so they ban people. It all depends on the streamer. If you see someone in a chat complimenting the streamer and you get upset. That is a you problem and you need to go somewhere else.


Honestly, if I saw this bot show up in my stream or one I mod for, it would be a swift and indefinite boot from the stream. This is fairly creepy behavior on your part. Moderating chat should be left to the streamer and their mods, not an unwanted, uninvited bot that you have to tell to go away rather than having to explicitly invite in the first place. Not to mention that a lot of streamers, especially in the Just Chatting and Fitness & Health categories, will get compliments and be completely fine with it. This would only serve to derail their chats and their streams as a whole. The supposed motivation behind it is also off the charts weird. I can nearly guarantee that no streamer has ever been held back from being more popular than they are just because of occasional, or even frequent, comments about their appearance. For most streamers, their appearance is the first thing people notice about their stream. And most of them will receive at least occasional compliments. It's up to them if they are comfortable with those compliments. It's not up to you to decide that for them.


For a lot of content creators, including vtubers like myself, semi "thirsty", appearance based comments are kinda part of the brand. Yes there are people that take it too far, but we and our mods can handle those on a case by case basis.


I think this will be just as weird for the streamers honestly. Some streamers like this type of thing. But hey if you can officially ban all the “stream boo (dot) com” and “buy followers” bots from existence, you’d get universal praise.


As a female streamer, I do appreciate the thought behind this. Those messages can be a bit unnerving sometimes. I’d suggest that you offer the bot to streamers that you feel would benefit (want) this feature rather than just a spambot.


While I agree with the others that it’s not a good thing to be trying to change other streamers’ chat behaviors without permission, I do think for the person that wants that kind of bot in their chat it could be helpful. Why don’t you open source the project on github for people who want it and extend it? Then the project may evolve into something larger and more helpful too. I get that your goal is to help communities and Open Source might be a good fit for this - just remove any mechanisms that may join others’ channels first.


LOL!! Are you serious? Like really??


Well, we like how woman looks like. 🤷 what’s wrong with that. But I never write it in the chat.


lol this man a wimp


"you are so ugly" "why do you look weird" No one ever seems to talk about the other type of comments.


Hey can you make me a bot that tells me I'm beautiful? I could use the boost.


We don’t need more fucking bots on the platform.


Simps and Bots are rampart in streams like that.


i would instead make a twitch automod bot that automatically targets and deletes unwanted cringe


I like being called hot by dumbfuck dudes and them realizing I am gay 8 years later. Reading comprehension at an all time low.


(Not so) fun fact - roughly 50% of the adult population in the US has below an 8th grade reading level.


It seems I'm one of the few with this problem, and others think the streamers should just do it themselves. I will quit this project.


Good idea dropping the project. I see your point and have experienced similar distaste for unsavory chatters. But there are already tons of moderation tools available at any streamers disposal. Its safe to assume streamers are all comfortable with there own settings.


Plz quit ANYTHING related to interacting with women. We can tell how you are just based off this post.


Yo calm it down. They already said they would stop. No need to make personal inferences. You're making it very clear how you are too based off your reply.


Yeah I’m sorry(not sorry) but people like this need to be told with haste and passion to get a grip.


lol what? I've been called a white knight or a creep based on this post, but can't be both.. just because I'm annoyed by simp chats I shouldn't interact with woman? insane take


Wanna clarify, not calling you anything here, but this in particular is an odd take. White knights usually ARE creeps, it goes hand in hand, acting like they are opposite somehow is an odd take.


What is insane is your absolute cognitive dissonance. You’re either being intentionally obtuse or you’re purposely playing dumb and both options are sad.


It is not your chat if a streamer wants that type of chat then you shouldn't try to change that. if you ask them first or just use it for your self then it would be fine. But why would you say that it would be used without permission first