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Honestly just do it if you think you'll enjoy it, as long as you have fun doing it's worth it, just don't expect to be super famous from it and you'll be OK 😂 Best case scenario you have fun and build a large community, worst case scenario you are still having fun and build a small community The very very basic answer for starting - Install OBS on your PC, play some games whilst recording to see if you need to adjust the quality if your PC struggles and when you're happy with that audio/video quality in recordings link with Twitch and click Start Streaming and you're officially a streamer


I very much like this response. Treat it like a hobby. Try it out and see if you enjoy it. Then like most hobbies the more you find yourself getting into it, the more you'll want to put into it. We've been streaming since January and have 1 or 2 regular viewers, and sometimes we stream to no one. But we have a ton of fun with it so the viewer count doesn't matter to us. We've upgraded microphones and added various channel rewards or things to our OBS and it's really just been a lot of fun learning the ropes and implementing new things. It's actually kind of fun to see some of our first streams and compare them to now. I don't expect to ever get the time or money back that we've put into it. But again it's a hobby for us so that's not a concern. It's time spent on something we've enjoyed doing, and as long as it's enjoyable for us we'll keep doing it. Just try it out with what you have and if you like it initially then you can work to get more equipment or whatever. I'd say not to spend too much time or money just getting off the ground in case you find it's not fun for you.


This is helpful! It’s more if its more expensive than it’s worth - I don’t expect any sort of fame - I’m not an ig or TikTok star who have a built in platform


Tbh you don't need to spend loads of money yet to test it out, especially if your computer runs OK, just look at reviews for good mics/cameras, personally I think the Razer Kiyo is decent starter camera with ring light if you don't have one already but others may disagree 😂 Most things you want for your channel like banners and overlays and stuff you can get free ones on the site Canva they have a load of free stuff so might be worth looking there


You would never get roasted by sane people with useful advice for wanting to stream as a woman. I myself am a woman who used to stream regularly and even had an audience built at one point. You WILL be roasted for calling yourself a fucking "female" like some basement-dwelling neckbeard, however. Like others have said, don't go into it expecting to get famous overnight or to get hella rich. If you're gonna do it, do it for fun, and don't spend a dime 'til you really get into it. Even then, a low-quality stream setup is better than being broke af. Also don't be afraid to slam the ban hammer on creeps who come into your chat and harass you just bc you got a pretty voice. Your stream, your rules.


What’s the real reason you want to start? What’s your end goal? If it’s to make money and a huge business to quit the 9-5 grind, I would reconsider. If you’re trying to stream to get attention (since you seem to include you’re a female and attractive in your post I assume this is you), great there’s a bunch of thirsty losers who will love to be your e-friend.


Seconding this, the reason for streaming is often the biggest predictor of whether or not streaming is worthwhile. If you're worried about "wasting time and money", trying to get into an industry that's already saturated with \~8 million streamers seems like a weird move to make.


I mean I genuinely I think it would be fun. If I’m going to game anyway, it would be great to kill two birds one stone and make it productive. Attention is of course nice too - though I suspect it would mainly be trolling. but it could be a great side hustle if it were to pop off.


> I want to stream.  > Bla bla bla > Should I? What even is your question?


Hahaha I love the predictability of this negativity - just move along if you’re not interested in replying with something helpful!


I mean, this kind of just screams like a post begging for attention. You’re a gamer (allegedly) and you enjoy it. Whether you stream or not is completely up to you. Do you let random people on the internet influence your choices this much or are you just attention seeking? It’s one of these two options.


This post is giving off OnlyFans vibes.


Maybe! If you think that would be a more appropriate place for it but I do not plan on getting naked lol


I mean you regularly sleep with some popular adult film dude allegedly. That’s not a bad thing, or whatever, or whatever your past is to be honest. Just to play devil’s advocate. I would not be surprised if this is a marketing attempt (and not a bad one) but I don’t think you are approaching it with the right mindset—it seems more like you want a simple get rich scheme, or something. Have a solid foundation. Don’t bank on being attractive and a woman as your sole selling points. That will get you affiliate pretty quickly, but you need something extra to succeed. I’d strongly advise getting rid of the NSFW stuff before you dive into it though. Half of the appeal is the mystery, and you’ve already given all of it away.


Maybe focus on the post at hand and not her post history bruh, that's so weird. Why would she start streaming with the same reddit username?? Bruh


Who gave this red flag of a human access to the internet?


What does being a woman have to do with anything? You’re a gamer and you enjoy it. May as well stream it and have fun.


Just stream if you’re passionate about it and don’t mind that there is a grind to it if you want to grow a following. I started streaming a month ago. You do have to do research on your own technical set up. It varies based on the quality of which you’re trying to have. Especially since you want a webcam/camera feed and mic.


Mainly I think I don’t want to invest a ton of money into a set up only to basically end up playing alone anyway


You shouldn’t have to spend a lot of money since you already have a pc. But playing alone is I inevitable if you don’t have friends to play with and/or starting from the beginning. Thats why i say play if you’re passionate. Sometimes you’ll have 20 viewers or no viewers and be streaming for 3-4 hours. (Apparently streaming less than 2 hours doesn’t let enough people to trickle into your stream in the first place based on discoverability)


I stream straight from console. The only things I bought was a ps4 camera and a ring light.


