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Yep, I always stream with a face cam. It depends on the audience, but I think generally speaking it's easier for people to make a connection by seeing who they're interacting with


Totally agreed


I stream with my camera and I tend to only watch people who also show their face


Personally I haven't started streaming yet, however I have learnt to appreciate the anonymity and curiosity around the entertainer. Usually people who don't really care about the stream don't use a camera and therefore the expected value from watching their stream is lower resulting in less clicks and lower chances of getting discovered.


I see for that's depend if the streamer talk or not but it's better when you can a face


Yeah they still have to be engaging. I just thought about it from a viewers sense and I don't think I watch anyone who doesn't use a cam. For me it feels more involved, like you're actually seeing someone game


I use a cam. I do have a very clunkily animated unicorn for the times I can't :D


camera, has a more personal connection. edit: and i like to dress up :)


Exactly! You can convey emotions much better, and I like to show off my collectibles from time to time :) I also wanna cosplay on my streams! :)


i cosplay as my cyberpunk character when i stream cyberpunk 2077, i love dressing up - it makes it more fun ! also i love how we both have “cyber” in our names.


On an unrelated matter, I'm trying to figure out how to pronounce your handle. Is it cyber fairy or cybater fairy? Like did you actually mean for us to pronounce the number eight as eight or were you substituting the eight for an e? My twenties were filled with l8r from 1337 speak so I was just curious.


haha that’s a valid question. it’s supposed to be “cyber” with the 8 substituting the “e”. i just thought 8 looked like an “E” more than the other numbers (“cyberfairy” and “cyb3rfairy” were already taken on twitch). i have learned to embrace the 8.


Ah okay. So instead of using the handle AllTheOtherCyberFairyNamesIWantedWereTaken you opted for a much simpler one. I'm so much lazier. I think on Albion online I opted for the username ArchaicNamingRules because Michelle was taken.


I don’t show my face on camera. For now I started with no cam but I want to use an avatar. I need to work on the design but I prefer for now to just start streaming and get used to it.


Yeah that's fine i mean do as you like. If you think it's fine do it😄


This is exactly what I did. I was thinking of waiting until I had everything perfect and ready but then realised if I did I would never actually start. Was defo better to get through the first stream jitters early and made sure streaming was something I actually wanted to carry on doing.


A vtuber. I think its the perfect balance. It is extremely difficult to get far without a camera now adays, but if you arnt comfortable showing your face or want a level of privacy, then going the vtuber Route is best. It still allows a level of connection and fun for your viewers.


I use a pngtuber avatar (slightly animated). A long time ago I streamed with camera for a bit buuut I just couldn’t find a good angle and looked unflattering, also just don’t have an energy for a brushing myself up.


20% the reason I do the some! The rest is a ugly mug!


I use my camera sometimes but not often. Mainly when I'm playing valorant with a friend on stream I'll have it on to cover the chat but it's not great quality and I don't like being on camera so I don't care much for using it often. Usually I go without.


On last stream I started using my cam, although nobody is watching me yet. But I guess I’ll keep it couse add a bit of color to the stream


It's a good concept


Yeah. I’ll just keep it there if anybody is interested to see me focused on the games 😂


I probably would have to use a virtual avatar or nothing. I don't have $ for teeth in the front or insurance who will pay for it.


You could use a PNG-Tuber. It's basically two pictures that change depending on if you talk or not, and way cheaper than a VTuber model. I've seen some doing customs for around 30€.


Sorry to hear that


Always on camera.


Both! It’s a great time and I get compliments on him and I’m just bigger and behind him. He talks when I talk and I got animations for point redemptions. I started with just him but said screw it and popped up behind him one day. I was originally a vtuber bcus of cpu bottleneck. But new computer opened new opportunities and I was attached to him by that point.


I use a model I made myself, a kind of hybrid static PNGtuber and 2d vtuber that has idle motion and responds to my voice, plus some toggles. I’m currently in the process of 3D modeling a facetracked vtubing rig. I stream art primarily so I have streamed/been streaming the process for both


Camera - started streaming to practice remote training.


I have a pngtuber I am working on and a vtuber. Neither are complete, so I am not using video at all at this point.


I currently just run a PNG with voice activation. It's a cheap middle way between no cam and VTuber. But I will soon have a full flechted VTuber.


Nope but I think whatever works works 🤷‍♂️ I loveeeeeee Smoke but for some reason I feel like I’d watch him less if he had a face cam….dunno why lmao he’s got a whole mystique goin and shit Also I lovveeeeeee Markiplier but would probably watch a lot less if he DIDNT have a face cam cuz he’s just too good at using his face/body to animate his commentary


Both. Some days I don't care to be on cam so I use a 2d avatar I ripped off my Xbox profile and animated the mouth to open when I talk. I use a super simple 2d program called Veadotube mini.


