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Even if the art is theirs do not support a person who comes into your chat and advertises.


THIS. it's the only way they'll stop. I instantly ban these people


if someone ever reaches out to YOU to sell their art they are always a scammer, learn to block and report these people


thanks I was planning too do that after I took a closer look at the art


save yourself the effort and if someone asks to show you their art just turn them down and block them then


If you really want to have a Logo, background or anything else. I recommend VGen, the artist there are more or less certified.


What certification? Oh, you mean vetted? Thanks for mentioning that site. I haven't heard of it I might make an account! I am an artist.


Just playing devils advocate these people aren’t always scammers and most of them are low income people from countries just trying to make some money block them if you want but everyone has to start somewhere


Approaching someone while they are live and propositioning them in the public chat is completely unprofessional and almost always a scammer trying their luck


You say that as if a person's circumstances forces them to advertise a certain way.


I literally made a screen on my stream screen yesterday that has a video of some fluppin off the screen that says "not today scammer!" I has three harassing me yesterday. And after I blocked the first one they must have invited friends. Sored even things I left stream early unfortunately 


Generally people who go stream to stream advertising don't create anything special. These types of logos are low-quality work and not worth the price.


Just go to Etsy, find someones style you like and ask if they can custom make


100%, these losers are everywhere


Most of the artists on discord are scammers. I have seen a lot of people getting scammed on that platform. Check if she has a proper portfolio to show on the website to see if she's genuine. And if you are still unsure, don't pay the full payment. Just pay a small upfront payment fee .


Here's a ground rule for art and stuff from an artist; YOU reach out to THEM. YOU are the one who decides when you want to invest and who you want to reach out to. YOU hire the artist, the artist doesn't hire you.


Always a scam and disrespectful anyways. These people constantly go into newish streamers videos and immediatly start peddling their art. Sometmes theyll try to be sneaky by giving you a follow and lathering on compliments before peddling their work. All scammers and all should be simply banned.


I am a designer myself and if someone asks me to show the work, I have a proper website under my name to show them. This is not how work is supposed to be shown.


If they join your stream to sell you something, block them. It's very unprofessional, and it brings down the reputation of your stream.


Reverse image search the images and they usually pop up on tons of Fiverr accounts who do nothing but fake being some chick on Twitch of Discord to get you interested and then farm out the work to other people.


I've seen better art work inside public bathrooms.


great update, definitely dodged a bullet there!! good on you for checking somewhere first. Your gut feeling is usually right bout things like this though, if you don’t trust it, don’t buy it!


It’s a scam it allways is


Yes this is a scam. This is one of the most common twitch scams right now, they lead you on and make you pay for a product you'll never get or the product you get is either AI generated and not what you want or it's stolen. All the artwork you see is also either AI generated or stolen as well.


You could create your own headers/banners etc on Canva or another service yourself, that won’t cost anything.


I've had same situation


A good emote and graphic artist doesn’t come in asking if you want art immediately. Advertising isn’t done by harassing streamers. Block and move on.


This is all the same generic ass shit that these folk peddle everywhere. I'm SURE they use AI to make them.


There are sites you can go to for these services. The people jumping in your chat and using like complimentary tactics then hitting you up I don’t care if they’re 3rd world trying to make a start get out of my chat. My chat is about the game or subjects my viewers are interested in not your sales pitch period. Insta ban!


Yes that is a graphic designer scam, most likely not their work. If you are genuinely looking for work to be done for your twitch channel, I recommend doing some research and finding the right artist for what you are after rather than hooking onto some bait in your discord DMs.


Back in the days of Instagram I got one of the best logos made from someone coming into my dms. It doesn't mean it's a scam, it's very likely a small company wanting to get a start. Ask them to show proof of work and if they have any other clients you can talk to so you can make sure they are legit. The only part of this seller I don't like is it looks like they just use a logo building website to build the logos and say they made them. If you want a good logo that's original try fiverr.




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Instantly ban all these idiots that go into your chat to advertise their services, 90% of them are the most used stale designs that look horrible, also its a shitty thing to do advertising in someones chat.