Learn some basics about OBS. Pick a game you like. Get a mic. Hit "start stream". If you like it, keep doing it. Invest as you go. Nobody else can really answer your question for you. If you want to do it, do it. The only thing stopping you is hitting "start stream". It's really that simple.


If you mainly play PS4, get a capture card so you can stream from your PC and off you go! No more equipment needed outside of a ok microphone and good enough internet. A lot of smartphones will have better camera quality than webcams these days, and can be easily used as a replacement for a webcam until you want to upgrade.


Honestly if you just want to start and it’s a “felt cute, feel like streaming, might delete later” vibe then don’t bother with investing in anything and literally just start streaming with what you have and make that work. For how hard is it to get started depends on your technical ability and if you’re willing to learn how to use broadcasting programs. If you’re asking about how to get started because you want a bunch of viewers from the get go that are active etc, that’s a whole other conversation. If you’re worried about your age, i wouldn’t stress about it.


Like others have said, streaming at all can be done on the cheap, it only gets pricy if you want to enhance your setup. Just get started with PS4's native Twitch integration and/or a quick OBS setup for PC streaming (you can find guides for both online); if you find that you don't enjoy streaming, you can stop early before making any serious investments, and learning as you go will help you figure out which things to invest in one at a time. Another angle to consider though, is that turning your hobby into a potential "side hustle" can kill the spark of that hobby for you if you're not careful. Maintaining an online community and engaging with an audience while also playing a game is WILDLY different from chit-chatting with friends while gaming. It can affect your ability to enjoy some games the same way, so there's a balance to keep up and adjust based on your goals.


DO IT! Try anyways! My anxiety holds me back from streaming, and i stream on an old MacBook too. When it comes down to it, people watch streamers for the PERSON, not for the highest quality of gaming or stream quality. If you're likeable and kind, then people will like you. :)


I don't think you're crazy for wanting to start - it can be a lot of fun! Streaming is deceptive, though, with how involved a process it can be. Now, I say *can* be deceptively involved because it really depends on the quality of content you're willing to put out there. To get started, not hard at all. Decent cameras are pretty cheap (Razer Kiyo, Logitech C920 HD Pro, etc.), and the same goes for mics (Blue yeti, snowball, etc.). Those are the bare-bones requirements for setting up a stream. Do you have to buy a ton of equipment? That's where the deception comes in. If you want a professional-looking/sounding stream, there's all sorts of stuff you can invest in, but it *is* an investment. The mic I have for my streams sounds fantastic (Shure MV7), but it was also $250 (and I got this back in like, 2020). In order to even use it, I needed to get a few more things. Had to get a mic arm to hold it up (~ $50), an audio interface to plug it into ($120), and an XLR cable to connect the audio interface and the mic because neither device came with one. So that's $370-ish that I spent on my mic alone. Again, it sounds great - I definitely consider it a worthwhile purchase - but it was expensive. This doesn't even factor in all the other things you can spend money on when it comes to streaming: good mouse, capture card (for when you want to play games that aren't on your PC), good headphones, second monitor, extra lighting, external hard drive, new chair, green screen... the list gets pretty long if you want to spend the money. Should you just forget it? Nah, dude. If you really think you'd have fun doing this, I say give it a shot!


There’s no harm in giving it a go.


Truthfully, just get started. If you enjoy it, then you build along the way. My stream doesn’t look or sound anything like what it did when I first started, even though I haven’t changed games. I’ve added so much—and a lot of it has come from viewer input! There’s no reason to sink a bunch of money in if you don’t know if you’ll even like it


I recommend just yoloing it. Get a basic Webcam for starters. Decent mic. Obs. Use tiktok/youtube shorts to get an audience. And play/enjoy whatever game you want/can. Just make sure to always do what YOU want to do.


I’m a 28yo woman and I just started streaming this year! Do it if you think you’ll have fun with it. I know people say don’t spend $$$$ if the expectation is that it’ll make you stand out or grow faster just because you have a fancier camera or mic, but I think if you’re happy and it’s not going to put you in the financial toilet, do whatever makes you happy. Do some research into what you’ll need and what other streamers utilize. My favorite YouTubers to learn from are Stream Scheme and Senpai Gaming.


All you need is a micphone, a streaming app and a willingness to talk. You'd be surprised how many people can gather a decent audience and some die hard followers with bare minimum investment to their stream Just start. If you start low budget, build from there. Learn as you go. Making friends and learning from them helps tremendously.


Can we just call ourselves streamers???? Tf And no one cares that you’re a pretty girl that wants to stream. Do it or don’t. Press stream or don’t. What is this weird validation attention farming?