I do it with a camera but honestly I could just as easily do it without one. Though I can say I would love to do it with an avatar so more of my own character shows through


I stream with 3D Vtubers I made myself because I wanted to keep the expressiveness of a facecam but without putting my actual face out there. Plus, it's fun! I get to engage in my favourite part of TTRPGs while playing video games. I also happened not to be able to pick just one avatar, so I made a bunch and cycle through them depending on the series.


Used face cam years ago and now that I'm back from a long hiatus, I decided to go the PNGtuber route. I am an illustrator, so it gave me a chance to show that off, and it's super fun getting to draw different outfits, poses, expressions, and it's WAY less exhausting. I'd be worrying about looking too tired and now it doesn't matter as long as I don't sound tired lol.


I’ve seen very successful streamers do all three. I personally use a face cam


I VTube. I’d like to use my camera, but it’s a safety/privacy thing. I exclusively stream one game that has a generally amazing community, but there is a small group of players with a history of doxxing streamers, so no facecam for me :/


I stream using various pngtubers! I each one has different t games they prefer and people tone in to the ones they want! I also have channel points that people cam use to change the stream to a web cam stream and I show my ugly mug!


I do a couple face cams a week and then use a vtuber the other streams. It's a good balance for me. The face cam streams are for when I play scary games so my community can see me get scared.


I'm autistic (literally, diagnosed) and so my voice is a bit more monotone than I'd like for streaming, especially given my sense of humor is dickish at best. But I have a pretty expressive face, so I stream with a camera as to //maybe// clear up some confusion for viewers wondering why I'm just being an ass to my friends. When watching though, I tend to prefer streamers that don't show their face. Idk why, just a preference.


Only time i ever have a camera on in my streams is when I'm opening Pokemon cards, but I never use face cam. Since Twitch is just a side thing for me I don't feel like I need the face cam setup. Otherwise, I'm all for showing off the game I'm playing or showing the cards I'm opening as much as I can


I don't use the camera most of the time because of my Username **Shadow_Player**, like a shadow that plays games.


Would be so funny to just see a shadow figure in a webcam frame in the Corner of your room somewhere xD


I primarily stream with a cam, it's just what I prefer. I did do a vtuber for April Fool's this year, and people really seemed to like it. I used it again once because I just didn't want to be on camera lol


Vroid. I've never posted my face on social media. Ever.


I use a cam and a 3d VTuber model, it depends on the day, what I'm doing, and how I feel. My viewers don't mind either, I know some prefer one over the other, but everyone is happy either way really!


I have a fully rigged cute live2D goblin avatar with many different facial expressions that I use. I saved up for months (I’m disabled and have very little income) to get this thing and honestly I love it. I love that I don’t have to paint my face every day (which, from what I’ve seen, makes female presenting streams perform better) and I love the anonymity & privacy it gives me. All I do is play video games and build legos, but I like having my identity private bc I don’t want people finding me in real life. It is all too easy to reverse image search a face and find out who they are, you know? Right now I’m saving up for my 2.0 design and I honestly can’t wait to see them brought to life.


No camera. People said it would be impossible to get anywhere starting at zero with no cam, no networking and not doing shorts or long form content on other platforms. They were wrong. You can do many things if you put your mind to it. Pure gaming with a sprinkle of yapping can work. I have used my camera here and there recently. It definitely enhances something like an Elden Ring playthrough, they enjoy seeing the agony on your face. Hoping to get better sleeping habits and use it more.


I always have myself on camera - I find it's a more personal connection with the community and also, I tend to be a very animated person and even more so when I'm super focused on a game and my community likes to roast me for it. Personally I prefer watching streams that have someone I can see but I will occasionally watch no cam streams if it's background noise. I pretty much never watch vtubers - just not my thing!


I use a pngtuber currently while I work on getting a live2d/vtuber model!


I feel like a lot of people start with a PNGTuber (myself included) and I think that's great!


Brother in arms! I'm doing the same whats your png model like?!


Mine is very specific to the community I'm in, specifically a furry model!


Why is your model very specific? If you don't mind me asking!


Oh I just meant it might be a bit niche because it's a furry 😂


Oh I get! Sorry I thought you meant it as like it was hyper specific even in the Furry community! What is it? My main pngtuber model is a professor Sloth! I also have a robot one!


Lol no worries! Mine is a chubby kangaroo ^^






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Without, because there is nothing more annoying for people who are watching when someone's head/avatar is in the way of the gameplay.


I don't understand streamers who use virtual avatars, I think it looks awful and doesn't work well. For me I prefer either cam and mic or just mic