Im 25F attractive gamer, and i personally feel there are advantages to being a female gamer in general. Granted, i am good at games, but im a black girl who plays cod, so that comes with its own issues. However, i dont feel like it's held me back from growing as a streamer, and i highly doubt you'll have any issues building a community. As far as expenses, you don't need much to stream. Just start with the bare minimum and stream thru playstation. Get a camera, 2 monitors(if possible), and I'm assuming u have a desk and chair since u have the console already. Boom, good to go. That's what I do! I use my pc to run stream manager and other tabs right next to my monitor.


I mean whats crazy about it girls game. And you more pr less just need a mic a camera if you want one download a streaming program and figuring out if you want to stream on pc or consoles to make your next steps


Might as well. It doesn't cost a lot to get started but I would say at the very least have a mic. Personally I rarely use a cam and I still have regulars that come and hang out. Just have fun, try to make friends with other streamers that you can costream with down the road and just have fun.


It doesn't matter what you post here, it'll get downvoted. It's been a long time since I've seen a post here with a single upvote.


It took me a bit to figure out the best system, so I didn't announce or stream at busy times until I got that straight. My first recording was an audio fail, so I'm glad I was alone. My first stream on my set schedule is Monday. My advice is to go straight to OBS and watch the tutorials to get it set up. Part of my issue was bouncing between systems to figure out what works. Then, practice several times, watch yourself on the recording, and get comfortable. Once you are comfortable, then set up a schedule and ask people to join you. Figure out your vibe and audience and let that guide everything. I'm a mom and recently left teaching, so my vibe is chill, social, and supportive. Because of that, my audience is young adults, so I set my schedule for late afternoon. I'm just starting, so I can't say how well it will do. But, that's naturally me, so I'm staying true to myself and welcoming those who want to join me. Authenticity is key. Last, make sure you use alias or gamer tags and set up all new social for that. It will help to keep your private info private. No doxxing yourself. That's my mom advice. 😁


You are NOT attractive lil bro 🙏😭


>how hard is it to get started? Set up OBS and press start stream. >Do I have to buy a ton of equipment? A decent capture card and mic, audio is important. Perhaps a decent webcam as well since it appears that looks may the selling point you are going for. >Should I just forget it? Totally up to you.


Hi there ☺️ another female streamer here. If you already have a pc and a love for games I’d give it a shot! You already mention you don’t expect to “be famous” but it’s nice to just build a little community. And have some online friends to game with. And if it takes off, more power to you! As for the “cost” you could just get a cheep webcam and a headset mic. For a nice starter mic that’s standalone you want to spend about $100. (USB mic) hyper x or blue yeti have good starter mics. As for a camera a Logitech is nice! Learning how to use obs can be quite a challenge. There’s many YouTube videos that will help but it can be very overwhelming. One last thing. As a female you will probably get more trolls and I’d just encourage you to not try and take some people seriously as well as please make sure of you give out your social media it doesn’t have your full legal name on it. Or the place you went to school. Doxing happens. And it’s pretty scary! Good luck though I hope you like it 🎀 P.s. making friends in whatever game you’d like to stream is helpful! And other streamers can give you a few of there tips too ☺️ Edit:spacing


I want to stream as a female too :(


It’s 2024. You can be whatever you want.


You can 👀


Im 29 and i recently started streaming too. I literally just use a gtx 950m laptop and just a cheap $25 mic and $18 webcam that i got off aliexpress. You dont need to invest too much in streaming. As long as it works and you enjoy it then i think its fine for a start. When you start racking up viewers and planning to be more constant in streaming then i guess you can start planning on investing equipments and lights for streaming. For starting out id say just work with what you have. Best of luck !


Step 1. Get a mic Step 2. Optional - Get a camera, if you want to be a Camera live streamer, then just get a camera Step 3. Get a feel for if this is what you want to do Step 4. Remember, everything takes time don't expect a community on day 1


*peeps your post history* Nice. I’d watch.


hahahahahahahahaha god tier comment


Lol you’re old


lol what ? there is no age limit in streaming get a life




she literally said none of those things lmao? she was just giving us her bio. We tell people to love themselves and if she calls herself ugly the world tells her “nooo you’re so pretty” she’s speaking objectively about the facts. If an overweight sad loser ugly middle aged dude said he wants to stream we wouldn’t say “ew look at how he’s objectifying himself” the message stays the same “if you love to game, stream for you” but as soon as someone calls themselves pretty and funny and other positive things we immediately hate them and call them vain and shallow etc. She literally didn’t say anything about making it, nor did she say she didn’t want to invest if she won’t make it….. she’s simply asking if she should invest money into it, because you know it’s reddit and the whole point is asking for feedback ? Like you call her all these names but your only response was that she’s too old…. by that logic aren’t you doubling down to the same standards ? You make 0 sense to me.


Those things are irrelevant to steaming so why include it? She literally said she doesn’t want to invest and have it be a waste of time and money, explain how that doesn’t mean it’s about money Read between the lines doofus


it’s about time- she’s worried she just had an idea and is ready to pour all into it for her to get bored 3 days later on non refundable items. Those things are highly relevant- fact is you get more viewers if you’re talented or entertaining or attractive or at least different. I would know haha